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司法部把麥克弗林的案子改為撤銷 (Justice Dept. moves to drop case against Michael Flynn) 作者: Spencer S. Hsu, Devlin Barrett and Matt Zapotosky 

司法部在周四撤銷對川普總統前國家安全顧問麥克弗林的檢控,一個驚人的逆轉引起了來自執法官員們和民主黨人的指控,刑事司法係統正陷入到這屆政府的政治壓力中。(The Justice Department moved Thursday to drop charges against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a stunning reversal that prompted fresh accusations from law enforcement officials and Democrats that the criminal justice system was caving to political pressure from the administration.)

解除弗林對FBI說謊的有罪請求是發生在經政治上任命的司法部高級官員認定低階的檢察官們和特工們在特別檢察官穆勒進行的調查俄羅斯幹預2016年大選的過程中犯了嚴重錯誤之後。(The unraveling of Flynn’s guilty plea for lying to the FBI came after senior political appointees in the Justice Department determined lower-level prosecutors and agents erred egregiously in the course of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.)

在周四法庭備案的文件裏,司法部說"經過考慮審查所有的事實和這個案子的情況,包括新發現和公開的信息。。。本政府部門的結論是[弗林在2017年1月份與FBI的麵談]是通過FBI對弗林先生進行反情報調查,是不受束縛的,不合理的," 還有"所進行的調查沒有任何合法的調查依據." (In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information . . . the government has concluded that [Flynn’s interview by the FBI in January 2017] was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn,” and that it was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”)

司法部撤銷弗林的案子對川普來說是發了一筆政治橫財。他之前已經宣稱他在考慮要赦免他的前顧問。司法部的決定意味著他將不需要自己介入到弗林的案子裏。(The Justice Department’s abandonment of the Flynn case is a political windfall for Trump, who had already declared that he was considering a pardon for his former adviser. The Justice Department’s decision means he won’t have to become personally involved in the Flynn case.)

川普在2017年2月份逼走了弗林,並當他認罪的時候,總統發了推特:"我必須炒掉弗林將軍,因為他向副總統和FBI撒謊。他已經對那些說謊認罪了。這是個恥辱,因為他在過度時期的行為是合法的。沒有什麽可以隱藏的!" (Trump forced out Flynn in February 2017, and when he pleaded guilty, the president tweeted: “I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!”)

在周四,川普告訴記者們,弗林是"一個更偉大的戰士",並把起訴他的資深FBI和司法部的官員們稱為"人渣." 總統的律師Jay Sekulow說穆勒"應該為他所允許的,他的特工們和律師們的行為而感到羞愧." (On Thursday, Trump told reporters that Flynn was “an even greater warrior” and called the senior FBI and Justice Department officials who pursued him “human scum.” The president’s lawyer, Jay Sekulow, said Mueller “should be ashamed of the conduct of his agents and lawyers that he allowed.”)

通過一位代言人,穆勒表示拒絕就此事發表評論。司法部的一位女發言人說本司法部並沒有把撤銷此案的決定通報白宮。(Through a representative, Mueller declined to comment. A Justice Department spokeswoman said the department did not brief the White House on the decision to move to dismiss the case.)

司法部尋求去撤銷一個已認罪的案子是非常不尋常的,並且是發生在司法部長[注: 又稱總檢察長]威廉巴爾就另一起穆勒調查的案件對檢察官們施壓,要求為總統的朋友和前政治顧問羅傑斯通提出減輕量刑的建議後的幾個月。(It is highly unusual for the Justice Department to seek to undo a guilty plea, and comes just months after Attorney General William P. Barr pressed prosecutors in another of Mueller’s cases to soften their sentencing recommendation for the president’s friend and former political adviser Roger Stone.)

"司法部長巴爾的司法政治化是無底線的," 眾議院議長南希佩洛西(加州民主黨)說"推翻特別檢察官的報告是沒有先例的,是不尊重法治的." (“Attorney General Barr’s politicization of justice knows no bounds,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “Overruling the Special Counsel is without precedent and without respect for the rule of law.”)

