
  • 博客訪問:

那些年 種種華洋文化差異 (5)

(2024-12-15 11:53:36) 下一個
  • “Answer to the Query”



三. 被“教化”的效果

Incognito在“Answer to the Query”文章裏是這樣描述的:“我已經觀察到,通過在歐洲家庭中撫養他們的一些孩子來加速土著文明的期望被不同的原因所挫敗,也就是說,他們中的一些人在成熟的時候對自己部落的禮儀甚至人產生了厭惡,而另一些人則相反,對歐洲人的禮儀產生了同樣的厭惡,後來他們放棄了。對立如此懸殊的偏見,必然有其根源,並作為必然結果而取得成功;有些人是在長大後才被帶離父母的,因為他們已經習慣了自己出生時的習慣。一般來說,最初的印象是最強烈的,所以他們後來又傾向於舊習也就不足為奇了;而另一些較早從部落中撤出的人,在成長過程中對他們在嬰兒期被拯救出來的卑鄙的禮儀產生了厭惡,他們無法區分人和禮儀,因此對兩者都產生了反感” (注2)。

直譯是有點繞及“燒腦”,英文原是:“I have already observed that the expectation entertained of accelerating the civilization of the natives by rearing some of their children in European families had been foiled from different causes, namely, an aversion which some of them when at a riper age conceived to the manners and even the persons of their own tribes, while others, upon the contrary, conceived no less an aversion to the manners of Europeans, which they afterwards abandoned. Prejudices so excessively contrasted must have had their origin in certain causes to which they succeeded as a necessary consequence; - some being taken from their parents after they had attained to a sufficient age to relish the habits they were born in, and, as ?rst impressions in general are the strongest, it is not altogether wonderful their inclination afterwards should return to; while others, who were earlier withdrawn from the tribes, were impressed as they grew up with an aversion to the abject manners from which they had been rescued in their infancy, and unable to discriminate between men and manners, conceived an antipathy to both”.

Incognito在另一篇中有這樣的一句:“邪惡與美德可以比喻為心靈的兩大支柱,但地位並不相等,一個是自然和上帝的恩賜,另一個則是伴隨著我們從搖籃到墳墓的成長過程中偶然和滄桑逐漸引入的” (注3)。


成書於南宋紹熙至嘉定年間且經元、明、清、民國時期多次增改的“三字經”,雖然說是中國的傳統兒童啟蒙教材,但其理念至今不改,但與社會實際卻配套不起來,因為在1950年後就全麵師從前蘇聯的教育體係了,變出了個怪胎。“三綱五常”就不多說了,要詳述得成書,單就兩句已夠“朦圈”, 儒家倫理架構在當下已然“散架”。

“養不教,父之過;教不嚴,師之惰”。 教育成本之高,當代尋常百姓的三座大山之一,是眾所公認的事;“不要讓孩子輸在起跑線上”又忽悠了幾許父母?是同一起跑線嗎?當窮人的孩子氣喘喘的跑了不知多少個圈,別人的孩子卻叉著手說“我爸是李剛”。明堂上有將準兒媳在見麵的半年後納為第四任妻子的事也就見怪不怪了,倒也難為了他曾受高等教育的兒子見到曾經是自己未來妻子時,這聲“媽”如何出口!



說到底,Incognito在“Answer to the Query”文章的話也是兩個字 - “維穩”。如何將在原始社會生活的土著與即將到來的工業化文明的殖民者在同一天空下共同促進社會的發展和進步。西方的“維穩”靠的是“法”,也就是說有“度”。

Incognito當年沒有想得那麼深,而有一段話至今仍然警世:“道德訓誡不過是道德的理論、實例的真正實踐;因此,評判一個人必須根據他的行為,因為行為是他思想正直的充分證明,而不能隻看他的言語,因為言語的傾向性雖然很好,但如果假定他不誠實,他的效果就會大打折扣”。原話是“Moral precept is but the theory, example the true practice of morality; Men must therefore be judged by their works, which are proofs substantial of a rectitude of mind, and not from words alone, which, however excellent in their tendency, yet lose considerably in their effect from a presumption of insincerity”(注4) 。



另一個糾錯機製在中國是公開的被“不完全”堵死了,所說的“不完全”是因為互聯網的出現,卻由於對“自由”這個詞的誤解或歪曲,部份或完全抵消了糾錯機製的作用 – 這個機製就是“言論自由”。在西方而言,“言論自由”出現數百年了,Incognito這係列文章也就是其中一個代表。

