
美國 Nuland 挑撥烏克蘭消滅普京

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路透社 2024 年 3 月 5 日

路透華盛頓3月5日 - 美國三號外交官維多利亞·紐蘭(Victoria Nuland)將在未來幾周內辭去負責政治事務的副國務卿一職,她以堅定支持烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭而聞名。

布林肯在書麵聲明中表示:外交官和外交政策專業的學生將在未來幾年研究托裏亞在烏克蘭問題上的領導力。他暗指紐蘭對烏克蘭的支持,特別是自俄羅斯 2022 年入侵以來。


資深俄羅斯鷹派人士維多利亞·紐蘭 (Victoria Nuland) 將離開國務院



國務院負責政治事務的副國務卿維多利亞·紐蘭 (Victoria Nuland) 將於 2021 年在參議院外交關係委員會作證。

邁克爾·克勞利 作者:邁克爾·克勞利 2024 年 3 月 5 日更新 2024 年 3 月 7 日

維多利亞·J·紐蘭 (Victoria J. Nuland) 是國務院四號官員,也是對弗拉基米爾·V·普京 (Vladimir V. Putin) 領導下的俄羅斯采取強硬政策的堅定倡導者,在為政府服務了 30 多年後,她將於本月退休。



紐蘭女士曾擔任國務院多項職務,包括發言人,並曾擔任副總統迪克·切尼的副國家安全顧問。 但她作為一名俄羅斯專家而聞名,長期以來一直主張對普京的領土野心和外國政治影響力進行強烈抵製。


作為一名熟練的官僚運作者,她以敏銳的智慧和直率的方式表達自己的論點,讓同事們既欽佩又害怕。 “她總是說出自己的想法,”布林肯在聲明中溫和地指出。


在拜登執政期間,紐蘭女士成為美國支持烏克蘭的懷疑論者的避雷針。"沒有人比紐蘭更能推動這場戰爭,”特斯拉聯合創始人埃隆·馬斯克去年二月在社交媒體網站 X 上寫道。

她在莫斯科被辱罵為華盛頓建製派的化身,認為華盛頓建製派密謀破壞俄羅斯,甚至推翻普京。 俄羅斯官員和媒體不斷回憶起時任美國負責歐洲和歐亞事務的助理國務卿努蘭女士2014年初向基輔中心廣場的抗議者分發食物的方式,抗議者最終推翻了克裏姆林宮支持的烏克蘭領導人。

俄羅斯外交部長謝爾蓋·V·拉夫羅夫(Sergey V. Lavrov)去年表示,“2014年,烏克蘭副國務卿維多利亞·紐蘭(Victoria Nuland)向恐怖分子分發餅幹後,發生了一場針對政府的政變”。 (紐蘭女士說她分發的是三明治,而不是餅幹。)

克裏姆林宮支持的英語新聞網站 RT 將紐蘭女士的離職視為重大新聞,該網站的主頁上掛著紅色橫幅,標題為“紐蘭退出”。

RT 援引俄羅斯外交部發言人瑪麗亞·紮哈羅娃 (Maria Zakharova) 的話報道,將努蘭女士的離職歸咎於“拜登政府反俄方針的失敗”。 她指責說,“維多利亞·紐蘭提出的恐俄症作為美國主要外交政策概念,正像一塊石頭一樣把民主黨拖入穀底。”

在溫迪·謝爾曼(Wendy Sherman)退休後,紐蘭在過去一年的大部分時間裏都兼任代理副國務卿,溫迪·謝爾曼在拜登政府的頭兩年半擔任這一職務。

她被認為是全職接替謝爾曼女士的自然人選。 但布林肯任命了前國家安全委員會亞洲事務高級官員庫爾特·坎貝爾(Kurt Campbell)擔任這一職務。 坎貝爾先生於 2 月 6 日獲得參議院批準。




"如果普京在烏克蘭獲勝,他不會就此止步,世界各地的獨裁者都會有勇氣通過武力改變現狀," 她在華盛頓戰略與國際研究中心的講話中警告說。

普京先生“認為他可以等待我們所有人,”她說, "我們需要證明他是錯的。”

2024 年 3 月 7 日:
本文的早期版本錯誤地描述了維多利亞·J·紐蘭 (Victoria J. Nuland) 在國務院的職位。 她是其第四號官員和第三號外交官。


邁克爾·克勞利為《泰晤士報》報道國務院和美國外交政策。 他曾在近三打國家進行報道,並經常與國務卿一起出訪。 關於邁克爾·克勞利的更多信息

Victoria Nuland, Veteran Russia Hawk, to Leave the State Department


A hard-charging diplomat and determined advocate of supporting Ukraine will step down from the department’s No. 4 post.


