
衝突增多 歐盟代表告訴安理會必須投資振興多邊體係

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聯合國,會議報道和新聞稿 2023 年 2 月 23 日



歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表何塞普·博雷爾·豐泰萊斯表示,他擔心強權政治的興起會導致更多的不信任、更多的得分和更多的否決權。 世界付出的代價是更多未解決的問題、日益惡化的衝突以及人們任由事件擺布。

他說:“這是我們承擔不起的。”他補充說,秘書長的提案《我們的共同議程》有潛力在未來峰會上實現世界所需的改革。 “但前提是我們所有人都投資振興多邊體係”,他說。 “這不會自動發生,坐在你的位置上,期待別人來做這項工作。 如果各國堅持狹隘的民族主義議程,這種情況也不會發生。”

在一次討論歐盟與聯合國合作的定期會議上,博雷爾先生向代表們保證,歐盟將作為聯合國的堅定支持者盡自己的一份力量,在政治和財政上對本組織進行投資。 歐盟及其成員國是聯合國預算的最大集體捐助國,始終支持本組織的三大支柱:和平與安全; 可持續發展; 和人權。 他列舉了歐盟對世界各地的支持,從幫助非洲國家打擊恐怖主義到援助敘利亞和土耳其遭受毀滅性地震的人們,再到支持西巴爾幹地區的和平。 他說,在俄羅斯聯邦從烏克蘭撤出所有部隊和軍事裝備之前,歐盟將向烏克蘭提供保護其人民所需的一切支持。


阿爾巴尼亞歐洲和外交部長奧爾塔·紮奇卡表示,聯合國和歐盟之間的合作對於國際和平與安全以及全球社會和經濟發展不可或缺。 麵對歐洲和全球挑戰,需要加強合作以實現共同議程並支持多邊主義。 歐盟對俄羅斯聯邦入侵烏克蘭的反應表明了什麽是團結。 阿爾巴尼亞加入了歐盟,實施了一係列旨在降低俄羅斯聯邦資助戰爭和幫助烏克蘭經濟和功能的能力的政策。

日本代表強調區域組織在使安理會履行其維護和平與安全的首要責任方麵發揮著不可或缺的作用。 她表示,歐盟在全球範圍內的當前問題上一貫表現出領導力,例如其“全球門戶”倡議。 她說,歐盟和日本已在亞丁灣進行了超過25次聯合反海盜演習。

阿拉伯聯合酋長國代表指出,必須集體應對相互挑戰,並將歐洲聯盟描述為一個關鍵的地緣政治行為者,在安理會議程上的眾多問題中發揮著建設性作用——從哥倫比亞的聯合全麵行動計劃到 中東和平進程。 她說,隨著烏克蘭戰爭愈演愈烈,國際社會必須加倍努力,公正結束這場戰爭,並警告不要忽視其他危機。

加納代表對此表示讚同,他表示,由於烏克蘭戰爭成為國際事務的中心舞台,因此至關重要的是不要忽視可能使非洲大陸局勢惡化的其他局勢。 他提請注意亞美尼亞和阿塞拜疆之間重新爆發的戰爭以及波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那的局勢。 在談到非洲的安全形勢時,他強調了歐盟對非洲聯盟駐索馬裏過渡特派團(ATMIS)的持續支持。

中方代表敦促歐盟支持聯合國,帶頭踐行以《聯合國憲章》和聯合國原則為核心的真正多邊主義。 不幹涉別國內政,尊重各國社會製度和發展道路,與各方合作。 歐盟應努力實現穩定的國際安全環境的目標。 他希望東盟能夠朝著實現可持續發展的方向努力





歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表何塞普·博雷爾·豐特爾斯表示,他在三場通報會上均對“多邊主義的缺陷”發出警告。 他描述了強權政治的興起如何導致更多的不信任、更多的得分和更多的否決——包括在安理會。 付出的代價是問題未得到解決、衝突加劇以及人們任由事件擺布。 “我擔心今年的情況會更糟。 聯合國和多邊體係正麵臨前所未有的威脅。”他指出,秘書長最近表示,國際社會必須采取果斷行動,避免崩潰。

衝突和問題不斷增多,但尋找解決方案的集體能力卻在下降。 他說:“這是我們承擔不起的。”他補充說,秘書長的提案《我們的共同議程》有潛力在未來峰會上實現世界所需的改革。 “但前提是我們所有人都投資振興多邊體係”,他說。 “這不會自動發生,坐在你的位置上,期待別人來做這項工作。 如果各國堅持狹隘的民族主義議程,這種情況也不會發生。”

他表示,歐盟將作為強有力的支持者盡自己的一份力量,在政治和財政上對聯合國進行投資。 歐盟及其成員國是聯合國預算的最大集體捐助國,歐盟始終支持本組織的三大支柱:和平與安全; 可持續發展; 和人權。 每個國家的成功都依賴於另外兩個國家,國際社會必須應對新舊安全威脅,並應對許多國家不斷惡化的人權狀況。 他指出,2023 年是《世界人權宣言》通過七十五周年,這是一個提醒人們人權是普遍的、不可分割的、適用於世界各地的每個人的好時機。 他敦促國際社會重申對可持續發展議程的承諾,並表示即將召開的可持續發展目標峰會是加快落實2030年議程的關鍵時刻。

關於具體的國際挑戰,他首先談到俄羅斯聯邦對烏克蘭的非法戰爭一周年,這仍然是一個明顯的侵略和違反《聯合國憲章》的案例。 在一個安理會常任理事國非法使用武力將以某種方式“正常化”的世界裏,沒有人是安全的。 這就是為什麽國際法必須在各地得到執行,以保護每個人免受強權政治、勒索和軍事攻擊。

