
Human animal instincts destroy good will democracy

(2024-01-11 08:13:22) 下一個

Human animal instincts destroy good will democracy

          Frank Li,  Dec. 19, 2023 

New Zealand studies show that human self reproduction accompanying brain defects in 23% kids to 12% adults lifelong antisocials in brain reduced surface area in 282 of 360; there big population are extremist preaching brainwashed; and there much more mentality are between normal and abnormal; which mean that in human society there more than 50% of population are in low quality without ability in reasoning for bad consequence on what they are doing.

?Dunning-Kruger Effect shows that the low quality people over self-estimated as smarter and capable than others are; so that they are over active to occupy leading position.

British philosopher Bertrand Russell, who sighed that: “None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error.” But the unfortunate reality is that “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

The doubt and indecision of reasonable people is just to have paved boulevard for those over self-estimated people in feeling certainty; democracy is just the boulevard. This is reason that human has to be unreasonable one coerced living in the tragic life.

Please look at those democratic players; they all are never smile; but always utter extremely vicious oath in the gloomy and ferocious expression. The facts are clear that they are mentally inhuman without human sense; but yell for wars under terrorist mentality.

Democracy just meets the need of low quality people and aids inhumans ruining the life of humans.

Since ancient times to this day, no ideal standard social governance model has been found. Democracy is even more evil; as attractor attracts over-selfish social garbage democratic play to legally enjoy taxpayer feeding, actually the democracy has been playing the evil role of granting government administrative power to the hands of too many low-quality people for personal dictatorship, and then drives the State Apparatus to destroy human world; which is the reason that the West has been in killing since ancient times until this day.

People thinking and pursuing is the intellectual engine of a civilization towards human or inhuman.

The intellectual engine of China developed based on peaceful culture since ancient times; so that China seeks peace with peace seeking genes and integrates people from different countries and ethnic groups to corporate together to create a peace-prosperous life by old and new Silk Road.

Because of, since ancient times until this day, China has lived in relatively longer peaceful prosperous life. In 2,000 years ago, China developed the Silk Road to provide daily necessities to the West. European missionaries sent the peace pursing culture of China back home of people were killing of each other to have enlightened Renaissance and Enlightenment and modern economics. It was the civilization of China opened modern civilization.

The intellectual engine of the West developed based on Europe looting and killing culture since ancient times; so that the West seeks how to loot and destroy others for self survival with warlike genes and integrates people from different countries to corporate together to fight for hegemony robbing.

Because of, since ancient times until this day, in the Europe based west, the government regarded as a tool that it is able to easily achieve a wealthy and dignified life; so that it has been fought by people in any qualities to engage in social governance. On contrary, since ancient times until this day, China has been strictly selecting knowledgeable high quality people to engage in social governance.

Nowadays, the evolution of social governance so far has been as that of establishing legislative bodies by legislators, then by it legislating policies paved the track, and then society runs accordingly.

Now it is time that humans have to dump deceitful ideologies of democracy and autocracy into the garbage bin, to learn from China and select quality ensured outstanding entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, professors, economists and so on as lawmakers as part-time job in self-reliance no paid cost without the harm of vicious partisan fighting that inherited bellicose warlike genes from European long bloody killing culture. 

For the democratic countries, in order not to cause social unrest, it is necessary to ensure that the interests of existing officials and legislators remain unchanged, to form private legislative body by entrepreneurs and professors who can think and behave rationally, in parallel runs with the legislative body of government, to make up for the democratic legislation Institutional shortcomings; thereby reversing the side effects of populist hijacked democratic politics.

In order not to avoid causing political shocks and social riots, it is better not touch the existing political system and the private interests of politicians and lawmakers; by establishing a civil legislative body to run in parallel with the legislative body of government by setting the qualifications for civil legislators, then by entrepreneurs from real economy, professors, economists and quality social elites in self reliance automatically form the civil legislative body.

We may call it as the establishment of the mechanism of automatically generating a high-quality social brain; by which gets rid of the dilemma of dysfunction of human social governance and thereby avoiding the Europe bloody soil budded evil democratic politics destroying world.


     The motivation of topic

     General Introduction

1...The origin of Collectivistic civilization and Individualistic civilization.

   1.1... Israeli-Canadian professor Gad Saad says China is an only human country

   1.2... Why, China was an only human country on Earth?

   1.3... China humanized as Collectivistic civilization

   1.4... The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

   1.5... The proof of collectivistic values and Individualistic values

   1.6... The outcomes of different civilization

   1.7... Comments on China humanized deeds

   1.8... Collectivistic civilization of China made people in Highest IQ

   1.9... China always sums lessons up to improve, but the west has fewer 

   1.10...650BC China started to select learned people performing social governance

   1.11...China selects outstanding foreigners as officials

   1.12...China governs by entrepreneurs, engineers in self-reliance

2...The origin of Europe based Individualistic Civilization

   2.1...The contribution of the joint-stock company

   2.2...The origin of Communist

   2.3...The joint-stock companies promoted the birth of plutocrats

   2.4... The origin of the Socialist, Capitalist, state-owned economy

   2.5...The origin of the political persecution

3...The civilization of China humanized west, but it developed on evil way

   3.1...The thoughts of China enlightened modern economics and evil freedom

4... Human selfish instinct destroyed well designed democracy

5... The democratic players are the inhuman blood suckers on people

6... Democracy has been badly messing social governance

7... Liberal democracy just meets the need of low quality people

8... The four landmines settled to finish the Unites States of America

   8.1... First Landmine was over developed financial economy kills real economy

   8.2... Second Landmine was Toxic ideologies dehumanizing labor kills real economy

   8.3... Third Landmine was the Childish social governance

   8.4... Fourth Landmine was the speeding of de-dollarization

9... The values, human rights and civil society killed Labor productivity

The motivation of topic 

A dog bark appears in the holy lobby of the EU's Democratic Parliament to make it lost holy.

