2021 (241)
2022 (436)
2023 (328)
–早上起來做了HIIT, 好累啊,以後慢慢適應
–看了婦科大夫,把雌激素貼貼劑量增加到0.05mg/day, 其他沒有變
–上周做血液檢查,發現testosterone水平下跌快50% ,從5月份的28,到了現在的16。難怪最近經常覺得累,睡得好了,但是到下午,晚上也很累。跑步速度都降下來一些。哎,更年期女生是塊寶,要好好嗬護
–今天搞明白了一個地產投資項目,kkr equity firm很厲害。弄明白一個道理,除了創新,就是資本生錢最快
–晚上繼續看“殺死一隻知更鳥”的老電影,很好看。其中有一句話:"There are some men in this world, who were born to do our unpleasant jobs for us.", 和另外一句話非常類似:
If your job is to eat fog, you will eat it first thing in the morning. If your job is to eat 2 fogs, you will eat the larger one first thing in the morning. Mark Twain.