本章的目錄 Table of Contents:3.0 前言 Preface;3.1 肉眼通的作法Making Flesh Eye Through;3.2 肉眼通的功能 Function of Flesh Eye Through;3.3 培養宿命智 Cultivation of Fate Intelligence;3.4 巴甫洛夫樓 Pavlov Building;3.5 肉眼通的鑒別 Identification of Flesh Eye Through;3.6 我幼時的特質Trait of my Childhood;3.7 作法後的糾紛 Disputes after The Makings;3.8 醫學實驗的傳聞 Rumor of a Medical Experiment;3.9 關於前三章的注解 Annotations on the First Three Chapters
3.0 前言 Preface
1973年9月的一天,崔鳳龍姨父又從撫順回家探親,來到我們家作客。我看到他之後非常高興。媽媽對他說: “你和盧岩是有緣。他見著你就高興,象似還認識你似的。”
崔鳳龍說: “我看盧岩記得我。”
One day in September 1973, Uncle Dragon came home from Fushun to visit his family again and came to our house as a guest. I was very happy to see him. Mom said to him: "You and Luyan are destined to be together. He was happy to see you, as if he still knew you."
Uncle Dragon said: "I see that Luyan remembers me."
媽媽說: “你可不知道呢! 去年你走後,盧岩總問,‘我大姨夫怎麽不來了呢?’我告訴他你走了。盧岩就哭了,隨後就上火了,嗓子腫了好幾天;有兩天都不能說話了。”
Mom said, "You don't know! After you left last year, Luyan always asked, ‘Why isn't Uncle Dragon coming?' I told him you were gone. Luyan then cried, and then got on fire, and his throat swelled up for days; he couldn't talk for two days."
媽媽對前年劉團長的事耿耿於懷,另外她仍然記得去年崔鳳龍對我的影響,說: “我還記著呢!自從上次你給盧岩講故事,他就懂事兒多了。依我看,你還能算是他的啟蒙老師呢!”
Mom was haunted by what happened when Troupe Leader Liu came the year before, in addition she still remembered the effect Uncle Dragon had on me last year, saying: "I still remember it! Since the last time you told Luyan a story, he's been much more understanding. In my opinion, you can still be considered his Revelation Teacher!"
崔鳳龍的臉色變得火紅,不停地笑,走來走去,說: “也可以這麽說。不過,人家都說幼兒園或者小學老師是啟蒙老師。”
Uncle Dragon's face turned fiery red, kept laughing, walked around, and said: "You could say the same thing. However, people say that kindergarten or elementary school teachers are Revelation Teacher."
媽媽說: “我知道,不過我聽說,啟蒙的本意是,不知怎麽著,把小孩兒的眼睛給蒙上了。孩子看東西,像有霧似的,看不清遠處。眼蒙被揭開後,他就能清楚地看近看遠了。”
Mom said: "I know, but I've heard that the original meaning of Revelation was, somehow, to blindfold a child. The child looked at things as if there was a fog and couldn't see far. After the eye blindfold is revelated, he can see clearly near and far."
崔鳳龍背對著我站在屋地中央,側著臉看著媽媽,過了一會兒回答: “我也是這麽聽說的。”
媽媽興奮地請求: “你是咋聽說的,給我說說唄!”
Uncle Dragon stood on middle of the floor with his back to me, looked sideways at my mom, after a while replied, "That's what I heard."
Mom excitedly requested: "How did you hear that, tell me about it!"
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