

4 少青年 Youngster

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《盧岩的回憶錄》1974-1991年(4-21歲)Luyan’s Memoir, 1974-1991 (ages 4-21)

目錄 Catalog:4.1 生命之樹的故事 Story of Life Tree;4.2 禪的故事 Story of Meditation;4.3 說我有桃花運 Said I Have Peach Blossom Fortune;4.4 豬爺爺驢奶奶 Grandpa Pig and Grandma Donkey;4.5 真人醫學實驗的新聞 News of Real-Life Medical Experiments;4.6 一個公案A Public Case;4.7 靈魂轉世的故事 Story of Soul Reincarnation;4.8 心病入門病例 Introductory Case to Mental Disorder;4.9 花花綠綠的報刊亭 The Flowery Newsstand;4.10 遺囑 Wills


4.1 生命樹的故事 Story of Life Tree



One day in September 1974, Uncle Liang came home on vacation and told me a story. He said, “I heard people say that the tree of life grows very slowly and only grows two nodes more in thousands of years.” At this time, I was four years old, very excited to hear this, dreaming that I could have a tree of life. In the years that followed, he told me this one-sentence story so many times that I got bored of hearing it.

By the time I was a teenager, I went looking for articles about the Tree of Life on my own and didn't like them once I read them. Some years later, I went looking for it again and still didn't like it when I read it. Perhaps because I became attached to the Tree of Life as a child, I was always thinking about it and visiting it every few years, and it wasn't until I was in my forties that I could understand it.


A collage of images of people and animals

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插圖4.1-1源自古墨西哥(約公元1325年)。圖1表明兒童時期的墨西哥聽 “生命之樹幾千年才長多了兩個節” 故事,很入迷。圖2是古墨西哥傳說中的生命之樹。圖3、 4、5是墨西哥長大後,根據傳說重新創作了生命之樹。

Originally, the Tree of Life had only three nodes: color node, migration node, and sense node. Later, when the ancients realized that acceptance and think have great influence on people, they took the two laws out of the migration node and made them two new nodes: acceptance node and think node, which is why it is said that "the tree of life only grew two more nodes over thousands of years (e.g., Illustration 4.1.1-1)." I reassembled the Tree of Life in 2014, after writing my memoirs, based on the Unified Compilation of Buddhist Substantiations; see Chapter 11, Tree of Life.

Illustration 4.1-1 is from ancient Mexico (ca. 1325 CE). Figure 1 shows that as a child, Mexico was mesmerized by the story that "the tree of life grows two knots longer over thousands of years." Figure 2 shows tree of life from ancient Mexican legend. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show Mexico growing up and re-creating the Tree of Life based on the legend.


4.2 禪的故事 Stories of Meditation


One day in September 1975, Uncle Liang went home to visit his family and came to our house again to tell me a story. Once upon a time, there was a person who, for some unknown reason, could always hear many strange sounds; and she listened. she could even hear butterflies flying. Before going to sleep, she could hear her heart beating, and she could hear whistling, hissing, ticking, whimpering, and so on. Later, she could hear, someone talking to her, someone calling out to her, telling her something, someone discussing a problem like a meeting, birds chirping, water running, frogs calling, the wind blowing in the caves, the sound of rain, thunder, anything. At this point she was like crazy, always hearing all kinds of sounds, but she continued to listen. Listening and listening, she understood, and obtained Celestial Ear Through (i.e., Clairaudience) and achieved the correct fruit (i.e., the four shamanic fruits: cf. section 15.2.6).


梁伯還給我講了許多練氣功的方法,什麽盯著燃香看、蓮花觀想、拳井,等。 我雖然對這些練習氣功的方法著迷,卻沒練出來什麽。大約在上小學四年級時,我自己買了一本名為《真氣運行法》的氣功書,開始按照書中說的練習,很快就有了真氣的感覺,開始真正地練習氣功了,直到19歲。本書,我把自己練習氣功的心得體會集中編輯在了第12章《禪》。

Uncle Liang also told me many methods of practicing meditation, such as staring at burning incense, lotus flower contemplation, fisting well, and so on. Although I was fascinated by these methods of practicing meditation, I did not practice anything out. About the time I was in the fourth grade of elementary school (12 years old), I bought myself a meditation book called "The Method of Operating True Air," and began to practice according to what was said in the book, and soon I had the feeling of true air and began to really practice meditation until I was 19 years old. In this book, I have concentrated and edited my experiences of practicing meditation in Chapter 12.


A collage of different types of objects

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2014年,我寫完回憶錄後,知道了梁伯給我講故事是被劉團長指使的。這些故事都是佛教中著名的法案。而且我也知道了劉團長從我一歲時就知道我是 “圖像思維型人” 。前文觀音菩薩(如圖4.2-1)修習禪定的案例,而她是語音思維型人,對我的禪定修習不實用。為什麽劉團長卻選擇了這個對我來說是障礙的練習方法來誘導我練習氣功?

In 2014, after I wrote my memoirs, I learned that Uncle Liang had been instructed by Troupe Leader Liu to tell me stories. All of which were famous juristic cases in Buddhism, and I also learned that Troupe Leader Liu had known that I was an "image-thinking type of person" since I was one year old. The previous case of “Guanyin (i.e., Viewing Sounds) Bodhisattva (fig. 4.2-1)” practicing meditation, she is word-thinking person, is not practical for my meditation practice. Why did Troupe Leader Liu choose this case, which is an obstacle for me, to induce me to practice meditation?

