
想在這兒開辟出一小塊地, 撒上些種子, 抽出黃黃綠綠的芽, 以記錄平凡生活中的點點滴滴, 還有那偶爾瞬間的心靈顫動

她是我的母親, 她也是我的父親

(2006-06-24 08:55:25) 下一個

總以為來美後辛苦的留學生活和繁重的工作壓力已將多年前那個多愁善感為賦新詞強說愁的小女孩磨礪成了一支"鏗鏘玫瑰", 原本那易感的心不僅已被包上厚厚一層繭, 外麵更已是長了密密一層刺. 可誰想到那天收音機裏的一首歌曲點播卻無端端地撥動了我的心弦, 讓我感動莫名.

那是父親節來臨的前兩天, 下班的我照例在路上不經意地聽著Delilah的love song隨著車流往家趕, 一邊還在想著晚上的菜譜, 然後突然間就聽她在念一聽眾的來信 "...I want to wish my mother a happy father's day. My mom gets up to work at 4:30 every morning... she would do anything she could to make sure we are happy, and have everything we want ... she is the most incredible person I ever know. I'm 21 now, and I'm a senior in college... I want to attend a medical school after I graduate so I can take care of my mom when she gets old... She is not only my mother, she is also my father, she is my everything... ". 就這樣簡簡單單的幾句話, 卻讓我突然間淚眼朦朧. 這個世界上還是有很多美好的事物的.

有時侯被感動, 就在那輕輕一刹間.

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