1. 憶江南:唐教坊曲名。一名‘望江南’。至晚唐、五代成為詞牌名。
2. 江南:這裏主要是長江下遊的江浙一帶。
3. 諳(an1):熟悉。
4. 江花:江邊的花朵。一說指江中的浪花。
5. 藍:藍草,其葉可製靛藍染料。
6. 桂子:即桂花。
7. 郡亭:指杭州刺史衙門裏的虛白亭。
8. 潮頭:錢塘江大潮的浪頭。
9. 吳宮:指吳王夫差為西施所建的館娃宮,在蘇州西南的靈岩山上。
10. 竹葉:酒名,或泛指美酒。
11. 吳娃:泛指江南美女。
12. 醉芙蓉:形容舞伎美麗迷人。
13. 早晚:什麽時候,何日。
Fair Southern shore
With scenes I adore.
At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire,
In spring green waves grow as blue as sapphire,
Which I can’t but admire.
(許淵衝 譯)
The South’s dear to me;
The scenes stay in my memory.
Over the waves the sun glows, redder than fire,
And the spring water flows, as blue as sapphire.
How can I not the South desire?
(趙彥春 譯)
In memories of the south-of-river land,
The place I miss most is Hangzhou.
In the moonlit hill-temple I once traced the osmanthus scent,
In the lounge chair in the pavilion of my yamen, I watched tide grand.
What time will I revisit you?
(唐宋韻 試譯)
In memories of the south-of-river land,
I also yearn for Suzhou, where my dreams expand.
A cup of fine wine of Wu area in hand,
Two dancers move gracefully, their faces like lotus red.
When will I see you again as I once said?
(唐宋韻 試譯)
【注:1. 未找到第二、三首的翻譯,就自己試一下; 2. 第一首的兩個專家譯,我感覺這一首趙彥春的翻譯要好得多。他把“舊”給譯出來了,而且我認為他對“江花”的理解是正確的。】