於是我查閱了觀音菩薩的原型,蘇美爾女王苦芭芭(如插圖4.2-2)。她腳踩祥雲,表明她是行天,即她是文字思維型人,即語音思維型人。她的帽子上有兩朵太陽花,表明她是夏娃。於是,我明白了,劉團長在告訴我,她女兒劉健君是觀音菩薩類型的人,研究一下觀音菩薩就懂得她了。金童(即亞當)和玉女(即夏娃)是兩個古典心理學的基本模型。如右圖筆者我設計出的上帝的兩組三和合(參見10.9節《 三和合》)所示。

So, I consulted the archetype of the Guanyin Boddhisattva, the Sumerian Queen Kubaba (as in Illustration 4.2-2). She has auspicious clouds under her feet, indicating that she is a Migration Sky, i.e., she is a word-thinking person, i.e., a voice-thinking person. She has two sunflowers on her hat, indicating that she is Eve. So, I realized that Troupe Leader Liu was telling me that her daughter, Eve Liu, is a Guanyin Boddhisattva type of person, and that I will understand her if I study some Guanyin Boddhisattva. The Gold Boy (i.e., Adam) and Jade Girl (i.e., Eve) are two basic models of classical psychology. As shown in the right illustration of the two sets of godly Trinities (cf. section 10.9 Godly Trinity) that the author I devised.


4.3 說我有桃花運 Said I Have Peach Flower Fortune



Since I can remember, every spring when the peach blossoms bloom, the peach blossom ringworms grow on my face and body, like having vitiligo, many pieces of white ringworms, no pain, no itch. My mom asked around if there was anything they could say about it, and if it was a disease.

One day, my mother said to my father: "In the front yard, a couple of relatives who can tell fortunes came to Wang's house. They are all university graduates. I went to watch the fun and asked about Luyan's peach blossom ringworm. At first, the fortune teller said that it was a disease, but not harmful, just doesn’t look good. When he grows up and knows beauty, he would go to the hospital by himself to buy medicine and he’ll be cured.”

媽媽問: “桃花癬與桃花劫(參見2.1《桃花劫》)有沒有關係?”

算命先生說: “桃花劫要綜合考慮,你說說這孩子有什麽特殊的地方?”

媽媽說: “有一次我的手被刀割傷了,我讓他幫我包紮,他轉身就跑。他說看見我的手流血,他的屁股疼。以前我二姐給了我們家幾隻鵝;他可喜歡了。他平常總是把鵝趕到草地上去放牧,在家裏還喂它們。後來那幾隻鵝丟了。這孩子就上火了,嗓子腫得有兩三天說不出話來了。”

Mom asks: "Is there any relationship between peach blossom ringworm and peach blossom catastrophe (see section 2.1 Peach Flower Catastrophe)?"

Fortune teller says: "Peach blossom catastrophe has to be considered in a comprehensive manner, tell me what is special about this child?"

Mom said: "One time I cut my hand on a knife, and I asked him to bandage it, but he turned and ran. He said it hurt his ass to see my hand bleed. My second sister used to give our family some geese; he loved them. He used to drive the geese out to pasture and feed them at home. Then the geese were lost. The boy got on fire, and his throat swelled up so that he couldn't speak for two or three days."

算命先生說: “這孩子心思重,同情心強,重感情;不特殊,但少見,有1-2%的孩子這樣。這孩子好說不?健談不?”

媽媽回答: “不好說,有事他也說不清楚。”



The fortune teller said: “This child is heavy-hearted, sympathetic, and affectionate; not exceptional, but rare, 1-2% of children are like this. Is this child talkative? Does he like to talk?"

Mom replied: "Not very talkative, when something happened, he can't express clearly."

The fortune teller said, "He's heavy-hearted and can't say so. When he falls in love in the future, you'll have to be careful to open, he's easily hurt by his feelings. Is there anything else special about him?"

Mom said, "There is something special about his eyes."



After listening to my mother's description of my eyes (see Chapter 3, Undazzle Eyes), the fortune-teller's way of speaking changed and said, "You child, I can only go by the fortune-telling book to say that his characters invite women to like him, and he has a woman's fortune. He has Peach blossom Fortune and is being looked upon by whatever people around you want to recruit him as a son-in-law."

Dad asked, "How come I didn't know they had a family of relatives who all graduated from university?"



Mom replied, "I hadn't heard that before either. I asked, but I didn't hear what the relationship was between those two people and their family, I didn't even hear if they were relatives or friends. People say it's just people from the city, finding a relationship or saying, coming to the countryside for a vacation, free food, and lodging. That's good too! Hilarious! The neighborhood was buzzing for days!"

Mom and Dad couldn't figure out who was going to recruit me as a son-in-law and quickly forgot about it.


4.4 豬爺爺驢奶奶 Pig Grandpa and Donkey Grandma


我問林濤: “啥是豬爺爺驢奶奶?”

林濤回答: “是一幅畫兒,上麵畫著一個女的和一頭豬(如示意圖4.4.1-1,但那不是真的,他們的畫不給非穆斯林人看);他們說那是上帝。”

Elementary school age, one day, Hui classmates Lin Tao and his mother Aunt Zhang came to my home as a guest, let my mother asked Lin Tao what happened last Sunday. Mom asked. Lin Tao replied, "I went to kowtow to Grandpa Pig and Grandma Donkey (to recognize my ancestors)." Mom heard this and froze in silence.