Politicians mad attack in the holy lobby of Taiwan's democratic parliament to make it lost holy.

Why do self-proclaimed higher animals of human beings have to tolerate lower animals' inhuman democratic politics to destroy own lives.

Today; even if it is in the developed rich countries; there more and more people are unable making ends meet by hard working anymore; even some people are in starving. May 17, 2023, there was shock report that Iranians are putting their livers, corneas, and testicles up for sale on Telegram to pay off debts amid rocketing inflation and poverty.

Food shortages have long been feared globally, Ukraine is a granary for world; however, now there war is in making farmland uncultivable. It said that China builds infrastructures for African countries; it needs to cost a lot of time and spending to remove unexploded bombs at first, and it said that in some countries have 5 unexploded bombs per capita. Recent years; when China built railway in Laos, it needs to cost half a year to remove unexploded bombs.

So far, due to the threat of unexploded bombs, world widely there plenty of arable land and fruit tree forests were unable to be cultivated, and those unexploded bombs have been in killing and disabling people endlessly.

Most recently, Aug 14, 2023, Cambodia school closed after thousands of civil war-era explosives found on site reports that more than 2,000 of unexploded ordnance have been unearthed inside the grounds of a high school in Kratie province, Cambodia. It is a huge stroke of luck for the students. Decades after the brutal conflict and a US bombing campaign starting in 1960s, the country remains among the most heavily bombed and mined in the world.

Please look at the chaotic world today; even if we are not being atomic cremated by provoking Russia, but still cannot avoid the dooming of increasingly unaffordable life spending and increasingly murderous life threat home-yard where surrounded by increasingly life threat crimes of homeless mess around, random attacks, shoots and robs.

This batch of Man on Earth is low quality people coerced self-destruction towards the graveyard of the glut suicided civilizations in the Milky Way; and the liberal democracy has no quality control on players and by values, freedom, human rights and various toxic ideologies dehumanize people as lawless social garbage; which has been in paving the suicidal orbit.

I wrote such a sad topic in an extremely anxious mood is not for hatred attacking; but for digging the nature of human and social governance, thereby saving the life of those democratic politicians, their families; ourselves and our families; as the childish democratic play, all of us will soon be finished together.

The cause of human facing desperate situation stems from Europe bloody looting and killing based inhuman civilization; which soiled social elements was not suitable for human life, everything gone in facilitating the free exertion of low quality people who have no human brain for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are in doing and going to do.

In terms of political design, it ignored the complexity of human instincts; while in terms of medicine, it ignored complexity of human physiological function.

Human society is composed of people; social governance is also by minority people governing majority people; so that, when exploring about the approach for the better social governance, we must consider the quality of people.

General Introduction

Human is a body of a skin wrapping 206 bones living a limited life time on Earth Ball; the bodies succeed appearing to struggle for survival a certain years, then return to eternity and turn into nutrients to nourish new bodies. The survival seeking activates form so called society and culture to have accompanied with history and civilization.

The bodies self-proud of higher animals as human beings; but by inhuman one coerced looting and killing for wealth, for faith, for democracy, for values, for nonexistent free world and for coining

Such bodies self-proclaimed as a higher animal as human beings with self-proud of superior than that of lower animals in intelligence, but, being inhuman one coerced looting and killing for wealth, for faith, for democracy, for values, for nonexistent free world and for coining reasons at evil mentality to make human beings live in the barbaric way of lower animals’ Law of Jungle in more barbaric than that of lower animals.

MRI brain scans show that it is the reasoning of populations of brain cells based on acquired knowledge to signal behaving, the brain defect and the wrongful knowledge will cause people wrongful behaving.

2020, article Associations between life-course-persistent antisocial behaviour and brain structure in a population-representative longitudinal birth cohort reports that in New Zealand; there 23% of antisocial kids reduced to 12% stay in lifelong antisocial behavior in a population since birth due to the brain defects. 

Brain scans show that the lifelong antisocial group had reduced surface area in 282 of 360 anatomically defined parcels and thinner cortex; and in 11 of 360 parcels encompassing circumscribed frontal and temporal regions associated with executive function, affect regulation, and motivation.

The fact reveals that when human self-reproduction, always accompanied by brain-deficient populations without ability for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are doing and going to do; which meant that the antisocial attackers are just living among us in unrecognizable before they made disasters.

The facts meant that in human society, there large numbers of population are no ability for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are in doing and going to do; so that it is not all of people in human feature are in human nature; some are in low quality without ability for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are in doing and going to do in taking wrong as right and promoting inhumane for humane.

The computer program Alpha Go beats human Go player revealed that human intelligence is in acting as a Robert by acquired knowledge and experiences as the software driver; which inborn character caused dual results: 

1. The intelligence or quality of people is in lifelong reshaping by ideologies, philosophies and life experiences. 

2. As a Robert, if it is installed driver of servant; it will serve people, if it is installed driver of killer, it will kill people.

The defect brain and bad knowledge will drive people wrongful behaving; so that it is not all of people in human feature in human nature; some are in low quality without brain cells for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are in doing and going to do, therefore taking stupid as smart, taking wrong as right and promoting inhuman for human.

In 2011, the University College London of UK reports Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults: MRI brain scans show that the brain structure in determining the political leanings of liberalism or conservatism. The finding revealed source of manmade disasters; which is that the political decisions do not from the rational reasoning according to the social reality; but comes from the illusion that naturally formed by defect brain.

Dunning-Kruger Effect shows that the low quality people over self-estimated as smarter and capable than others are; so that they are over active to occupy leading position.

