
歐洲人權專員 意大利應改進有關移民和庇護、婦女權利和性別平等

(2024-04-16 06:35:47) 下一個



斯特拉斯堡 14/12/2023

在今天發布的一份報告中,歐洲委員會人權事務專員杜尼亞·米賈托維奇(Dunja Mijatovi?)建議采取一係列措施,更好地維護移民、尋求庇護者和婦女的權利。 專員還提出了有關記者和 LGBTI 人士法律保護的某些問題。

專員強調歐洲需要共同承擔拯救海上生命的責任,並認可意大利在這一領域的努力,敦促意大利當局確保足夠的搜救能力,並呼籲廢除阻礙非政府組織搜救行動的立法和政策 。

鑒於利比亞正在發生嚴重、係統的侵犯人權行為,應暫停直接或間接導致返回利比亞的合作活動。 與其他國家,特別是突尼斯的合作,應以全麵的人權保障為條件,未經適當的個人評估,不應進行任何回返。 專員還警告說,與阿爾巴尼亞簽訂的諒解備忘錄中缺乏充分的人權保障,並建議意大利當局優先改善國內庇護和接收係統。

專員歡迎意大利在促進性別平等和打擊暴力侵害婦女行為方麵取得的進展,但指出法律框架與婦女和女童麵臨的不平等、歧視和暴力之間存在顯著反差。 為了縮小這一差距,她建議當局縮小地區差距,消除性別歧視和性別陳規定型觀念,並改善對性別暴力受害者的支持服務。

專員呼籲加強反歧視法的執行力度,並加大力度改善婦女的社會經濟狀況。 她還敦促當局確保婦女和女童不受阻礙地獲得性健康和生殖健康服務,包括墮胎護理和避孕,並強調需要尊重和維護婦女在孕產婦保健方麵的權利、尊嚴和自主權。

還應修訂刑法,將包括強奸在內的性暴力犯罪建立在自由同意的概念之上。 此外,專員還呼籲加大力度預防性別暴力,並加強對司法和執法人員的培訓,以改善對性別暴力女性受害者的待遇,防止二次受害。

最後,專員建議將誹謗非刑罪化,建立國家人權機構,並擴大反對歧視、仇恨犯罪和仇恨言論的立法範圍,以涵蓋 LGBTI 人群的權利。

該報告基於專員 6 月 19 日至 23 日對意大利的訪問。 有關專員在意大利工作的更多信息,請訪問本頁。

閱讀專員 2023 年 6 月訪問意大利後關於意大利的報告
Italy should improve legislation and practice on migration and asylum, women’s rights and gender equality
STRASBOURG 14/12/2023
In a report published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovi?, recommends adopting a number of measures to better uphold the rights of migrants, asylum seekers and women. The Commissioner also raises certain issues concerning journalists and the legal protection of LGBTI people.

Stressing the need for a shared European responsibility to save lives at sea and recognising Italy’s efforts in this area, the Commissioner urges the Italian authorities to ensure adequate search and rescue capacity and calls for the repeal of legislation and policies that hamper NGO search and rescue operations.

Cooperation activities that directly or indirectly lead to returns to Libya should be suspended, in view of the grave and systematic human rights violations taking place there. Cooperation with other countries, in particular Tunisia, should be conditional on comprehensive human rights safeguards, and no returns should take place without a proper individual assessment.  The Commissioner also warns of the lack of adequate human rights safeguards in the Memorandum of Understanding concluded with Albania and recommends that the Italian authorities prioritise improving the domestic asylum and reception systems.

While welcoming Italy’s progress in promoting gender equality and combating violence against women, the Commissioner notes a marked contrast between the legal framework and the inequalities, discrimination and violence faced by women and girls. To close this gap, she recommends that the authorities reduce regional disparities, combat sexism and gender stereotypes and improve support services for victims of gender-based violence.

The Commissioner calls for stronger enforcement of anti-discrimination laws and greater efforts to improve women’s socio-economic situation.  She also urges the authorities to ensure women’s and girls’ unhindered access to sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion care and contraception, and stresses the need to respect and uphold women’s rights, dignity and autonomy in maternal health care.

Criminal law should also be amended to base sexual violence offences, including rape, on the notion of freely given consent. In addition, the Commissioner calls for increased efforts to prevent gender-based violence and for more training of judicial and law enforcement personnel to improve their treatment of women victims of gender-based violence and prevent secondary victimisation.

Finally, the Commissioner recommends the decriminalisation of defamation, the establishment of a national human rights institution and the broadening of legislation against discrimination, hate crime and hate speech to cover the rights of LGBTI people.

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