I asked Lin Tao, "What is a pig's grandfather and donkey's grandmother?"

Lin Tao replied: "It's a painting of a woman and a pig (as in Schematic 4.4.1-1, but it's not real, they don't show their paintings to non-Muslims); they say it's God."



我奇怪地叨咕: “怎麽上帝還是兩個?這是什麽玩笑!?”




I strangely chortle, "How come God is still two? What kind of joke is this!?"

Lin Tao replied seriously, "It's not a joke! That's what uncles and aunts said. When they were little, their uncles and aunts told them the same thing."

Mom said, cluelessly, "Stop it! Look at the child's shame!"

Aunt Zhang said, "No, no! The pastor said he should be ashamed; it was the pastor who instructed us to take the child and let others ask about it!"



Mom seemed to understand that this was a cultural tradition of the Hui people and asked, "I've heard that before and thought it was people making dirty of you Hui people! Do you believe it?"

Aunt Zhang said, "This is an allusion that very few people understand. I've heard it explained many times and couldn't understand it! They say that what we call Grandpa Pig and Grandma Donkey, you Han people call “Jade Girl Riding Tiger (as shown in Schematic 4.4.1-2)”, is the same allusion, just with a different name. Alas! I also heard that your Han people worshipped Buddha Shakyamuni (shown in Figure 2, that lion king is Shakyamuni) and Guanyin Bodhisattva (fig.2 and 4) are our ancestors, our Grandpa Pig and Grandma Donkey!"

4.4-2 安士高 Shi’gao An


Later, the author me saw experts on television giving confirmation of this claim about the Hui people. Historical records (the matter is documented in several Chinese county records) show that they were probably Persians who followed the Iranian Shi’gao An (as in Illustration 4.4.1-5) to China in the second to eighth centuries CE. The Han people called them Hui, and their faith was Hui religion. They themselves considered Hui religion to be a branch of Islam. The author me has also seen Buddhist commentaries on this claim about the Hui people, saying that the “Jade Lady Riding Tiger” and the “Pig Grandpa and Donkey Grandma” are indeed different names for a single juristic case. They like their precepts and teaching methods, we like our sayings and traditions, and overall, the truths taught are the same.


Around the second century CE., the ancient Iranian Shi’gao An fled with a merchant group to Chang’an, China, with nothing to do. One day, while visiting a Meditation Hall, he pointed out some meditation phrases that astonished the audience. The Chinese at the time thought he had revealed the secret of God. His meditation method was called Treasure Bottle Air (as described in chapter 12 of this book), and in just three months it became popular in the city of Chang'an; in three years it spread throughout China and remains popular to this day. In other words, immediately after his arrival in China, he became the first living Buddha in the history of China; did his knowledge of Buddhism reach the level of a Buddha?

安世高喜歡旅遊,在中國到處走。據說一次路上,遇見一個自稱是他前世的勇士持刀要殺他報仇。後來,那位勇士說是他家主人想請他過去傳教,怕他不去,特別囑咐他假裝安士高的前世複仇。那武士的主人說,他這麽一做,安世高一定會去拜會他。安世高聽了, 哈哈大笑,就跟那位勇士去見他的主人了。這則寓言就結束了;讀者知道為什麽嗎?

Shi’gao An loved to travel and went all over China. It is said that on one of his journeys, he met a warrior who claimed to be his past life and who wanted to kill him with a sword to avenge for himself. Later, the warrior said that his master wanted to invite him to preach, and he was afraid that he wouldn't go, so he specially instructed him to pretending to be Shi’gao An's past life for revenging. The master of the house said that if he did so, An Shi’gao would surely go to pay him a visit. On hearing this, Shi’gao An laughed and went with the warrior to his master. So, the fable ends; do reader you know why?



The host who invited Shi’gao An meant: "You are the Chosen One, Adam (Golden Boy in Chinese culture), who was once again reincarnated in (ancient) Iran; unfortunately, you were unable to gain the throne and usher a new era, were forced to go into exile." Once Shi’gao An heard that the inviter understood what had happened to him, was a confidant, of course he wanted to meet for a while, so he went. How did that inviter know that Shi’gao An was Adam reincarnated?

Shi’gao An preached, that he rectified some theoretical errors in the Chinese legends of the reincarnation of souls supposedly offended his past life in China, so the inviter came up with the farce of "his past life seeking revenge on him" to invite him. It is said that Shi’gao An reintroduced the practices of the Undazzle Eye Making (see Chapter 3, Flesh-Eye Through) and the reincarnation of living Buddhas (such as Constant Fair in Chapter 2, Peach Blossom Catastrophe) to China.

4.4-3玉女騎虎 Jade Girl Riding Tiger

玉女騎虎是什麽意思?玉女騎虎是中國古人對《桃花劫》中常公和桃花女裸體結婚前的稱呼。前文所說的“豬爺爺驢奶奶” 是古代蘇美爾人對安拉所造的須彌顱和苦芭芭(即亞當和夏娃)的稱呼。這兩個案例的道理相同。那回族人為什麽稱呼他們倆為豬和驢?解釋參見15.2.3節《天選之子》。

What does Jade Woman Riding Tiger mean? Jade Woman Riding Tiger is the ancient Chinese term for Constant Fair and Peach Blossom Woman in Peach Blossom Catastrophe before they get married in the nude. The "Pig Grandpa and Donkey Grandma" is the ancient Sumerian name for the Sumeru and Kubaba (i.e. Adam and Eve) created by Allah. The reasoning in these two cases is the same. Then why did the Muslims call them pig and donkey? For explanation, see Section 15.2.3 "The Chosen One".