British philosopher Bertrand Russell, who sighed that: “None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error.” But the unfortunate reality is that “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

The doubt and indecision of reasonable people is just paving boulevard for the people who feel certainty; democracy is just the boulevard. This is reason that human has to be unreasonable one coerced living in the tragic life.

Humans are inborn selfish animals; suppose that without inborn hormone attracted love of men and women; human will be not able to reproduction. If without inborn selfish instinct, the baby will be not able to suck nipples and die at birth. If it is no self-esteem driven abiding law and morality, it will be no fair ladies and nice gentlemen.

Human selfish instinct is the driving force for humans seeking survival; which derived social activities are the basic forces in driving the development of economy to support the existence of society. No human selfish instinct no human society. However human selfish behaviors often conflict with social collective interests in harming society.

People thinking and pursuing is the intellectual engine of a civilization towards human or inhuman.

Since ancient time, China unified dozens of races as one country in centralized govern avoided wars; the peaceful life promoted intellectual engine of people thinking and pursuing towards humanized way focusing on how to make the better social governance; for which outlawed all schools of thought to respect Confucian as only moral guidance to have cultured in Collective quality and do not do unto others what you would not like others to do unto yourself; which promoted peace seeking genes.

Since 221BC, China governs in province and county as today practiced globally in centralized by selecting learned people as officials, later developed Imperil Examination for selecting quality people as officials in Technocratic Democracy actually, and today is in same way. By which developed Collectivistic Civilization in Collectivistic Values, people from neighboring countries share Confucian values to have formed Confucian Asia in Asian Values. 

Since ancient time, in Europe; too many ant nests like tribes to avoid wars. The life threat wars forced intellectual engine of people thinking and pursuing towards how to defeat others for self-survival; which promoted warlike seeking genes. It never think of culturing people; but allows various religions brainwashing people by religious teachings torn apart of humanity and society; so that the people hate or even kill of each others. The difficult warlike lives cultured people in the quality of individualism to develop the West into Individualistic Civilization in Individualistic values.

The social elements of Western civilization are all set up to enjoy things that could not be enjoyed in the past during the period of mixed aristocratic and religious rule; everything goes against the past. Due to mindlessly emphasizing equality for all; the social elements result in paved boulevards for the free exertion of low-quality people by harming society as pleasure. Democratic politics has been in handing over the steering wheel of the State Apparatus to the mentally retarded to destroy the world, it advocated universal values, freedom, human rights and other ideologies, the actual social effects are protecting bad people from doing evil and endangering the survival of good people.

Please look around the world from the past to today, the two radical different civilizations made different contribution for human survival.

The peace seeking genes driven the people of China explores old and new Silk Road to integrate culture and economy of different countries to promote mutual understanding and friendship to avoid war and thereby creates a life of common prosperity.

As American economic strategist David Goldman said that United States looks at these places (Global South) as baggage; but Chinese take them seriously and integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy; and helped them going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to $10 or $15 a day, which is the beginning of dignity.

The warlike seeking genes driven the people of the West seeking to fight for the world's superpower or for being a No.1 with ability to bully others; and for which it spends people's life saving money on waging wars. The facts were clear that the both of past aristocracy and today’s democracy have been in aiding inhumans ruining the life of humans.

April 12, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist Dr. Adrian Wooldridge jointly published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West to have disappointedly signed, “The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.”

Since Hobbes’s time, it was China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence that peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations; “while Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families; where government jobs were either allotted by birth or bought and sold like furniture.” “It was the struggle for mastery in Europe that propelled Western government forward.” ”When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.”

Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul? Asia is catching up with the West, and in some smaller countries has overtaken it, in large part because Confucian Asia in particular has taken government seriously over the past few decades while the West has allowed it to ossify.” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” and “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.

In 1912, facing the Humiliation of West and Japan invasions of looting and killing; China once tried liberal democracy; but unexpectedly found that democracy was a attractor of social garbage; which ganged about 300 parties to play as dogs biting dogs and made China caught in endless proxy wars as that of Ukraine now. 

Then China returned to Technocratic Democracy today by engineers; entrepreneurs; economists and quality social elites as lawmakers to work as part time job in self-reliance; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that promoted based on quality from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed talk at will; thus ensure the collective wisdoms in governance and avoided personal dictatorship.

1...The origin of Collectivistic civilization and Individualistic civilization

1.1... Israeli-Canadian professor Gad Saad says China is an only human country

Israeli-Canadian professor Gad Saad claimed that obeing inhuman democratic players finished Earth, China is the only human country.


I bursted into tears when I found this post, I deeply touched by the despair of the Israeli-Canadian professor Gad Saad towards the world that increasingly man-makes chaotic and uninhabitable. Israel is back to nowhere for live.

No plunder and killing are the essential standards of human civilization. Obviously, from the perspective of Israeli-Canadian professor Gad Saad, China is the only human civilization.

Why, as self-glorifying higher animals, humans live in the inhuman state of bad than that of lower animals?

1.2... Why, China was an only human country on Earth?

Why, China was an only human country on Earth? Because of, China developed in humanized way since the time it can be called as nation. 

The thinking and pursuing of people was the intellectual engine of driving a civilization to human or inhuman, since ancient time, the intellectual engine of China went on humanized way, while the others were going on the opposite.

1.3...China humanized as Collectivistic civilization

Due to the relative structural integrity of the geographical area where it is located; since ancient time, in China, it unified dozens of races as one country in centralized govern avoided wars; the peaceful life promoted intellectual engine of people thinking and pursuing towards humanized way focusing on how to make the better social governance by culturing people, then by Ritual and Music system and Confucianism culturing people in social etiquette and self discipline for the public good and do not do unto others what you would not like others to do unto yourself; which promoted peace seeking genes. Strictly control ideology, even in 134BC of the Han Dynasty, abolished all schools of thought and only respected Confucianism, by which cultured people in collective quality to have developed Collectivistic Civilization and Collectivistic Values, Since ancient times, people from neighboring countries have been attracted to share Confucian values to have formed Confucian Asia in Asian Values.

