
Grady Judd 有史以來最好的警察新聞發布會

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Grady Judd 有史以來最好的警察新聞發布會


This Might Be The Best Police Press Conference Ever: "When They Shoot. We Shoot Back" FNN


LiveNOW from FOX   Sept 7, 2016

FOX 2016 年 9 月 7 日 LiveNOW

周三晚上,波爾克縣一名副警長參與了 The Havens 附近的槍擊事件。The Havens 是位於美國 92 號公路和 Golfview St 之間的 Woodland 上的一座小教堂。

初步信息顯示,高強度毒品販運區 (HIDTA) 特別工作組由來自多個當地機構的警官組成,當時他們正在進行調查,一名嫌疑人向他們開槍。警官進行了還擊。一名嫌疑人已被送往醫院。沒有警官受傷

Grady Judd
我有權向你們通報今天下午發生的一起執法人員參與的槍擊事件,信息非常明確,不要用槍指著執法人員開槍,如果你不想被槍擊,我們會開槍還擊,因為他向我們開槍,我們也向他開了很多槍,以下是特遣部隊高層對一名已知的暴力重罪犯進行了交通攔截,32 歲的 Francis Perry Perry 目前也是一名逃犯,他有一份有效的逮捕令,當警員在特遣部隊高層攔下他時,讓我在這裏停下來解釋一下特遣部隊高層,在這個特別的特遣部隊小組中,我們有一名海恩斯城警察、一名萊克威爾斯警察、一名溫特黑文警察和一名副警長,這個特遣部隊的警察也是我和我們的副警長的授權,所以他們在處理這個人,因為我們知道他是一個已知的暴力重罪犯,我們知道他販賣或擁有大量毒品,所以當我們停下車時,窗戶完全是黑色的,我們看不到裏麵車輛一停,所有警員立即包圍車輛,告訴他搖下車窗,搖下車窗,我們遇到了槍擊,他從車輛的乘客側向海達警察開槍,此時海達警察還擊,他們開槍多次,當威脅被消除後,他們立即將弗朗西斯·佩裏從車輛駕駛座上麻醉,他是車內唯一的人,並開始做心肺複蘇,並呼叫急救服務,他現在已被送往當地一家醫院,正在接受治療,重要的是要了解,這起事件始於對一名暴力分子的交通攔截,重要的是要了解,將會進行幾項獨立調查,我們的凶殺組將進行槍擊調查,我們的行政調查將進行單獨的內部調查,以確定是否符合機構政策,州檢察官辦公室立即接到電話,他們的代表在現場,他們將進行獨立調查,HIDA 成員將繼續對毒品販運量進行刑事調查,這是今晚的四項調查,在完成這些調查後,我們將調查結果將移交給不同的警察部門,他們將根據政策進行調查,但我認為,了解今晚向我們兩名特別工作組成員開槍的暴力罪犯很重要,了解執法人員每天要麵對什麽樣的人很重要,他已經被指控二級謀殺未遂、拒捕、逃避追捕、冒充執法人員、非法持有手銬鑰匙、重罪犯持有槍支、在調查期間向執法人員提供虛假信息、持有冰毒、持有大麻、持有管製物質、駕照被吊銷期間駕駛、車輛盜竊和入室盜竊,2014 年,他因持有冰毒被判處一年半監禁,他承認謀殺未遂罪為嚴重襲擊罪,他今年 3 月才出獄,他已經因這些指控成為逃犯,他已經向執法人員開槍今晚,我想向你們展示一張嫌疑人的照片,他今晚開槍試圖殺死我們的副警長和警官,信息很明確,我們尊重生命,我們希望社區也能尊重我們,但當他們向我們開槍時,我們絕對會還擊,這是保證,在我們提出任何問題之前,呃,我想把麥克風交給酋長們,首先是溫特黑文警察局局長伯德,謝謝警長,我想讓這件事顯得人性化,這些警官都有家人要回家,今晚他們麵臨著非常危險的境地,不得不決定自衛,就像警長說的,每當有人拿槍指著我們,向我們開槍時,我們都不會道歉,我感謝上帝,參與此事的每一位警官和副警長都沒有受傷,我們很幸運,很幸運我們沒有受傷,我們沒有在這裏談論這件事