4.5 真人醫學實驗的新聞 News of Real-Life Medical Experiments



One day in 1982, my mom was telling me about a news story she had gotten from a half-piece old newspapers talking about scientists dedicating their lives to science.

A military unit in Shenyang cooperated with China Medical University to conduct a real-life medical experiment. It was said that an ancient story contained a detailed description of the main character's personal life experiences, illnesses, pathologies, and treatments in the first half of his life. Modern doctors, however, could not make a definitive diagnosis of his illness because there were no relevant cases. However, what happened in the story was man-made and not encounters in real life for a hundred years. To study how the ancients diagnosed the disease, they decided to redesign a medical experiment based on the story and create a real-life case for the modern doctors to refer to, also to study the reincarnation of souls. The experiment is mainly to observe human behavior, may last for sixty or seventy years; the duration of the experiment is determined by how long the person being experimented on can live.


Several people working in a laboratory

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A group of boys and a group of girls are selected from the community. The group of boys is kept secret, they are each brought up in the natural environment of their own homes. The researchers work on the study in close quarters and observe. There are boys in the girls' group as well, and it is an open and centralized training. When they grow up, one person from each of the boy and girl groups is then selected for the next phase of the experiment.


The newspaper say that the State has also established laws for this experimental research, and a kind of secret police to defend the work of this experiment. These police could direct individual citizens to say whatever they were told to say, and to do whatever they were told to do. For example, if the boys in the boys' group did not know that they themselves were subjects of the experiment, and if someone close to him knew about it, he could not pretend that he did not know, the secret police could relocate the knower. It was said that if not, this experiment could not be completed. The experiment initiator also said: “everything in the experiment must be true, and falsehood is not an option. Whoever breaks the law in this experiment will go to jail; whoever dares to reveal information and talk nonsense will go to jail for at least ten years.”


The first phase of the experiment had been successfully completed. It was time for the next phase of the experiment, which involved three main characters, a father, his daughter, and another boy. It was said that once the experiment began, that father would become ill from the experiment and would eventually die of the disease, would not see the full results of his experiment. During the experiment, the initiator and his daughter volunteered to give their lives for scientific research. His daughter vowed to volunteer as a subject for the experiment and to participate in the training of the girls' group; she would continue the experiment after her father passed away. She also vowed to study medicine in the future and take care of the boy for the rest of his life. By then, they were both adults.



The newspaper also said that the boy would also get sick, even very sick, and die because of this experiment. It said that, on the bad side, the boy would be sick all over, if not sick and die. It is also possible that the boy will not get sick. The initiator of the experiment also said: “at the end of the experiment, public affairs will be publicly done, private affairs should be privately to solve, no one should go to court to fight the case.”

When my mother and I were talking about what illness they got, I remember my mother saying that both that father and the boy who was ultimately chosen would get sick from the experiment, that people are different, so their illnesses wouldn't be the same; but the causes of their illnesses were a series of events in the experiment, in this respect to say that they got the same illnesses (note 1).


Note 4.5-1, In 2014, when I was writing my memoirs, I noticed that the statement "both suffered from the same disease" constituted a common ANNOYANCES shared by the initiator and the chosen boy. And the boy learns a variety of KNOWLEDGE from the series of events of the experiment. According to Buddhist Mutant Nature, "Mutant Nature is Annoyance and Know" (see section In this way the initiator passes on his ANNOYANCE and KNOW to the chosen boy. So, the initiator becomes the godfather of the chosen boy, and the boy becomes the initiator's godson, or what is called the reincarnation of the soul.


4.6 一個公案 A Public Case

1983 年秋天,我在四台子村讀初中一年級。一天,我在家門口等著路過的同學一起去上學,看著他們漸漸走近。忽然,一個人匆匆忙忙地橫過路,掉了一本書在他們的前麵。一個同學撿起書後,喊那人。那人回來後,與他們說話,並且把那本書送給了那位同學。路上,我拿過那本書來看,是本《犯罪心理學》,問他們: “那人跟你們說什麽來著?”

In the fall of 1983, I was in my first year of junior high school at Sitaizi Village. One day, I was waiting in front of my house for my passing classmates to go to school with me and watching them approaching. Suddenly, a man hurried across the road and dropped a book in front of them. One of the students picked up the book and called out to the man. The man came back, talked to them, and gave the book to the classmate. On the way, I took the book and looked at it, it was a copy of Criminal Psychology, and asked them, "What did the man say to you?"

那位同學回答:“那個人很奇怪!回來後,就要把書送給我,說,‘這是本好書;我已經看過了,不需要了’。我說不要。他卻說,‘你不喜歡看,可以借給別人。你把這書借給一個人,你就多交一個朋友。你借給十個人看,你就多交了十個朋友。’ 他說他要趕路,說完就走了。”



The classmate replied, “The man was very strange! When he came back, he was about to give me the book, saying, 'It's a good book; I've already read it, don't need it.' I said no. But he said, 'You don't like to read it, you can lend it to someone else. You lend this book to one person; you make one more friend. You lend it to ten people; you make ten more friends.' He said in a hurry, then left."

I felt strange: "Hurry! To the south, where he came out was a large pond; The place where he went north was the crop field. What kind of road is he in a hurry!”