Social governance: Since 221BC, China governs in province and county as today practiced globally in centralized by selecting learned people as officials, later developed Imperil Examination for selecting quality people as officials in Technocratic Democracy actually, and today is in same way.  

1.4...The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

In dealing with foreign relations, the government of China follows The Five Principles, as stated in the Sino–Indian Agreement 1954:

1. Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty,

2. Mutual non aggression,

3. Mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs,

4. Equality and co-operation for mutual benefit, 

5. Peaceful co-existence.

 Under the Five Principles, now China is an only country in supporting Taliban governance in Afghanistan. Surprisingly, United Nations survey found that poppy cultivation dropped by 95% under the dictatorship of Taliban; which was the achievement that democratic governance in Afghanistan and other countries had failed in long efforts.

The Taliban government has been criticized in disrespecting human rights, but it played great human role to have largely eliminated global drug output with actual contribution to respect for human rights, than that of those democratic players, who are respecting human rights by shouting slogans and spitting saliva in cheating actually.

The facts were clear that people madly touted democracy cannot do a humanized business at all, besides cheats by shouting slogans and spitting saliva.

1.5...The proof of collectivistic values and Individualistic values

1994, in the book Asian values and the United States: how much conflict, the author David Hitchcock introduced a survey on the societal values among people between China and America. I think that values decide human nature.

Asian respondents are: [1] orderly society; [2] societal harmony; [3] accountability of public officials; [4] open to new ideas; [5] freedom of expression; [6] respect for authority.

American respondents are: [1] freedom of expression; [2] personal freedom; [3] rights of the individual; [4] open debate; [5] thinking for oneself; [6] accountability of public officials.

The facts proved the existence of China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization and Europe based Western Individualistic Civilization. The two civilizations derive collectivistic values and individualistic values.

1.6...The outcomes of different civilization

Collectivism: Now, the Confucianism cultured China is busy in building Belt and Road infrastructure to integrate the cultures and economies of countries; by which creates a coexistent prosperous life globally.

Individualism: Now, the politicians and social elites are yelling for wars under religion rooted warlike genes; governments provide funds and weapons to battlefield; and mobilize troops to prepare for wars.

1.7...Comments on China humanized deeds

American economic strategist David Goldman said that United States looks at these places (Global South) as baggage; but Chinese take them seriously and integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy; and helped them going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to $10 or $15 a day, which is the beginning of dignity.

1.8...Collectivistic Civilization of China made people in Highest IQ 

No one noticed that the radical difference in the outcomes was related to the difference in the IQ scores or intelligence of people between China and the West. The poor intelligence caused poor deeds.

In China, historically, neighboring countries share Confucian values of China to be called as Asia values or Confucian Asia. The harmonious life environment promotes the development of brain cells and neurons to have promoted people in higher IQ scores or high intelligence in collectivistic quality. 

In West, historically, the religious piety and egoistic culture promote people in the belligerent behaving to have promoted the tense and conflicting living environment and which badly damaged the development of brain cells and neurons to have made many people in low intelligence in individualistic quality.

The proof of Confucian culture promotes IQ scores

2022, article Case Study: Identical Twins Reared in Different Cultures indicates that, the monozygotic twins were born in 1974 South Korea. At age two one lost to adopt to a U.S. family; reunited in 2018. The IQ scores of Korean one was 16 points higher than the U.S. one. The Korean one had more collectivistic values from a supportive cohesive family and the U.S. one had more individualistic values from a stricter religious oriented high conflict family.

The contribution of the highest IQ scores

In 2015, article Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers said that the work-speed of China's worker is 50% higher than that of others. No one will doubt that, if there were no China's workers, there would be no Western and Atlantic Railroad of the United States and Pacific Railway of Canada. Today, some people said that the others are in bombing world in everywhere, while the people of China are rebuilding bombs ruins in everywhere.

However, the high quality people of China created long peaceful life since 2000 years ago was interrupted by endless foreign invasions for 100 years for looting the wealth of China since 1840s, such as, British provoked Opium War in 1840, the Anglo-French coalition looted and fire burned the Old Summer Palace in 1860; the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing in 1900; and more, to force the government of China at that time to have signed a large number of unequal treaties with a large amount of money compensation and even ceded lands as a colonies, such as, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong and some inland areas. 

Because of, at that time, China was ruled by invading race of Manchu people and selects major officials by Manchu lineage mainly; so that the quality people of China were not able to govern by quality people.

After the establishment of P.R. China in 1949, at the poorest time that was just ended civil wars and last 100 years of foreign looted poor, in 1950s, in Korean War, by poorest weapons; the army of China defeated the U.S. led the advance armed United Nations Army of 16 nations to force U.S. signed armistice agreement historically.

In 1962, Western countries and Soviet Union collectively armed Indian troop to provoke war with China. The troop of China defeated the troop of India as that west described that China driven a herd of buffaloes.

C1.9...China always sums lessons up to improve, but the west has fewer

Looking back at China's history, it is a history of timely summing up experiences and lessons to make timely improvements. For example, in 1912, facing the Humiliation of West and Japan invasions of looting and killing; China once tried liberal democracy; but unexpectedly found that democracy was a attractor of social garbage; which ganged about 300 parties to play as dogs biting dogs and made China caught in endless proxy wars as that of Ukraine now. 