需要根據《憲章》實現公正、全麵和持久的和平。 在俄羅斯聯邦從烏克蘭撤出所有部隊和軍事裝備之前,歐盟將向烏克蘭提供保衛其人民所需的一切支持。 與此同時,它將繼續幫助世界其他國家應對俄羅斯侵略的後果。 他主張在三月中旬再次啟動黑海糧食倡議時更新該倡議。

談到氣候變化,他表示,這是對多邊主義的考驗,也是一個安全問題。 氣候危機是一個教科書般的例子,說明需要采取有效的多邊行動,但目前卻沒有采取行動。 由於氣候與安全關係在全球議程中占據主導地位,安理會必須承擔起自己的責任。

關於歐盟與聯合國在和平與安全方麵的合作,他說,所有歐洲危機管理行動都與聯合國作為合作夥伴。 這種維持和平和危機管理方麵的戰略夥伴關係可以追溯到二十年前。 他說,幫助非洲國家打擊恐怖主義是歐盟的另一個重要優先事項,目前有幾個歐洲使團向這些國家提供軍事和民事支持,最新的例子是歐盟駐莫桑比克培訓團。

歐洲聯盟致力於繼續支持非洲主導的和平支持行動,並支持正在進行的關於將聯合國分攤會費用於安理會授權行動的討論。 非洲聯盟、歐盟等區域組織在預防和應對危機方麵發揮著關鍵作用。 他強調,歐盟將繼續全麵參與世界各地的所有金融和政治危機。 他提到了敘利亞和土耳其發生的毀滅性地震以及阿富汗、薩赫勒地區和西巴爾幹地區的局勢




馬耳他外交部長兼理事會二月份主席伊恩·博格以本國身份發言,強調歐盟與聯合國的戰略關係必須繼續加強對國際法的尊重,包括人權、法治 以及和平解決爭端。 為此,他歡迎秘書長的全麵願景,其中概述了更新多邊方法的必要步驟。 他批評歐盟無力團結起來應對包括氣候在內的全球挑戰,並強調“今天的單方麵失敗將在未來幾年對許多國家造成集體影響”。 他說,區域合作對於當今相互聯係的世界的正常運作不可或缺,並提請人們注意聯合國和歐盟在危機管理、調解與和平行動方麵現有的全麵方法,包括在不同地區的支持。 在這方麵,他歡迎歐盟對索馬裏非洲過渡特派團(ATMIS)的貢獻。

阿爾巴尼亞歐洲和外交部長奧爾塔·紮奇卡表示,博雷利先生出席會議表明,聯合國與歐盟的合作對於國際和平與安全以及全球社會經濟發展不可或缺。 麵對歐洲和全球挑戰,需要加強合作以實現共同議程並加強多邊主義。 這兩個組織在人道主義需求、氣候變化和尊重國際法等廣泛問題上發揮著至關重要的作用。 俄羅斯聯邦對烏克蘭的無端軍事侵略規模是二戰以來從未有過的。 歐盟的回應表明了什麽是團結,烏克蘭加入了歐盟的一係列政策,旨在降低俄羅斯聯邦資助戰爭的能力,幫助烏克蘭的經濟和功能並支持問責製。 全麵、公正的和平不能建立在有罪不罰的基礎上,肇事者應被追究責任。 歐盟的安全架構需要加強,歐盟在西巴爾幹地區的擴張需要加快,因為這將產生一個更安全的大陸。 歐盟和聯合國應加強區域合作,以超越對話的方式解決該地區的衝突。 阿爾巴尼亞尚未成為歐盟成員國,但為候選國並正在進行談判。 阿爾巴尼亞希望加入歐盟,因為它屬於那裏並分享其價值觀。 聯盟是人類曆史上最輝煌的工程。 事實證明,它可以有效地預防衝突。

KWAKU AMPRATWUM-SARPONG(加納)以歐洲和全球安全局勢迅速惡化為由,強調俄羅斯聯邦對烏克蘭的侵略已經避免了新的危機。 數百萬烏克蘭人因戰爭而尋求庇護,除了給鄰國帶來人道主義負擔外,能源危機還威脅到歐洲的政治穩定。 在此背景下,他鼓勵聯合國和歐盟加強合作,以立即停止敵對行動。 他說,由於烏克蘭戰爭成為國際事務的中心舞台,因此至關重要的是不要忽視可能進一步掠奪該大陸條件的其他局勢,並提請人們關注亞美尼亞和阿塞拜疆之間的新戰爭或波斯尼亞和波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那的局勢。 黑塞哥維那。 在談到非洲大陸的安全形勢時,他強調了歐盟對非洲聯盟駐索馬裏過渡特派團(ATMIS)的持續支持以及索馬裏過渡計劃的有效實施。 此外,他承認歐盟對衝突地區,特別是阿富汗、緬甸、敘利亞和也門的人道主義需求的貢獻。 他還歡迎歐盟向受二月初敘利亞和土耳其部分地區地震影響的社區提供援助。

LANA ZAKI NUSSEIBEH(阿拉伯聯合酋長國)回顧說,25年前,數百名阿聯酋軍隊被部署到科索沃支持穩定努力。 她說,這一舉措補充了聯合國和歐盟在確保巴爾幹地區衝突後恢複方麵的作用,並指出必須共同應對共同挑戰。 她將歐盟描述為關鍵的地緣政治參與者,在安理會的眾多問題上發揮著建設性作用。

