
Ezequiel Bistoletti 歐洲領導人無知加劇

(2024-07-22 09:29:58) 下一個


摘要  Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士

Political Scientist, entro de Estudios en Ciudadanía, Estado y Asuntos Políticos de la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Berlin, Germany  Contact info


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YouTube 視頻標題為“歐洲領導人的無知正在加劇。如何解釋?| Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士”,其中 Bistoletti 博士討論了歐洲領導人對戰爭可能性和民主衰落的理解和擔憂日益增加。他談到了精英、媒體和公眾之間的脫節,指出了反體製政黨支持的趨勢以及美國對歐洲決策的影響。比斯托萊蒂強調了民主的侵蝕、抗議的壓製以及為符合當前政治議程而改寫曆史,將這些問題歸咎於缺乏民主參與和公眾動員反對有害政策。他強調需要民主覺醒,以防止歐洲在衝突中被孤立。

00:00:00 在 YouTube 視頻的這一部分,標題為“歐洲領導人的無知正在加劇。如何解釋這一點?”,由埃澤奎爾·路易斯·比斯托萊蒂博士製作,演講者討論了他們對歐洲和俄羅斯之間不斷升級的衝突的擔憂,特別是德國對烏克蘭戰爭的看法。比斯托萊蒂是一位駐柏林的阿根廷研究員和政治分析家,他分享了他對德國觀點和全球對衝突的看法之間存在顯著差異的觀察。他指出,盡管歐洲和全球北方國家自詡為民主和人權的捍衛者,反對“殘酷的獨裁統治”,但全球南方國家卻認為這是大國之間的政治衝突,需要通過談判解決。比斯托萊蒂還提到,他最初對德國的反俄情緒感到驚訝,但他相信人們已經厭倦了這種宣傳,並開始尋求更中立、更和平的解決方案。

00:05:00 在本節中,埃澤奎爾·路易斯·比斯托萊蒂博士討論了歐洲精英、媒體和公眾在理解和擔心戰爭可能性和民主衰落方麵存在的分歧。他強調,街頭民眾似乎對不斷升級的緊張局勢漠不關心,也無知,這可能導致歐洲發生戰爭。比斯托萊蒂認為,這種無知與民主的侵蝕和公眾在決策過程中缺乏參與有關。他還批評媒體將戰爭話題描繪成隻有專家才能處理的事情,導致公眾對輿論和偏好產生扭曲的看法,這在最近的歐盟議會選舉和東德與西德之間的分歧中尤為明顯。

00:10:00 在本節中,Bistoletti 博士討論了歐洲國家缺乏民主參與的問題,強調了像 Ursula von der Leyen 和 Josep Borrell 這樣的領導人的影響力,他們在沒有民眾支持的情況下推動解決方案。他指出,人們傾向於投票支持反體製政黨,特別是民粹主義右翼政黨,以回應主流政黨之間缺乏區分。人們擔心,目前受美國指導影響的烏克蘭衝突處理方式可能會給歐洲帶來破壞性後果,尤其是考慮到歐洲對與俄羅斯可能發生的戰爭準備不足。總體問題似乎是民主國家未能真正代表人民的意願,導致被視為不屬於既定體係的政黨的支持率上升。

00:15:00 在這一部分中,Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士討論了歐洲領導人目前的無知如何通過柏林牆倒塌以來的世界秩序變化來解釋。他強調了新自由主義經濟結構的崩潰以及蘇聯解體後的政治單極化。隨著中國和俄羅斯等新興大國挑戰這一秩序,西方聯盟可能會形成一個更加統一的陣線,這可能會導致轉向更加專製、步調一致的治理方式,以應對不斷變化的全球格局。
00:20:00 在 YouTube 視頻“歐洲領導人的無知越來越嚴重。如何解釋這一點?”的這一部分中,Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士討論了西半球的民主現狀,並將其與曆史上新舊秩序之間的過渡期進行了類比。他解釋說,在這個過渡時期,最糟糕的事情可能發生,我們正在目睹鎮壓和審查製度的加強,任何挑戰或言論都會立即被貼上不民主的標簽。

Bistoletti 還提到西方民主的衰落和精英缺乏自我批評。他接著討論了大國從核威懾轉向直接常規軍事對抗,以及大國之間失去共識,而這種共識曾經阻止過對彼此領土的攻擊。總的來說,比斯托萊蒂認為,我們正處於未知領域,麵臨著超越核威懾的危機,需要對國際關係有新的認識。

00:25:00 在本節中,埃澤奎爾·路易斯·比斯托萊蒂博士討論了歐洲領導人令人費解的行為,這些行為似乎與自身利益和國家福祉的觀念相矛盾。他指出,歐洲領導人正在做出違背其國家最佳利益的決定,例如冒著核毀滅的風險來遵守美國的命令。比斯托萊蒂認為,歐洲的精英們已經被美國收買,無論是通過腐敗、教育還是其他手段,導致他們做出的決定從現實主義的角度看是不合邏輯的。此外,他還強調了這個問題的經濟層麵,質疑德國企業為何允許損害歐洲經濟的破壞性政策繼續存在。

