印度和中國軍人9日在印度錫金邦北部的中印邊境爆發全武行,雙方互毆,造成4名印度士兵及7名中國士兵掛彩。(擷取自 INH NEWS)
根據《印度斯坦時報》10日報導,事發在錫金邦北部的納庫拉(Naku La)地區,海拔約5000公尺,印方士兵在巡邏途中遭遇中方士兵,突然就打了起來,且非常激烈,雙方士兵約有150名參戰,其中有4名印方士兵及7名中方士兵受到輕傷。
Indian, Chinese Troops Clash Near Naku La in Sikkim Sector; Many Sustain Minor Injuries https://t.co/YdJx6dSHaX #livenewsindia
— News Walaa (@walaa_news) May 10, 2020
THREAD: India-China faceoff in North Sikkim
— Saurabh Vashist (@saurabhvashist_) May 10, 2020
"The aggressive confrontation between the troops from the two sides happened near the Naku La sector (ahead of Muguthang), a pass at a height of more than 5,000 metres..." @Cold_Peace_ 1/2https://t.co/aKFf7OGCxb pic.twitter.com/c8xKReEEk5
Chinese Soldiers beat Indian soldiers in Naku La In Sikkim pic.twitter.com/DYHuDXdtbS
— Sultan Mahmood (@SultanM85533133) May 10, 2020
| Dozens of Indian and Chinese soldiers have Exchanged Physical blows in a Clash on the shared Border.
— Muhammad Imran (@Imran_baloch_) May 10, 2020
7 Chinese and 4 Indian troops were Injured, an army official reportedly said, near the Naku La sector in the Border state of Sikkim.@majorgauravarya
Party just started pic.twitter.com/yF0M2o7YHf
Indian and Chinese Army #faceoff
— Dipankar Chirag Baishya (@Joi_Aai_Axom) May 10, 2020
Clash at #NakuLa #IndianArmyZindabad pic.twitter.com/lWH0cVImVk