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Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

周末晚餐集(3): American Tamale Pie,櫻桃番茄 salsa ,芝蔴核桃涼糕

(2008-02-18 15:50:40) 下一個

This dish is a typical hearty, healthy comfort food. It is very popular food in our family. All ingredients are right out your finger tips. And the most important thing is that it is simple and delicious.
這是一道典型的健康,可口的晚餐。在我家非常受歡迎。 需要的材料,配料都是日常備用的。無需特別購買。最重要的是簡單又美味。

First, let's make filling since I call it pie. J Get your ingredients together. As you know, I strongly recommend good ingredients in the cooking. It makes huge different as you know.

1 lb Grass fed ground beef
1 tbsp olive oil
1 pint of kennel corn ( I canned my own corn. You can use store bought if you like. Make sure it is not the cream style)
1 pint of canned Italian stewed tomato (I canned my own tomatoes. You can use store bought stewed tomato if you like. You also can use fresh tomato, too. About 1 large or two medium)
1 green pepper ,
half hot pepper
half of onion
2 stalk of celary
1 clove of garlic
2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp thyme
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chilli pepper
Sea Salt and pepper

The picture show the homemade canned tomato is in quart size. I used half of the bottle. Not all.

既然我稱這道菜為 pie,那麽首先來做 filling 吧。把配料準備好。如大家所知,我總是推薦選擇質量好的材料. 這樣一來做出的味道會大不相同。
1磅 走地牛肉餡
1 pint 玉米粒罐頭, 我用的是自己家做的玉米粒罐頭,也可以用商店買來的。注意用粒狀的,不是玉米糊喲
1 pint 意大利番茄罐頭.  我用的是自己家做的意大利番茄罐頭。也可以用商店買來的。把汁倒掉。如果用新鮮的,需要1個大的番茄,或者2個中型的。
2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 茶勺孜然
1 勺辣椒粉

圖中是自己家做的意大利番茄罐頭是 quart size,隻用了一半,沒有都用掉。

Heat a cast iron pan to medium high. Add 1 table spoon of olive oil and brown the ground beef. Season the beef with fresh grounded pepper and all other seasonings except salt.
Add onion, green pepper and hot pepper and sauté for 1 minute.
Drain the corn. Add corn to skillet and sauté

Skillet 加熱,加一勺橄欖油,煎牛肉餡,加入所有的調味品,海鹽除外。加洋蔥,青椒,辣椒,炒1分鍾。加入空幹的玉米粒。 注意:如果用商店買來的玉米粒,一定要水衝幹靜再空幹。因為買來的含好多鹽和防腐劑。

Add canned tomato. Sauté for another 3 or 4 minutes. Add salt to season.

In the meantime, make polenta crust:
2 cup water
3/4 cup grits
2 tsp butter
1/2 of sea salt
In a heavy bottom pan, heat a cup of water to boil.
Add grits in the pan and stir.
Cover the pan and low the temperature to low. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
Stir in butter and sea salt.
Scoop the polenta on top of fillings. See picture below.
Bake the pie in pre heated oven at 400F for 20 minutes.

在做上麵的程序中,可以同時做 polenta crust:
1/2 勺海鹽

煮好的會很厚。煮好後加入2小勺奶油,1/2勺海鹽並攪勻。用橡膠鏟乘出撲在 filling 的上麵,見下圖.
然後將整個 pie 放入提前加熱好的烤箱中,400度烤20分鍾


Side dish: Cherry Tomato Salsa:
1 lb cherry tomato halved
1 Chinese cucumber chopped or smashed into small pieces
1 hot pepper diced
1 clove of garlic minced
few cilantro chopped into 1/2 inch size

1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp chili pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
Sea salt and fresh grounded pepper

Combine all above together. Season with sea salt per your taste.

晚餐配菜:櫻桃番茄 Salsa
1 條中國黃瓜切或拍成小塊
1 隻辣椒切小塊

1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 茶勺辣椒粉
1/2 茶勺孜然

Dinner is ready. 晚餐準備好了。

Dessert: Liang Gao with  sesame  and walnut stuffing
Please see my blog for recipe and procedures.

It is simple, hearty, delicious family dinner. The time from preperation to cook is 30 minutes if you are good at multi-task. Baking time is 20 minutes. So, dinner can be ready in 1 hour. You and your families will enjoy it. I guaranty it.
這套家庭餐非常簡單,可口和美味。如果你喜歡 Multi Task,從準備工作到烹調,30分鍾就夠了。加上20烘烤,1小時之內你和你的家人就會圍坐餐桌吃上這套健康的晚餐了。我相信你和你的家人一定會喜歡。

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