
加拿大 辯論預算法案 反對黨撕毀政府的樂觀圖景

(2024-11-28 10:38:17) 下一個

加拿大  辯論預算法案 反對黨撕毀政府的樂觀圖景

議會沉默,因為 Chrystia Freeland 發出了重磅消息


這是連續 4 個月通脹率處於加拿大銀行目標範圍內,通脹率已降至 3 年來最低水平,工資現已超過通脹率,這是一個機會來強調加拿大和美國之間的經濟關係是平衡且互利的,比中國、日本、英國和法國加起來還要大,而且我們賣給美國的東西也是他們真正需要的東西,當 Freeland 笨拙地翻閱經濟統計數據時,議會爆發出笑聲,但在笑聲背後隱藏著一個嚴酷的現實,加拿大人不能忽視,看著反對黨領袖撕毀政府的樂觀圖景,揭露成本上升和暴力增加的真相,這對所有加拿大人來說都是好消息,因為我們今天做出了財政回應,議員們正在辯論預算執行法案,明天,議員們將對這項重要立法進行投票,預算執行法案將實施今年預算中的許多關鍵措施,事實上,我們需要它們,他們也需要美國,加拿大是美國在世界上最大的市場,這不僅僅是另一場辯論,這是加拿大政治的轉折點,在我們繼續之前,我想請你幫個小忙,如果你喜歡這個內容,請花一點時間點讚這個視頻,並訂閱頻道,超過 98% 的人觀看視頻,即使不訂閱,你也不需要花錢,但這對我們來說意義重大,所以,你點擊了訂閱按鈕嗎,太好了,非常感謝,現在回到視頻,當加拿大副總理克裏斯薩·弗裏蘭自信地走上講台時,會議室一片寂靜,她帶著自信的微笑,開始滔滔不絕地列舉統計數據,描繪出一幅經濟繁榮的畫麵,這似乎好得令人難以置信,事實證明確實如此,弗裏蘭吹噓加拿大令人印象深刻的 GDP 增長、低失業率和不斷上漲的工資,我們向他們出售石油,我們向他們出售電力,我們向他們出售關鍵的礦物和金屬,美國從加拿大進口的能源在今天比以往任何時候都更加重要,絕對必不可少,因為北美和美國尋求發展具有彈性和安全的供應鏈,在我們看到人工智能對能源和加拿大關鍵礦物和金屬的渴求時,她聲稱該國的表現優於其他 G7 國家,通貨膨脹得到控製,未來光明,政府席位點頭表示同意,但他們幾乎不知道紙牌屋即將倒塌,反對黨領袖手持一疊文件,眼神堅定,弗裏蘭結束了她的玫瑰色宣言,他站起來準備挑戰每一個主張,房間裏的緊張氣氛顯而易見,他開始逐一駁斥她的論點,他首先揭露了真相加拿大國內生產總值增長的性質表明,它主要是由人口增長而不是實際經濟擴張推動的,然後,他撕毀了失業數據,展示了它們如何掩蓋了日益嚴重的就業不足和不穩定工作危機,當反對黨領袖繼續對弗裏蘭的說法進行無情的攻擊時,意想不到的事情發生了,笑聲開始在會議廳中蕩漾,它始於周四反對黨席位上的幾聲笑聲,我們今天在內閣就此事進行了很好的交談,我們真的很高興加拿大人將有這個機會,但很快就像野火一樣蔓延開來,甚至一些政府議員也無法抑製他們對這種荒謬情況的嘲笑,反對黨領袖還沒有結束,他拿出一張又一張的圖表,將弗裏蘭的說法與現實世界的數據進行比較,政府的敘述與現實之間的差距令人震驚,食物銀行的使用量猛增,無家可歸者人數不斷增加,生活成本不斷上升正在摧毀中產階級家庭,隨著笑聲漸漸平息,議事廳裏一片寂靜,人們開始討論假期期間的稅收減免,加拿大工薪階層將能夠獲得更多的支持,負擔得起,這是我們國家現在需要的,我想先分享一些關於我們經濟的好消息,通貨膨脹率從 