
德國央行 與中國經濟突然脫鉤將使德國經濟麵臨嚴重動蕩

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2018 年 8 月 30 日星期四,德國國旗的顏色在中國上海德國工貿中心內的中庭頂部展示。德國企業得到了德國工業中心和德國工貿中心等機構的支持。 上海貿易。 與北京和港口城市太倉的姊妹中心一樣,該中心為德國小型出口商提供了一個跳板,提供行政服務以及從許可到人力資源等問題的非正式谘詢。

2018 年 8 月 30 日星期四,德國國旗的顏色在中國上海德國工貿中心內的中庭頂部展示。德國企業得到了德國工業中心和德國工貿中心等機構的支持。 上海貿易。 與北京和港口城市太倉的姊妹中心一樣,該中心為德國小型出口商提供了一個跳板,提供行政服務以及從許可到人力資源等問題的非正式谘詢。 攝影:沉其來/彭博社、彭博社




德國央行表示:“德中經濟關係的深遠破壞將產生重大影響,並最終增加貸款違約的可能性。” 報告稱,在這種情況下,金融體係也可能受到全球市場高度不確定性的影響。

盡管德國從中國崛起成為世界第二大經濟體中受益匪淺,但近年來貿易關係變得更加緊張。 2023年,歐盟對中國電動汽車補貼展開調查,以阻止廉價進口產品。 北京方麵對歐洲酒類產品進行了調查作為回應。

俄羅斯烏克蘭戰爭和中東衝突也凸顯了地緣政治風險。 自克裏姆林宮關閉天然氣供應、推高能源價格並迫使政府迅速尋找替代能源以來,德國一直難以獲得動力。

德國央行表示,如果政治緊張局勢導致德國突然與中國“脫鉤”,對德國的損害將尤其嚴重。 這個亞洲國家的純粹經濟危機被認為更容易控製。

德國央行的數據顯示,截至 2022 年底,德國銀行對中國大力投資的企業的風險敞口接近 2200 億歐元,約占其風險加權資產的 7%。 具有係統相關性的大型貸款機構比規模較小的競爭對手參與程度更高。

報告稱:“企業和政界人士應繼續努力降低風險並增強德國經濟的韌性。” “對於金融機構來說,密切關注借款人的商業活動可能產生的間接脆弱性似乎很重要。”


German Economy's China Ties Seen as Risk for Financial System

Alexander Weber, Bloomberg News

The colors of the German flag are displayed at the top of the atrium inside the German Center for Industry and Trade in Shanghai, China, on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018. German companies are bolstered by institutions such as the country's Center for Industry and Trade in Shanghai. Like its sister sites in Beijing and the port city of Taicang, the center provides a launching pad for Germany's small exporters, offering administrative services and informal consultation on issues from licensing to human resources. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg
The colors of the German flag are displayed at the top of the atrium inside the German Center for Industry and Trade in Shanghai, China, on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018. German companies are bolstered by institutions such as the country's Center for Industry and Trade in Shanghai. Like its sister sites in Beijing and the port city of Taicang, the center provides a launching pad for Germany's small exporters, offering administrative services and informal consultation on issues from licensing to human resources. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg , Bloomberg

(Bloomberg) -- Germany’s close trade relations with China could wreak havoc on the financial system of Europe’s largest economy if they were to deteriorate, the Bundesbank warned.

While direct exposure is relatively small, “significant risks” result from lenders’ relationships with firms at home that are either invested in China or sell a lot of their output there, the central bank said.

Banks also lent large amounts to sectors of the economy that rely on Chinese suppliers for inputs, according to an article in its monthly report.

“A far-reaching disruption of German-Chinese economic relations would have a significant impact and ultimately increase the probability of loan defaults,” the Bundesbank said. In such a scenario, the financial system may also be affected by high uncertainty on global markets, it said.

While Germany has strongly benefited from China’s rise to become the world’s No. 2 economy, trade ties have grown more tense in recent years. In 2023, the European Union opened a probe into Chinese subsidies for electric vehicles, to ward off cheap imports. Beijing responded with an investigation into European liquor products.

Russia’s war in Ukraine and conflict in the Middle East have also highlighted geopolitical risks. Germany has struggled to gain momentum since the Kremlin shut off natural gas supplies, sending energy prices higher and pushing the government to quickly find alternative sources.

