
G20部長級會議 向“全球南方”伸出援手

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2024年2月29日 何塞普·博雷爾(Josep Borrell),歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表/歐盟委員會副主席


HR/VP博客——上周我去巴西裏約參加G20外長會議。 G20框架至關重要,因為它將七國集團國家、俄羅斯、中國和所謂“全球南方”的主要國家重新團結起來。 我們討論了中東衝突和侵略烏克蘭戰爭,以及改革多邊體係的迫切需要。

HRVP G20 巴西 - 引自博客
© 歐盟,2024

巴西去年12月擔任G20主席國。 這是一係列新興經濟體輪值主席國中的下一屆,首先是 2022 年的印度尼西亞、2023 年的印度,然後是 2025 年的南非。現任巴西政府希望表明,在 博爾索納羅時代並增強“全球南方”的作用。 G20會議始終是國際關係的關鍵時刻。 G20成員確實占世界GDP的80%以上,他們可以在引導世界擺脫全球對抗方麵發揮關鍵作用。


G20是一個有用的交換意見的框架,但並不是真正的決策機構。 盡管如此,巴西成功擔任二十國集團主席國尤其重要,它可以表明,盡管存在政治分歧,但該論壇可以幫助在社會包容、綠色轉型和多邊治理改革等關鍵全球問題上取得進展。 特別是目前擔任金磚國家主席國的俄羅斯正試圖利用這個另一個論壇作為其地緣政治敘事之戰的替代方案。

裏約熱內盧二十國集團外長會議也是非洲聯盟作為二十國集團常任理事國首次舉行此類會議。 這非常重要,因為 25 年後,世界上四分之一的人將生活在非洲。 歐盟一直大力支持非洲聯盟加入二十國集團,我熱烈歡迎其代表出席裏約。



加沙和中東局勢是最緊迫的國際問題。 人們普遍認為,加沙平民遭受了悲劇,太多無辜者喪生。 目前 90% 的人口流離失所,這場人為的人道主義災難必須停止。

我解釋說,27個歐盟成員國中有26個敦促以色列政府不要在拉法采取軍事行動,並呼籲立即暫停人道主義行動,以實現可持續停火、無條件釋放人質以及提供更多、更快的援助。 人道主義援助。

以色列必須遵守國際法和人道主義法。 每個國家都必須。 兩個歐盟成員國要求我們評估以色列是否遵守《歐盟-以色列聯合協定》中的人權承諾。 我們將在未來幾周內完成這項工作。 在國際法院 (ICJ) 做出具有約束力的初步裁決後,這一點尤為重要。


我們會議最引人注目的方麵是就兩國解決方案達成共識,這是確保持久和平與穩定的唯一途徑。 結束加沙的人道主義悲劇是當務之急,但隨後兩國解決方案必須最終得到迅速實施。 這一次,整個國際社會似乎已準備好致力於實現這一結果。 在沒有任何最終公報的情況下,我要求巴西外長在他的新聞發布會上反映這一共識,以及他所做的事情。


我與七國集團其他部長一起堅定地重申了我們對俄羅斯侵略及其破壞穩定後果的立場,不僅對歐洲而且對整個世界。 我們強調,這明顯違反了《聯合國憲章》主權和領土完整的核心原則,及其對全世界糧食和能源安全的重大負麵影響。 我們還呼籲對艾爾的緩慢謀殺

謝·納瓦爾尼 (Xei Navalny) 被俄羅斯政權統治。

戰爭重返歐洲還影響了全球抗擊饑餓和貧困、減輕低收入國家債務負擔以及應對氣候變化和生物多樣性喪失的努力。 俄羅斯的侵略確實迫使我們重新分配原本用於可持續發展的財政資源,以加強國防和增加軍事生產。