議程——從哥倫比亞聯合全麵行動計劃到中東和平進程。 她說,隨著烏克蘭戰爭愈演愈烈,國際社會必須加倍努力,公正結束這場戰爭,並警告不要忽視其他危機。 談到安全問題,她表示,集體穩定麵臨的新風險——例如糧食不安全、技術驅動的極端主義煽動和核武力威脅——需要國際合作。 在從敘利亞到薩赫勒地區的前所未有的流離失所的時刻,她呼籲改變管理逃離不穩定局勢的人流的模式。 促進原籍國的可持續和平和經濟機會應成為解決這一問題的關鍵要素。 她還強調,需要確保從阿富汗到也門的平民“根據需要而不是政治”獲得救生援助。 在這方麵,她強調,歐盟是聯合國最大的捐助者之一,為前線人道主義努力提供重要的財政和政治支持。

芭芭拉·伍德沃德(英國)表示,俄羅斯聯邦對烏克蘭的全麵入侵導致歐洲戰火重燃。 連鎖反應使得解決最緊迫的全球挑戰變得更加困難,加劇了糧食不安全,並延長了 COVID-19 大流行造成的損害。 英國與歐盟合作建立了能源轉型夥伴關係,幫助依賴煤炭的新興經濟體實現公正的能源轉型。 她還歡迎聯盟對聯合國教育不能等待基金的支持。 此外,她還強調了該集團與聯合國和平行動以及馬裏和索馬裏建設和平的合作。 她預測,歐盟駐尼日爾夥伴關係代表團將在支持薩赫勒地區的穩定方麵發揮至關重要的作用。 談到烏克蘭,她指出,歐盟提供了重要的人道主義援助,並通過支持黑海糧食倡議幫助解決全球糧食不安全問題。

帕斯卡萊·克裏斯蒂娜·拜裏斯維爾(瑞士)讚揚歐盟和聯合國為促進世界和平和防止武裝衝突所做的共同努力,並重點介紹了非洲聯盟三方項目等倡議。 在談到保護平民和尊重國際人道法時,她強調了保護武裝衝突中的兒童以及傷病員等失去戰鬥力的人員的重要性,無論是在烏克蘭、敘利亞還是其他地方。 她支持為所有受害者伸張正義,重申了該國打擊有罪不罰現象的承諾,並強調沒有問責就不可能有持久和平。 她指出必須在更廣泛的意義上解決安全風險,並將糧食不安全和衝突描述為影響世界許多地區的“惡性循環”,例如也門、阿富汗和非洲之角。 她指出,這包括應對氣候變化,氣候變化會加劇糧食不安全,從而對國際和平與安全產生影響。

筱光子(日本)強調區域組織在使安理會履行其維護和平與安全的首要責任方麵發揮著不可或缺的作用。 她強調,歐盟在全球範圍內的當前問題上始終表現出領導力,並強調了歐盟全球門戶倡議在應對世界最緊迫挑戰方麵的重要性。 日方願與歐盟共同推動國際互聯互通以及綠色和數字合作。 此外,她說,歐盟和日本在亞丁灣進行了超過25次聯合反海盜演習。

戴兵表示,我支持聯合國與歐盟共同維護《憲章》原則,維護全球和平與安全。 他期待歐盟支持聯合國,踐行真正的多邊主義,幫助化解衝突。 應帶頭踐行以《憲章》和聯合國原則為核心的真正多邊主義。 不幹涉別國內政,尊重各國社會製度和發展道路,與各方合作。 歐盟應努力實現穩定的國際安全環境的目標。 任何國家都無法獨自應對或置身於各國的安全關切之中。 鑒於發展中國家麵臨諸多挑戰,他希望歐盟朝著實現可持續發展目標的方向努力。 希望歐盟發揮資源優勢,有針對性地向發展中國家提供符合自身需求的資金和技術支持。 烏克蘭危機給歐洲帶來了巨大挑戰。 它必須平衡可持續安全

歐洲的建築。 他呼籲俄羅斯聯邦和烏克蘭停止戰鬥並開始和平談判。 歐盟、美國和北大西洋公約組織(北約)應與俄羅斯聯邦接觸,以實現非洲大陸的共同安全。

瓦西裏·內本齊亞(俄羅斯聯邦)表示,由於布魯塞爾的努力,俄羅斯與歐盟之間的關係“跌入穀底”。 當曆史學家在專門討論歐盟的章節中描述2022-2023年時,最常用的詞語可能是:“墮落、無助、短視和恐俄症”。 他說,盡管歐洲立法明確禁止,歐盟仍向衝突地區運送武器,並補充說,大部分運送費用是由歐洲和平基金支付的。 他指出,歐洲各國首都和機構舉辦的活動致力於討論如何最好地摧毀俄羅斯聯邦,並采取措施取消其文化、藝術和體育成就。 他強調了在這場恐俄動亂結束之前關閉大門的願望,並表示俄羅斯聯邦已被標記為歐洲安全的唯一威脅,並且隻允許討論針對俄羅斯的集體安全問題。 他回憶說,西方簽署了一項相互安全保證協議,但遭到傲慢拒絕。 自2009年以來,歐盟對於與莫斯科斷絕關係的必要性采取了完全不同的邏輯,將共同的鄰國置於“俄羅斯還是歐盟”的選擇之前。 2014年的政變引發了烏克蘭的嚴重危機,國際社會現在正在見證這場危機的最後階段。 “所有這些關於睦鄰、夥伴關係和共同空間的故事都隻是與俄羅斯對抗的煙幕彈,”他斷言。 “當今世界正處於自殺性衝突的邊緣”,歐盟與西方其他國家一道,正在增加向基輔“政權”運送武器,加劇其共謀。 歐盟正在失去自己的法律地位,並成為另一個其真實目標和意圖眾所周知的軍事集團的毫無骨氣的附屬品。 2月10日,簽署了《歐盟-北約合作聯合聲明》,重申歐盟完全服從軍事聯盟製定的目標,包括其統治全球的地緣政治野心。 他聲稱,華盛頓特區支持布魯塞爾,並指出,歐盟必須為每一美元投資付出獨立和主權的代價。

