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Early medicine-筆記 了解睡眠,掌控睡眠

(2024-09-06 19:51:37) 下一個

Longevity tactic: sleep

1. what is sleep

2. circadian rhythm and sleep chronotypes: 生物鍾控製體溫,胃口,性激素,清醒度/睡意,通過褪黑色素調節。Chronotype是(9個基因)決定你是夜貓子還是百靈鳥。Walker: 10:45-6:30am, 2nd mouse gets the cheese. MEQ 問卷。 Sleep pressure (adenosine helps build sleep pressure) and sleep debt. Sleep clears adenosine. When adenosine builds up, circadian rhythms drops down. Don't have too much time in sleep, needs to feel "heavy", keep your brain sharp, not "lazy", improve your sleep efficiency. 

sleep restriction therapy

you control your sleep, not your sleep controls you.

sleep debt: diff between sleep amount and sleep needs. Did I have enough sleep: 醒來時候覺得睡夠了嗎?我現在已經不用鬧鈴,都是自己醒來。早上覺得困嗎,用喝咖啡嗎?我早上前麵1-2個小時總是不在最佳狀態。

sleep efficiency should be >85%

Like everything else, sleep, work, play, work-out, learn should all be: deep, hard, efficient

3. What is good sleep? QQRT

quantity: at least 7 hours, older adults still need the same amount of sleep. Ability to sleep enough is a strength.

quality: fragmented is bad, continuity is good, deep sleep

regularity: bedtime and awaking time

timing: fit into your chronotype

4. Temperature and light: sleep room temp: 65-67F, cool down core temp, hand, feet, face need to be warm, don't let the heat trapped in the body. Cold temp during night, warming up 30min before awaking time. I am not the best version of me in the first 5-10min of the day. The hot drink turns things on. Caffeine takes more than 10min to kick in. Negative to positive to negative experiments: bidirectional tests. Warm bath effect, vasodilation, Thermal radiation and drop core temp. Minimal dose: 20min, morning and early PM. Thirty minutes before bed, dim the lights by 50% to signal melatonin release. 

Need bright, full spectrum of lights during the day and full darkness at night. 

5. Devices and TV

6. Caffeine and alcohol

7. Sleep Behaviors: Social jet leg. Don't torture your body, your biology. Napping? Peter's hunting experience. Shooting window: early AM and early evening. He does 90min nap. "Let's be critical about it." Opportunistic sleep when you are under pressure. Finger food buffet. 

Wind down sleep routine: landing a plane. Bedtime alarm. Get some routines done ahead, not too much, right at bed time. 

8. Supplements: They are low in the behavior tool ranking. Melatonin, travel and older age. Magnesium doesn't normally cross the blood/brain barrier, except Magnesium L-Threonate (Magtein). If your Mag is low and have poor sleep, taking Mag may help sleep. If not Mag deficient, the benefit is unknown. 

9. Medications

10. Wearables

11. troubleshooting: Insomnia (睡不著,老醒,睡得不好)。 急性期,遇到事情。3/week, for 3 months. CTI therapy, 6-8 sessions. 如果哪天沒睡好怎麽辦: do nothing, 不要做任何不一樣的:不要晚起,不要nap, 不要早睡,該做什麽做什麽,不要多喝咖啡。

Busy is being important? a social status?-wrong

What do I want to do differently?

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