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湯姆·邁爾斯 2018 年 5 月 30 日


2016 年的數據顯示,中國新生兒的健康預期壽命為 68.7 年,而美國新生兒的健康預期壽命為 68.5 年。

總體而言,美國新生兒的預期壽命仍更長——78.5 年,而中國新生兒的預期壽命為 76.4 年——但美國人生命的最後 10 年預計不會是健康的。

世衛組織發言人艾莉森·克萊門茨-亨特 (Alison Clements-Hunt) 表示:“計算出生時健康預期壽命時,中國、日本、韓國和其他一些高收入亞洲國家的損失健康年限低於高收入‘西方’國家。”
據路透社對世衛組織數據的分析顯示,2016 年,美國是僅有的五個出生時健康預期壽命下降的國家之一,另外四個是索馬裏、阿富汗、格魯吉亞和聖文森特和格林納丁斯。世衛組織數據於 5 月中旬發布,未進行同比對比。

前景最好的是新加坡嬰兒,他們平均可以享受 76.2 年的健康壽命,其次是日本、西班牙和瑞士。美國在全球排名第 40 位,中國排名第 37 位。

在總體預期壽命方麵,中國也正在趕上美國,路透社的計算表明,中國有望在 2027 年左右超過美國。


與此同時,美國人的預期壽命正在下降,2014 年達到 79 歲的峰值,這是多年來首次出現逆轉,克萊門茨-亨特說。


世界上預期壽命最長的國家是日本,為 84.2 歲,這意味著 2016 年在那裏出生的嬰兒是第一批能夠期待看到下一個世紀的嬰兒。

China overtakes U.S. for healthy lifespan: WHO data

By Tom Miles May 30, 2018

GENEVA (Reuters) - China has overtaken the United States in healthy life expectancy at birth for the first time, according to World Health Organization data.

Chinese newborns can look forward to 68.7 years of healthy life ahead of them, compared with 68.5 years for American babies, the data - which relates to 2016 - showed.

American newborns can still expect to live longer overall - 78.5 years compared to China's 76.4 - but the last 10 years of American lives are not expected to be healthy.

"The lost years of good health that are a factor in calculating healthy life expectancy at birth are lower for China, Japan, Korea and some other high income Asian countries than for high income 'Western' countries," said WHO spokeswoman Alison Clements-Hunt.
The United States was one of only five countries, along with Somalia, Afghanistan, Georgia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, where healthy life expectancy at birth fell in 2016, according to a Reuters analysis of the WHO data, which was published without year-on-year comparisons in mid-May.

The best outlook was for Singaporean babies, who can count on 76.2 years of health on average, followed by those in Japan, Spain and Switzerland. The United States came 40th in the global rankings, while China was 37th.

In terms of overall life expectancy China is also catching up with the United States, which Reuters calculations suggest it is on course to overtake around 2027.

"Chinese life expectancy has increased substantially and is now higher than for some high-income countries," said Clements-Hunt.
Meanwhile U.S. life expectancy is falling, having peaked at 79 years in 2014, the first such reversal for many years, Clements-Hunt said.

That reflected increasing rates of drug overdose deaths, mainly from opioids, suicides, and some other major causes among younger middle-aged Americans, particularly in less affluent areas, she said.

The world's longest life expectancy is in Japan, at 84.2 years, meaning that babies born there in 2016 were the first to be able to look forward to seeing the next century.
Reporting by Tom Miles; editing by John Stonestreet

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