細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

New York style Bagels 1:1

(2008-01-17 13:22:47) 下一個

A lots of friends asked me about the bagels. I never got chance to explain well in detail. I have few minutes here. I'll try my best.
好多朋友發悄悄話問我做 bagel 的方法。我回答了好多問題。但是沒有照片解釋。今天把照片搜集在一起,借此機會試試說一下整個過程

Recipe for the bagel dough: 麵團的配方

4 and 1/2 cup bread flour
9 to 11oz water
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp yeast
1 tsp salt

Make dough and let it rest for 10 minutes. Divide the dough into equal two parts and roll them into strips. Equally divide each strip into 4 or 6 small parts. (depend upon how big the bagel you want to make.) Make a hole in the center for each small dough. See pictures below.

把所有的材料混合均勻。讓麵團休息10分鍾。把麵團分成等同的2份。再把每份分成等同的4份或6份(根據個人喜歡,4份做的是大 bagel)。每份中間做個洞,做成的樣子。看下圖。

In the meantime, heat water in a medium pot or pan. Boil each bagel 60 seconds each side.

Let the bagels dry for 2 or 3 minutes. Pre heat the oven to 425F. Arrange the bagels in a baking sheet pan. Bake the bagels for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.
把煮好的生 bagel 麵團涼2-3分鍾。然後放入加熱好的425F烤爐中烤15-20分鍾,或者外表 golden brown.

Bagels are just out of oven. I like them the best when they are warm.
好吃的 begel 出爐了。我喜歡趁熱吃。

Here is the breakfast bagel sandwich with fried egg, bacon and cheese. It makes perfect breakfast.
加煎蛋,bacon and cheese 的早餐三明治非常美味.


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