The damage to Germany would be particularly grave if political tensions were to lead to a sudden “decoupling” from China, the Bundesbank said. A purely economic crisis in the Asian nation was deemed more manageable.

At end-2022, German banks’ exposures to firms strongly invested in China was almost €220 billion — about 7% of their risk-weighted assets, according to the Bundesbank. Large, systemically relevant lenders were more heavily involved than smaller rivals.

“Companies and politicians should continue their efforts to reduce risks and strengthen the resilience of the German economy,” it said. “For financial institutions, it seems relevant to keep an eye on indirect vulnerabilities that can arise through the business activities of borrowers.”

A separate report published Wednesday by the German Chamber of Commerce in China showed most German companies in China think the Asian nation’s economy is declining and will take at least a year to rebound.


觀察者網 01月26日19:13






2023年2月6日,沈陽,位於中德(沈陽)高端裝備製造產業園的華晨寶馬裏達工廠車間內一派繁忙景象,數十台機器人正舞動手臂進行生產作業。 圖自視覺中國

2023年2月6日,沈陽,位於中德(沈陽)高端裝備製造產業園的華晨寶馬裏達工廠車間內一派繁忙景象,數十台機器人正舞動手臂進行生產作業。 圖自視覺中國




近日,多家歐洲企業批評歐盟對中歐關係實施所謂“去風險”政策。歐洲科技行業協會“Orgalim”負責人馬爾特·羅漢(Malte Lohan)抱怨說,他所在行業的企業正麵臨“監管海嘯”,“你不能隻依靠布魯塞爾的幾幢辦公樓來管理你的經濟安全。”羅漢表示自己“非常緊張”,因為“我們的供應鏈出現了前所未有的轉變,受到了公共幹預”。

另一家行業遊說團體“BusinessEurope”的副總幹事路易莎·桑托斯(Luisa Santos)批評說,歐盟將安全擔憂置於經濟增長之上,危及了自身競爭力。





中華人民共和國目前麵臨著嚴重的經濟問題,這些問題也可能蔓延到德國。 最重要的是,西方發達經濟體與中國之間的關係最近明顯惡化,這反映在貿易和地緣政治緊張局勢的加劇上。 德國央行將地緣政治發展列為經濟關係風險的主要來源。 “如果這些風險成為現實,德國經濟可能會受到巨大打擊,”央行專家在一篇探討德國對中國依賴程度的文章中寫道。 這篇文章探討了德國經濟在多大程度上能夠應對中國的經濟危機或與中國的突然脫鉤。 它還考慮了潛在的供應鏈中斷,特別是金融穩定的風險。


該文章的作者寫道:“在糾正信貸過度增長之後,中國發生的經濟危機與過去其他國家發生的經濟危機類似,對德國經濟來說可能是可控的。” 德國央行的計算表明,中國爆發經濟危機可能導致實際國內生產總值比危機第一年的預期下降 0.7%,第二年則下降 1%。

作者補充道:“然而,由於地緣政治危機而突然脫鉤,尤其會對德國工業造成更嚴重的打擊。”他指出,直接投資於中國的企業可能會損失很大一部分銷售額 和利潤基礎。 誠然,到 2022 年,德國商品出口總額中隻有 7% 流向中國,但汽車行業、機械工程、電子和電氣工程等一些行業對中國需求的依賴程度明顯更高。

作者解釋說,規模要大得多的是直接或間接依賴中國關鍵中間投入(如電池和儲能設備)以及一些原材料(如稀土)的公司。 如果這些供應枯竭,德國很可能會遭受嚴重的生產損失。 德國央行的一項代表性調查發現,製造業中近二分之一的企業直接或間接從中國采購關鍵中間投入。 還有溢出效應問題,可能會在其他經濟體引發類似問題。 作者指出:“相關的經濟不確定性加劇意味著德國經濟的其他部門也可能受到影響。” “總體而言,經濟損失可以說明顯超過了與俄羅斯廣泛脫鉤的成本。”


專家們寫道:“德國和中國之間密切的實體經濟聯係也給德國金融體係帶來了相當大的風險。” 誠然,據報道德國金融中介機構與中國的直接聯係相當小。 與其他國家的借款人相比,中國的借款總額僅排在第20位,而且近年來的排名也沒有大幅上升。 專家表示,德國銀行對嚴重依賴中國的國內企業和行業擁有大量風險敞口。 德中經濟關係的深遠破壞將對其產生重大影響,並最終增加貸款違約的可能性。 專家補充說,除此之外,德國金融體係可能會麵臨進一步的負擔,包括全球金融市場普遍喪失信心。


