--Sex Differences in Association of Physical Activity With All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality, journal of the american college of cardiology 2/2024
--問卷調查,leisure-time physical activity (freq, duration, intensity, type)
--all cause mortality and CVSD mortality
--followed 1997-2019 (22 年)
--Regular leisure-time physical activity compared with inactivity was associated with 24% and 15% lower risk of all-cause mortality in women and men, respectively. Men reached their maximal survival benefit of HR 0.81 from 300 min/wk of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, whereas women achieved similar benefit at 140 min/wk and then continued to reach a maximum survival benefit of HR 0.76 also at ∼300 min/wk. Sex-specific findings were similar for cardiovascular death and consistent across all measures of aerobic activity as well as muscle strengthening activity.
--每周2-3次肌肉訓練似乎最佳 HR 0.75 for all-cause mortality, ~0.6 for cardiovascular mortality,比>3次以上還好一些。
--我對自己的要求:每周>150min 中-高強度有氧,2-3次負重訓練。隊友需要比我增加有氧訓練
ref: https://www.jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.jacc.2023.12.019