西班牙燴飯 - Paella:
幾年前, 去Napa valley wine country 上過一堂cooking 課,好玩的, 回來最愛做這道菜, 請客也常做, 得到好評, 也買了幾個鍋專門做它的, 當然我也會做一些變化, 今天是一個例子.
- 2 TB Olive oil
- 1 LB蝦 - 去殼去腸, 用鹽抓捏後, 洗淨, 擦幹, 撒上胡椒, 鹽 和 一點chili powder
- 小雞一隻切大塊用鹽,胡椒, chili powder 醃入味,
- Louisiana hot and smoked sausage (最好是用 Chorizo sausage)
- 1 dozen mussels
- Onion, celery, bell pepper—chopped (我喜歡多放一點蔬菜)
- Garlic minced
- 14.5 oz canned diced tomato
- ½ tsp saffron threads, soak in warm water (這是它的關鍵香料)
- 2 cup long grain rice, I used basmati rice here
- Chicken broth 1 罐 (有時用clam juice)
- 1 cup dry sherry wine
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- frozen peas and carrot (only needs peas, but this is what I have)
Lemon wedges and minced parsley for garnish (I used fennel from my garden)

我用了一個6-quart braise pan (任何扁一點的, 平底的, 大口鍋都行) , 燒熱鍋, 裏麵放橄欖油, 把雞塊放入, 兩麵煎成金黃,取出, 再放入臘腸,也炒成金黃取出, 同樣把蝦也兩麵煎過取出.
同一鍋裏加入洋蔥, 芹菜, 甜黃椒, 大蒜, 炒軟, 加米, 炒香,

加酒, 把鍋底刮一下, 加番茄, 雞湯, saffron, 雞塊 , 鹽, 胡椒, 燒開, 蓋蓋, 小火燜15分鍾

<開蓋, 加豌豆, 臘腸, 蝦, 拌勻, 加青口, 再蓋蓋, 中火燜7-8分鍾, 關火.

很好吃, 試試吧, 你也可以變動方子, 我做飯就從來做不出同樣的味道, 老公說我不能開 餐館, 客人要點上次叫的菜, 我就慘啦, 哈哈..
I like buying kitchen stuff, cookware, dinnerware and small gadgets. I like Le Creuset, because they are so pretty. Of course, way too heavy for lots of people. I bought a 10pc All-Clad set a couple of years ago, kpet on adding additional pots through the years, they are the best cookware to me. Nice cookware really completes a nice cooking experience. By the way, I recently started to use panini presser to do some small grill job, such as a couple of pcs of steak, chicken breast, it wokrs so well. It saves lots of time on lighting grill, cleaning grill, etc.
Have a good weekend!
I also left a reply about the Le Creuset grill pan on my posting; here it is again in case you don’t go back there. I used to buy Le Creuset more, now it gets too heavy for me, I have started to collect All-Clad, it’s easier to handle.
Each time before use, I heat the pan very hot, then coat with canola oil before add food, Canola oil has very high burning resistance, other oil tends to leave residues. After cooking, soak it with hot water before washing.