
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
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荷葉糯米飯 Lotus Leaf Rice (Hor Yip Fan)

(2016-08-19 10:15:27) 下一個

This Lotus Leaf Rice is a very common dish served at Chinese wedding dinner back home. It is normally served last to ensure all the guests are well fed. 

It is a very thoughtful arrangement and I always love the taste and fragrance derive from lotus leave.
3-4 片 幹荷葉

3 杯 糯米
2 大勺 蔥酥和蔥油 或1/4杯的紅蔥切片
1 大勺蠔油
1.5 小勺 糖
1 小勺 麻油
1 大勺 醬油/生抽
1.5 小勺 老抽/黑醬油/曬油
1/2 小勺 胡椒粉
1/4 小勺 五香粉
適量 食鹽 
1.5 杯 雞湯 (或1/2塊雞精塊加1/5杯水)

250 g 雞腿肉  (切塊)
8-10 朵 香菇 (泡發,如果香菇比較大可以切半)
1 根 臘腸 (泡水去腸衣,切片)
2 大勺 蝦米  (泡軟)
1 大勺 蒜蓉
1/2 小勺 食鹽
1/4 小勺 胡椒粉

3-4 pieces of Dried Lotus leaves 

For the rice:
3 cups Thai Sticky rice
2 tbsp Fried shallot + 3 tbsp of Shallot Oil or 1/4 cup of sliced shallots
1 tbsp Oyster sauce
1.5 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Sesame oil
1 tbsp Light Soya sauce
1.5 tsp Dark Soya sauce
1/2 tsp of Pepper powder
1/4 tsp of Chinese five spice
Salt to taste
1.5 Cup of Chicken stock  (or a little stock cube with 1.5 cup of water)

For stuffing:
250 g Chicken Thigh  (Cut into 1x1 inch pieces)
8-10 Dried mushroom (Soaked in water and remove the stem)
1 link of Chinese sausage  (Soaked, skin removed and slice)
2 tbsp Dried Shrimp  (Soaked in hot water)
1 tbsp of Minced garlic
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Pepper powder
1. 把荷葉泡軟,剪去梗後每片剪成4張一樣大的荷葉,寬度差不多是可以放到一個飯完上,然後可以在填滿材料之後可以很好的覆蓋材料就可以了。

2. 糯米洗淨,鍋裏先炒香紅蔥酥,倒入糯米後加入蠔油、老抽 、糖、麻油和醬油 、胡椒粉 適量、五香粉適量、鹽適量翻炒好,倒入電鍋,加入高湯 1.5杯(可用水和雞精粉代替)繼續炒至水份被米粒吸幹為止。

3. 準備雞肉餡,鍋裏下點油,把蒜蓉倒入炒香後倒入蝦米翻炒,加入雞肉塊炒至變色後加入香菇和臘腸,下鹽和胡椒粉調味。盛起備用。

4. 把材料都準備好,在案板上鋪上一片荷葉,鋪上糯米,雞肉、香菇、蝦米和臘腸把荷葉折好,成一個方包。
5. 把包好的糯米飯放到蒸籠裏,入蒸籠蒸一個小時。
1. Soaked the dried lotus leaves in warm water for about an hour, cut the stem part using a scissor, cut it into 4 equal parts, each part should be able to cover the rice bowl and able to be folded over all the ingredients when it is stuffed in the bowl, measure it before you start wrapping.

2. Wash the sticky rice thoroughly. Fry shallot in a wok with 1-2 tbsp of oil until golden in color, add drained sticky rice and stir fry for a few minutes. 

3. Season with oyster sauce, dark soya sauce, sugar, sesame oil, light soya sauce, pepper, five spice and salt. Add 1.5 cups of chicken stock and continue to cook for 10 minutes until all the stock absorbed by rice.

4. Meanwhile, add a little oil in a cooking pan to stir fry minced garlic until fragrant. Add the dried shrimp (drained) and fry for about 2 minutes before adding the chicken pieces, stir till the chicken changes colour, add Chinese sausage and mushroom.

5. Continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. 

6. Gather all the ingredients and start wrapping the rice. Place around 1/2 cup of rice and fillings onto a piece of lotus leaf, lightly press the rice so that it stuffed, wrap the lotus leaf up to form a pocket.

Note: For those who like the rice softer, sprinkle some water before wrapping.

7. Place all wrapped rice in a bamboo steamer, and steam at high heat for 1 hour.

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