“俄羅斯在這次 G20 會議上被孤立的程度給我留下了深刻的印象”。

不出所料,俄羅斯外長拉夫羅夫重複了他一貫的說法,充滿了謊言和歪曲事實。 我想知道謝爾蓋·拉夫羅夫是否也相信他們。 顯然,世界其他地區並非如此,因為幾乎所有全球南方國家的代表都重申了對《聯合國憲章》關於領土完整和不使用武力的核心原則的支持。 俄羅斯在這種情況下被孤立的程度給我留下了深刻的印象。


全球治理改革問題可能不會成為頭條新聞,但也是一個緊迫問題。 多極化已經成為現實,但本應支撐和治理多極化的多邊主義卻陷入了深刻的危機。 它的改革正是我們在多邊體係中構建多極化(它得以保留)所需要的。 當遊戲中有更多玩家時,如果您想讓遊戲正常運行,就需要更好的規則。 如果沒有這些規則,熵就會增加,係統會變得更加無序,這是我們目前正在目睹的情況。

“多邊機構必須反映當今世界,而不是 1945 年的世界。”

我們的會議期間達成了廣泛共識,即多邊機構必須反映當今世界,而不是 1945 年的世界。我們需要一個適合今天和未來的聯合國。 然而,就具體解決方案達成共識仍然是一項重大挑戰。 答案不應該是急於建立新機構。 這將是昂貴、漫長且複雜的。 最現實的工作方式是改進我們已有的機構。

在裏約,人們普遍認為需要改革聯合國安理會,以更好地代表世界所有地區,特別是非洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比地區。 聯合國安理會也經常因為越來越多的否決權而受到阻礙。 顯然需要改變聯合國安理會的決策規則。

我們還需要改革國際金融機構,將其火力從數十億擴大到數萬億,並改變其治理結構,以更好地支持實現可持續發展目標和應對氣候變化。 還迫切需要在2024年底前恢複WTO(世界貿易組織)的功能並實現全麵且運轉良好的爭端解決體係。這是歐盟的首要任務之一。

明年9月在紐約舉行的聯合國未來峰會將是推進多邊體係改革進程的重要契機。 但要想成功,我們現在就需要積極準備。

G20 ministerial meeting in Rio: reaching out to the “Global South”

 29.02.2024 Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European 


HR/VP Blog - Last week I went to Rio in Brazil to attend the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting. The G20 framework is a critical one because it reunites the G7 countries, Russia, China and the main countries of the so-called “Global South”. We discussed the conflict in the Middle East and the war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as the urgent need for reforming the multilateral system.

HRVP G20 Brazil - quote from blog© EUROPEAN UNION, 2024


Brazil took the Presidency of the G20 last December. It is the next of a series of emerging economy Presidencies, starting with Indonesia in 2022, India in 2023, and to be followed by South Africa in 2025. The current Brazilian government wants to show that “Brazil is back” on the multilateral scene after the Bolsonaro era and enhance the role of the “Global South”. G20 meetings are always a critical moment in international relations. G20 members represent indeed more than 80% of the world’s GDP and they can play a crucial role in steering the world away from a global confrontation.

“The G20 can help make progress on critical global issues such as social inclusion, the green transition and the reform of the multilateral governance.”

The G20 is a useful framework to exchange views, but not really a decision-making body. Nevertheless, a successful Brazilian G20 Presidency would be particularly important to show that, despite political differences, this forum can help make progress on critical global issues such as social inclusion, the green transition and the reform of the multilateral governance. In particular at a moment when Russia, which is currently chairing the BRICS, is trying to instrumentalise this other forum as an alternative in its geopolitical battle of narratives.

The G20 Foreign Ministers meeting in Rio de Janeiro was also the first such meeting with the African Union as a permanent G20 member. This matters greatly, because in 25 years from now, one out of four people in the world will be living in Africa. The EU has been a strong advocate of the African Union’s membership in the G20, and I warmly welcomed the presence of its representatives in Rio.

During our meeting we discussed our collective role in dealing with the ongoing international tensions and the reform of global governance institutions.

