我做完運動會喜歡做hip flexor的拉伸。左邊沒問題。右邊基本上每次都會很快覺得右膝蓋骨靠內側會抻(chen)得很痛,以至於幾乎不能堅持滿一分鍾。兩年前曾經有半月板傷(附報告如下)。沒有手術,痛逐漸自行消失。但是從此的確覺得右膝蓋不是很穩定強健,偶爾有卡住感,但是隻要不強行push through,一般能活動開。做負荷深蹲可以聽/感到咯嘣響。但是隻要自己小心,沒痛感。這是這個拉伸,屢做屢痛。
TECHNIQUE: MRI KNEE RIGHT WO CONTRAST Coronal T1, coronal proton density with |
fat saturation, sagittal proton density with fat saturation, sagittal proton | |
density, axial proton density with fat saturation. | |
REPORT: Predominant horizontal linear regions of abnormal increased signal | |
posterior horn and body of the medial meniscus extending to the inferior surface | |
consistent with tear. There appears to be a bucket-handle component to this tear | |
flipped towards the intercondylar notch | |
There is a partially discoid lateral meniscus measuring 1.4 cm in transverse | |
dimension at midline but no evidence of tear. | |
There is mild T2 hyperintensity superficial to the medial collateral ligament | |
which could be grade 1 sprain. Lateral collateral ligament complex intact. | |
Cartilage thinning in the medial compartment. No focal cartilage defects. | |
Normal bone marrow signal within the osseous structures. | |
Thin mildly elongated medial patellar plica. Patellofemoral compartment | |
otherwise essentially intact. | |
Small moderate joint effusion. | |
There is feathery T2 hyperintensity within the popliteus muscle consistent with | |
a grade 1 strain. |