PEDRO COMISSÁRIO AFONSO(莫桑比克)表示,自 2004 年以來,歐盟一直通過與非洲聯盟委員會合作管理的非洲和平基金,成為非洲聯盟預防衝突努力的貢獻夥伴。 2007年至2019年間,歐盟已撥款27億歐元支持非洲聯盟的和平與安全活動。 自 2021 年以來,歐洲和平基金一直使歐盟能夠直接向南部非洲發展共同體 (SADC) 等區域經濟共同體提供援助,以開展區域和平與安全支持行動。 他指出,歐盟和非洲聯盟之間的夥伴關係必須建立在解決衝突根源、包括促進可持續發展的共同利益之上,並強調“非洲問題首先需要非洲解決”。 他歡迎歐盟對非洲聯盟實施2063年議程、非洲和平與安全架構、非洲治理架構和“平息槍聲”計劃的支持,該計劃現已延長至2030年。談到反恐問題,他讚揚了歐盟的支持 響應南共體為落實南共體區域反恐中心而采取的舉措,該中心於 2022 年 2 月在坦桑尼亞聯合共和國成立。

米歇爾·澤維爾·比昂(加蓬)表示,聯合國和歐盟有著持續發展的積極關係。 這是一個基準夥伴關係,幫助聯合國應對從打擊恐怖主義到促進人權和人道主義援助等許多挑戰。 歐盟正在努力應對氣候變化。 歐盟的承諾對於通過重申聯合國發揮的關鍵作用來支持多邊主義非常重要。 歐洲聯盟還通過資助非洲許多地區的預防衝突任務和建設和平任務來幫助確保和平與安全。 此外,它還對西巴爾幹地區和烏克蘭有所幫助。 氣候變化正在加劇許多全球危機,聯合國和歐盟之間的合作對於解決這一問題非常重要。 危機的區域性日益增強也意味著應該加強合作

區域組織中。 這對於打擊非洲大陸的極端恐怖組織是必要的。 例如,歐盟和非洲聯盟就幾內亞灣的海盜事件開展了合作。 他支持聯合國、非洲聯盟和歐盟之間加強三邊合作,以解決恐怖主義等跨領域問題。 他補充說,婦女和兒童應參與製定應對和平挑戰的解決方案。

琳達·托馬斯-格林菲爾德(美國)感謝歐盟通過與聯合國的合作為全球國際和平與安全做出的寶貴貢獻。 美國和歐盟在共同價值觀的基礎上建立了牢固的夥伴關係,並堅定地致力於《聯合國憲章》的原則。 這些原則因俄羅斯聯邦入侵烏克蘭而受到考驗,這是數十年來歐洲安全麵臨的最大威脅。 俄羅斯聯邦認為入侵會分裂國際社會。 但國際社會仍將支持烏克蘭。 一個完整、自由的歐洲的夢想絕不能隻是一個願望和空話,而是所有人都可以享受的。 美國和歐盟正在與聯合國機構合作,減輕戰爭造成的人道主義影響。 這場戰爭加劇了世界各地的糧食危機。 2022年9月,召開全球糧食安全峰會,100多個會員國共同應對世界糧食危機。 這一承諾必須得到財政援助的支持。 她說,美國和歐盟是世界糧食機構最大的捐助國之一。 她指出了歐盟與聯合國的合作與夥伴關係如何幫助維護世界各地的和平與安全,包括海地、波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那、阿富汗和非洲。 她歡迎其與非洲聯盟和聯合國合作促進非洲穩定的努力。 歐洲聯盟是聯合國和理事會的重要夥伴,這種夥伴關係必須得到加強。

埃爾南·佩雷斯·洛斯(厄瓜多爾)表示,他認可歐盟對多邊主義的貢獻,並承認其成員國對建立基於國際法的國際秩序的承諾。 歐盟正在努力在最需要的地方促進和平與安全。 厄瓜多爾和歐盟認識到許多挑戰的緊迫性,例如保護婦女和兒童、預防武裝衝突以及應對網絡空間風險和生物多樣性喪失等新威脅。 他說,厄瓜多爾與歐盟一樣譴責對烏克蘭的軍事侵略,並指出大會今天上午正在審議關於烏克蘭的決議草案。 他讚揚歐盟在西巴爾幹等其他地區的努力以及歐盟領導的維和部隊在該地區幫助維護和平。 他提到了歐盟對 ATMIS 的支持以及歐盟在薩赫勒地區的工作。 他支持歐盟在無核武器世界中發揮更大作用。 他相信歐盟與拉丁美洲之間將在許多領域繼續合作,例如打擊洗錢和販毒。 他鼓勵歐盟在海地轉型過程中向海地提供更多支持,以確保地區和世界的安全,並承認歐盟在哥倫比亞和平進程中的作用。 歐盟是聯合國的戰略夥伴,希望雙方夥伴關係不斷發展。

路易斯·吉爾赫姆·帕爾加·辛特拉(巴西)強調,當今世界麵臨的危機的複雜性給全球治理結構帶來了巨大壓力。 現在是聯合國進行改革的時候了,以便對和平與安全的多重挑戰以及發展中世界的需求做出更合法的反應。 他認識到歐洲聯盟在安全問題上的重要作用,提請注意歐盟對波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那和平行動的貢獻以及對巴勒斯坦權力機構可持續性的支持。 他鼓勵歐盟加倍努力,尋求通過談判解決烏克蘭衝突。 他還強調有必要反思單邊製裁的不可預見後果,指出單邊製裁對其想要影響的行為體的影響有限,同時不可避免地會傷害平民。