3 月份的 2.9% 下降到 4 月份的 2.7%,每個人都知道接下來會發生什麽,反對黨領袖把他最具破壞性的論點留到了最後,他以外科手術般的精準揭露了政府經濟計算中的一個重大缺陷,這個缺陷使得他們的整個敘述變得毫無意義,隨著啟示錄的全部重量沉入地下,弗裏蘭的臉色一沉,她精心打造的經濟成功形象支離破碎,暴露無遺,隻不過是煙霧彈和鏡子,反對黨的長凳爆發出歡呼聲,而政府議員則在座位上不安地挪動著,這不僅僅是一個政治攤牌,這是一個關鍵時刻,對每一個努力爭取的加拿大人來說,都會產生深遠的影響。塵埃落定後,收支平衡,有一件事變得清晰起來,政府的經濟童話終於結束了,弗裏蘭對加拿大經濟的樂觀看法在議會大廳破滅了,但真正的重磅炸彈不是百分比或增長率,而是她發表的一條評論,證明了她與加拿大普通民眾的脫節程度,為今年你將從政客那裏聽到的最沉悶的聲明做好準備,認識一下來自多倫多的兩個孩子的單身母親莎拉,她正在當地的食物銀行排隊,這是她從未想過需要去的地方,莎拉的故事在加拿大各地並不罕見,家庭麵臨著支付房租和購買食物的艱難選擇,而弗裏蘭卻吹噓自己創造了就業機會,莎拉的全職工作幾乎無法支付基本開支,政府的樂觀統計數據隱藏了一個更黑暗的現實,食物銀行的使用量在短短一年內激增了 35%,大城市的無家可歸者達到了創紀錄的水平,這些不僅僅是數字,還有鄰居、同事和朋友陷入困境係統崩潰的裂縫 那麽這場經濟危機的背後是什麽?政府本身的政策 肆意揮霍和印鈔導致的失控通貨膨脹使生活成本飛漲 被吹捧為環保救星的碳稅正在榨幹加油站和雜貨店裏的家庭 讓我們不要忘記房地產市場,外國投資者和投機者推高了房價,而加拿大人卻無法負擔從東海岸到西海岸的自己的城市 溫哥華的故事層出不窮 年輕專業人士住在車裏,因為哈利法克斯的房租負擔不起 老年人為了買得起藥而省下飯錢 在農村社區,家庭農場因無法跟上不斷上漲的成本和政府繁文縟節而破產 但麵對這些嚴酷的現實,弗裏蘭的麵具在這裏真的脫落了 她竟然大膽地建議加拿大人隻需要一個 Vibe 會議就能對經濟感到更好 你聽到了 對的當許多家庭失去家園,在食物銀行排隊時,我們的副總理認為,一些積極的想法將解決所有問題,這種令人震驚的脫節為反對派領導人要求答案和問責製的最後攤牌奠定了基礎,一個問題迫在眉睫,當政府與人民如此脫節時,政府能生存多久,經濟童話結束了,加拿大人正在醒來麵對一場噩夢,接下來會發生什麽可能會重塑未來幾年的政治格局,議會中令人震驚的交流揭示了加拿大政治和經濟基礎的深刻裂縫,弗裏蘭的失誤不僅僅是一個小失誤,這是一個政府脫離現實的症狀,議事廳裏回蕩的笑聲不僅僅是針對一位政客,而是針對讓普通加拿大人失望的 AIST 係統,但真正的問題是,有多少其他政府主張建立在搖搖欲墜的基礎上,是時候了每個加拿大人都戴上偵探帽,開始深入研究數字,不要隻是接受政客們灌輸給你的東西,在我們展望未來時要質疑一切,一個大問題迫在眉睫,加拿大經濟能否在領導人似乎更感興趣的政治宣傳而非實質內容的情況下生存下來,答案可能決定數百萬努力維持生計的勤勞加拿大人的命運


