任職美國最權威的國家過敏和傳染病研究所主任 (Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) 36年,迄今為止已經服務過6位美國總統的福奇博士 (Dr. Anthony Fauci) 在複活節的周日早上接受采訪時口無遮攔,差點被川普解職。他在采訪時說:"你可以從邏輯上講,如果你有一套措施正在實施中,你可以早點開始采取減緩新冠傳播的行動,你就可以拯救生命." "You could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives." 然後,福奇博士接著說: 要做這樣的決定是很複雜的。很明顯如果從剛一開始就采取行動,全麵關停的話,情況會有所不同。但當初要全麵關停遇到了很大的阻力 (But there was a lot pushback about shutting things down back then.)
川普總統看了後很生氣,當天晚上他親自轉發了一條要求解雇福奇博士的推特。當全世界都在等著福奇博士被解雇的消息的時候,第二天在白宮例行的記者會上,川普說:"今天我走進來,我聽說我要炒掉他,我現在不會炒掉他,我認為他是個了不起的家夥." "Today I walk in, I hear I'm going to fire him. I'm not firing him. I think he is a wonderful guy. " 接著在記者會上,福奇博士也為自己辯護說他在采訪時是在回答一個假設的問題 (a hypothetical question)。又有記者問他在采訪時說的遇到的阻力是怎麽回事,福奇老爺子打起了太極,說他用錯了詞 (that was the wrong choice of words)。
每次看到在白宮記者會上,川普說一套,福奇博士很科學很藝術的糾正一番; 或者是福奇博士剛說完,川普又完全不顧科學,自己另說一套。有一次,記者是要問福奇博士剛才川普說的能治療新冠的神藥怎麽樣,立馬被川普毫不客氣的攔截下來,愣是沒讓福奇回答。上個月福奇在接受科學雜誌 (Science Magzine) 采訪時,被問到當川普總統在記者會上說錯的時候,那個moment他怎麽想的。他說:"我總不能跳到麥克風前麵,把他推下去." "I can't jump in front of the microphone and push him down." 福奇博士說這話的勇氣也著實讓人驚訝和佩服。
Bornfree2020-04-15 04:29:52回複悄悄話
Some journalists are so mean. After he said the "wrong choice of words" stuff, someone asked if he was under pressure to say so. He was visibly angry in front of camera.
playnice2020-04-14 21:01:41回複悄悄話
Nothing to worry about. He already said that it is no textbook case, and everybody is making the best gestimation.