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2023 年 3 月 13 日 - 斯特拉斯堡 修訂版

克萊爾·戴利(左)。 – 主席先生,具有諷刺意味的是,我們正在以“世界上更強大的歐盟”為標題來看待歐洲對外行動署的未來,而事實是世界——尤其是世界上大多數人口居住的地方 北半球以外的國家——對歐盟的軟弱及其對美帝國的屈從表示懷疑,即使這公然違背了我們自己的利益。

我們沒有倡導歐洲和平,通過對話和外交克服分歧和困難,而是充當了北約的棋子——被軍事工業聯合體俘獲,實施製裁。 現在我們麵臨著能源危機、生活成本危機、家門口憤怒的核電以及《通貨膨脹削減法案》。

如果我們想變得更強大,就停止玩美國的戰爭遊戲,停止對抗我們的貿易夥伴,停止幹涉並試圖在我們不喜歡的國家進行政權更迭,停止掠奪南半球——他們不會接受你們的殖民主義 不再了。 如果你想變得更強大,那就捍衛國際法、聯合國原則、多邊主義,換句話說,那就與你現在所做的相反。

米克·華萊士(左)。 – 總統先生,我們正在談論世界上一個更強大的歐盟。 如果我們希望世界上有一個更強大的歐盟,我們就會有一個優先考慮和平而不是戰爭的歐盟。 除了戰爭之外,總有其他選擇。 當俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭時,這是100%非法的。 有一個替代方案,但他們沒有接受。 但北約東擴也無濟於事。 它有助於破壞該地區的穩定。 自 2014 年以來,美國和北約對烏克蘭的介入並沒有起到任何幫助作用。

自戰爭爆發以來,歐盟未能開展外交和對話,這對事情沒有任何幫助。 我們對利比亞、阿富汗、伊拉克戰爭的支持無濟於事。 您希望世界上有一個什麽樣的強大歐洲? 世界對戰爭不感興趣,但我們卻在推動戰爭。 我們在歐洲實行軍事化。 我們正在增加軍火工業的利潤。 我們為什麽要走這條路? 想要和平的歐洲到底發生了什麽? 我們正在失去情節,我們確實如此。 我們現在正在向烏克蘭注入武器,因為烏克蘭將獲勝。 沒有人會贏得烏克蘭戰爭。 這絕對是瘋狂的。 隻要我們繼續向實戰中投入武器,烏克蘭人就會每天死去越來越多的人。

弗蘭斯·蒂默曼斯,委員會執行副主席。 – 主席先生,用兩個詞來說,我要感謝眾議院對這次討論的貢獻,但我不得不對剛才所說的話做出反應。 恕我直言,米克知道我尊重他所做的工作,讓我們花一分鍾時間把事情搞清楚。

我們正在受到一個對歐洲抱有帝國主義願景的人的攻擊。 他否認烏克蘭人是他們的民族。 他綁架兒童是為了將他們重新教育成俄羅斯人,因為他否認烏克蘭民族的存在。 他正在轟炸公寓樓、學校和醫院。 他們正在犯下最殘暴的戰爭罪行。 你是說我們不應該幫助烏克蘭人自衛?

如果我們不支持烏克蘭進行一場生死攸關的鬥爭,我們就會站在曆史的錯誤一邊。 如果烏克蘭被俄羅斯壓垮,普京不會就此罷休。 摩爾多瓦將是下一個。 他將關注波羅的海國家等。他的意識形態迫使他這樣做。 所以我們需要麵對他,我們需要團結一致。

多年來他一直試圖分裂我們,這就是為什麽他一直在減少對歐洲的能源出口。 通貨膨脹主要是他和他的行為造成的,導致能源價格上漲,食品價格上漲。 我完全讚成和平,但你不會與一個試圖入侵你的大陸並將其他民族置於他的控製之下的瘋子談判。

國際法最基本的規則遭到違反。 您需要尊重國際邊界。 麵對這種侵略,我們今天的歐洲比以往任何時候都更需要團結。 我必須非常坦白地告訴你:我很感激跨大西洋的紐帶幫助我們度過了難關。 我感謝美國和加拿大參與這場爭取我們自由的生存鬥爭。 但我最感謝這些烏克蘭男女,他們今天每天都在為捍衛我們的自由、我們的價值觀和我們的社會願景而獻出生命。

