2021 (142)
2023 (410)
2025 (5)
Do everything in dependance on me. The desire to act independently – apart from me – springs from the root of pride. Self-sufficiency is subtle, insinuating its way into your thoughts and actions without your realizing it. But apart from me, you can do nothing: that is, nothing of eternal value. My deepest desire for you is that you learn to depend on me in every situation. I move heaven and earth to accomplish this purpose, but you must collaborate with me in this training. Teaching you would be simple if I neglected your free will or overwhelmed you with my power. However, I love you too much to withdraw the godlike privilege I bestowed on you as my image-bearer. Use your freedom wisely by relying on me constantly. Thus you enjoy my presence and my peace.
在一切事情上都要依靠我。渴望獨立行動 - 遠離我 - 源自驕傲的根源。自足是微妙的,它會在你不自覺的情況下滲入你的思維和行動。但離了我,你就不能做什麽:意思是,不能成就有任何永恒價值的事情。我對你最深切的願望是,你能在每種情況下學會依靠我。我竭盡全力來實現這個目的,但在這個訓練中,你必須與我合作。如果我忽視你的自由意誌或用我的力量壓倒你,教導你會很簡單。然而,我太愛你了,不會剝奪你作為我的形象承載者所賦予的像神一樣的特權。明智地運用你的自由,不斷地依靠我。這樣你就能享受我的同在和我的平安。