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China Crashes To 1993 Levels | Chinese Economy: Investment | US-China | Space Economy
00:00 Introduction
00:12 Chinese Economy: FDI Collapse
02:37 US-China Relations
05:46 Space Industry
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386 條評論
@hongdeli6148 5小時前(修改過)
A Frenchman who lives right between the USA and China said that a lot of what has come to us from the USA is extremely vulgar and violent, while what has come from China is refined and deep.
The daily life of the Chinese people is more decent than in the USA, Europe, Russia, India, Africa, etc.
China is a refined civilization, but the west is a destruction of civilizations.
The one of the biggest problems in the world today is on the contrary "love for America". The whole world, not only Europe but including China, is corrupted by the influence of the "American way of life" which is, after industrialization started 250 years ago in the UK, responsible for global warming and biosphere's collapse, without mentioning various cultural habits harmful to mental health.
If the world truly hated what came from America, traditional civilizations would not be disappearing. Today China is trying to do better than what it did before, but above all trying to do better than America.
I think this was in large part true. It was a deep respect for China's civilization that, in part, led to the United States cutting off Japanese oil supplies, eventually leading to the US entering World War 2 on the side of the Chinese.
However, while US popular culture has become ubiquitous...and often is crass... Chinese popular culture has largely remained at home. I tend to think that this is because, in many ways, the eclipsing of traditional Chinese culture under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party has been an enormous tragedy.
I struggle to recall what China has contributed to world culture after 1949.
Reply to @bobwatson8754
Thanks for the serious discussion. However, there is an insurmountable obstacle, first of all, you must admit that the West is not human civilization, but the destroyer.
Europe has been bloody killings since ancient times until today, which budded social elements are suitable for bestiality people to exert their bestiality, the prosperity of the West comes from military and economic plunder.
In west, no one is able to see clear this point, so that they deadly condmn and contain the culture of China.
China is a civilization originated by Ritual-Music system and Confucianism culture people as people in social etiquette and self discipline for the public good and do not do unto others what you would not like others to do unto yourself; thus live a relative longer peace-prosperous life which promoted peace seeking genes.