Incognito將文章發到報館,報館因在其中加入了記者的留言而公開表示歉意:“As an apology for carrying the conclusion of this Article to the next Paper, we beg leave to insert a note from the Correspondent, received by the Publisher this day” (注5)。


"A few weeks ago in a reply to the Query of PHILANTHROPUS, "A Friend to Civilization" very justly observed what is universally acknowledged and generally lamented, that the morals and conduct of both aged and young are by no means what could be wished: I should therefore feel extremely happy and greatly obliged, if the same Gentleman, or any of your worthy Correspondents, would favour the Public with Plan that might be adopted in this Country for the most effectually removing those evils of which we complain, viz. suppressing vice and establishing amongst us that christian morality which a people honoured with revelation ought to practice; and also the best method of educating and bringing up the children of the poor, to render them top most useful to Society in a religious moral, and political point of view” (注6)。

Incognito 的回應是:

“In a late Sydney Gazette I observed a letter from a Mr. Tyro, requiring information as to the most likely plan for suppressing vice, establishing moral habits, and educating and bringing up our children in a decent and orderly way; all which I think very proper subjects for re?exion, and have therefore availed myself of the leisure I have when the business of the day is over, to over some little spontaneous observation on the given points, less, be it remembered at the same time, that I am capable of writing what any body else may deem worthy of reading, than form a cool but trite opinion, that when Mr. Tyro, or any other Gentleman shall vouchsafe to render to the world a proposition of a good and charitable tendency, the compliment of an answer he is at least entitled to, and that if men of good capacity will not assist therein, that even I, or any other of an humble rank in reasoning have a right to come forward with our poor opinions and demand a hearing, without the dread of censure or reproach” (注7)。

上兩段英文則不全譯了。Incognito的函件中表達的是“…. Tyro先生的來信,他要求提供有關壓製惡習、建立道德習慣、以體麵有序的方式教育和撫養我們的孩子的最可行計劃的信息;…. 即使是我,或任何其他在推理方麵地位低下的人,也有權提出我們的差的意見,而要求聽取意見,不必擔心受到譴責或責備”。

在8月份登了所謂差的意見poor opinions:“我曾極力主張,我們必須盡可能多地收養當地的孩子,讓他們成為我們自己家庭的成員;雖然,也許很少有父母,不管他們的膚色如何,會在短暫的通信中傾向於與他們的孩子分開,然而,少數父母一開始就受到善待和適當的照顧,也許,毫無疑問,隨著時間的推移,會產生更普遍的信任;然後,他們就會很高興地同意改變他們的條件,而不是不情願地與他們分手。另一方麵,很少有歐洲家庭願意撫養一個小小的異鄉人,因為我們的偏見在某種程度上與他的膚色發生了衝突。但是,如果允許人類為他們辯護,這第二個障礙遲早也是可以克服的。他們必須得到善待,衣食住行,生活舒適;- 當他們學習我們的語言時,必須練習他們自己的語言,這是我們的孩子應該掌握的; - 他們必須接受教育和指導,從事正確的職業,或從事他們所喜歡從事的任何職業; - 必須教育他們孝敬父母,尊敬親人,以身作則,為文明事業盡最大的貢獻。隨著年齡的增長,他們會對自己的處境更加敏感;勤勞的人不會比熟悉的人更令人愉快;宗教在他們的頭腦中會像在其他人的頭腦中一樣留下深刻的印象,因此,隨著時間的推移,我們應該變得友好;他們會得到更明顯的利益,而我們則會因為在如此重大的事件中履行了我們作為人類和基督徒的職責而感到持久的滿足” (注8)。



注1. “聯邦政府修改被偷走一代補償計劃資格標準”:By Cindy Xie, 9 February 2022,https://www.sbs.com.au/language/chinese/zh-hans/article/indig-redress/8s822sj9k

注2. “Answer to the Query (continued)”: Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 4 August 1810, page 2。

注3. “Answer to the Query (continued)”: Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 17 November 1810, page 2。

注4.“Answer to the Query (continued)”: Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 4 August 1810, page 2。

注5. 同(注4)

注6.“To the Printer of the Sydney Gazette”: Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 2 Novembert 1810, page 2。

注7 .“To the Printer of the Sydney Gazette”: Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 17 Novembert 1810, page 2。

注8 .“Answer to the Query (continued)”: Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 11 August 1810, page 2。


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