Then China returned to Technocratic Democracy today by engineers; entrepreneurs; economists and quality social elites as lawmakers to work as part time job in self-reliance; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that promoted based on quality from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed talk at will; thus ensure the collective wisdoms in governance and avoided personal dictatorship.

Even if in the recent 1970s, from the planned economy to integrate market economy, there was no reliable successful experience to follow; then Shenzhen city was established as the economic pilot zone for trial and error in economic reform to summarize feasible experience and then promotes it accordingly. Even if there was reliable experience from pilot zone to follow, the promotion process was still very cautious, gradually from point to line, and from line to full rollout in last decade.

This was the reason that as populous country with dozens of races in larger land area; China has been enjoying relative longer peaceful life since far ancient. 

However in the West, it has been going on the way of endlessly repeating the same mistakes. Please look at the economic crisis, the wars from far ancient to today, and right now. So that in 1830, in the 

Why is it so different?

Since 600 BC, China has realized the differences in human quality and the importance of social governance; so that it begun to select learned people to serve in social governance. Later, it developed into an Imperial Examination system yearly selecting talents for politics across the country; so that a common ordinary from grass root was able to govern own country. Quality people can rationally consider the overall interests of the country rather than personal interests. Therefore, the Chinese government can actively make reform in social governance.

However, in the West, it has fewer improvement in social governance, I think that it was not due to never realized the differences in human quality and the importance of social governance; but because of that political power has always been regarded as a tool to obtain personal interests by the right of taxation. Therefore, it attracts many low-quality people to strive for it; even it is same after modern democratization. After taking power, they use the administrative power of the government for personal gain. Therefore, they are unwilling to carry out reforms that are in the national interest.

1.10...650BC China started to select learned people in social governance

In 2020, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of Economist Dr. Adrian Wooldridge, who jointly wrote article The Virus Should Wake Up the West to indicate that since Hobbes’s time, it was China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence that peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations; “while Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families; where government jobs were either allotted by birth or bought and sold like furniture.” ”When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.”

The record of selecting quality people as officials in China may trace back to before 600 BC, Qin Mugong (659–621 BC) of State Qin, who implemented the practice of guest minister from other states with group of capable people as consultants. Since then there were many outstanding learned people gathered in the State Qin and promoted State Qin developed stronger to unite China in 221BC.

In around 134BC Han Dynasty, by local chiefs select officials to recommend to superior and held first Imperial Examination for selecting officials, and then the Dynasties held Imperial Examination according to need. Since Song dynasty (960–1279), the Imperial Examination was held annually, until Qing dynasty in 1905. 

1.11... China selects outstanding foreigners as officials 

China also selects outstanding foreigners as officials. There many Western missionaries were hired enjoying royal salary in taking charge of important official positions. Italian missionary Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), who worked as artist at imperial court for three Qing emperors; and worked as one of designer of Old Summer Palace Beijing.

British Sir Robert Hart (1835 – 1911), at age 26 took charge of Imperial Maritime Custom Service in Qing government of China from 1863 to 1911. By the end of the 1870s, customs revenues accounted for one-third of the Qing government’s fiscal revenue. Hart employed more than 700 Westerners and 3,500 Chinese. Hart’s employees were also found and managed the first modernized national postal service; charted the China coast, managed port facilities, and supervised the lighting of coastal and inland waterways.

Royal Family regards Hart and his subordinates as consultants to handle the matters that related to Western countries; and representing China participates in the foreign negotiations. Hart has made an important impact on the development of the foreign policy of Qing government. His contributions were recognized by both Chinese and Western authorities, and he was awarded several honorific Chinese titles.

The officials of China trusted British Sir Hart as own countryman and Sir Hart was also regarded China as own country. Please look at his heart touching writings during the middle time of 100 years humiliation that China was suffering the beast looting, killing and burning by the Western allied countries and they tamed Japanese.

In book "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question, in 1835-1911, Sir Robert Hart once made a prediction on China will develop as powerful country; which inspired by shocking fact that the easygoing and friendly people of China, suddenly became angry lions to unite to fight against foreign invaders and fight against own incompetent government; which shocked Sir Hart to have written the prediction on China.

Jan 3, 2022, I especially searched an online PDF version of the book of Sir Hart "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question from the University of California, #276 (Page 262). I wrote down some as below.

“China must henceforth become a military power. There will be much floundering and many mistakes and catastrophes, but sooner or later, the state will be emerge healthy, strong, and experienced, and in possession of what the world forces on her-military strength; and since it must be had, she will eventually have it of best-the best arms, the most suitable drill, the highest education, and soldiers in such numbers as population permits and circumstances require, and of such quality as physique, morale, and training will in the course of generations provide.”

“To-day, in order to punish China for the Boxer doings of last year, the West, among other things, is prohibiting the importation of arms. In this connection said a scion of a great family to me: ’Very good-this forces us to become producers. Now, mark me, in due time we ourselves will be exporters; not only that, but underselling present manufacturers!’”

Now, in 100 years later today, the prediction of the member of Qing Royal Family has been became true.

Hart held his post till 1910 since left China in 1908. In 1911 Hart died in England, in the remote Far East Asia; after learnt the sad news; the Qing government bestowed Sir Hart title of minister and the Tutors of the Crown Prince; which were the highest level of honorary awards. Even if the people of China, it is difficult to get this title; which shows that the people of China are respecting learned quality people and never forget good friend. After Sir Hart left China, his official position was inherited by his brother in law; obviously it was suggested by Sir Hart.

The fact was clear; the government’s officials of China have absolute trust in Sir Hart and regarded him as own people and Sir Hart also regards China as own country. Professor Rana Mitter of the University of Oxford writes that Hart "was honest and helped to generate a great deal of income for China."

In 1912, facing the Humiliation of Western powers invasions; China once tried liberal democracy; but unexpectedly found that democracy was a attractor of social garbage; which ganged about 300 parties to play as dogs biting dogs and made China caught in endless proxy wars as that of Ukraine now.