不要對普京先生的意圖抱有任何幻想。 不要假裝不支持烏克蘭,我們就會支持和平。 我們會讓事情變得更糟。


The functioning of the EEAS and a stronger EU in the world (debate)


13 March 2023 - Strasbourg Revised edition

Video of the speeches

Clare Daly (The Left). – Mr President, it’s ironic that we are looking at the future of the European External Action Service under the title ‘a stronger EU in the world’, when the truth is that the world – particularly the places where the majority of the world’s population live outside the global north – are shaking their heads in disbelief at the weakness of the European Union and its subservience to US empire, even when it’s blatantly against our own interests.

Instead of championing peace in Europe, overcoming differences and difficulties through dialogue and diplomacy, we’ve acted as a pawn for NATO – captured by the military industrial complex, imposing sanctions. And now we have an energy crisis, a cost of living crisis, an angry nuclear power on our doorsteps and the Inflation Reduction Act.

If we want to be stronger, stop playing US war games, stop antagonising our trading partners, stop interfering and trying to have regime change in countries we don’t like, stop robbing the global south – they’re not going to take your colonialism anymore. If you want to be stronger, stand up for international law, for UN principles, multilateralism, in other words, the opposite of what you’re doing now.

Mick Wallace (The Left). – Mr President, we’re talking about a stronger EU in the world. If we want a stronger EU in the world, we’ll have an EU that prioritises peace rather than war. There is always an alternative to war. When Russia invaded Ukraine, it was 100% illegal. There was an alternative and they didn’t take it. But NATO’s expansion eastwards didn’t help matters either. It helped to destabilise the area. US and NATO involvement in Ukraine since 2014 haven’t helped matters.

The failure of the EU to engage in diplomacy and dialogue since the war started hasn’t helped matters. Our support for wars in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq hasn’t helped matters. What kind of a strong Europe do yous want in the world? The world is not interested in war, but we are promoting it. We are militarized in Europe. We’re increasing the profits of the arms industry. Why are we going down this path? Whatever happened to the Europe that wanted peace? We’re losing the plot, we are. We’re pumping arms now into Ukraine on the basis that Ukraine are going to win. There’s nobody going to win the war in Ukraine. This is absolute madness. And the Ukrainians are going to die more and more every day as long as we keep pumping arms into a live war.

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, in two words, I will thank the House for the contribution to this discussion but I cannot but react to what was just said. With all due respect, and Mick knows I respect him for the work he does, let’s set things straight for just one minute.

We are being attacked by a man who has an imperialistic vision of Europe. He denies the Ukrainians their nation. He is abducting children to re-educate them to become Russians because he denies the Ukrainian nation its existence. He’s bombing apartment complexes, schools and hospitals. They are committing the most atrocious war crimes. And you’re saying we should not help Ukrainians defend themselves?

We would be we would be on the wrong side of history if we did not support Ukraine in what is for them an existential struggle. If Ukraine is overwhelmed by the Russians, Putin will not stop there. Moldova will be next. He will be looking at the Baltic States, etc., etc. His ideology compels him to do this. So we need to confront him and we need to do it in unity.

He’s been trying to divide us for years, that’s why he’s been reducing energy exports to Europe. The inflation is caused mainly by him and by his actions, which leads to higher energy prices, higher food prices. I’m all for peace, but you don’t negotiate with a madman who’s trying to invade your continent and put other peoples under his control.

The most fundamental rules of international law have been violated. You need to respect international borders. And our European unity today is needed more than ever before in the face of this aggression. And I have to tell you, very frankly: I’m grateful for the transatlantic bond that gets us through this. I’m grateful for the American engagement and the Canadian engagement in this existential struggle for our freedom. But I’m most grateful to these Ukrainian men and women who are dying today, every day, to defend also our freedom, our values, our vision of society.

And don’t have any illusions about Mr Putin’s intention. Don’t pretend that by not supporting Ukraine, we would be supporting peace. We would be making things much, much worse.

This is a moment of a decisive element in our future, honourable members, we either stand up against this dictator or we lose everything we hold dear.


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