David Harris Jr. 和 Cadance Owens 在一起
I am seeing something that is completely disturbing to me!
When I say “to me”, I mean that as an American first, then as a member of the black community.
I am seeing white people that are getting down ontheir knees, and asking for forgiving for nothing that they ever did wrong, itis disgusting.
I understand that so many people out there inthe white community, you want to say that I am not racist. You feel this guilt, you feel guilty of thecolor of your skin, and you feel guilty because the main stream media and black folks want you to believe that oppression is your fault, that racism is your fault, that all the in justice that the black folks have ever gone through is your fault.
They are wrong, they are dead wrong. You don’t have to feel guilty for anything. If you are a good person, if you are somebody that treats people with respect, with dignity, you care about your family and you care about others, you may not even see color, all of this is just totally foreign for you.
So many messages that I am getting from people, they say that it’s just foreign, I am not a racist, I have never looked at people like that, that is the majority people of America, friends.
We have got a main stream media that is Hellbid on creating racial division in this country that is disgusting, it disgusts me, and it’s sad. So many good people out there feel the need to say that I am not racist, I am sorry for my ancestors (more tears coming out of his eyes) and you are actually getting down on your knees in front of the black folks.
Friends, those black people are racists. I am just going to say like it is, they are the real racists, and you don’t coward to the racists of any color. You don’t go along with anything they say, you don’t agree with anything they say, you should just haste up yourself away from anybody of any color that say that you need to do this to me because of the color of your skin.
You’ve better just walk away, feel confident to walk away, keep your head up high, keep your shoulders back, and you understand that you are doing the right thing.
It is disgusting to me that in this country, the greatest country in the history of the world, with the most opportunities given to all people, including the black community, that there are black individuals out there that feel so bitter inside for their own issues. People have got issues. Maybe they dealt withone person that was racist, maybe they dealt with a couple instances, maybethey dealt with a racist cop. That doesn’t mean that all people are racists, that doesn’t mean that all people owe you an apology, that doesn’t mean that all people need to be on their knees begging for forgiveness.
If you are somebody out there think that you have the right to demand somebody get on his knees and ask you for forgiveness, you disgust me. You’ve got some real issues. And it’s not with any person on this planet. It’s with yourself. You hate yourself so much that in order to make yourself feel better, you have got to make somebody else to applaud you. That’s what it’s really going on, no matter what color.
But right now, I am talking to all the black folks that think it their duty to make white people feel beneath them, that is racists, and that is the definition of racism. You are being racists, and you need to knock it off.
And now to the white community and to anybody that feels guilt, on behalf of the black community (tears roll off and hand onchest), forgive us, I didn’t do it, but I am going to take the blame. Forgive us, for we don’t know what the hell that we are doing. Don’t paint us all as these high-minded pompous asses that feel like everybody owe us an apology. Don’t paint us all bad, because we are not. But on behalf of the black community, please forgive us.
And keep on going about your business, live your live to the best as you can as we all should every single day. And together we will unite under one umbrella of love, and love for each other, and love for America. And we will together make this country greater than it has ever been.
And all the rest of the people that have issues with race, they can just fluff off to the side, don’t give them any attention.
David J Harris Jr. here. (End)