因為QA 的人給我們developer開defect時, 總是信息不全. 我就給QA Manager 寫了一個email(CC 給我的小老板), 說建議QA今後開的DEFECT 在寫description之前, 先列上 這些information: link, build#, database, etc. 目前的defects,這些信息都不全.
沒想到那 QA Manager, 給我回了這樣一個EMAIL:
Thank you for your feedback. I believe that our QA department is already full filling this request. However I will work with [My manager’s name] and my QA department to ensure all necessary information is provided. I quickly reviewed recently defects created. I see a few that don’t have database information listed[注:他瞎說, 多數都信息不全] however I do feel that we are providing more than enough information for the Dev team to review these defects. I think moving forward that these issues can and will be addressed directly between myself and [My manager’s name]. Please consider taking these requests directly to your department manager.
他們QA的人和QA Manager自己都無數次不通過我的老板直接找我谘詢,尋求幫助. 我從來沒有拒絕, 也沒有說要通過老板來找我. 很多是他們自己configuration的錯,是他自己該解決的問題,而不是我的工作範圍內的事,我都花時間幫他們解決. 怎麽我發給他一個email提點建議, 他就說我不應該呢? 他簡直忘恩負義. 弄得好象是我冒犯了他, 我不夠資格跟他直接對話.