
Jeffrey Sachs + 問答 | 劍橋聯盟

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Jeffrey Sachs + 問答 | 劍橋聯盟

劍橋聯盟 2024 年 10 月 30 日

Jeffrey Sachs 於 2024 年 10 月 22 日星期二下午 6 點在辯論廳發表演講並進行問答。

Jeffrey 就“是否真的可以建立自由國際秩序?”發表了簡短演講,隨後演講官 Alex Mitchell 提出了幾個問題,然後觀眾提出了進一步的問題。
傑弗裏·薩克斯是哥倫比亞大學可持續發展中心的大學教授和主任,他於 2002 年至 2016 年期間擔任該校地球研究所所長。



他在哈佛大學擔任教授二十多年,獲得了學士、碩士和博士學位。薩克斯已獲得 42 個榮譽博士學位,他最近獲得的獎項包括 2022 年可持續發展唐獎、法蘭西共和國總統頒發的榮譽軍團勳章和愛沙尼亞總統頒發的十字勳章。

他最近的著作是《全球化時代:地理、技術和製度》(2020 年)和《可持續發展的倫理行動》(2022 年)。

我至少去過中國 100 次;與中國沒有內在的戰鬥,根本沒有。中國不會打敗美國,一百萬年也做不到。無論如何,我們都會滅亡,而中國永遠不會。順便說一句,自公元前 221 年秦帝國統一中國以來,中國在其整個 2,245 年的曆史中從未入侵過海外國家。我們麵臨的唯一來自中國的風險就是核戰爭,所以遠離核戰爭,別再像現在這樣跟台灣玩弄把戲,對不起,這很愚蠢,別再挑起事端了,我們在烏克蘭挑起戰爭。我可以就此說上八個小時,也許隻值五分鍾,但我們肯定會在烏克蘭挑起戰爭,我們也會跟台灣做同樣的事情,我們會輸掉任何戰爭,但也許世界也會因為這種愚蠢而終結,華盛頓的人很愚蠢,我告訴你,我不知道會發生什麽,但我們向他們發起了攻擊,我們應該停止攻擊中國和台灣,這不是我們的事,台灣是中國的一部分,台灣人在中華民國說過,中華人民共和國說過,我們在無數次與中國建立外交關係時就同意了這一點,所以我們到底在幹什麽,單方麵向台灣運送武器,讓我們的議長去台灣邀請未來的災難,有像你現在可以閱讀的出版物,值得一看,海軍大約三周前發布了一項計劃,它說我們必須在 2027 年之前為與中國的戰爭做好準備,並不是說我們會與中國開戰,而是說我們必須在 2027 年之前為與中國的戰爭做好準備,我們不是在玩電子遊戲,他們在玩你的未來,這對我來說完全令人難以置信,中國沒有威脅任何人,也沒有威脅任何人,甚至沒有威脅南海爭端,你知道中國正在部署一些軍備,那是因為如果你讀過美國軍事理論的第一頁,它就是在中國的東南海航線上製造瓶頸,中國對一些岩石不感興趣,它感興趣的是不讓美國封鎖海上航線,這就是我們必須理解的,最基本的一點是不要幹涉對方的航線,這樣我們才不會全部死掉,這並不難.

Jeffrey Sachs + Q&A | Cambridge Union

Cambridge Union 2024年10月30日

Jeffrey Sachs delivers a speech and Q&A at 6pm in the Debating Chamber on Tuesday 22nd October 2024.

Jeffrey gives a short speech about “whether there can ever truly be a liberal international order?” Followed by a few questions from Speakers Officer Alex Mitchell and then further questions from members of the audience.
Jeffrey D. Sachs is University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed the Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016.

He is also President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Co-Chair of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development, academician of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican, and Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Honorary Distinguished Professor at Sunway University.

He has been Special Advisor to three United Nations Secretaries-General, and currently serves as an SDG Advocate under Secretary General António Guterres.

He spent over twenty years as a professor at Harvard University, where he received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees. Sachs has received 42 honorary doctorates, and his recent awards include the 2022 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development, the Legion of Honor by decree of the President of the Republic of France, and the Order of the Cross from the President of Estonia.

His most recent books are The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and Institutions (2020) and Ethics in Action for Sustainable Development (2022).

I've been to China 100 times at least; there's no intrinsic battle with China, none whatsoever China's not out to
defeat the US and couldn't do so in a million years. Anyway we'd all perish and China never. China's Never by the way even once invaded a country overseas in its
whole history of 2,245 years since 221 BC when the chin
Empire unified China.  The only risk we Face from
China is nuclear war, so stay away from nuclear
war, stop playing with Taiwan the way you're doing, sorry it's stupid, stop provoking things, we provoke the war in
 I could go on for about eight hours on that and maybe it's worth 5 minutes but we provoke the war in
Ukraine absolutely surely and we'll do
the same with Taiwan and we'll lose any
war that happens but maybe the world
will end also over this stupidity and
the people in Washington are stupid I'm
telling you I don't know what's going to
happen but we came at them and we should stop going after China and Taiwan it's not our goddamn business Taiwan is part of China the Taiwanese said it in the Republic of of China the People's Republic of China
said it we agreed to it in countless
communic when we made diplomatic
relations with China so what the hell
are we doing sending armaments to Taiwan
unilaterally having our speakers of the
house go to Taiwan inviting a disaster in the future having Publications like you can read now it's
worth looking at the Navy just issued a
plan about three weeks ago it says we have to prepare for war with China by 2027 doesn't say we'll have a war with China it says we have to prepare for war
with China by 2027 we are not playing a video game
they're playing with your futures it's completely unbelievable to me China's not threatening anybody
abroad anybody and even the South China
Sea disputes over these schs you know where China's putting on some armaments that's because if you
read the first page of US military
Doctrine it is to create choke points in
China's SE sea
Lanes China's not interested in a few
rocks it's interested in not having the
US block at Sea Lanes that's all we have to understand
the most basic points stay out of each
other's Lane so that we don't end up all
dead it's not so hard 

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