
burpeejump (熱門博主)
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維護身體機能-sexual function

(2024-06-22 14:57:41) 下一個

這幾天聽”How not age”到了維護性功能這一章,Michael Greger 如同男閨蜜一般碎碎叨叨聊女生性功能健康,非常溫馨。講得真係統,學到很多。先從基礎的來吧:
--這些方麵:Variables of interest fall into the domains of importance of sex(性愛對你重要嗎), sexual desire(你的欲望強烈嗎?), frequency of activities (sexual intercourse and masturbation-性生活的頻率,包括和伴侶,以及自慰), physical pleasure(體感如何), emotional satisfaction with partner(內心的愉悅), arousal(激動嗎), and pain(有沒有痛感)
–一個女生的臨床實驗的問卷包括了下麵這些問題,All study women were asked (5 point scale):
--How important was sex in their lives (not at all to extremely)
--How often they felt desire in the past 6 months to engage in any form of sexual activity either alone or with a partner (not at all to daily), frequency of engaging in masturbation in the past 6 months
--If they had engaged in sexual activities with a partner in the last 6 months (yes/no)
--Respondents who reported having engaged in sexual activities with a partner in the last six months were asked about frequency of sexual intercourse and arousal during sexual activity (not at all to daily), and degree of emotional satisfaction and physical pleasure from their relationship with a partner (not at all to extremely). Frequency of vaginal or pelvic pain during intercourse
--Chinese and Japanese women reported less importance, desire, masturbation, arousal, and more pain, while African-American women reported greater importance, frequency, and pain, but less arousal, emotional satisfaction, and physical pleasure than did Caucasian women.用白人女生作對照,中國和日本女生報告相對較低的:性生活的重要性,欲望,自慰頻率,激動程度,和更多的痛感。感覺這個2010年的文章的數據已經和現代中國女生不符。
–良好的性生活是身體健康的表現,同時性愛過程中釋放的endorphins, 快樂激素提高免疫功能(natural killer cell function)。
–Greger 分享了很多改善措施,從飲食,熏香,控製疾病,規避風險等等,以後再聊。總得先知道自己的現狀吧LOL

1. Masturbation frequency and sexual function domains are associated with serum reproductive hormone levels across the menopausal transition
2. Longitudinal Changes in Sexual Functioning as Women Transition Through Menopause: Results from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN)


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