The classmate was grossed out by my saying, "Yikes! What a thing he is! You can have the book; I don't want it!"


It is true that you cannot read a book unless it is borrowed; this "Criminal Psychology" is the first real undergraduate textbook that I have seriously read. The observation and analysis of various types of people and groups in the book are simple and clear. It should be said to be a good introductory book to psychology. Since then, I have gradually become interested in studying human psychology and observing the behavior of individuals and groups, and I have formed a habit.


Note 4.6-1, Buddhism is classical psychology, like natural science, it belongs to common law. Juristic Cases in Buddhism are called Public Cases. Judging from the strange affairs that happened to me when I was enrolled in junior high school, high school, college, and graduate school, it was Troupe Leader Liu who adapted this Buddhist public case into a short drama and performed it for me to celebrate my entering junior high school. So, what does this public case show? People came from nowhere and have nowhere to go, but they are always in a hurry, wherein? The answer lies in psychology.


4.7 靈魂轉世的故事 Story of Soul Reincarnation

在我的青少年時期,梁伯多次給我講這個故事。古時候,有個守城的將軍。一天,他聽說,城裏的集市上,一個年青人跟人打架,被打死了。他火急火燎地去到集市上,瘋了似地抱著屍體,放聲大哭:“孩子!是我害死了你呀!”。將軍的隨從們都不明白,就問:“你和這個鄉下來的窮小子非親非故,您怎麽為他這麽傷心?” 後來,那個將軍被問得沒辦法了,就說:“這個年青人是我的下輩子。”

During my teenage years, Uncle Liang told me this story several times. In ancient times, there was a general who guarded a city. One day, he heard that a young man had a fight with someone in the city market and was beaten to death. He hurriedly went to the market, hugged the body like crazy, and cried loudly: "My child! It is me who killed you!". The general's attendants didn't understand and asked, "You are not related to this poor boy from the countryside, why are you so sad for him?" Later, the general was so overwhelmed by the questions that he said, "This young man is my next life."


A collage of images of ancient artifacts

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Annotation 4.7-1, in the past, I have been beaten several times in the market for no reason. For example, one time, I was walking out of the farmers market, a guy suddenly ran up to me and pushed me down, then ran away. I stood up, furious, looked around, but there was nobody around. It was only after I wrote my memoirs in 2014, that I gradually understood the reason, it was that my Flesh Eye Through (as in Figure 4.7-1, see Chapter 3) had made the group of thieves felt that their plans had been exposed, and that I had been observing and studying them, provoked them.


In this way, I understood the reason why the young man in the story was beaten to death. The general was doing soul reincarnation and chose the young man from the countryside as his next life. The general had made Flesh Eye Through for him when he was still a child. On that day, the young man, the general's next life, came to the city to play, and his Flesh Eye Through enraged the thieves and was killed, so the general said that he had killed the young man.




I was interested in this story but didn't understand it and felt strange!

Uncle Liang said: “Storytellers say that there were in the past, often rich and powerful people, in which poor ravine, choose a child from a poor family as the next life. The ‘previous life’, since when the ‘next life’ was still a child, under circumstances that he and his families did not know, began to teach him, until he grew up; but the ‘previous life’ never allowed the ‘next life’ to see him in person. In the future, when the ‘previous life’ dies, he will pass on all his wealth and business to the poor child whom he sees as his ‘next life’.”




I asked, "How to teach? that child if he doesn't know?"

My mother said: "The Previous Life can send messengers to teach the Next Life. Suddenly a stranger comes and plays with the children. The Previous Life can teach whatever he wants to the child!”

I asked: "Why didn't he adopt a child? Why did he work so hard to raise a ‘Next Life’?"

梁伯說:“聽人說,這是一種喜好,就有那種人愛養個 ‘下輩子’;但不是因為自己沒有子女。我聽人說,這種關係不亞於親生子女、養子女、和義子女;而且隻有這種關係的 “下輩子”才能真正地實現 “上輩子”留下來的事業和願望。建立這種關係的目的,往往是那個 “上輩子”有自己一輩子做不完的事業,要委托他的 “下輩子”來完成。”

Uncle Liang said: “I heard people say that it is a preference. There are people who like to raise a 'next life'; but it is not because they have no children. I have heard people say that this kind of relationship is no less than that of biological children, adopted children, and righteous children, and that only the "next life" of this relationship can truly realize the career and aspirations left behind by the ‘previous life’. The purpose of establishing this relationship is often that the ‘previous life’ has a career that he can not finish in his lifetime, and he wants to entrust his ‘next life’ to complete it.”


I said: "I think people in the past were superstitious." Uncle Liang said: "I heard from storytellers that the people who did this are really not superstitious. They also don't believe that people have a material soul, the physical body is just a boarding house. I’ve heard people say that it’s all about personal interests; some people like to raise birds, some people like to grow grass, and some people are interested in soul reincarnation.”


梁伯問:“你說 ‘不是有關係也不是沒有關係’,是什麽人際關係?”



Uncle Liang asked: "You say, What kind of interpersonal relationship is neither relevant nor irrelevant?"

Neither my mother nor I could guess.

Uncle Liang said: "That is the relationship between the ‘previous life’ and the ‘next life’ that arises from the reincarnation of the soul. It's a relationship comparable to that between a parent and a biological child, or an adopted child, or a righteous child, but it's very different from those kinds of relationships, and it's in a category of its own. I've heard it said that it's also considered a father-son relationship; it's there, recognized in the ancient list of interpersonal relationships."