Then China returned to Technocratic Democracy today by engineers; entrepreneurs; economists and quality social elites as lawmakers to work as part time job in self-reliance; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that promoted based on quality from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed talk at will; thus ensure the collective wisdoms in governance and avoided personal dictatorship.

1.12...hina governs by entrepreneurs, engineers in self-reliance

In 1912, in the middle time of the 100 hundred years of Humiliation of Western courtiers looting and killing; China once tried liberal democracy; but unexpectedly found that democracy was an attractor of social garbage; which ganged about 300 parties to play as dogs biting dogs and made China caught in endless proxy wars as that of Ukraine.

Today China governs in Technocratic Democracy by engineers; entrepreneurs; economists and quality social elites as lawmakers as part time in self-reliance. The top leadership is a politburo of 7 members promoted according to personal quality and political achievements from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed talk at will; thus ensure the collective wisdoms in social governance and avoided personal dictatorship.

In 2019, article China's Overrated Technocrats indicates that “Many Western parliaments are dominated by people with law degrees, but China’s leaders are mostly trained as engineers and scientists - or so goes conventional wisdom. Advocates for this supposed Chinese approach, such as the entrepreneur Elon Musk, argue that it produces leaders who adopt a pragmatic and technocratic framework to solving problems. And those scientist-politicians, the theory goes, are more likely to govern efficiently, in part because they are unburdened by ideology.”

In 2019, article Chinese Government Lead By Scientists & Engineers indicates that “Chinese government are lead by Scientists and Engineers in their political body. Chinese people elected their politicians who are worthy, professionals and capable in handling political affairs. The Chinese people believe that politicians with science or engineering background are eventually become technocrats, have a highly disciplined mind fit for public office.”

It was just quality people perform social governance, after Japan and Western countries 100 years killing and looting made extreme poor since 1840s; now, within a decade’s period, China again developed as leading economy as that of President of European Commission von der Leyen indicated, “in the last decades, the government of China have transformed the economy of their country, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty and made china transformation into a modern-day economic powerhouse, key global player and a leader in many of the cutting-edge technologies that will shape the next decades of global civilization and progress. And as an economic powerhouse; China is in reducing its dependency on the world while increasing the world's dependency on itself.”   

2...The origin of Europe based Individualistic civilization

Because it is located in a geographical area divided by the ocean, since ancient time, in Europe; too many ant nests like tribes of not actual nations to avoid wars under mixed aristocratic and religious rule. The life threat wars forced intellectual engine of people thinking and pursuing towards inhuman way how to defeat others for self-survival; which regards benefiting oneself at the expense of others as a matter of course; which promoted warlike seeking genes. It never think of culturing people; but allows various religions brainwashing people by religious teachings torn apart of humanity and society; so that the people hate or even kill of each others. It takes proud of rich ideologies, and even fabricating ideologies create color revolutions to overthrow the governments of other countries to create waves of refugees. In this way, cultured people in the quality of individualism, and developed the West into Individualistic Civilization in Individualistic values.

Social governance: since ancient time, the govern-power was for bloody struggling by any quality people as a means of acquiring wealth by taxation. The govern-power in today’s democracy is also struggling by any quality people without quality control and sharing Gov-power to many low quality people to exert their sick mentality.

Why inhuman democracy was touted as humanized, while humanized technocratic democracy of China touted as inhuman. The cause was at plutocrats.

2.1...The contribution of the joint-stock company

In 2009; in viewing that 2008 financial tsunami badly impacted on the global economy, simply due to the poor operation of some companies; China Central Television - CCTV produced 10 episodes' TV documentary - The Power of Company to dig the nature of company that gained power to shake world and which has indirectly recalled the process of the produce of plutocrats. The meaningful documentary touched me very much; I excerpt-translate-reedit some as below for sharing my feeling.

The commentary of TV documentary - The Power of Company introduces that Stephen Johnson Field (1816-1899) the most rational judge in the history of the United States, who once indicates that almost all businesses that need to use large amounts of capital are organized in the form of company. It is just the company that provides us with works, helps us, and enables us to live a life of dignity.  

Today, companies are everywhere. Our sources of wealth; the entrepreneurial ideals; the basic necessities of life; emotional sustenance; and interpersonal communication are all inextricably linked with an organization of company. The company condenses the individual of life and makes it an economic power stronger than any individual makes. Companies enable collaboration between strangers beyond blood or geographic ties. The company realizes a new chapter in the economic life of mankind.

The progress of modern civilization should be thanks to the rise of efficient organization for the production of material wealth; especially the joint-stock company by gathering socially scattered distributed capitals and scattered distributed individuals as economic power by enabling the collaboration of strangers beyond blood to promote new economic life of mankind by improved the rule of society, promoted the progress of science & technology, and improved the level of civilization.

After centuries of evolution, the company is not just an economic organization, but has become a social organization between the state and individuals with great influence and dominance in various fields: promoting free and fair competition, establishing and improving the rule of society, promoting the progress of science and technology, improving the civilization level of society, changing people's life style and mutual relationship, changing the way of cooperation and competition between countries.

In a certain sense, the acceleration of globalization is promoted by companies, because globalization is a network composed of companies. Global resources, global markets, and global rules are the beautiful dream of the companies. Today, when hundreds or even dozens of multinational corporations control the operation of the world economy, the power of the company deserves our attention. And just at this time, the world encountered the first economic crisis in the era of globalization.

The power of the company is growing day by day - it is worth noting that the companies play positive force in various fields, there are also negative effects caused by company's own ills or the institutional environment.