就在司法部撤銷對弗林的起訴之前沒多久,直接負責此案的檢察官Brandon Van Grack正式退出 - 這跟負責斯通案子的檢察官做的一模一樣。(Shortly before the Justice Department abandoned Flynn’s prosecution, the line prosecutor on the case, Brandon Van Grack, formally withdrew — just as the Stone prosecutors had.)

在新的文件裏, 哥倫比亞區的聯邦檢察官謝伊寫到"繼續起訴這起案子不會為司法公正服務," 但是現在和以前的執法官員們說這個決定是對由來已久的司法部的原則的背叛。謝伊是由巴爾選中來領導聯邦檢察官辦公室的,他是唯一一個在文件上簽字的律師; 沒有其他的職業律師在文件上加上他們的名字。(In the new filing, Timothy Shea, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, wrote that “continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice,” but current and former law enforcement officials said the decision was a betrayal of long-standing Justice Department principles. Shea, who was tapped by Barr to lead the U.S. attorney’s office, was the only lawyer to sign the filing; no career attorneys affixed their names to it.)

"司法部和法治根基的另一個支柱已經塌了," 一位匿名的聯邦起訴員說,因為他沒被授權來公開談論這個案子。"對此舉的辯解是不可信的,而且將來可能會被犯罪分子用來逃脫合法的起訴." (“Another pillar in the foundation of the Department of Justice and the rule of law has fallen,” said one federal prosecutor, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because that person was not authorized to discuss the case publicly. “The justification for this move is not credible, and it may be used by criminals in the future to escape legitimate prosecution.")



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北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 '思與行' 的評論 : 謝謝回複!
北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 '落英如雪' 的評論 : 謝謝回複!從1924年第一任FBI Director開始,近百年的FBI的曆史裏,被川普總統炒掉的前FBI的頭James Comey是第六任。FBI(聯邦調查局)在美國政體裏的重要性和中立性是無容置疑的。選聯邦調查局局長絕不是個兒戲的事,一定是有很好的誠信背景,又很有能力,還要被兩黨基本上認可的人選。記得就在2016年大選前的10月份,James Comey力排眾議,堅持原則把希拉裏email的事上報國會,我們在電視都看到了。希拉裏一直認為自己的敗選與這有很大關係。推薦James Comey寫的書《A Higher Loyalty》,拜讀過,文筆很好,有不少他成長過程的故事。你可以不喜歡他,他的書對了解聯邦政府和FBI的運作很有幫助。
思與行 回複 悄悄話 如我之前的所有回複,我的信息不僅僅來源於Fox News, 還來自:National Review, The Hill, Yahoo News, Twitter, 還有其他。確實不能隻聽一種聲音。但是當主流媒體被一個黨派操縱,以政治正確為幌子,打壓攻擊一切不同的政見和聲音,那不是言論自由,那是以新聞自由為幌子,向獨裁專政的路上狂奔。
北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 '思與行' 的評論 : 特別檢察官穆勒曾經是聯邦調查局局長,從2001年(小布什當總統時)到2013年,任職12年。老江湖了,他知道根據規程什麽可以公開,什麽不能公開,什麽隻能公開到什麽程度。如果真是要在其他人發怒的時候才做,那就是見笑了。都是在江湖混的,那位主審法官發怒,再氣壞了的身體就不值當了。穆勒的介紹可以看鏈接:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Mueller

您提過“Flynn是三星中將”,那他見過的世麵和他的心裏素質不是你我這等平民之輩可比的。如果自己真的什麽沒做,而被別人威脅一下就認罪了,他當時應該一定是知道向FBI撒謊的罪是有多大的。川普總統當時都看不起他,馬上把他炒掉並在推特上說:"我必須炒掉弗林將軍,因為他向副總統和FBI撒謊。他已經對那些說謊認罪了。這是個恥辱,因為他在過度時期的行為是合法的。沒有什麽可以隱藏的!" (“I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!”)

