Corned beef hash


1 TB olive oil
½ onion chopped
1 clove garlic minced
½ tsp Thyme
8 red potatoes cut into small cubes
1 can corned beef, break it loose
Tabasco sauce, as much as you can handle
4 eggs
Heat olive oil and then add onion and garlic. Cook until translucent, and then add potatoes and thyme and cook until tender. Add corned beef and mix well, then smooth the top and make 4 indentations, dropping one egg into each of the indentations, and cook until the eggs are slightly firm. Shake Tabasco sauce, black pepper, and salt.
蔥花大餅-- 老公做的. 用麵包機發麵和揉麵, 扞成一張大餅,抹油,撒蔥花,鹽,卷成筒子,再盤成一餅,再扞薄,進塗少量油的不沾鍋, 蓋蓋,慢火煎,一麵黃後,翻麵,加水,再蓋蓋,慢火煎金黃色,好了.

配昨晚剩的排骨酸菜湯, 午餐就好了.
Raisin Scone

2 cup flour
3 TB sugar
1 TB baking powder
½ tsp salt
5 TB butter soft cubes
½ cup raisin
1 cup heavy cream
pre-heat oven to 450F, mix all dry ingredients in a stand mixer, add butter cubes, mix until butter is all blended in, add cream, mix again to form a soft dough, do not over mix after adding liquid, add raisins and mix for a couple of seconds. Take out the dough and form a 1.5” thick pie on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, cut in to 8 wedges and space them out to leave 1” space between them. Bake for 15 min, cool for 10 min on a cooling rack.
Eat with home made apricot jam and Lipton tea.
熏魚- 魚肉用酒,糖,醬油,鹽,蔥,薑醃2小時,放在塗油的烤架上,把烤架放在BBQ爐的右端, 1杯茶葉和2大勺紅糖放在錫紙上, 再放在BBQ爐的左端, 把BBQ爐的左端火頭打開到最大火,蓋蓋, 30分鍾,魚就熏好了, 把醃魚的醬,加一點蜜,加熱,收幹一點
汁,再加一點麻油, 把汁塗在魚上,好吃.
也可以用烤箱, 中式炒菜鍋來做熏魚, 用烤箱時,把烤架放烤盤上,把茶葉放烤盤裏,用錫紙把整個烤盤包起來,用高溫烤. 中式炒菜鍋,也是要把鍋邊包起來, 就不會有煙.