However, the pursuit in profit maximization of corporations for responsible to shareholders made disasters; in the past few centuries, corporations have ravaged the Americas, Africa, and Asia. They have turned tens of thousands of people into commodities, and they have forced plants, animals, minerals, even bacteria and viruses to migrate. From tulips to real estate, from Amsterdam to New Amsterdam, from 1637 to 2008, the countless stock market bubbles failed to prevent the next risk-taking.

Above was the translation from the introduction of CCTV.

2.2... The origin of Communist

In 1700s, Britain was industrialization at first. At that time, a large number of farmers left their farmland into cities, so that the supply of labor exceeded the demand. Due to the harsh working environment, industrial accidents occur frequently with a large number of work-related injuries; even the death was not compensated. The situation of workers was tragic.

In 1845, faced with miserable life of workers from bloody plunder of capital in the early stage of British Industrial Revolution; Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895) wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England: workers are seen as living tools, poverty is seen as a personal matter, unemployment is even considered to be detrimental to economic development, and therefore, wages are kept to a minimum, thereby reducing the costs of the production.

The tragedies inspired Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) to think about the greed of capital: "With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent. will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent. certain will produce eagerness; 50 per cent., positive audacity; 100 per cent. will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent., and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring a profit, it will freely encourage both. Smuggling and the slave-trade have amply proved all that is here stated.”

In 1800s, in Europe, Karl Marx and his friend Friedrich Engels with own humanized idea Communism - contributes what oneself can contribute and takes what oneself needs; which was the life should be lived by so called higher animals; began to cure social diseases from wild developed companies – Capitalism. The idea Communism of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were inspired by the tragic life of labors in the earlier stage of British industrial revolution.

The humanized idea Communism led to have triggered century of communist movement and more than 70 years of Soviet-led socialist practice.

In 1848, in Manifesto of the Communist Party, they claim that “the bourgeoisie are its own grave diggers”. However; what we have suffered and in suffering now are all evidenced that bourgeoisie are not only the grave diggers for its self but also the grave diggers for the whole human beings.

As same as in Britain, in the United Sates, between 1888 and 1908, industrial accidents killed more than 700,000 workers and killed about 100 people every day. In 1901, there one of 26 railway worker was injured, and one out of every 399 people died. The death was without any compensation at that time.

On July 4, 1894, it was on the National Day of the United States, in Chicago, it was not only did not hold a celebration, but instead, the federal army carrying Green-type machine guns killed 13 of 125,000 railway workers who were on strike.

Lawyer Clarence Darrow who witnessed the scene and was shocked: human blood sprinkled on the largest slaughterhouse in the United States, and which caused him deep suspicion that freedom and equality were just a principle written on paper? Does the company have some kind of privilege?

He decided to defend the arrested workers' leaders. He resigned as a lawyer for the Northwest Railway Company that everyone envied. Joined the workers, due to his successful defense, the leaders of the railway union were eventually sentenced to six months in prison.

In May 1902, there 150,000 miners in the western Anthracite Coal Mine of the United States went on strike, demanding an increase in wages and recognition of the legal status of the union, which triggered the most serious industrial crisis in American history, until October, the both sides were still in a stalemate.

In order to mediate the strike, President Theodore Roosevelt authorized the formation of the Arbitration Commission, and as well-known lawyer for defending railroad workers, Clarence Darrow was also among them.

Clarence Darrow asked the company to take the accounts to the court to make it clear. This was the first time that an unconstrained American company has been supervised by public opinion.

Mr. Clarence Darrow profoundly understands the meaning of poverty for life. In such concern, he once wrote a short story called "The Boy on the Mine", by which tells a poverty ruined child.

In February 1903, the Americans heard such a defense: If the civilization of this country is maintained by the hungry of miners and laborers, and by teenager children picking up coal in the dusty anthracite coal mines; the sooner we end this civilization, the sooner we start a new civilization, the better it will be for humanity.

In terms of how to start a new civilization, Clarence Darrow said in the opening remarks: On the way to here, I determined to make every effort to make the employers and employees no longer hate each other.

On March 21, 1903, the verdict was announced: the daily working hours of workers were shortened to 9 hours and a 10% salary increase was obtained.

2.3... The joint-stock companies promoted the birth of plutocrats

In 1865, at the end of his life; the U.S. 16th president, Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), who once warned that the corporations have been over hailed and the corruption in high-level will come. The money powered group will try to extend their rule by purposefully fabricating ideological prejudice or preconceived idea to purposefully instill the mind of people until the wealth is accumulated a certain extent in the hands of money powered people, then they will lead to the demise of the United States of America.

For a long time, the prediction of President Abraham Lincoln has been the reality, the corruption in high-level has been actively playing their evil role. The money powered group has reached their purpose by influencing the prejudice of people, thereby successfully extends their ruling.

However, the money powered group did not make the demise of the United States, but, they have demonized it as plutocrats.

The U.S. has long being played as an Evil Fortress as a mother place of endlessly nurturing the evil greedy demons, which is more evil than that of the demise by making it as the source of the evil in the world today; such as, by developing financial economy plunders real economy, by endlessly innovations of toxic financial instruments loot the wealth of public......

The prediction of President Lincoln was right; since then the United States of America has been developed as money powered group controlled state.

For a long time, they have successfully instilled mind of people by condemning humanized idea Communism as evil and for touting democracy they maliciously vilify the technocratic democracy of China as evil dictatorship.

For facilitating plunder of public wealth; they advocate lawless Neoliberalism to deadly insist to uproot state owned economy for excising free market economy of Capitalism by cutting off Gov-supervision.

2012, in the book Plutocrats: the rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else, current Canadian deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, who indicates that in the last few decades; the means to be rich has changed dramatically; so that the income gap is not between the 1 percent and the 99 percent, but within the wealthiest 1 percent.