伊斯蘭國瑪麗·多裏安·雅羅-達諾特(法國)表示,歐盟一直在與聯合國合作,確保法律高於武力。 她說,在捍衛《聯合國憲章》方麵,歐盟處於最前線,並指出俄羅斯聯邦對聯合國發動的侵略戰爭。歐洲土地,無視國際法。 歐盟成員國已向維和行動部署了5000多名人員。 在敘利亞和土耳其,歐盟已動員起來向地震受災民眾提供緊急援助。 在阿富汗,該集團是主要捐助者之一,繼續向阿富汗人民提供援助,同時繼續要求塔利班停止侵犯婦女和女童的自由。 她還強調,安理會應更具代表性,歡迎新的非常任理事國和常任理事國。

As More Conflicts, Problems around World Mount, European Union High Representative Tells Security Council World Must Invest in Revitalizing Multilateral System

United Nations, Meetings Coverage and Press Releases 23 February 2023


Warning of a “deficit in multilateralism”, the European Union’s foreign affairs chief told Security Council today that the proliferation of conflicts and problems around the world are mounting as the collective capacity to find solutions declines.

Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said he feared the rise in power politics has led to more distrust, more point-scoring and more vetoes.  The price being paid by the world is more unsolved problems, festering conflicts and people left at the mercy of events.

“This we cannot afford,” he said, adding the Secretary-General’s proposal, Our Common Agenda, has the potential to deliver the reforms the world needs at the Summit of the Future.  “But only if all of us invest in revitalizing the multilateral system”, he said.  “It will not just happen by itself, sitting on your position, expecting others to do the job.  Nor will it happen if countries stick to narrow, nationalist agendas.”

At a periodic meeting convened to discuss the European Union’s cooperation with the United Nations, Mr. Borrell assured delegates that the bloc will do its part as a strong supporter of the United Nations, investing in the Organization politically and financially.  The Union and its member States are the largest collective contributor to the United Nations budget and it has always backed the Organization’s three pillars:  peace and security; sustainable development; and human rights.  He cited the bloc’s support for regions around the world, from helping African countries fight terrorism to aiding people suffering from the devastating earthquake in Syria and Türkiye to supporting peace in the Western Balkans.  Until the Russian Federation withdraws all its forces and military equipment from Ukraine, the European Union will give Ukraine all the support it needs to defend its population, he said.

Many delegates voiced their support for the European Union’s steady work and the essential role that multilateralism plays in an increasingly interconnected and troubled world.

Olta Xhaçka, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, said cooperation between the United Nations and the Union is indispensable for international peace and security and global social and economic development.  In the face of European and global challenges, there is a need to strengthen cooperation for a common agenda and bolster multilateralism.  The European Union’s response to the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine shows what solidarity is.  Albania has joined the bloc in a wide range of policies meant to reduce the Russian Federation’s ability to finance the war and help the economy and functionality of Ukraine.

Japan’s delegate stressed the indispensable role of regional organizations in enabling the Council to fulfil its primary responsibility to maintain peace and security.  She said the European Union has consistently demonstrated leadership on current issues on a global scale, such as its Global Gateway initiative.  She said the Union and Japan have conducted more than 25 joint anti-piracy exercises in the Gulf of Aden.

Noting that mutual challenges must be addressed collectively, the representative of the United Arab Emirates described the European Union as a key geopolitical actor, playing a constructive role in a myriad of issues on the Council’s agenda — from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in Colombia to the Middle East Peace Process.  As the war in Ukraine rages on, the international community must redouble efforts to bring it to a just end, she said, warning against ignoring other crises.

Echoing this concern, the representative of Ghana said that as the war in Ukraine takes centre stage in international affairs, it is vital not to lose sight of other situations that could worsen conditions on the continent.  He drew attention to the renewed war between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Turning to the security landscape in Africa, he highlighted the European Union’s continuous support for the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).

The representative of China urged the European Union to support the United Nations and take the lead in practicing true multilateralism with the Charter of the United Nations and the Organization’s principles at its core.  It should not intervene in the internal affairs of other States and should respect each country’s social system and development path and cooperate with all parties.  The Union should work towards the goal of a stable international security environment. He expected the bloc to work in the direction of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as developing countries face many challenges.

Also speaking at today’s meeting were Malta, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan, Russian Federation, Mozambique, Gabon, United States, Ecuador, Brazil and France.

The meeting started at 10:13 a.m. and ended at 12:20 p.m.


JOSEP BORRELL FONTELLES, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said during each of his three briefings, he has warned about a “deficit in multilateralism”.  He described how a rise in power politics has led to more distrust, more point-scoring and more vetoes — including at the Security Council.  The price was being paid in terms of problems not solved, conflicts that fester and people left at the mercy of events.  “I fear the situation this year is even worse.  The United Nations and the multilateral system are under threat like never before,” he said, pointing to the Secretary-General’s recent remarks that the international community must act decisively to avoid a meltdown.

A proliferation of conflicts and problems are mounting yet the collective capacity to find solutions is declining.  “This we cannot afford,” he said, adding the Secretary-General’s proposal, Our Common Agenda, has the potential to deliver the reforms the world needed at the Summit of the Future.  “But only if all of us invest in revitalizing the multilateral system”, he said.  “It will not just happen by itself, sitting on your position, expecting others to do the job.  Nor will it happen if countries stick to narrow, nationalist agendas.”