00:30:00 在本節中,Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士解釋了歐洲領導人日益無知的原因,並將其歸因於各種因素,包括美國政策對歐洲工業和經濟決策的影響、德國主要行業的產權所有權轉移到 Black Rock 等美國基金,以及缺乏公眾動員來反對導致民主衰落的有害政策。他將其與東歐國家曾經受莫斯科影響的情況進行了類比,並強調了改變當前與美國利益結盟的挑戰,並指出瑞士的直接民主手段是解決這些問題的潛在方法。

00:35:00 在 YouTube 視頻“歐洲領導人的無知越來越嚴重。如何解釋? | Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士”的這一部分中,Bistoletti 博士討論了歐洲政治變革缺乏民主途徑的問題,尤其是在議會民主製國家,他認為這導致了傀儡領導人的出現和抗議活動的鎮壓。他列舉了過去 20 年歐洲政治運動的例子,包括希臘的 SITA、西班牙的 Podemos 和意大利的五星運動,所有這些運動最終都被迫遵守北約的教義和美國的命令。Bistoletti 博士還批評歐洲領導人的無知和改寫曆史以適應當前的政治議程。他以最近的二戰結束紀念活動為例,紀念活動紀念了為烏克蘭納粹國家而戰的斯捷潘·班德拉等人物,而為擊敗納粹主義發揮了重要作用的俄羅斯卻沒有受到邀請。

00:40:00 在本節中,比斯托萊蒂博士討論了歐洲領導人對曆史的無知和改寫,將其歸咎於精英階層對普通民眾的內部蔑視,導致信息空間被控製,民主原則喪失。他對人們意識到操縱表示希望,並強調爭取民主理想的重要性,以避免可能陷入法西斯社會,強調需要采取集體行動,以防止歐洲在衝突中被孤立。

00:45:00 在 YouTube 視頻的這一部分,標題為“歐洲領導人的無知正在惡化。如何解釋這一點? | Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士”,Bistoletti 博士討論了他的西班牙和拉丁美洲觀眾與歐洲觀眾對全球事件的不同看法。他解釋說,雖然他的西班牙觀眾理解他所持的批判性觀點,但拉丁美洲觀眾對歐洲領導人為何將國家利益置於美國政策之下感到困惑。Bistoletti 博士認為,這是一個重大的觀點差異,歐洲和北美處於泡沫之中,沒有完全理解他們行動的全球視角。他還談到了譴責俄羅斯和中國的行為,同時允許加沙暴行繼續發生的虛偽行為。

00:50:00 在 YouTube 視頻“歐洲領導人的無知越來越嚴重。如何解釋? | Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti 博士”的這一部分中,Bistoletti 博士討論了一些歐洲領導人持有的至上主義觀點,他們認為西方民主國家有權犯下種族滅絕和轟炸平民等錯誤行為,同時譴責其他國家的行為。他認為這種心態很危險,可能會導致衝突,尤其是當新的參與者出現在全球舞台上時。Bistoletti 博士呼籲民主覺醒,和平地罷免政治和經濟精英,以建立更民主的國家,優先考慮和平和為所有人提供更好的生活條件。他的 YouTube 頻道“demolishi”政治神話》提供了更多類似批判性話題的內容。

Summary of IGNORANCE Of European Leaders Is Getting WORSE. How To Explain This? | Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti


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00:00:00 - 00:50:00

The YouTube video titled "IGNORANCE Of European Leaders Is Getting WORSE. How To Explain This? | Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti" features Dr. Bistoletti discussing the increasing lack of understanding and concern among European leaders regarding the possibility of war and declining democracy. He addresses the disconnect between elites, media, and the public, pointing out a trend of anti-systemic party support and the impact of US influence on European decision-making. Bistoletti highlights the erosion of democracy, suppression of protests, and the rewriting of history to align with current political agendas, attributing these issues to a lack of democratic participation and public mobilization against detrimental policies. He emphasizes the need for a democratic awakening to prevent Europe from becoming isolated in conflicts.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "IGNORANCE Of European Leaders Is Getting WORSE. How To Explain This?" by Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti, the speakers discuss their concerns about the escalating conflict between Europe and Russia, specifically Germany's perspective on the war in Ukraine. Bistoletti, an Argentinian researcher and political analyst based in Berlin, shares his observation of a significant discrepancy between the German view and the global perspective on the conflict. He notes that while Europe and the global North present themselves as the defenders of democracy and human rights against "cruel dictatorships," the global South sees it as a political conflict between big powers that needs to be settled through negotiation. Bistoletti also mentions his initial surprise at the anti-Russian sentiment in Germany but believes that people have grown tired of the propaganda and are starting to seek a more neutral and peaceful resolution.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti discusses the disconnect between European elites, media, and the general public when it comes to understanding and being concerned about the possibility of war and the decay of democracy. He highlights how people on the streets seem disinterested and ignorant about the escalating tensions, potentially leading to a war in Europe. Bistoletti suggests that this ignorance is linked to the erosion of democracy and lack of public participation in decision-making processes. He also criticizes the media's portrayal of war topics as something only experts can handle, leading to a skewed perception of public opinion and preferences, particularly evident in the recent EU parliamentary elections and the divide between East and West Germans.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Dr. Bistoletti discusses the lack of democratic participation in European countries, highlighting the influence of leaders like Ursula von der Leyen and Josep Borrell who push for solutions without popular support. He notes a trend of people voting for anti-systemic parties, particularly from the populist right, as a response to the perceived lack of distinction between mainstream parties. The concern is raised that the current approach to the Ukraine conflict, influenced by US guidance, could lead to destructive consequences for Europe, especially considering the unpreparedness for a potential war with Russia. The overarching issue seems to be the failure of democracies to truly represent the will of the people, leading to a rise in support for parties seen as outside the established system.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti discusses how the current ignorance of European leaders may be explained by the changing world order since the fall of the Berlin Wall. He highlights the collapse of the neoliberal economic structure and the political unipolarity that followed the Soviet Union's collapse. As emerging powers like China and Russia challenge this order, Western alliances may be hardening into a more unified front, potentially leading to a shift towards a more authoritarian, lockstep approach to governance in response to the changing global landscape.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "IGNORANCE Of European Leaders Is Getting WORSE. How To Explain This?", Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti discusses the current state of democracy in the Western Hemisphere, drawing parallels to the interregnum period between the old and new orders in history. He explains that during this transitional time, the worst things can happen, and we are witnessing a strengthening of repression and censorship, with any challenge or discourse being immediately labeled as undemocratic. Bistoletti also mentions the decay of democracy in the West and the absence of self-criticism among elites. He goes on to discuss the shift from nuclear deterrence to direct conventional military confrontations between big powers and the loss of consensus between great powers that used to prevent attacks on each other's territories. Overall, Bistoletti argues that we are in uncharted waters, facing a crisis that goes beyond nuclear deterrence and requires a new understanding of international relations.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti discusses the puzzling behaviors of European leaders which seem to contradict notions of self-interest and national well-being. He points out that European leaders are making decisions that go against their countries' best interests, such as risking nuclear annihilation to comply with US orders. Bistoletti suggests that the elites in Europe have been coopted by the US, either through corruption, education, or other means, leading to decisions that defy logic from a realist perspective. Additionally, he highlights an economic dimension to the issue, questioning why German businesses are allowing destructive policies that harm the European economy to continue.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti explains the worsening ignorance of European leaders, attributing it to various factors including the influence of US policies on European industrial and economic decisions, the change in property ownership within key German industries to US funds like Black Rock, and the lack of public mobilization against detrimental policies leading to a decline in democracy. He draws parallels to how Eastern European countries were once tethered to Moscow's influence and highlights the challenge of changing the current alignment with US interests, noting Switzerland's direct democratic instruments as a potential way to address these issues.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "IGNORANCE Of European Leaders Is Getting WORSE. How To Explain This? | Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti," Dr. Bistoletti discusses the lack of democratic avenues for political change in Europe, particularly in parliamentary democracies, which he argues results in figurehead leaders and the suppression of protests. He provides examples of political movements in Europe over the past 20 years, including SITA in Greece, Podemos in Spain, and the Five Star Movement in Italy, all of which were ultimately forced to conform to NATO doctrines and US orders. Dr. Bistoletti also criticizes European leaders for their ignorance and the rewriting of history to suit current political agendas. He cites the recent commemoration of the end of World War II as an example, where figures like Stepan Bandera, who fought for the Ukrainian Nazi state, were celebrated, while Russia, which played a significant role in defeating Nazism, was not invited.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Dr. Bistoletti discusses the ignorance and rewriting of history by European leaders, attributing it to the elites' internal disdain for the general population, leading to a controlled information space and a loss of democratic principles. He expresses hope in people awakening to the manipulation and stresses the importance of striving for democratic ideals to avoid a potential descent into a fascist society, highlighting the need for collective action to prevent Europe from being left isolated in conflicts.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "IGNORANCE Of European Leaders Is Getting WORSE. How To Explain This? | Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti," Dr. Bistoletti discusses the different perspectives on global events between his Spanish and Latin American audience and the European audience. He explains that while his Spanish viewers understand the critical perspective he takes, Latin American viewers are confused as to why European leaders are subordinating their national interests to US policies. Dr. Bistoletti believes this is a major difference in perspective and that Europe and North America are in a bubble, not fully understanding the global perspective on their actions. He also touches on the hypocrisy of condemning Russia and China for their actions while allowing atrocities in Gaza to continue.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "IGNORANCE Of European Leaders Is Getting WORSE. How To Explain This? | Dr. Ezequiel Luis Bistoletti," Dr. Bistoletti discusses the supremacist views held by some European leaders, who believe that Western democracies have the right to commit wrongdoings, such as genocide and bombing civilians, while condemning the actions of other countries. He argues that this mindset is dangerous and can lead to conflict, especially as new actors emerge on the global stage. Dr. Bistoletti calls for a democratic awakening and the peaceful removal of political and economic elites to create more democratic countries that prioritize peace and better living conditions for all. His YouTube channel, "demolishing political myths," offers more content on similar critical topics.
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