
IMF warns 美國債務飆升對全球經濟構成風險

(2024-07-24 13:09:41) 下一個




華盛頓特區國際貨幣基金組織大樓(Andrew Harnik/AP)

大衛·J·林奇 2024 年 6 月 27 日



IMF 表示,所需的財政調整將意味著“在未來數年內做出艱難的政治決策”,並警告稱,不受控製的債務增長最終可能削弱美國經濟增長,並引發全球金融危機。

“現在是好時機,”IMF 董事總經理克裏斯塔利娜·格奧爾基耶娃 (Kristalina Georgieva) 表示。“美國經濟非常強勁,在經濟繁榮時期,你可以做更多的事情來應對未來的風險。”

拜登總統已經排除了 IMF 建議的至少一項補救措施:對年收入低於 40 萬美元的人征收更高的稅。

拋開債務不談,IMF 的聲明稱讚美國經濟近年來“表現非凡”。通脹基本得到控製,失業率沒有像許多經濟學家預期的那樣急劇上升。國內生產總值 (GDP) 增長仍高於預期,預計還將持續。

“美國是 G20 中唯一一個 GDP 水平超過疫情前水平的經濟體。這對美國有利,對全球經濟也有利,”格奧爾基耶娃告訴記者。

盡管美國債務膨脹,但金融市場仍未受到影響。政府必須提供的回報才能吸引投資者購買 10 年期美國國債,該回報率徘徊在 4.2% 左右,低於大衰退前的典型利率。

格奧爾基耶娃表示,美國經濟也正在吸引越來越多的全球資本。疫情爆發前,18% 的境外投資資金放在美國。她說,如今,美國在移動金融中的份額為 33%。

債務和赤字將是下一任總統麵臨的早期挑戰。2025 年初,國會必須提高法定債務上限,否則美國將違約。議員們還必須在 2025 年底前決定延長特朗普 2017 年的減稅政策還是讓其到期,從而增加大多數美國人的稅收。

4 月,作為另一項審查的一部分,國際貨幣基金組織官員指責美國政府赤字刺激了經濟,稱這實際上使美聯儲更難降息。

周四,國際貨幣基金組織以通脹可能麵臨的上行風險為由表示,美聯儲應該等到“至少 2024 年底”再降息。在基金總部舉行新聞發布會前幾個小時,格奧爾基耶娃會見了財政部長珍妮特·耶倫,討論了審查事宜。



據國會預算辦公室稱,作為經濟的一部分,企業所得稅現在還不到 1967 年的一半。同期國債的利息支出翻了一番,達到國內生產總值的 2.4%。

由 30 多個發達經濟體組成的經合組織呼籲采取“持續但穩定的多年”預算措施來控製債務。經合組織在其對美國經濟的年度評估中表示,隻有意大利、希臘和日本的總債務與 GDP 之比更高。

據國會預算辦公室稱,公眾持有的政府債務(不包括社會保障信托基金中的國債)相當於美國總產出的 99%,預計到 2034 年將達到 122%。


Soaring U.S. debt poses risks to global economy, IMF warns


Government red ink is the only blemish on an otherwise strong economic track record, the fund said.

The International Monetary Fund building in D.C. (Andrew Harnik/AP)


U.S. government budget deficits and an escalating debt load pose “a growing risk” to the global economy, marring an otherwise stellar economic performance, the International Monetary Fund said on Thursday.

The United States over the next several years faces “a pressing need” to reduce its debt burden, which could require broad-based income tax increases and cuts in popular entitlement programs, the fund said at the conclusion of its annual review of the U.S. economy.

The required fiscal adjustment will mean “difficult political decisions over the course of multiple years,” the fund said, warning that an unchecked increase in debt could eventually sap U.S. growth and snowball into global financial distress.

“Now is a good time,” said Kristalina Georgieva, the fund’s managing director. “The U.S. economy is very strong, and it is in good times where you can do more to prepare yourself for risks in the future.”

President Biden has ruled out at least one of the fund’s suggested remedies: higher taxes on people making less than $400,000 a year.

Debt aside, the IMF statement praised the U.S. economy for “a remarkable performance” in recent years. Inflation has largely been brought under control without the sharp increase in unemployment that many economists had expected. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth remains above expectations and is expected to continue.

“The U.S. is the only G-20 economy whose GDP level now exceeds the pre-pandemic level. This is good for the U.S., and it is good for the global economy,” Georgieva told reporters.

Despite the U.S. debt bulge, financial markets remain untroubled. The return that the government must offer to entice investors to purchase 10-year Treasury securities hovers around 4.2 percent, below rates that were typical before the Great Recession.

Debts and deficits will be an early challenge for the next president. In early 2025, Congress must lift the statutory debt ceiling or see the United States default on its debt. Lawmakers also must decide by the end of 2025 to extend Trump’s 2017 tax cuts or allow them to expire, thus increasing taxes on most Americans.

In April, as part of a separate review, IMF officials chided the United States for government deficits that stimulated the economy, saying they effectively made it more difficult for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.

On Thursday, citing potential upside risks to inflation, the IMF said the Fed should wait to cut interest rates until “at least late 2024.”Hours before her news conference at fund headquarters, Georgieva met with Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen to discuss the review.

Thursday’s IMF statement is just the latest warning on the U.S. debt picture. On Tuesday, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said that adding debt at a time of higher interest rates will limit the ability of the United States to meet other needs, including for defense, an aging population and future economic shocks.

Years of repeated tax cuts have narrowed the government’s revenue base at a time when it faces escalating spending commitments for programs such as Social Security and Medicare, as well as rising interest charges, the OECD said.

As a share of the economy, corporate income tax payments are now less than half what they were in 1967, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Interest expenses on the national debt over the same period have doubled to 2.4 percent of gross domestic product.

The OECD, a group of more than three dozen advanced economies, called for a “sustained but steady multiyear” budget effort to curb debt. Only Italy, Greece and Japan have higher gross debt-to-GDP ratios, the OECD said in its annual assessment of the U.S. economy.

Government debt held by the public, which excludes Treasury securities in the Social Security Trust Fund, is equal to 99 percent of total U.S. output and is expected to hit 122 percent in 2034, according to the CBO.

Many economists say the government’s growing debt burden must be addressed with a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. Stabilizing the debt relative to the size of the economy is “a really important goal,” Jared Bernstein, the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said at the Brookings Institution this week.

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