不知道您的信息是不是來自Fox News, 全世界都知道這是川普最喜歡的,一直奉承川普總統的。您應該知道誰擁有Fox News? Who own Fox News? 您說的這些媒體,包括《華盛頓郵報》,據我所知,都是引用的原話,電視上看到的也是真人視頻講話。如果有誣陷的話,是可以告他們的。您難道想讓美國像中國一樣隻有一個聲音,隻有Fox News嗎?而這是西方,是不可能的事,因為新聞的自由是西方民主的基石。謝謝回複!
落英如雪 回複 悄悄話 回複 '北美這點事' 的評論 : 你隻說川普炒掉了FBI的頭,而不提為什麽他這麽做,豈不是太片麵了。他這麽做不正是因為FBI高層介入黨派之爭,違法了嗎?過去的總統沒有這麽做是因為他們沒有遇到本應該中立卻違法暗箱操作的FBI高層。你隻說結果不談原因是為什麽?
思與行 回複 悄悄話 再改正:Who owns The Amazon Washington Post ?
思與行 回複 悄悄話 改正:Who owns The Washington Post?
思與行 回複 悄悄話 Who own Washington Post? Jeff Bezos, amazon owner. Jeff Bezos 和Trump的互相討厭,人人皆知。
思與行 回複 悄悄話 "2018年12月15號,在主審法官發怒的情況下,特別檢察官穆勒被迫上繳了FBI麵試福林將軍的全部記錄。雖然關鍵部分仍然被掩蓋了(redacted),這些官方報告依然展示了一個令人毛骨悚然的畫麵:美國的司法部設下陷阱,一步一步,把一個老將軍逼到了絕境。他們的目的隻有一個,利用一個無關緊要的罪名,逼迫福林反咬川普。"
"FBI探員Peter Strzok,情報界反川第一人,就是那位和情人發過一萬多條短信,發誓要”阻擊”川普的FBI高官。也就是說,即使Peter Strzok這麽恨川普的人,都不認為福林是故意撒謊。"
思與行 回複 悄悄話 避免Fake News。 如果你的新聞是從ABC, CNN, CBS來的, 那麽你應該知道這些媒體都是被有錢人操縱的工具。 ABC news executive producer (Ian Cameron) is married to Susan Rice, National Security adviser of Obama. CBS president David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhides, Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser. ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Sectary Jay Carney. ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Hatie HOgan, Obama's Deputy Press Secretary. Abc President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama's Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood. CNN president Viginia Moseleyis married to former Hillary Clinton's Deputy Sectary Tom Nides...........看到這, 大多數人都明白為什麽ABC, CNN, CBS, NYT 恨Trump, 因為他是一個局外人。當這些媒體報道Trump的新聞時, 找Trump的原話來聽, 而不是媒體說Trump 說了什麽。
北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 '落英如雪' 的評論 : 川普是第45任美國總統,但他是美國曆史上第2個炒掉FBI Director(聯邦調查局局長)的。可見絕大多數的美國總統們對FBI的頭的敬畏和尊重。美國的軍隊,FBI,和司法是要保持中立,而不介入黨派之爭的。
落英如雪 回複 悄悄話 共和黨肆無忌憚?那怎麽找了三年多才好不容易把證據找出來?公然撒謊違紀違法砸手機漂白郵件記錄的戲婆還逍遙法外呢?同羅致罪名誘供違法竊聽的那些人相比,共和黨實在太弱了。
北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 'PrimeryColor' 的評論 : 期待有一天那些證據能浮出水麵。奧巴馬已經退休3年多了。
PrimeryColor 回複 悄悄話 越來越多的證據顯示, 是哦8和民主黨挖塌了這根支柱。 調查還在進行。
北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 'playnice' 的評論 : 就單純說這件事,您的話換個說法也對:共和黨肆無忌憚,太讓人害怕了。
北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ahhhh' 的評論 : 要按您的說法,以現在這屆政府的做事風格,一定會去告那些特工們和檢察官們。別忘了在法律上任何人向FBI說謊是觸犯法律的,是要判刑的。別忘了川普總統當時是怎麽發的推特:"我必須炒掉弗林將軍,因為他向副總統和FBI撒謊。他已經對那些說謊認罪了。這是個恥辱,因為他在過度時期的行為是合法的。沒有什麽可以隱藏的!" (“I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!”)
playnice 回複 悄悄話 民主黨肆無忌憚,太讓人害怕了。
ahhhh 回複 悄悄話 賊喊捉賊:
“The documents, for example, show the probe of Flynn was about to be put to bed when the lead agent received a text from Strzok stating, “Hey, if you haven’t closed [the case], don’t do so yet.”

