No one from our family is Irish. But the Irish corned beef and soda bread are such delicious meal. We always have this meal on the St. Patrick day. Not really celebrate St. Patrick, but enjoy the delicious Irish meal. Nowadays, you can buy the corned beef in any super market. But it contains a lot chemicals for tenderness and preservative. You don't want to eat too much. But homemade is totally different. You will never forget after having a homemade corned beef and cabbage.
我們家人沒有愛爾蘭的血脈。但是愛爾蘭式的煮鹹肉和蘇打麵包真的是好好吃。尤其是在St. Patrick day的前前後後,總也少不了這一餐。市場有賣醃好的肉,但是放了好多化學添加劑和防腐劑,不能吃多,自己做的就大不一樣了。吃一次會叫你念念不忘。。。

1) Irish Soda Bread: 愛爾蘭式蘇打麵包
2 cup Unbleached flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 Tsp butter
1 large egg
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 tsp salt
Mix all dry ingredients together, cut butter into the flour mixture. Mix egg and buttermilk together. Add egg mixture to flour mixture and form a dough. Cut X on the dough. See below pictures. Bake it in the preheated oven for 30 minutes at 375F, or until golden brown.
將所有幹料混合在一起,切入奶油混合均勻。另取一隻容器將雞蛋和 buttermilk 混合均勻。把雞蛋混合液加入麵粉混合物中,稍揉勻成一個圓麵團,上麵切成十字,放入375F預熱好的烤箱裏烤30分鍾,或直到外表金黃。

Let bread cool slightly and slice it. Some recipes add raisins. They are delicious, too.

2)Corned Beef with Cabbage: 愛爾蘭式煮鹹肉和大頭菜
A)Brine Brisket: 醃肉
Butcher has prepared couple package of Brisket when we bought half of grass-fed beef. I made brine myself. Use a glass container, add water, salt and sugar as two parts of water, 1 part of salt and half part of sugar. Also add 1 tsp of Coriander seeds, mustard seeds, 4 bay leaves, 8 pepper corns, 1 cinnamon stick. Bring to boil and cool completely. Add brisket and keep it submerge. Refrigerate it for 2 weeks.
買的半隻走地牛中有切好的 Brisket,自己來醃。
B)Make corned Beef and cabbage: 煮鹹肉和大頭菜
Wash the brisket totally. line chopped onion and celery on the bottom of the dutch oven. Lay brisket on the top of the vegetable. Add water to cover the brisket and bring to boil. Turn low heat and continue to cook for 3.5 more hours. 3 medium potatoes and carrots chopped into big chunks. A cabbage cut into 6 wedges. Put all of them in the dutch oven and continue to cook another 30 minutes, or until vegetable are tender.

Slice the brisket and arrange all vegetable in the serving plate. Slow cooked corned beef is so tasty and melted in your mouth.

Corned beef and cabbage with soda bread are perfect match!

3) Peach Cobbler: 桃子派
After corned beef and cabbage, Peach cobbler is the right dessert

It is very easy to make. See below picture and
LINK here for recipe.

It is little peachy, tangy and right amount sweet touch is perfect to end the dinner.