一位加州的房主在他位於聖何塞的房子在過去 50年被撞毀 20 多次後,呼籲市領導采取行動。“Well, the house shakes. First you think it’s an earthquake. You hear the rumbling,” Ray Minter said. https://t.co/2GpIXg12FP
— KALB News Channel 5 (@KALBtv5) August 17, 2022
這位南灣居民雷·明特自 1960 年以來一直住在他位於東聖何塞的房子裏——自 1972 年以來,已有 23 人撞上他的房子。他將其歸因於 I-680 建於 1972 年,其中一個出口匝道通向他住的街道傑克遜大道。
在過去的 50 年裏,通常是因為司機們錯誤地估計了他們的駕駛速度,並將車輛撞到了 Minter 的房子。盡管他的保險公司出資近 30,000 美元在他的院子裏安裝了鋼杆,但事故仍在不斷發生。
“他們中的一些人受了重傷,但大多數人都喝醉了。就像 2016 年的那個人一樣,”明特回憶道。 “他駕駛的是 2016 GMC High Sierra。他以每小時 105 英裏的速度撞到了我的車。”
盡管明特的保險公司花了近3萬美元在他的院子裏安裝鋼杆,但車禍還是不斷發生。Can u imagine getting used to the feeling of a car running into your home?
— Jana Kadah (@Jana_Kadah) August 15, 2022
For Ray Minter, it’s nothing new. 23 diff cars have done so
The city hopes to improve safety measures but after decades of neglect, Minter has no hope
My latest for @SJSpotlight
Life changed drastically for Ray Minter after the Jackson Avenue exit off Interstate 680 was built in the 1970s. Drivers came barreling off the exit, endangering his family and damaging his home. Requests to fix the road have been ignored.
— San José Spotlight (@SJSpotlight) August 15, 2022
Read more here: https://t.co/Uaabobqn70 pic.twitter.com/IKkI9yLP5Q
Ever since Interstate 680 was built, Ray Minter has had to deal with cars smashing into his home. Now, he’s had enough. https://t.co/4B5iGkJYYU
— The Drive (@thedrive) August 18, 2022
但聖何塞市經申請了4000萬美元的撥款,用於在傑克遜大道沿線建設一個安全項目。如果撥款成功,街道改善項目要到 2023 年才能開始。
The off-ramp positioned near Ray Minter’s home sends speeding drivers miscalculating how fast they’re going and, sometimes, crashing into his front yard https://t.co/hZPrGLULIl
— Qudach United Kingdom (@QudachUK) August 19, 2022