Apparently, Page was pleasantly surprised to find the matter had not yet been closed.

On Feb. 10, 2017, Page texted Strzok, “This document pisses me off. You didn’t even attempt to make this cogent and readable? This is lazy work on your part.”

Strzok replied, “Lisa you didn’t see it before my edits that went into what I sent you. I was 1) trying to completely re-write the thing so as to save [the lead agent’s] voice and 2) get it out to you for general review and comment in anticipation of needing it soon.”

Wednesday’s revelation included notes of a meeting conducted a short time after the 2016 election between FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. The notes stated, “What is our goal? Truth and admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”
北美這點事 回複 悄悄話 回複 '思與行' 的評論 : 謝謝點評!本文隻翻譯了這篇報道的大約前1/4到1/3,因為文章確實有些長,還有顧及版權問題。如果全翻譯的話,可能需要給作者打招呼。這篇報道後麵有很多的細節和各方的說辭。我們都知道特別檢察官穆勒進行的為期二年多的獨立調查不是一般的調查,他的最終調查報道是可以危及到總統的職位的。這篇報道的後麵有提到弗林在FBI調查時他認罪並同意與特別檢察官的調查合作,以換取減輕量刑的推薦。完事後,弗林換了一批律師,然後去找特別檢察官的特工們和檢察官們在調查過程中的漏洞。撤銷是在川普總統任命的司法部長巴爾和他選的檢察官謝伊的合力之下,做出的決定。這是以前沒發生過的。這應該相當於事後去查欽差大臣辦案過程中的漏洞。
思與行 回複 悄悄話 如果看了全報道,無論你挺川還是反川, 都應該感到脊背發涼。 Flynn是三星中將, “領導美軍擊破了多個中東恐怖組織”, 他都被肆無忌憚的構陷, 普通民眾會如何?萬幸法院是獨立的機構。
來看看原Flynn案中依據的法律:Logan Act". Logan Act is the last refuge for the American prosecutorial scoundrel, https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/496926-logan-act-is-the-last-refuge-for-the-american-prosecutorial-scoundrel

另外, FOX News 上有Mueller提供的“ Michael Flynn interview documents".
"FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show", https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michael-flynn-fbi-handwritten-notes-get-him-lie-fired
思與行 回複 悄悄話 https://news.yahoo.com/obama-irule-of-law-michael-flynn-case-014121045.html, Exclusive: Obama says in private call that 'rule of law is at risk' in Michael Flynn case
思與行 回複 悄悄話 National Review , May 8, 2020, "Protecting the Rule of Law- Both Here and Abroad"
思與行 回複 悄悄話 Washington Post 的報道本身就隻代表了民主黨的觀點,而且沒有報道事件全部真相。 它已經偏離了新聞保持實事求是,保持中立的原則。 Flynn案還有更多內幕。用白宮發言人的原話:The FBI exists to investigate crimes, but in the case of LT. General Michael Flynn, it appears that they might have existed to manufacture one." 再借用推特上的一句話:“Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Brenan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. They all knew it was a lie, a witch-hunt & hoax. Hell, we even knew!"