


(2023-11-10 19:56:53) 下一個





  • 隻要我們崇尚恩賜而不是品格。這是世界的精神。世界喜歡恩賜,但上帝喜歡正直、服侍和謙卑。恩賜並不等同於成熟。僅僅因為某人有某種真正的恩賜並不一定意味著他們是成熟的。如果我們必須選擇,讓我們選擇成熟。
  • 隻要我們追求“平台”、名人地位、名望、追隨者和金錢。令人悲哀的現實是,如果我們能達到超級巨星的地位,就會有很多錢,但最終,這些錢會毀了我們。
  • 隻要金錢與事工如此緊密地相連。當然,工人是應當得工價的,但如果我們事奉上帝必須得到報酬,那麽(a)我們絕對不應該拿工資,(b)我們需要與上帝和好。
  • 隻要我們不敢對那些有很大恩賜的人問責,因為我們害怕“觸摸神的受膏者”。
  • 隻要我們不處理生命中的破碎,使我們貪戀人的關注和讚揚。
  • 隻要我們的“異象”不是來自上帝的旨意,不是真正服侍他人,而是我們服務自己的、人的野心的表達。
  • 隻要我們對錯誤的教導和不應驗的預言不負責任。我們必須坦誠麵對現實,停止為荒謬的事找借口或者視而不見。
  • 隻要我們在新興領導者中隻是專注於發展知識和技能。我們必須建立與基督的深刻合一、服侍、正直、純粹的異象、責任感——這才是真正的領袖建立!



上帝對祂兒子的中心地位和名望是嫉邪的。祂不會讓我們占據那個位置。我們的使命不是爭奪名望和財富。我們唯一的使命是追隨主耶穌並像祂一樣。然後,出於祂內住的生命,我們必須以祂呼召我們的方式事奉祂——無論是大是小,甚至什麽也不是——無論我們是否被人知道。這才是真正的基督教領導,這才是我們應該追隨的真正的屬神的男人和女人。 “祂也是教會全體之首。祂是元始,是從死裏首先複生的,使祂可以在凡事上居首位。”(歌羅西書 1:18)

Fallen Leaders and Our Current Church Culture

Malcolm Webber

For many years we have watched a non-stop parade of high-profile Christian leaders who are exposed for one major failing or another with the inevitable and terrible pain and disillusionment for their followers, and the loss of credibility for the broader Church in the eyes of the world who mock such a circus.

And this parade will continue as long as we refuse to face reality and deal with the underlying dysfunctional characteristics of our current church culture:

  • As long as we honor gifting above maturity. This is the spirit of the world. The world loves gifting, but God loves integrity, servanthood, humility. Gifting does not equal maturity. Just because someone has a genuine gifting of some kind does not necessarily mean they’re mature. If we have to choose, let’s please choose maturity.
  • As long as we pursue a “platform,” celebrity status, fame, followers, influence, money. The sad reality is that there is so much money if we can hit superstar status – but, in the end, it will destroy us.
  • As long as money is so closely connected to ministry. Of course, the laborer is worthy of his hire, but if we have to be paid to serve God, then (a) we should most definitely not be paid, and (b) we need to get right with God.
  • As long as we don’t hold the highly gifted accountable because we’re afraid of “touching God’s anointed.”
  • As long as we don’t deal with the brokenness in our lives that makes us crave man’s attention and approval.
  • As long as our “vision” does not come from the will of God and genuinely serve the people, but instead is an expression of our own self-serving human ambition.
  • As long as we are not held accountable for false teaching, and for prophecies that don’t come to pass. We must be honest, face reality and stop excusing and overlooking the nonsense.
  • As long as we focus on building only knowledge and skills in our emerging leaders. We must build deep union with Christ, servanthood, integrity, true vision, accountability – that is real leader development!

Dear Christian leaders, we must please stop following the superstar celebrities. They are not leading us in the path of godliness. We must stop copying them and wanting to be like them. We must stop perpetuating the glittery religious show.

Instead we must get face-to-face with God ? far away from the spotlights ? and build our own lives in Him in the secret place. We must not just repeat their teachings and copy their “successful” strategies and forms. We must stop parroting their books and sayings. We must know God for ourselves. We must be in the Word and prayer for ourselves. Then our leadership will not be hollow, but it will have life. And only then will we bring true life to others. Only then will our churches come alive and thrive. Only then will we bear fruit – fruit that lasts.

The only heavenly-recognized celebrity is the Son of God. Jesus is the Beginning and the End of all things. And the Church is His – not ours. Those whom God allows to be shepherds must care for His people, not use them. Let’s please stop pursuing fame, influence and fortune. Just please stop! Instead pursue Him.

God is jealous over the centrality and the fame of His Son. He will not allow us to have that place. Our calling is not to compete for fame and fortune. Our only calling is to pursue the Lord Jesus and to be like Him. Then, out of His indwelling life, we must serve Him in whatever way He calls us – whether it’s big or little or nothing at all ? whether we’re known or not. That is true Christian leadership and those are the true men and women of God we should follow.

“And He is the Head of the Body, the Church. He is the Beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent.” (Colossians 1:18)


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