3,230 條評論
@craigcampbell2474 3 年前
作為一個在澳大利亞警察部隊工作了 20 年的人,我喜歡這位警官的思維方式和行為方式。

@Mithranos 4 年前

@kbremer22 4 年前
Grady Judd 不玩遊戲!我們到處都需要像他這樣的警長!

This Might Be The Best Police Press Conference Ever: "When They Shoot. We Shoot Back" FNN


LiveNOW from FOX   Sept 7, 2016

A Polk County deputy was involved in a shooting Wednesday evening near The Havens, a small church on Woodland between US 92 and Golfview St. 

Preliminary information shows the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) task force, comprised of officers from several local agencies, was conducting an investigation when a suspect opened fire on them.

Officers returned fire. A suspect has been transported to a hospital. No officers were injured

Grady Judd
right to give you a briefing on a law
enforcement involved shooting that
occurred this afternoon and the message
is very clear don't point your guns and
shoot at law enforcement officers if you
don't want to be shot we shot back
because he shot at us and we shot at him
a lot here's what occurred belonging to
the height of task force conducted a
traffic stop on a known violent criminal
felon 32 year-old Francis Perry Perry
also has an active warrant outstanding
for him right now as a fugitive from
justice when deputies stopped him from
the height of task force and let me
pause there to explain the height of
task force in this particular group of
the task force we had a Haines City
police officer a Lake Wales police
officer a Winter Haven police officer
and a deputy sheriff the police officers
on this task force are also deputized by
me and our deputy sheriff's so they're
working this person because we know he's
a known violent felon we know he deals
in or possesses large amount of drugs so
as we stop the vehicle the windows are
totally dark we cannot see into the
vehicle at all the deputies immediately
surround the vehicle and tell him roll
down the windows roll down the windows
we are met with gunfire he shoots out of
the passenger side of the vehicle toward
the hyda officers at this time the hyda
officers returned fire and they shoot
many times when the threat is neutralized they immediately drug
francis perry from the driver's seat of the vehicle he was the only one in the
vehicle onto the ground and began to do CPR and call for emergency services he has now been transported to a area hospital
where he's being treated at this hour
it's important to understand that this
started out as a traffic stop of a violent person it's important for you to
understand that there will be several
independent investigations our homicide
unit will conduct a shooting investigation our administrative
investigations will conduct a separate internal investigation to determine
compliance with agency policy the State Attorney's Office was immediately called
and they have representatives on the scene and they will conduct their independent investigation HIDA members will continue with their criminal investigation into the traffic in amount of drugs that's the four
investigations tonight at the completion
of those investigations we will turn our
findings over to the separate police departments where they will do their
investigations according to their policy but I think it's important for you to
understand this violent criminal who shot at our high two task force members
tonight it's important for you to hear and understand what kind of person law
enforcement officers deal with every day he's already been charged with attempted second-degree murder resisting arrest
fleeing to elude impersonating a
law-enforcement officer unlawful
possession of a handcuff key possession
of a firearm by a convicted felon giving
false information to a law enforcement
officer during an investigation
possession of meth possession of
marijuana possession of controlled
substance driving while license suspended vehicle theft and burglary in
2014 he was sentenced to a year and a
half for meth possession and he pled
down the attempted murder to an
aggravated assault he has only been out of prison since
March of this year and he's already a
fugitive from justice on those charges
that he pled to and he's already shot at
law enforcement officers this evening I
want to show you a picture of our
suspect who shot at and tried to kill
our deputy and officers tonight the
message is clear we respect life we
expect the community to respect us back
in the overwhelming do but when they
shoot at us we will absolutely shoot
back that's a guarantee before we have
any questions uh I want to turn the
microphone over to the Chiefs will start
with chief Byrd from the Winter Haven
Police Department Chief Thank You
sheriff I want to put a human face on
this these officers have families to go
home to and tonight they were faced with
a very dangerous situation and had to
