Tracking Central Florida condo market
(2010-09-15 15:56:25)
I have been tracking condos at or under 50K since Feb.
First day I tracked: 1,173
Yestday: 779
Conclusion: inventory is 1/3 lower now than in Feb.
But price seems dropped since then. Maybe still dropping.
Checked the complex I bought, buyers who bought four to six months later than I did spend less money on similar unit. While I spent 30K buying a one bedroom unit, they bought a two bedroom with the same amount of money. While my rent is $575, they can get a rent of $700 or more. They have much better cash flow than I do.
Summary: inventory down, but price lower, maybe still dropping.
What to do: heck, if it drops more, I will buy couple of more in the Spring.