Victoria Nuland, in a dark top and dark green jacket, facing a microphone.

Victoria Nuland, the State Department’s under secretary for political affairs, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2021.

Michael Crowley By Michael Crowley  

Victoria J. Nuland, the fourth-ranking official at the State Department and a determined advocate of tough policies toward Vladimir V. Putin’s Russia, will retire this month after more than 30 years of government service.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced Ms. Nuland’s departure from the post of under secretary for political affairs on Tuesday in a statement noting her “fierce passion” for freedom, democracy and human rights, and America’s promotion of those causes abroad.

Mr. Blinken singled out her work on Ukraine, which he called “indispensable to confronting Putin’s full-scale invasion” of the country.

Ms. Nuland held numerous State Department positions, including spokeswoman, and once served as deputy national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. But she made her mark as a Russia specialist who long argued for marshaling strong resistance to Mr. Putin’s territorial ambitions and foreign political influence.

As the State Department’s top Russia official during the Obama administration, she argued unsuccessfully for arming Ukraine with antitank missiles, and during the Biden administration has been among the biggest proponents of sending Ukraine more and better U.S. weapons.

A skilled bureaucratic operator, she delivered her arguments with sharp wit and a bluntness that drew a mixture of admiration and fear from colleagues. “She always speaks her mind,” Mr. Blinken’s statement gently noted.

She became more widely known in 2014 after referring with an expletive to the European Union in a phone call about Ukrainian politics that was recorded and leaked, in what U.S. officials believe was the work of Russia.

During the Biden administration, Ms. Nuland became a lightning rod for skeptics of U.S. support for Ukraine. “Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland,” the Tesla co-founder Elon Musk wrote on the social media site X last February.

She was reviled in Moscow as an avatar of a Washington establishment that was seen as conspiring to undermine Russia and even overthrow Mr. Putin. Russian officials and media outlets constantly recall the way Ms. Nuland, then the U.S. assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, distributed food to protesters in Kyiv’s central square in early 2014 who eventually toppled Ukraine’s Kremlin-backed leader.

“A coup against the government happened in Ukraine in 2014 after under secretary of state Victoria Nuland handed out cookies to terrorists,” the Russian foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, said last year. (Ms. Nuland has said she passed out sandwiches, not cookies.)

Ms. Nuland’s departure was treated as major news by the Kremlin-backed, English-language news site RT, which featured a red banner across its home page and the headline “NULAND QUITS.”

RT quoted Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, as attributing Ms. Nuland’s departure to “the failure of the anti-Russian course of the Biden administration.” She charged that “Russophobia, proposed by Victoria Nuland as the main foreign policy concept of the United States, is dragging the Democrats to the bottom like a stone.”

Ms. Nuland spent much of the past year doubling as the acting deputy secretary of state following the retirement of Wendy Sherman, who had held the job for the first two and a half years of the Biden administration.

She had been considered a natural candidate to replace Ms. Sherman on a full-time basis. But Mr. Blinken tapped Kurt Campbell, previously the top National Security Council official for Asia, for the post. Mr. Campbell was confirmed by the Senate on Feb. 6.

Mr. Blinken said the department’s under secretary for management, John Bass, would assume Ms. Nuland’s duties on an acting basis until a replacement was confirmed.

Some analysts interpreted the choice of Mr. Campbell as a sign that President Biden and Mr. Blinken consider managing America’s relationship with China to be their top priority, despite the way Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has consumed much of Mr. Biden’s foreign policy.

Ms. Nuland spoke publicly last month about the future of Ukraine, the country in which she had invested many hundreds of hours of her life.

“If Putin wins in Ukraine, he will not stop there, and autocrats everywhere will feel emboldened to change the status quo by force,” she warned in remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Mr. Putin “thinks he can wait out all of us,” she said. “We need to prove him wrong.”

A correction was made on 
March 7, 2024: 

An earlier version of this article misstated Victoria J. Nuland’s rank at the State Department. She is its fourth-ranking official and third-ranking diplomat.

How we handle corrections

Michael Crowley covers the State Department and U.S. foreign policy for The Times. He has reported from nearly three dozen countries and often travels with the secretary of state. More about Michael Crowley

US diplomat Nuland, strong supporter of Ukraine, to step down


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