BBQ Lunch
長周末, 姑媽,表妹,堂姐家來跟我們一起 BBQ, 很開心, 做了一些簡單的東西.
吃午飯, 一上午準備時間不夠, 有些是頭一天搞好的.
鹵毛豆, 用八角, 甘草, 鹽煮的.
爆米糕, 韓國店買的, 很象小時吃的爆米花味道.
泰式涼拌包菜: lemon juice, fish sauce, garlic, chili pepper, oil, sugar, green Thai curry paste, chopped green onion, cilantro, mint leaves, cabbage.
西式冷蝦: 醬是用淡醬油, wasabi, ketchup 調的. 蝦鹽水泡過, 川開水再過冰水, 瀝幹. 放了冰在盤裏, 鋪上紫包菜,再放蝦, 保持低溫度.
主食: 涼粉, 用綠豆粉和水, 1:7 做的粉, 做了兩個醬, 辣的和不辣的.
烤肉類: 開始吃了才想到拍照片.
烤雞腿肉: 用了我配的辣味醬醃過夜.
烤牛肉,用的 tri-tip steak, 切片, 比用 Rib 吃起來方便,肉也更嫩. 用了我配的韓國烤醬醃過夜. 醃醬很好吃.
烤辣腸, 用了意大利的辣味香腸, 用黑啤酒和洋蔥先煮熟, 再烤.
培根, 洋蔥, 胡蘿卜, 芹菜, 玉米粒, 玉米糊, 罐頭雞肉, 雞湯.
苡米綠豆湯, 甜的.
我烤的燕麥葡萄幹餅幹, 總是很受歡迎, 吃剩的都帶走了. 方子以前給過. 用的是3杯燕麥的, 最多的一個方子. 這次還加了chocolate chips.
我烤的 brownies: 這個方子很好吃, 很chewing, gooey, and moist. 但拍照很難看, 黑黑的.
Classic Dark Chocolate Brownies
6 oz unsweetened chocolate, chopped, (I bought from Trader Joe’s)
¾ cup unsalted butter, cut into cubes
3 large eggs
1 ¾ cup sugar
¼ tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup of AP flour, plus 2 TB flour
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (also from Trader Joe), this gives the chewy texture.
Put chopped chocolate and butter in a double boiler over simmering water, stirring until all melt and set aside.
In a large bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, salt, and vanilla until blended, whisk in chocolate mixture, add in flour, whisk slowly until blended.
Add (chocolate chip mixed with two table spoon of flour) into the batter, stir gently and pour the batter into a buttered 8-in square pan.
Bake in 350F oven for 35-40 minutes. Do not over bake it; the tooth pick come out with little crumbs is good.
Cool on a wire rack completely. Keep at room temperature in an airtight container.
匯報結束, 去忙了.