He said the European Union will do its part as a strong supporter, investing in the United Nations politically and financially.  The Union and its member States are the largest collective contributor to the United Nations budget and the bloc has always backed the Organization’s three pillars:  peace and security; sustainable development; and human rights.  Each depends on the other two for success and the international community must address both old and new security threats and counter the worsening human rights situation seen in so many countries.  Noting that 2023 marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he said it is a good moment to recall that human rights are universal and indivisible and apply to everyone, everywhere.  He urged the international community to renew its commitment to the sustainable development agenda and said the upcoming Sustainable Development Goals Summit is a crucial moment to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

On specific international challenges, he first turned to the one-year anniversary of the Russian Federation’s illegal war against Ukraine, which remains a clear-cut case of aggression and breach of the Charter of the United Nations.  No one is safe in a world where the illegal use of force — by a permanent Council member — would somehow be “normalized”.  That is why international law must be enforced everywhere to protect everyone from power politics, blackmail and military attack.

A just, comprehensive and lasting peace in line with the Charter is needed.  Until the Russian Federation withdraws all its forces and military equipment from Ukraine, the European Union will give Ukraine all the support it needs to defend its population.  At the same time, it will continue to help the rest of the world cope with the fallout of Russia’s aggression.  He advocated for the renewal of the Black Sea Grain Initiative when it is up again in mid-March.

Turning to climate change, he said it is a test case for multilateralism as well as a security issue.  The climate crisis is a textbook example of where effective multilateral action is needed but is not occurring.  As the climate and security nexus dominate the global agenda, the Council will have to take up its responsibilities.

Regarding the European Union and United Nations cooperation on peace and security, he said all European crisis management operations work with the Organization as their partner.  This strategic partnership on peacekeeping and crisis management dates back two decades.  He said helping African countries fight against terrorism is another key priority for the European Union and several European missions currently provide military and civilian support to those countries, the latest example being the European Union Training Mission in Mozambique.

The European Union is committed to continue its support to African-led peace support operations and to the ongoing discussions to use United Nations assessed contributions for operations authorized by the Council.  Regional organizations, like the African Union and the European Union, play a key role in preventing and addressing crises.  He stressed that the European Union will remain fully engaged in all crises around the world, financially and politically.  He referred to the devastating earthquake in Syria and Türkiye and situations in Afghanistan, the Sahel and the Western Balkans.

He thanked the Council for the opportunity to explain the many crises beyond Ukraine and said the European Union remains committed to help people around the world and is doing its best to improve peace and security everywhere.


IAN BORG, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malta, Council President for February, speaking in his national capacity, underscored that the European Union’s strategic relationship with the United Nations must continue to strengthen the respect for international law, including human rights, the rule of law and the peaceful settlement of disputes.  Towards this end, he welcomed the Secretary-General’s comprehensive vision which outlines the necessary steps in renewing a multilateral approach.  Criticizing the inability of the European Union to come together to address global challenges — including climate — he emphasized that “a unilateral failure today will translate in collective ramifications for the many during the years to come”.  Regional cooperation is indispensable to the proper functioning of today’s interconnected world, he said, drawing attention to the existing comprehensive United Nations–European Union approach to crisis management, mediation and peace operations, including the support in different regions.  In this context, he welcomed the Union’s contribution to the African Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).

OLTA XHAÇKA, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, said Mr. Borrell’s participation in the meeting shows that cooperation between the United Nations and the European Union is indispensable for international peace and security and global social and economic development.  In the face of European and global challenges, there is a need to strengthen cooperation for a common agenda and to strengthen multilateralism.  The two organizations have a crucial role to play in a wide range of issues, from humanitarian needs to climate change to respect for international law.  The Russian Federation’s unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine is on a scale that has not been seen since the Second World War.  The European Union’s response shows what solidarity is and her country has joined the bloc in a wide range of policies meant to reduce the Russian Federation’s ability to finance the war and help the economy and functionality of Ukraine and support accountability.  A comprehensive and just peace cannot be built on impunity and perpetrators should be held accountable.  The European Union’s security architecture needs to be strengthened and the expansion of the bloc in the Western Balkans needs to be sped up as it will produce a more secure continent.  The Union and United Nations should increase their regional cooperation in conflict resolution in the region beyond dialogue.  Albania is not yet a member of the Union but is a candidate and is engaged in negotiations.  Albania wants to join the bloc because it belongs there and shares its values.  The Union is the most brilliant project human history has ever known.  It has been proven to be efficient in preventing conflict.

KWAKU AMPRATWUM-SARPONG (Ghana), citing rapid deterioration of the security situation in Europe and worldwide, stressed that the aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation has spurned new crises.  Apart from the humanitarian burden on neighbouring countries where millions of Ukrainians have sought refuge from the war, the energy crises threaten political stability in Europe.  Against this background, he encouraged closer cooperation between the United Nations and the European Union towards the immediate cessation of hostilities.  As the war in Ukraine takes centre stage in international affairs, it is vital not to lose sight of other situations which could further plunder conditions on the continent, he said, drawing attention to the renewed war between Armenia and Azerbaijan or the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Turning to the security landscape in his continent, he highlighted the European Union’s continuous support for the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and the effective implementation of the Somalia Transition Plan.  Moreover, he recognized the European Union’s contribution to humanitarian needs arising in areas of conflict, particularly in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria and Yemen.  He also welcomed the European Union’s mobilizations of aid in communities affected by the recent earthquakes that struck parts of Syria and Türkiye earlier in February.

