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中日是近鄰,兩國關係曆史複雜。小澤 征爾1935年出生在偽滿洲國奉天市,在中國生活到6歲。他父親小澤 開作是滿洲國協和會、華北新民會的創始人之一,積極推動日本侵華事業,因為崇拜策劃九一八事變的關東軍軍官板垣 征四郎和石原 莞爾,從二者名字中各取一字,就成了征爾、後來舉世聞名的指揮家。中國一直將小澤征爾視作友好人士。小津安二郎的人生就更複雜了,曾是日本侵華毒氣部隊的一員,擔任班長,後升軍曹;南京大屠殺期間曾到句容,其後駐紮南京數月;其戰時日記曾寫到慰安婦。但小津戰後影片人情味濃鬱,體現普遍人性、東方道德、和平傾向,被認為是“史上最具人文精神的導演。”


嚴肅認真的批評是學術尊重的一種形式,可惜張純如女士再也聽不到我們的意見,再也沒有改進著作的機會。張著2011年英文版增添了她先生布雷特·道格拉斯(Bretton Douglas)新寫的跋。跋寫得好,客觀全麵。在道格拉斯先生看來,前妻發病原因複雜,包括對日本右翼的憂懼、家族遺傳、多次流產帶來的身心創傷、經常熬夜、新書推介的辛勞、不信西醫常服中藥、驕傲等因素,跟張母說的不完全一樣(265-68頁)。無論如何,願逝者安息。



我手頭有本複刻版《高等科國史》,是日本文部省編寫和發行的曆史教科書,原版發行於1945年7月31日。當時學製裏的高等科,相當於現在的初中一、二年級。教科書出版兩個星期後日本投降,所以並未真正投入使用。前幾年右翼促成當年曆史教科書再版,以右翼人權活動家自居的三浦 小太郎先生寫了一篇解說詞附在書後。解說詞的結語,“我們在令和時代的使命,是嚐試建立一個新的‘神國’,一個‘開放的神國’,遠離狹隘民族主義、霸權主義、排他性原教旨主義以及將自己價值觀強加於人的那種意識形態。”這段結語,除了“神國”的說法仍令人不安,其餘似乎問題不大。不論再版者用意,這本書無疑具有時代標本意義,我們正好可以從中了解軍國主義日本當年的思維和立場。











馮墟 發表評論於
回複 '全球戰略' 的評論 : 你的這種評論是不屬實的。我文中有對張純如南京大屠殺著作的高度肯定、對她遭受攻擊的譴責、對她受到的不公正批評的反批評。
全球戰略 發表評論於
回複 '馮墟' 的評論 : 你文中的具體觀點是“通篇對張書批判性很強。” 我的建議是:你能否 “有一說一,有二說二”(是你和另一網友討論時自己的用詞),正麵的,以你的觀點,寫一篇類似《有關南京大屠殺之我見》。當然,隻是小小的建議而已。
馮墟 發表評論於
回複 '全球戰略' 的評論 : 你的評論沒有針對我文中具體觀點,我無法回應。
全球戰略 發表評論於
1 張女士不是曆史學專業出身,她是新聞學出身。所以也許她的作品(我拜讀過兩部《Nanking》《Chinese in America》)用曆史專業的方法論來評審,有很多漏洞。但她的巨大貢獻在於“跨領域研究”:用新聞專業生動的筆法 popularizing history(曆史科普)。這點她的貢獻超過了絕大多數科班曆史學家。

2 我和DYLM網友類似,出於好奇,跟讀三篇。有點不解:本篇有點文不對題:題為“87年前,南京淪陷”,我以為講的是戰史---這是本人的研究興趣。中英文文獻中從未見過1937年南京戰役的專文(更無專著)。但通篇是對張書的批判性很強的書評。當然我對博主沒有DYLM網友那樣的批評。但我很好奇,提一建設性的建議:博主能否以你的觀點,寫一篇類似《有關南京大屠殺之我見》,在張的貢獻的基礎上,從她的不足之處中,以你的觀點介紹一下應該如何描述這場人間悲劇。比如,綜合博主多方查找的資料,比較精準的對受害人數的估計。
張鐵鍋 發表評論於
馮墟 發表評論於
回複 '梧桐之丘' 的評論 : 我不完全同意丘兄的看法。把張著僅看作在美國對南京大屠殺的一種宣傳,實際是對作者貢獻的貶低。宣傳品和曆史著作是兩回事。我還是主張,有一說一,有二說二。
梧桐之丘 發表評論於
張純如女士是我最敬佩的學者之一。雖然她的書屬於口述曆史,數字不準確,個人情緒夾雜其中,但她絕對是一個好學者。我舉一個最簡單的例子,她的《The rape of Nanking》共314頁,而Notes和索引共67頁,21%。我仔細檢查了《Chinese in America》也在20%以上。現代這類著作如此認真的有基辛格博士的《On China》可以並駕齊驅。
馮墟 發表評論於