At that time, my mother said: "The ‘previous life’ and the ‘next life’ do not exist at the same time, it is not an interpersonal relationship!"

Uncle Liang said: "They can exist at the same time! We talked a moment ago, the story of the general who defended the city. That general thought that the poor boy from the countryside was his next life!"

注4.7-3,1995年冬,劉團長背地裏幫助我脫離黑社會的糾纏。那些賊老大問他和我是什麽關係?他回答:我和盧岩不是有關係,也不是沒有關係(參見6.10節)。就這樣,2014年我寫回憶錄時發現了這個一直都藏在我背後的人,分析出了劉團長是在做靈魂轉世實驗,而我就是他在1996年秋(參見8.3節)最終選定的 “下輩子”。

Annotation 4.7-3, in the winter of 1995, Troupe Leader Liu secretly helped me to unfetter from the entanglements of the black society. Those thief bosses asked him what his relationship was with me? He replied: Luyan and I are neither relevant nor irrelevant (see Section 6.10). In this way, when I was writing my memoirs in 2014, I discovered this person who had been hiding behind me. I analyzed out that Troupe Leader Liu was conducting soul reincarnation experiments, and I was the one he finally chosen as his “next life” in the autumn of 1996 (see Section 8.2).


4.8 心病入門病例 Introductory Case of Mental Disorder

在我的青少年時期,梁伯幾次給我講這個故事, 他說這是一本書上的一個精神病入門病例。

甲人在路上,看見對麵走來一個人,臉上流著血,匆匆忙忙地從集市上離開。當時,甲人有點兒吃驚,但沒在意。走過去後,他忽然想:“哎呀!剛才那個人好像認識。” 甲人卻想不起來那人是誰,或者在哪兒見過。過了幾天,甲人聽說那個臉上流血的人死了,就感覺不舒服。幾天後,甲人病了。


During my teenage years, Uncle Liang told me this story several times, he said that it is an introductory case of mental illness from a book.

On the way, Man A saw a man walking on the opposite side, with blood on his face, hurrying away from the market. At that time, Man A had a small shock, but he didn't care. When he walked over, suddenly thought, "Oh! That person seems to know him." But “Man A” couldn't remember who he was, or where he had seen him. A few days later, when Man A heard that the man with blood on his face had died, he felt unwell. A few days later, Man A fell ill.

Uncle Liang said: the cure for that disease in Man A is to go to that person's funeral, to go mourn that person's burial respectfully.


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Note 4.8-1: After 2014, based on this medical case, I analyzed out the appearance of God (cf. Section 10.8, Godly Appearances), and the treatment principles of mental illness (cf. Section 10.6, Principles of Curing Mental Illness).


4.9 花花綠綠的報刊亭 The Flowery Newsstand


In the fall of 1987, when I was a freshman in high school, my classmates, who had just arrived in the town of Great Tiger Mountain, noticed something strange. They wondered, how come there are so many meditation books for sale in this small place of Great Tiger Mountain? There are sold at the train station, at the newsstand, and in the bookstore. Moreover, here are more than twenty kinds of meditation books. How many kinds of meditation magazines can there be in all of China! In the towns around Great Tiger Mountain, some of them don't have even one kind, and the most of them have only two kinds. What's the matter? Is the Great Tiger Mountain the homeland of meditation!? How many people practice meditation? So, they began to investigate all the classmates whose homes were in Great Tiger Mountain, and it turned out that I was the only one who practiced meditation.


At that time, I also had this question and asked the person selling magazines at the newsstand. She said: "The people who come to deliver these magazines let us put them out for sale; if are not sold, they take them back and don't charge us money. We just put these magazines out, flowery new magazines that look good and stand out. Not many people buy these types of magazines, you're the one who buys them the most."

注4.9,2014年,我完成回憶錄後,發現我能從2011年得到劉團長過世的消息時,爆發的大爆炸(中文中古代稱作鬼病,現代稱作癔症;英文中過去稱作歇斯底裏,現在稱作皈依失調;參見10.2 節的大爆炸)中生存下來,要歸功於我良好的禪定技能和知識。而我的這些知識和技能來源於我在青少年時讀了許多報刊雜誌中關於氣功和宗教的文章。

Annotation 4.9, in 2014, after completing my memoirs, I realized that I could survive the big bang (called Ghost Disease in ancient Chinese culture, and Ill-intention Symptom in modern time; in English it used to be called Hysteria, and is now called Conversion Disorder; see section 10.2 Big Bang) that erupted when I got the news of the passing of Troupe Leader Liu in 2011, thanks to my good meditation skills and knowledge. My meditation knowledge and skills came from reading many newspaper and magazine articles about meditation and religions when I was a teenager.