LANA ZAKI NUSSEIBEH (United Arab Emirates) recalled that 25 years ago, hundreds of Emirati troops were deployed to Kosovo to support stabilization efforts.  This initiative complemented the role of the United Nations and the European Union to ensure post-conflict recovery in the Balkans, she said, noting that mutual challenges must be addressed collectively.  She described the European Union as a key geopolitical actor, playing a constructive role in a myriad of issues on the Council’s agenda — from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in Colombia to the Middle East Peace Process.  As the war in Ukraine rages on, the international community must redouble efforts to bring it to a just end, she said, warning against ignoring other crises.  Turning to security, she said emerging risks to collective stability — such as food insecurity, tech-enabled extremist incitement and nuclear sabre-rattling — require international cooperation.  In a moment of unprecedented displacement — from Syria to the Sahel — she called for a change of paradigm in managing the flow of those fleeing instability.  Promoting sustainable peace and economic opportunities in countries of origin should be a key element in addressing this issue.  She also stressed the need to ensure that civilians from Afghanistan to Yemen receive life-saving aid, “based on needs and not on politics”.  In this context, she emphasized that the European Union is one of the United Nations largest donors, providing critical financial and political support to front-line humanitarian efforts.

BARBARA WOODWARD (United Kingdom) said the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine saw the return of war to Europe.  The knock-on effects have made it harder to tackle the most pressing global challenges, exacerbated food insecurity and prolonged the damage wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The United Kingdom worked alongside the European Union to establish Energy Transition Partnerships which has helped coal-dependent emerging economies make a just energy transition.  She also welcomed the Union’s support for the United Nations Education Cannot Wait fund.  In addition, she highlighted the bloc’s cooperation with United Nations peace operations and peacebuilding in Mali and Somalia.  She predicted that the European Union Partnership Mission to Niger will play a vital role in supporting stability in the Sahel.  Turning to Ukraine, she pointed out that the Union has given vital humanitarian assistance and helped tackle global food insecurity by supporting the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

PASCALE CHRISTINE BAERISWYL (Switzerland) commended the joint efforts of the European Union and the United Nations to promote peace and prevent armed conflicts in the world, spotlighting initiatives such as the tripartite project of the African Union.  Turning to the protection of civilians and respect for international humanitarian law, she stressed the importance of protecting children in armed conflicts, as well as persons hors de combat such as the wounded and sick, whether in Ukraine, Syria or elsewhere.  Supporting justice for all victims, she reiterated her country’s commitment to the fight against impunity and stressed that there can be no lasting peace without accountability.  Noting that security risks must be addressed in a broader sense, she described food insecurity and conflict as “a vicious circle” that affects many parts of the world, such as Yemen, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa.  This includes the fight against climate change, which exacerbates food insecurity and can thus have implications for international peace and security, she noted.

SHINO MITSUKO (Japan) stressed the indispensable role of regional organizations in enabling the Council to fulfil its primary responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security.  The European Union has consistently demonstrated leadership on current issues on a global scale, she stressed, highlighting the importance of the European Union’s Global Gateway initiative in tackling the world’s most pressing challenges.  Japan is willing to work with the Union to promote international connectivity as well as green and digital cooperation.  Moreover, she said, the Union and Japan have conducted more than 25 joint anti-piracy exercises in the Gulf of Aden.

DAI BING (China) said he supports the United Nations in its work with the European Union to uphold the principles of the Charter and to maintain global peace and security.  He expects the European Union to support the United Nations and practice true multilateralism and help to transform conflicts.  It should take the lead in practicing true multilateralism with the Charter and United Nations principles at its core.  It should not intervene in other countries internal affairs and respect each country’s social system and development path and cooperate with all parties.  The Union should work towards the goal of a stable international security environment.  No State can cope on its own or remove itself from the security concerns of all countries.  He expected the Union to work in the direction of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as developing countries face many challenges.  He expected the bloc to leverage its advantage in resources and provide targeted financial and technical support to developing countries that can dovetail with its needs.  The Ukraine crisis is creating an enormous challenge for Europe.  It must balance sustainable security architecture in Europe.  He called on the Russian Federation and Ukraine to stop fighting and start peace talks.  The European Union, the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should engage with the Russian Federation to achieve common security on the continent.

VASSILY A. NEBENZIA (Russian Federation) said thanks to the efforts of Brussels, the relationship between his country and the European Union “plummeted to rock bottom”.  When historians describe the years 2022–2023 in the chapter dedicated to the European Union, the words most commonly used will probably be the following:  “degradation, helplessness, short-sightedness and Russophobia”.  Despite being explicitly prohibited in European legislation, the Union delivers weapons to conflict zones, he said, adding that much of the deliveries are paid for from the European Peace Fund.  He pointed to events in European capitals and institutions dedicated to discussion of how best to destroy the Russian Federation amid measures to cancel its culture, art and athletic achievements.  Highlighting the desire to shut the door until this Russophobic turmoil comes to an end, he said the Russian Federation has been labelled as a sole threat to the European security and discussions are only allowed about collective security against his country.  The West signed an agreement on mutual security assurance which was arrogantly rebuffed, he recalled.  Since 2009, the European Union followed a completely different logic about the need for severing ties with Moscow, placing their shared neighbours before a choice:  “Russia or the European Union”.  The 2014 coup detonated acute Ukrainian crises, whose final phase the international community is now bearing witness to.  “All of these tales about good neighbourliness, partnership and a common space were a mere smokescreen for a confrontation with Russia,” he asserted.  “Today’s world is balancing on a verge of a suicidal conflict” where the European Union — alongside the rest of the West — is raising weapons deliveries to the Kyiv “regime”, increasing its complicity.  The Union is losing its own legal standing and becoming a spineless appendage of another military bloc whose true goals and intentions are well known.  On 10 February, a Joint Declaration on European Union-NATO Cooperation was signed, reaffirming the full subordination of the former to the goals set out by the military alliance, including its geopolitical ambitions of global domination.  Washington, D.C., stands behind Brussels, he asserted, noting that for every invested dollar, the European Union has to pay with independence and sovereignty.