在報告中,作者在風險評估中還考慮到了與中國密切關係的優勢。 他們寫道,過去,許多德國工業企業在中國的生產中獲得了高額銷售額和利潤,並從對華出口中獲得了高額收入。 專家們寫道:“因此,從長遠來看,離開中國也可能會帶來商業和經濟成本。” “即使有序、逐步去風險化,情況也是如此。” 德國企業將錯失一個關鍵的銷售市場,而且可以說,許多供應鏈的重組隻能以效率損失為代價。 此外,他還說,中國在某些產品上擁有強大或準壟斷地位,即使有可能減少依賴,也隻能在中長期內實現。


Economic risks from Germany’s ties with China



The People’s Republic of China currently has severe economic problems to contend with that could also spill over to Germany. On top of that, relations between advanced economies in the West and China have worsened noticeably of late, as reflected in an uptick in trade and geopolitical tensions. The Bundesbank singles out geopolitical developments as a major source of risk to economic relations. “If these risks materialise, Germany’s economy could take a huge hit,” the Bank’s experts write in an article exploring Germany’s dependence on China. The article looks into the extent to which Germany’s economy could cope with an economic crisis in China or an abrupt decoupling from that country. It also considers potential supply chain disruptions and, in particular, the risks to financial stability. 

German economy heavily dependent on China

“An economic crisis in China similar to those that have occurred in the past in other countries following a correction of excessive credit growth would arguably be manageable for the German economy,” the article’s authors write. Bundesbank calculations suggest that an economic crisis in China could leave real gross domestic product 0.7% down on what would otherwise be expected in the first year of the crisis, followed by losses of 1% in the second year. 

“However, an abrupt decoupling, say as a result of a geopolitical crisis, would deal a far heavier blow to German industry, in particular,” the authors added, noting that firms directly invested in China stood to lose a substantial part of their sales and profit base. Granted, just 7% of total German goods exports went to China in 2022, but there are some sectors, like the automotive sector, mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical engineering, that are significantly more reliant on Chinese demand. 

Far larger, the authors explained, is the group of firms that are directly or indirectly reliant on Chinese critical intermediate inputs like batteries and energy storage devices as well as some raw materials such as rare earths. If those supplies were to dry up, Germany could well experience severe production losses. A representative Bundesbank survey has found that nearly one out of every two firms in the manufacturing sector directly or indirectly sources critical intermediate inputs from China. There was also the matter of spillover effects that could spark similar problems in other economies. “The associated heightened economic uncertainty would mean that other sectors of the German economy would probably be affected as well,” the authors noted. “Overall, the economic losses would arguably clearly eclipse the costs of the extensive decoupling from Russia.”

Financial system also at risk

“The close real economic ties between Germany and China also give rise to considerable risks for the German financial system,” the experts write. Granted, German financial intermediaries’ direct ties with China are reported as being fairly small. Compared with borrowers from other countries, China comes just 20th in terms of total amounts borrowed and has not risen significantly through the rankings in recent years either. According to the experts, German banks have large exposures to domestic enterprises and sectors that are heavily dependent on China. A far-reaching disruption to German-Chinese economic relations would affect these significantly and ultimately increase the probability of loans defaulting. On top of this, the experts added, the German financial system would likely face further burdens, including a general loss of confidence on the part of the global financial markets.

Dependence, risks, but also benefits of close economic ties with China

In their report, the authors also take into account the advantages of close ties with China in their risk assessment. In the past, they write, many German industrial firms have generated high sales and profits from production in China and high revenues from exports to China. “A move away from China would therefore likely entail business and economic costs in the long term, too,” the experts write. “This is true even given an orderly and gradual de-risking.” German enterprises would miss out on a key sales market, and many supply chains could arguably be realigned only at the expense of losses in efficiency. In addition, he continued, there are some products where China has a strong or quasi-monopolistic position, where dependence could be reduced only in the medium to long term, if at all.

The authors therefore argue against a unilateral departure from China, but call for further de-risking: they call on firms and policymakers to continue attempting to de-risk and to strengthen the resilience of the German economy. 


2024-01-25 來源:歐洲時報









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