從我入學初中、高中、大學、研究生時期,都有怪事發生來判斷,這次我同學們的調查事件是劉團長安排的。那個做了十餘年虧本生意的人是劉團長。他為了讓我學氣功,賠錢供給氣功書充斥了大虎山鎮。有必要花費這麽大力氣嗎?有!我在雜誌上讀到過,有個和尚說過,“證得了四禪(參見第12章《禪》)的人,將來肯定能修成正果;即便是不幸墮入了地獄(即患了精神病),也能自己想辦法爬上來;到老了再不濟,也能證得個三果聖人(參見15.2.6節《小乘果》)。” 本書是劉團長在做靈魂轉世實驗;實驗對象必須有四禪的功力,劉團長才會送他去地獄,否則,去地獄回不來了,那是害人害己,勞而無功。

Judging from the fact that strange affairs happened to me when I was enrolled in junior high school, high school, college, and postgraduate school, this time, my classmates' investigative event was arranged by Troupe Leader Liu. The man who had been doing business at a loss for more than ten years was Troupe Leader Liu. He lost money supplying meditation books to flood the town of Great Tiger Mountain for me to learn meditation. Was it necessary to spend so much effort? Yes! I read it in a magazine that a monk said, "Those who have attained the Fourth Meditation (see chapter 12 Meditation) will surely be able to cultivate the correct fruits in the future; even if they are unfortunate enough to fall into the hell (i.e., suffer from mental illnesses), they will be able to find a way to climb up on their own; and when they are old, at the least, they will still be able to attain the Third Fruit Sage (see section 15.2.6 The Fruits of Small Vehicle)." This book is an experiment of soul reincarnation by Troupe Leader Liu; the chosen one of the experiments must have the capability of the Fourth Meditation before Troupe Leader Liu sends him to hell; otherwise, going to hell and not being able to come back would be harmful to oneself and others, and would be a hard labor of nonachievement.


4.10 遺囑 Wills




In the early spring of 1991, I was repeating my senior year at No. 1 High School in Black Mountain County. One day, my father and Uncle Liang came to visit me.

When walked into the restaurant's room, I noticed that they had set up a private room. In addition to a normal dining table, there is also an old-fashioned one-foot-high convenient table and a few small stools in the wide part of the room. On the table there is a thermos flask and several old-fashioned porcelain bowls.

Dad said to me, "You grew up loving your Uncle Liang's storytelling. Now his lung cancer is terminal, so this is the last time he will tell you stories. This time, your Uncle Liang wants you to remember the story for the rest of your life. He will not only tell it to you but also demonstrate it to you."

第一條遺囑 First Will



While pulling me to sit at the small table, dad said: "The story goes that a man used to be sick with thirst and needed to drink water constantly. A large amount of water would relieve his illness and extend his life. This man always carried two buckets of water with him and carried them on a flat stretcher so that he would always have water to drink. Whenever he arrived at a village or a new place, he first looked for a well. After drinking at the well, he would then fill up the two buckets and pick the two buckets before continuing on his journey."

Uncle Liang shouted behind us: "I'm sick with thirst right now, give me a big bowl of water."

我爸大聲回答:“好嘞!服務員!這個房間要水!” 說著,我爸就從暖壺往大碗裏倒水,然後又參了點兒涼水。爸爸對我說:“喝之前要注意水溫,得先試試水溫,就這樣試一試。” 說著,他就把食指插進了水碗,又對我說:“感覺一下!你來試一試!”


My dad replied loudly: "Okay! Waiter! This room needs water!" With that, my dad poured water from the thermos flask into a big bowl and then added some cold water. My dad said to me: "Before you drink it, you should pay attention to the temperature of the water, you have to try the temperature of the water first, just like this to try." With that, he inserted his index finger into the bowl of water and said to me: "Feel it! You try it!"

I replied: "My hands are not clean."





My dad said: "If you're told to try it, try it! Otherwise, your Uncle Liang will be angry!"

So, I stuck my finger in the bowl of water, tried it, and said, "Warm water, feels a little cold."

Uncle Liang said: "Remember! Warm water that feels a little cold to your fingers is the right temperature to drink."

My dad was going to change the bowl of water for Uncle Liang. He said: "No! Change it and you two try it again for me with your fingers."


梁伯說:“盧岩!你看著!我要都喝了。” 喝了兩大口後又說:“大不了多去一趟廁所。” 梁伯喝了水之後,又說:“二禿子!你能記住這件事兒不,要不啊!咱在演習一次。”



My dad had no choice, so he handed him the water and said: "I don't see the need to act twice! Then you can just take two less sips to show Luyan."

Uncle Liang said: "Luyan! You watch! I'm going to drink it all." After taking two big gulps, he said: "No big deal! One more trip to the toilet." After drinking the water, Uncle Liang said to me: “Second Baldy! Can you remember this or not? Let's do it again!?"

I replied, "No problem, I can remember."

Uncle Liang asked me to repeat the story.


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Annotation 4.10-1, first will, circa 2010, at age 40, my schizophrenia had developed mature, which is caused by emotional trauma, with gastrointestinal ulcers as a concomitant. I needed to drink large amounts of water from time to time to flush out irritating endocrine secretions, to dull the pain and unclog my gastrointestinal goings-on, so as not to burn the surface of my stomach and intestines with corrosive secretions. Once, in the summer of 2012, I was scalded in my stomach and intestines because I drank a large amount of hot water. The water wasn't so much hot as it was the amount of water I was drinking. I started to test the water temperature with my fingers, trying to figure out the right temperature: lukewarm water, with a little bit of cold feeling in my finger, is the right temperature. At that moment, I suddenly remembered the details above, "Uncle Liang said, remember! Warm water, a little cool to the touch of the fingers is the right temperature to drink." I realized that Uncle Liang was an emissary of Troupe Leader Liu, and that it was Troupe Leader Liu who arranged for him to be by my side and accompany me as I grew up. My illness (i.e., falling into hell) did not come naturally but was framed by Troupe Leader Liu in a premeditated manner. He used an allusion in order not to jeopardize my relationship with Uncle Liang.