PEDRO COMISSÁRIO AFONSO (Mozambique) registered that since 2004, the European Union has been a contributing partner to African Union conflict prevention efforts, through the African Peace Facility, a fund managed in partnership with the African Union’s Commission.  Between 2007 and 2019, the European Union has dispensed €2.7 billion in support of the African Union’s peace and security activities.  Since 2021, the European Peace Facility has been enabling the European Union to channel assistance directly to the regional Economic Communities — such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) — towards regional peace and security support operations.  Noting that the partnership between the European Union and the African Union must be based on a shared interest in tackling the root causes of conflicts, including promoting sustainable development, he stressed that that “African problems require African solutions first”.  He welcomed European Union’s support to the African Union’s Agenda 2063 implementation, the African Peace and Security Architecture, the African Governance Architecture and Silencing the Guns, a programme now extended to the year 2030.  Turning to counter-terrorism, he commended the European Union’s support to SADC’s initiatives to operationalize the SADC Regional Counter Terrorism Centre, launched in February 2022 in the United Republic of Tanzania.

MICHEL XAVIER BIANG (Gabon) said the United Nations and the European Union have a positive relationship that keeps growing.  It is a benchmark partnership and has helped the United Nations address many challenges, from combating terrorism to promoting human rights and humanitarian aid.  The European Union is working to combat climate change.  The commitment of the Union is very important to bolstering multilateralism by reaffirming the key role played by the United Nations.  The European Union also helps ensure peace and security by financing conflict-prevention missions and peacebuilding missions in many parts of Africa.  Furthermore, it helps in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.  Many global crises are being exacerbated by climate change, and collaboration between the United Nations and European Union are important to tackling this issue.  The increasing regional nature of crises also means there should be greater cooperation among regional organizations.  This is necessary to fight extreme terrorist groups on the African continent.  The European Union and African Union have worked together, for example, on incidents of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea.  He supported greater trilateral cooperation between the United Nations, African Union and European Union to address cross-cutting concerns, such as terrorism.  He added that women and children should be involved in creating solutions to peacemaking challenges.

LINDA THOMAS-GREENFIELD (United States) thanked the European Union for its invaluable contribution to international peace and security around the globe through its cooperation with the United Nations.  The United States and European Union have built a strong partnership based on shared values and are steadfastly committed to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.  These principles have been put to the test by the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, the biggest threat to European security in decades.  The Russian Federation thought the invasion would divide the international community.  But the international community will remain with the Ukraine.  The dream of a Europe that is whole and free must not be just an aspiration and empty words, but something that can be enjoyed by all.  The United States and the European Union are working with United Nations agencies to mitigate the humanitarian impact of the war.  This war has exacerbated the food crisis around the world.  In September 2022, there was a global food security summit and more than 100 Member States responded to the world food crisis.  This commitment must be backed up with financial assistance.  She said the United States and European Union are among the largest donors to world food agencies.  She noted the ways in which the European Union-United Nations cooperation and partnership has helped to maintain peace and security around the world, including in Haiti, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan and Africa.  She welcomed its efforts to work with the African Union and United Nations to promote stability in Africa.  The European Union is a critical partner to the United Nations and the Council, a partnership that must be strengthened.

HERNÁN PÉREZ LOOSE (Ecuador) said he recognized the European Union’s contribution to multilateralism and acknowledged the commitments of its members to achieve an international order based on international law.  The Union is working to promote peace and security where it is most needed.  Ecuador and the European Union recognize the urgency of many challenges, such as protecting women and children, preventing armed conflict and addressing emerging threats such as cyberspace risks and the loss of biodiversity.  Ecuador, like the European Union, condemns the military aggression against Ukraine, he said, noting the draft resolution the General Assembly is considering this morning on Ukraine.  He commended the efforts of the European Union in other areas, such as the Western Balkans and the European Union-led peacekeeping force in that area that helps maintain in peace.  He noted the Union’s support for ATMIS as well as the bloc’s work in the Sahel region.  He backed the European Union playing a greater role in a world free of nuclear weapons.  He trusted there would be continued cooperation between the Union and Latin America in many areas, such as combating money laundering and drug trafficking.  He encouraged the Union to provide more support to Haiti as it transitions in order to ensure a safe region and world and acknowledged the bloc’s role in the peace process in Colombia.  The European Union is a strategic partner of the United Nations and he hoped the partnership would continue to grow.

LUÍS GUILHERME PARGA CINTRA (Brazil) underscored that the complexity of the crises the worlds faces today places enormous pressure on global governance structures.  It is high time the United Nations is reformed to offer more legitimate responses to the multiple challenges to peace and security and the demands of the developing world.  Recognizing the important role of the European Union in security issues, he drew attention to its contributions to the peace operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its support for the sustainability of the Palestinian Authority.  He encouraged the Union to redouble its efforts in the search for a negotiated solution to the conflict in Ukraine.  He also highlighted the need to reflect on the unforeseen consequences of unilateral sanctions, citing their limited effect on actors whose behaviour they intend to influence, while invariably harming civilian populations.

ISIS MARIE DORIANE JARAUD-DARNAULT (France) said the European Union has been working alongside the United Nations to ensure the primacy of law over force.  The Union is at the forefront when it comes to defending the Charter of the United Nations, she said, pointing to the war of aggression which has been waged by the Russian Federation on European soil, in contempt of international law.  Member States of the European Union have deployed more than 5,000 personnel in peacekeeping operations.  In Syria and Turkey, the Union has mobilized to deliver emergency assistance to the populations victimized by the earthquake.  In Afghanistan, the bloc is among the leading donors, maintaining its assistance to the Afghan population while continuing to demand that the Taliban stops violating the freedoms of women and girls.  She also underscored that the Security Council should be more representative and welcome new non-permanent and permanent members.

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