Dealing with the ongoing international tensions

The situation in Gaza and in the Middle East was the most pressing international issue. There was widespread consensus on the tragedy suffered by the civilian population and that far too many innocent lives have been lost in Gaza. With 90% of the population now displaced, this man-made humanitarian catastrophe must stop.   

I explained that 26 out of 27 EU member states have urged the Israeli government not to take military action in Rafah and called for an immediate humanitarian pause that would lead to a sustainable ceasefire, the unconditional release of hostages, and the provision of more and quicker humanitarian assistance. 

Israel has to abide by international law and humanitarian law. Every country must. Two EU Member States have asked us to assess if Israel respects its human rights commitments under our EU-Israel Association Agreement. We will do this work in the coming weeks. It is particularly important following the binding preliminary International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision. 

“This time, it appears that the entire international community is ready to commit itself to implement of the two-state solution.”

The most notable aspect of our meeting was the consensus on the two-state solution as the only way to ensure lasting peace and stability. Ending the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza is a matter of urgency, but immediately afterwards, the two-state solution must finally be swiftly implemented. This time, it appears that the entire international community is ready to commit itself to achieving this result. In the absence of any final communique, I asked the Brazilian FM to reflect that consensus in his press conference, what he did.

With Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov present, the meeting also offered the possibility to send a strong message on the Russian war of aggression and its consequences at the time of the second anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine.

With other G7 ministers, I firmly reiterated our stance regarding the Russian aggression and its destabilising consequences, not only for Europe but for the whole world. We highlighted the clear breach of the core principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the UN charter and its major negative consequences on food and energy security worldwide. We also called out the slow murder of Alexei Navalny by the Russian regime.

The return of war to Europe also impacts the global efforts to fight hunger and poverty, alleviate the debt burden of low income countries, and fight climate change and loss of biodiversity. The Russian aggression compels us indeed to reallocate financial resources that were meant to be spent on sustainable development to strengthen defence and increase military production.

“I was impressed how much Russia was isolated in this G20 meeting”. 

As expected, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov repeated his usual narrative, full of lies and misrepresentations. I wonder whether even Sergey Lavrov believes them. Obviously, not the rest of the world as nearly all representatives of Global South countries reiterated their support to the core principles of UN charter with territorial integrity and non-use of force. I was impressed how much Russia was isolated in that context.  

Working towards global governance reform

The issue of global governance reform may not dominate headlines, but it is also a pressing one. Multipolarity is already a reality, but multilateralism – which should underpin and govern it – is in a deep crisis. Its reform is precisely what we need to frame that multipolarity (it came to stay) in the multilateral system. When you have more players in the game, you need better rules if you want the game to work. Without these rules, entropy increases and the system becomes more disordered, a situation we are currently witnessing.

“Multilateral institutions must reflect the world of today, not that of 1945.”

During our meeting, there was widespread consensus that multilateral institutions must reflect the world of today, not that of 1945. We need a United Nations fit for today and for the future. However, reaching consensus on the specific solutions remains a significant challenge. The answer should not be to rush into creating new institutions. That would be costly, lengthy and complicated. The most realistic way of working is to improve the institutions we already have.

In Rio, there was widespread agreement on the need to reform the United Nations Security Council to better represent all regions of the world, and notably Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. Too often the UN Security Council is also blocked due to more and more vetoes. Clearly there is a need to change the rules for UNSC decision making.

We also need to reform the International Financial institutions, scaling up their firepower from billions to trillions and changing their governance structures to better support achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the fight against climate change. It is also urgent to restore the functionality of the WTO (World Trade Organization) and achieve a fully and well-functioning dispute settlement system by the end of 2024. This is one of the EU’s top priorities.

The UN Summit of the Future in New York next September will be an important opportunity to advance the reform process of the multilateral system. But to succeed, we need to prepare actively for it now.

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