Bretton Douglas: I believe Iris’s prolonged fear and apprehension about Japanese right-wing extremists, her genetics, her multiple miscarriages, her countless all-nighters, her strenuous book tours, and her herbal supplements all may have contributed to her breakdown in Louisville in August of 2004. Paula Kamen wrote that one form of mental illness is the inability to control one’s fears. This is how Iris’s fears escalated: When our son Christopher started showing signs of autism, she discovered that many believed vaccines were the cause. She dug deeper and found that vaccines and drugs given to Gulf War veterans caused various illnesses. Around the same time, we went to see the 2004 version of The Manchurian Candidate, in which the government used mind control on Gulf War soldiers. The movie heightened her anxiety. She spent the next few days preparing for an upcoming business trip to Louisville to meet with Colonel Arthur Kelly and interview survivors of the Bataan Death March. Instead of sleeping, she spent the next few nights visiting web sites on autism, Gulf War Syndrome, and many conspiracy theories. We were all quite concerned about her at the time she left for Louisville, but we thought if she went on the research trip she would focus on her work and not on all the conspiracies. However, her mind began to play tricks on her due to the lack of sleep. She believed that the government was trying to poison her, so she refused to eat or drink anything after she left our home. Her condition deteriorated rapidly due to the deprivation of food, water, and sleep. She called her mother in terrible condition, and her mother contacted Colonel Kelly. When Colonel Kelly and his wife, a retired nurse, saw her condition, they called for an ambulance. Iris had never met Colonel Kelly in person; she became convinced they were part of a conspiracy to do harm to her, so she tried to flee. Police and paramedics forced her to go to the Louisville Hospital for extensive tests. She was placed in the psychiatric ward, where, according to Iris, she was repeatedly threatened by the orderlies. By this time she was firmly convinced that they were trying to drug her or poison her, so she once again refused to eat, drink anything, or sleep while she was there. If Iris had her breakdown at home surrounded by people she loved and trusted, it would not have been nearly as traumatic for her. Instead, she concluded that the people who had tried to help her in Louisville were all part of a Bush Administration conspiracy to harm her. During the last three months of her life, we could never get her to let go of that belief. After her parents brought her home from the Louisville hospital, we had trouble finding a good psychiatrist to treat her. To compound the problem, Iris was not a cooperative mental health patient. Iris’s experience solving our fertility problems caused her to lose respect for most medical doctors. Iris would so thoroughly research the topic that she would overwhelm the doctors she met. After that experience, she had very little faith in most medical doctors. This was a time when we desperately needed to find a good psychiatrist. We even more desperately needed Iris to follow the treatment plan, but she fought it every step of the way. Iris’s parents and I thought it would be a good idea to bring her to a bipolar personality support group, so they brought her to a meeting at Stanford University. The people she saw there were not winning the battle with bipolar disorder. Almost none of them were working, and many were on five or six medications. Iris described them as zombies, and she said she would never allow herself to be medicated like that. Shortly afterwards, her psychiatrist formally diagnosed her with bipolar personality disorder, meaning she should be treated with mood-stabilizing drugs rather than antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs. The suicide risk for mental health patients goes up during changes in medication. After Iris’s death, her mother did a lot of research on the drugs prescribed to Iris, and she discovered that Asians may be more sensitive to many of the commonly prescribed drugs. These drugs have been tested on very few Asians because they make up such a small portion of the US population, so the medications pose more risk of side effects to Asian patients. This was likely the case with Iris. The powerful antipsychotic and mood-altering drugs she took seemed to cause many side effects on her. Two days after the diagnosis and change in medication her mother found a gun safety course brochure from Reed’s Gun Shop in Iris’s purse. This was the first indication we had that she had any plans to buy a gun. When we questioned her, she told us she believed the US government was out to get her, and she needed a gun to protect herself. The combination of meeting the heavily medicated bipolar personality disorder patients, Iris’s formal diagnosis of bipolar personality disorder, her change of medications, and the resulting side effects all put Iris in a very unstable state. Iris’s parents, her psychiatrist, and I tried to find people who were successfully coping with bipolar personality disorder to talk to Iris and to give her encouragement, but we ran out of time. After her experience in Louisville, Iris firmly believed the Bush Administration meant to do harm to her. She was hopeful that John Kerry would defeat George Bush in the November 2004 election, but Bush’s victory was announced on November 3. Her thoughts of four more years of persecution were too much for her. The police investigation after her death concluded that she purchased the first handgun on the very next day. The last factor that I believe led to Iris’s suicide was something that no one else has mentioned: Pride. In her suicide note, she wrote: “It is far better that you remember me as I was—in my heyday as a best-selling author—than the wild-eyed wreck who returned from Louisville.” On a personal level, Iris was completely unpretentious. She drove a Geo Metro for five years. If someone had stopped by our home unannounced, they would likely find Iris wearing glasses, no makeup, a t-shirt, and a baggy pair of sweats. However if Iris made a public appearance, her hair and makeup were always perfect, she wore her contacts and a conservative business suit, and she always had a speech prepared and rehearsed. She invested a tremendous amount of time and effort into building up and maintaining her public persona. I don’t believe she felt like she could maintain that after her breakdown.

Chang, Iris. The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II (pp. 265-268). Basic Books. Kindle Edition.
馮墟 發表評論於
回複 'DYLM' 的評論 : 你所謂“天朝”,是指社會主義中國?這是一種汙蔑吧?我反法西斯主義,中國的、外國的都反。拙文範圍,限於章、張二人著作,一點也不擴大。是南京當局大寫300000。張純如可以討論,我不行?你憑什麽汙蔑我“消費30萬軍民的血海深仇”?
DYLM 發表評論於






馮墟 發表評論於
回複 'dong140' 的評論 : 漢、唐的疆域是極寬廣的,擴張性強。中華民族的偉大複興,內涵為何?法西斯主義,不光對外,也對內。
dong140 發表評論於
馮墟 發表評論於
回複 '野彪' 的評論 : 弱肉強食太殘酷了,就是社會達爾文主義,我是不能接受的。
野彪 發表評論於