make a decision to defend themselves and
like the sheriff said we're not going to
apologize whenever someone pulls a gun on us and
fires at us I'm thankful to God that
every one of those officers and that
deputy that were involved in this we're
not hurt we're very fortunate very
fortunate that we don't have that we're
not out here talking about an officer
that's been shot so to say again I want
to say and and springboard off what the
sheriff said we will not apologize for
defending ourselves Thank You chief
Alaska West we're very thankful tonight that those
officers are going to be able to go home
to their families there are officers out
there every day they're out there right
now risking their lives doing what they
do and this guy this suspect was just
simply doing what he did he was just
being a criminal an ongoing career
criminal we're very very fortunate that
our folks are going to go home tonight
we thank you for the support and again I
think this is a good example of how
training and teamwork played together
these men work together every day as a
task force they go after the worst of
the worst and tonight they came across
them and thank god they're going home
thank you she hopper I want to reiterate also what
chief Berg chief Blass was and sheriff
Judd has already said is that our
officers and deputies are very fortunate
to go home tonight to to their families
and that law enforcement in Polk County
will not take being shot at and we will
defend ourselves and all law enforcement
officers in in our County are there any
questions tonight was the original
reason you guys wanted to pull him over
what was the background on that he is a
violent felon he's everyone we knew that
he was a violent felon he was also a
fugitive from justice and we knew that
he was supposed to have in his possession or be dealing with dope we
didn't know how much dope we didn't know
what kind of dope we just knew he was a
real real bad guy in the community and
it was outstanding warrants for his
arrest ultimately Sheriff where did this
all happen because we see bullet holes
and cars here yeah it happened close to
here it happened right there okay and
what we're going to do in just a minute
we're going to allow you all to go up
there so you can get some close-up shots
and here's what I want you to do for me
the white vehicle that you're going to
see is an undercover vehicle shoot
around that if you will so that we don't
we don't really that publicly but we're going to walk
you up close enough that you can you can
see the see the scene closer does he
live here no he doesn't I'm not sure
that he pulled in here they lit him up
he pulled in here as the officers and
the deputy walked up to the car he
started shooting and when he started
shooting we started shooting absolutely
we we were no he didn't we were giving
him direction the windows were blacked
out we could not see into the vehicle at
all not yet we will release all that
tomorrow we will meet with you again
tomorrow with further details will
release the officers and the deputies
name tomorrow we want to allow the
officers and the deputy the opportunity
to speak with their family and to calm
down and to work with all the different
investigations that's gone on tonight
and we will clearly identify who they
are now they're working undercover task
force we're going to release their names
it won't be photographs they were right they were right up at
the car when the shot started we are
working to reconstruct the the exact
place they were standing but we know
they were right up at the car and from
at least appearances tonight and this is
an appearance without knowing exactly
where the officers were standing I don't
know how he missed them for any other
questions we will give more details
tomorrow we've given you quite a few
details that we have been able to
confirm we're also told that he by his
own admission to two separate law
enforcement agencies said he was a member of the white supremacist movement
that's his statements not ours as I was walking out of the mobile command center one of my detectives said it looks like we got to verify this he may have up to a hundred pages of rap sheet we'll know for sure and release that tomorrow okay if you all will we want you to come up and please shoot around the white car that's of no consequence there's no bullet holes

@craigcampbell2474 3 years ago
As a person that spent 20 years in the Police Force in Australia I love the way this Officer thinks and conducts himself.

@Mithranos 4 years ago
Wish he was my boss. Notice he says "we"  as in "we are all on the same team"   Not "they"  as lesser men would say to deflect.   This Sheriff is a GOOD MAN.

@kbremer22 4 years ago
Grady Judd doesn't play games! We need sheriffs like him everywhere!

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