
海外存知己,天涯若比鄰. 我們的共同愛好讓我們聚在一起,讓我們以食為慶吧!
suezi-q (熱門博主)
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(2007-11-28 12:48:00) 下一個
想吃大肉了, 昨晚就做了.

紅糟燒肉—五花肉整塊,放薑片,蔥, 用水燒開後洗淨,切花格,再切四大塊,
砂鍋炒香蔥段,薑片,放肉塊,皮朝下, 加冰糖,酒,紅糟,醬油,水,一把蒜頭,一把胡蘿卜,小火燉爛,把肉翻一麵,再燒一下,好了.

醉雞—懶人做法,雞腿用鹽,胡椒, 紹酒醃過夜,洗過,蒸熟,涼後,把蒸出的湯汁和紹酒(1:1), 同雞腿一起進塑袋過夜, 吃前,切塊.

豆腐絲瓜湯—天冷了,愛喝湯了. 用火腿骨頭和雞腿燉的湯, 再加豆腐和絲瓜, 燒開就好了,灑蔥花.


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烤了一些 White chocolate macadamia nut cookies 給左右鄰居的孩子們吃.

8 tb unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 1/4 c bleached AP flour
1/8 tsp baking soda
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 1/2 cup coarsely chopped macadamia nuts

beat butter and sugar until creamy, add egg, beat smooth, add (flour and baking soda) mixture, stir in chocolate and nuts, do not over mix after adding flour.

use table spoon measurement spoon to form the cookies and drop on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.

oven heat to 375F, set rack in middle, bake for 12-15 min, do not over bake the cookies if you like them soft and moist, I take mine out when it's still soft on the top. the paper will help you slide the cookies onto your cooling rack easily, let them cool on a cooling rack. makes 48 cookies.

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