Secrets from other dimension


Where the hell coronavirus came from?

(2021-01-04 18:36:49) 下一個


The coronavirus has been spreading all over the world, where the hell did it come from?

Officially it blames on eating the wild animals, such as bats started from Wuhan seafood market, would you believe it?  In many countries rather than China, people eat bats, below is quoted from Wikipedia:

"Bats are a food source for humans in some areas. Bats are consumed in various amounts in ChinaSeychellesIndonesiaPalauGuam, and in some other African, Asian, and Pacific Rim countries and cultures.[1][2] In Guam, Mariana fruit bats (Pteropus mariannus) are considered a delicacy.[3][4]Bats were also eaten in parts of Europe and Middle East in the past to a lesser extent. Bats are still eaten in parts of Africa, where in one method of capture, a cave is raided and the escaping bats' wings snagged on prickly branches."

Have we ever heard virus spreading before in those countries?

In the media we have heard different stories, let me list a few possibilities:

1: You are right, America. When bad things happen in China, the foreign hostile force, typically America has to be the number one suspect. Collected gene from Chinese, invented virus and spread into China to kill all the Chinese, because so far very few other races have been effected, which is considered as a solid evidence. However if America did this, why would it be Wuhan?Why not Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or Shenzhen? How could they bring the virus into China without getting caught?

2: Came from the lab. There is a P4 lab in Wuhan, start being noticed. But if this virus came from lab, how could it be spreading all over? From some news and pictures we know this lab is studying coronavirus, we don't know what is this intent to, if the virus is designed to kill mostly Asians. It is a case study? Target on own people? Target on other Asian nations? We don't know, but we have to know this happened accidentally or on purpose? I hope this was just a simple accident.

3: If this wasn't an accident, things would go nasty, for all of 3 possibilities as below: First is first, foreign hostile force. cooperating with some insiders to spread virus? That would be terrorism. It could be someone was basically a traitor, for whatever the reason and did this.

4: The political opposites. That would be a coup, using this big public issue to force the changing of government or leadership.  If this was the case, which means Chinese leadership is in a very dangerous situation.

5: The current political power. Why would they do this? To cover the economy depress from the trade war? To find excuse not to follow the phase one agreement? To scare own people in order to have better control? To unit people together and using virus as a target? To make a worldwide chaos? To shut down the country and scare the foreign hostile force away? I wouldn't believe anyone would be evil like this.

I would rather believe this was from bat soup or just an accident from the lab, how about you? 

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