圖4中央是古埃及的眾生之母夏娃。類比可知,她頭頂的蜣螂蟲擊垮了獅子王亞當,表示亞當被夏娃創傷後,患了胃腸潰瘍,而且也伴有呼吸障礙。呼吸障礙是由“獅子王亞當被裝進了容器” 來表示的。

My illness is accompanied by a breathing disorder. Illustration 4.10.1-3 is a drawing of Mexico (a.k.a. Tlaloc) in ancient Mexico during his descent into hell (i.e., suffering from a mental illness). In the upper part of the picture there is a large amount of water flowing into his body, indicating that he had a gastrointestinal ulcer; there is a color bar on his face covering his nose, and there is an angular fragment; that indicates that he suffered from a respiratory disorder. Other signs show that Mexico has since realized that the Jade woman, Chalchiuhtlicue, is a goddess, and that her father, Huitzilopochtli, has all the powers and accomplishments of God.

At the center of Figure 4 is Eve, the ancient Egyptian mother of all livings. By analogy, the dung beetle on top of her head crushed Adam, the lion king, indicating that Adam, after being traumatized by Eve, suffered from gastrointestinal ulcers, and was also suffering from respiratory problems. The respiratory disorder is indicated by the fact that "Adam the lion king was put into a container."

第二條遺囑 Second Will


爸爸站起來,走到了梁伯背後側邊,筆直地站著,像似在表演似的,莊重地說:“盧岩!你從小就和你梁伯情投意合,愛聽他給你講故事。你們倆是忘年交。人生這一輩子,有一個這樣的朋友,就應該知足。現在,你梁伯患了肺癌,已經到了晚期;他還有高血壓。醫生說他還可能活一個月。他臨死前從撫順趕來看你,就是為了給你講這個 ‘怪病人不停地喝水的故事’。他還有一句話,要親口對你說。”

During dinner, Uncle Liang suddenly said to my father, "Baiyang! Let's start now!"

Dad stood up, walked to the side behind Uncle Liang, stood straight, as if he was performing, and said solemnly: “Luyan! You have been in love with your Uncle Liang since you were a child and loved to listen to him tell you stories. The two of you are friends who have forgotten the age difference. A human one life, has a friend like this, should be contented. Now, your Uncle Liang is suffering from lung cancer, which is at an advanced stage; he also has high blood pressure. The doctor said he might live another month. He came from Fushun to see you before he dies, just to tell you this 'story of the strange patient who kept drinking water'. He had one more sentence to say to you in person."


我問:“誰不是這樣,我有啥特殊的?” 我爸爸也這樣問。


Uncle Liang solemnly said to me: “Luyan! You must study hard, if you can get into a good university, then of course it's better. If you go to a bad university, that's fine. No matter what university, as long as you can study in a university, then your future is bright and has a different future.”

I asked: "Who isn't, what's so special about me?" My dad asked the same thing.

Uncle Liang replied: "Luyan is just different from others. If you go to college, Luyan will have a better future than others, because Luyan is the one I watched grow up. Luyan! You repeat to me the two things I did to you today."



I repeated the two wills, number one, the story of a man who had some strange disease and always kept drinking water. Before drinking the water, pay attention to the temperature of the water; it's only suitable if it feels a little cold to finger. Number two: If I can go to college, I'll have an extraordinarily bright future, because I grew up under your watch.

During the meal, Uncle Liang said: "Luyan, look around at the layout of this house and recall everything that has happened from the time we entered the house until now." Dad and he pointed out points to me from time to time to help me recall: the small dining table, the water bowls, pouring water, testing the temperature of the water, drinking the water, and Uncle Liang's expectations of me, and so on.


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Annotation 4.10-2, In 2014, I completed my memoirs, recalled what happened before I was three years old, proved the Fate Through (see section 10.5), and learned that Troupe Leader Liu had been secretly looking out for me behind the scenes from the time I was one year old to the time I was 34 years old. This will, Troupe Leader Liu also said that his selection on the “next life” in the soul reincarnation experiment, requires at least a college graduate. However, I still have a question, what is the probability of success of this experiment? The odds depend on the Fate Intelligence, although I recalled what happened before I was three years old, proving that the Fate Intelligence might exist, what is the Fate Intelligence? Is it reliable? I was confused.

第三條遺囑 Third Will




Before exiting the private room after eating, Uncle Liang asked me to look around the room. After leaving the restaurant, he also asked me to look around the restaurant, the road, the trees, the wind, the temperature, etc.

My dad asked him: "Why do you keep making him look around?"

Uncle Liang replied: "Luyan, who never forgets whatever pass through his eyes, can remember for the rest of his life after seeing this scene and feeling this climate. Afterward, he will be able to recall what we have done and spoken today based on these trees, the temperature and wind, etc."




Dad chattered inexplicably: “Never forgets whatever pass through his eyes! Luyan still has this ability!”

Uncle Liang replied firmly: “Yes! I know! Because I watched him grow up!”

He passed away in Fushun Hospital on the sixth day after he left here.


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Annotation 4.10-3, In the spring of 2016, when I was re-reading my Memoirs, I noticed that Uncle Liang said that I would not forget anything pass through my eyes, and was always asking me to look here and there, so I realized that Troupe Leader Liu knew that I was an image-thinking type of person. I consulted books on modern psychology and concluded in Section 10.7, Fate Intelligence.


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