Parliament GOES SILENT As Chrystia Freeland FIRES BOMBSHELL

that is 4 months in a row that inflation has been within the bank of Canada's target range inflation has fallen to its
lowest level in 3 years and wages have now outpaced inflation it was an opportunity to highlight the fact that the economic relationship between Canada and the United States is balanced and mutually beneficial larger than China Japan the UK and France combined it is also the case that the things we sell to the United States are
the things they really need laughter
erupts in Parliament as Freeland fumbles
through economic statistics but behind
the chuckles lies a stark reality
Canadians Can't Ignore watch as the
opposition leader tears apart the
government's Rosy picture exposing the
truth about Rising costs and increasing
violence this is really good news for
all Canadians with our fiscally respon today
members of parliament are debating the
budget implementation act and tomorrow
members will vote on this important
legislation the budget implementation
act would put into effect many key
measures from this year's budget the
fact is we need them and they also need
US Canada is the largest market for the
US in the world this isn't just another
debate it's a turning point in Canadian
politics before we move on I'd like to
ask you a small favor if you appreciate
this content please take a second to
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did you click the Subscribe button great
thank you so much now back to the video
the chamber fell silent as chrisa
Freeland Canada's Deputy Prime Minister
confidently stroe to the podium with a
self assured smile she began rattling
off statistics painting a picture of
economic Prosperity that seemed too good
to be true and as it turns out it was
Freeland boasted about Canada's
impressive GDP growth low unemployment
rates and Rising wages we sell them oil
we sell them electricity we sell them
critical minerals and metals the energy
the United States imports from Canada is
more important today than ever are
absolutely essential as North America
and as the US seeks to develop Supply
chains which are resilient and secure at
a time when we see how hungry AI is for
energy and Canada's critical minerals
and metals she claimed the country was
outperforming other G7 nations with
inflation under control and a bright
future ahead the government benches
nodded in approval but little did they
know the house of cards was about to
come crashing down enter the opposition
leader armed with a stack of papers and
a Steely determination in his eyes as
Freeland finished her Rosy proclamations
he rose to his feet ready to challenge
every single claim the tension in the
room was palpable as he began
dismantling her arguments one by one
first he exposed the true nature of
Canada's GDP growth revealing it was
largely driven by population increase
rather than real economic expansion then
he tore into the unemployment figures
showing how they masked a growing crisis
of underemployment and precarious work
as the opposition leader continued his
Relentless assault on freeland's claims
something unexpected happened laughter
began to Ripple through the chamber it
started as a few Chuckles from the
opposition benches on Thursday we had a
good conversation today at cabinet about
that and we are really glad that
Canadians are going to have this
opportunity but soon spread like
Wildfire even some government MPS
couldn't suppress their amusement at the
absurdity of the situation the opposition leader wasn't done yet he pulled out chart after chart comparing
freeland's claims to real world data the
gap between the government's narrative
and reality was staggering Food Bank
usage had skyrocketed homelessness was
on the rise and the cost of living was
crushing middle class families as the
laughter died down a hush fell over the
chamber to have a tax break over the
holidays and that working Canadians are
going to be able to get a little bit
more support with affordability it's
what our country needs right now I'd
like to start though by sharing some
good news about our economy inflation
fell to 2.7% in April down from 2.9% in March
everyone knew what was coming next the
opposition leader had saved his most
devastating argument for last with
surgical Precision he exposed a major
flaw in the government's economic
calculations one that rendered their
entire narrative meaningless freeland's
face fell as the full weight of the
Revelation sank in her carefully crafted
image of economic success lay in tatters
exposed as nothing more than smoke and
mirrors the opposition benches erupted
in cheers while government MPS shifted
uncomfortably in their seats this wasn't just a political Showdown it was a moment of truth that would have far reaching implications for every Canadian struggling to make ends meet as the dust settled one thing became clear the government economic fairy tale had
finally come to an end freeland's Rosy picture of Canada's economy just shattered on the parliament floor but
the real bombshell it's not about percentages or growth rates it's about a comment she made that proves just how
disconnected she is from the average
Canadian struggle brace yourself for the
most toned deaf statement you'll hear
from a politician this year meet Sarah a
single mother of two from Toronto she's
standing in line at the local food bank a place she never thought she'd need to visit Sarah's story isn't unique across Canada families are facing impossible choices between paying rent and putting food on the table while Freeland boasts about job creation Sarah's full-time job barely covers her basic expenses the government's Sunny statistics hide a darker reality Food Bank usage has exploded by 35% in just one year homelessness is at record levels in major cities these aren't just numbers there are neighbors co-workers and Friends falling through the cracks of a broken system so what's behind this economic crisis look no further than the government government's own policies runaway inflation fueled by Reckless
spending and money printing has sent the cost of living through the roof the carbon tax touted as environmental salvation is squeezing families dry at the gas pump and grocery store let's not forget the housing market where foreign
investors and speculators drive up
prices while Canadians are priced out of
their own cities from coast to coast the
stories pile up in Vancouver young
professionals are living in their cars
because rent is unaffordable in Halifax
seniors are skipping meals to afford
their medications and in rural
communities Family Farms are going
bankrupt unable to keep up with Rising
costs and government red tape but here's
where freeland's mask really slips when
confronted with these harsh realities
she had the audacity to suggest that
Canadians just need a Vibe session to
feel better about the economy you heard
that right while families are losing
their homes and lining up at food banks
our Deputy Prime Minister thinks some
positive thinking will solve everything
this shocking disconnect sets the stage
for a final showdown as opposition
leaders demand answers and
accountability one question looms large
how long can a government survive when
it's this out of touch with its people
the economic fairy tale is over and
Canadians are waking up to a nightmare
what comes next could reshape the
political landscape for years to come
this shocking Exchange in Parliament
reveals the Deep cracks in Canada's
political and economic foundations
freeland's fumble isn't just a minor
slip up it's a symptom of a government
that's lost touch with reality the
laughter that echoed through the chamber
wasn't just aimed at one politician but
at aist system that's failing ordinary
Canadians but here's the real kicker how
many other government claims are built
on Shaky Ground it's time for every
Canadian to put on their detective hat
and start digging into the numbers don't
just swallow what the politicians are
feeding you question everything as we
look to the Future one big question
looms can Canada's economy survive with
leaders who seem more interested in spin
than substance the answer might just
determine the fate of millions of
hardworking Canadians struggling to make
ends meet


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