Plutocrats prove that it is the wealthiest 0.1 percent who are outpacing the rest of us at break-neck speed. The Plutocrats puts us inside a league very much of its own, with its own rules. They exercised immense and unchecked power in their countries.

The New Global Super-Rich Plutocrats made the Fall of Everyone Else, a joblessness, debt, and economic uncertainty to the sovereign nation of the plutocrats, where each crisis seems to offer a new business opportunity.

In America, where the 2008 financial meltdown cost $4 trillion in economic output, fortunes were made by the very people who precipitated the disaster while millions lost their homes and their savings. In Europe and Asia, the austerity caused economic stagnation, a "lost generation" of the young and unemployed.

The world of the 1% has arrived, and the wealth gap is now greater in many countries than during the Gilded Age, the era of the Rockefellers, Carnegies and Vanderbilts. Can our stressed democracies deal with the fallout? Or have governments simply become instruments of the new elite?

Capitalism is a mode of economic development, not equal to democracy, and democracy is a mode of political system, not equal to capitalism. They are good guys for human society; however, once combined of the two created evil.

It was that liberal democracy enabling money powered group promoted political contributions and enabled themselves coercing politicians to drive the power of State Apparatus for private gains by all means, even provoke wars; which was what I have indicated that the liberal democracy is a platform of Capitalism of the system of organized violence.

It was precisely because of corporate-based Plutocrats corrupting democracy by legal-promoted political contributions to coerce democratic politicians making disasters; so that former President Jimmy Carter indicate that the U.S. is the most warlike nation in the history of the world and has been at war for all but 16 years of its 242-year history.

It was the money powered group to have promoted money politics – plutocrats of liberal democracy.

2.4...The origin of the Socialist, Capitalist, state-owned economy or state Capitalism

In 1998, Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw published book The Commanding Heights: The Battle Between Government and the Marketplace.

The book indicates that within a few years of the rise of the Russian Revolution, the Soviet economy went into a major crisis. Lenin responded with the New Economic Policy, a program that allowed limited capitalistic activity, which resulted in what he would call Socialism or plan economy, or state-owned economy, or state capitalism, and the economy began to improve. 

Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet agricultural and heavy manufacturing sectors were largely centralized. During the 1940s to the 1970s, the Soviet economy grew at a rate that outpaced that of Western European nations.

2.5...The origin of the political persecution

The ideologies are the lethal poison for human society to have caused the political persecution of McCarthyism in the US and Stalin reigns in former Soviet Union.

In 1992, was excited by the end of Cold Wall with the pushing down of Berlin Wall, political scientist, Dr. Francis Fukuyama who argued that is the end-point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universaliation of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government. However, in 22 years later 2014, after enjoyed childish play of the “final form of human government”, Dr. Francis Fukuyama who was despaired to write America in Decay was “no way out”.

As my view; the clash of civilization is the clash between different ideologies; it will be endless ongoing. The Berlin Wall is a visible wall of the ideologies; the pushing down of visible wall of the ideologies is easy; but the invisible wall of ideologies can never be removed; because of that is build up in people’s mind and in endlessly renewing.

The lethal poison for human society is nothing else; but it is the ideologies that derived from European looting and killing based culture.

The Communist movement led by Marx and Engels swept the world, and many capitalist countries were thrilling to keep their lives. Communism made them always in fear.

Since then, the ideologies of Communism, or Capitalism and state owned planned economy or private owned market economy have been ideologically played in the manic state as that of psychotic attack. 

In the United States; it caused political persecution of the McCarthyism for fighting against Communism and in former Soviet Union; it caused the political persecution for fighting against Capitalism when the Stalin reigns.

3...The civilization of China humanized west, but it developed on evil way

European enlightenment thinkers nearly successfully led Europe following the politics of China, by examination selecting officials, then by humanized people as lawmakers, world would be avoided disasters in past and today.

British submarine lieutenant-commander Gavin Menzies, as career life, once visited many countries and shocked by the ancient monuments that left by Zheng He Fleet of China. After retirement, on own spending, he cost 14 years to have researched on Ming treasure Voyages by visiting historic sites of 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archives. Then accordingly wrote books 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (2002) and 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (2008).

In the book, Mr. Gavin Menzies appreciated the practice of Zheng He Fleet with 7 times around the world, besides fair trade, did not carry out colonial ruling. He wrote that, in 1434, a Chinese fleet arrived in Tuscany Italy and presented the pope with a large amount books, from a diverse range of fields: geography, astronomy, mathematics, art, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, civil engineering, military weaponry, surveying, cartography, and more. The knowledge of China sparked the inventiveness of the Renaissance to have formed the basis of European civilisation. From that date onward, Europeans embraced Chinese ideas, discoveries, and inventions.

Also, since 1400s, European missionaries continuously enter China and translate the culture of China back home to have triggered Renaissance, Enlightenment, and French Revolution to push Europe entered the new Dark Ages with new type of barbaric play, and continued provoking wars driven by warlike genetic hobby. 

According to, Imperial Examination was introduced to Europe as early as 1570; and was disseminated broadly in Europe. During the 18th century, the Imperial Examinations were often discussed in conjunction with Confucianism, which attracted great attention from contemporary European thinkers such as Leibniz, Voltaire, Montesquieu. Voltaire claimed that the Chinese had ‘perfected moral science.

“François Quesnay advocated an economic and political system modeled after that of the Chinese. According to Ferdinand Brunetière (1849-1906), followers of Physiocracy such as François Quesnay, whose theory of free trade was based on Chinese classical theory, were sinophiles bent on introducing "l'esprit chinois" to France. He also admits that French education was really based on Chinese literary examinations which were popularized in France by philosophers, especially Voltaire. Western perception of China in the 18th century admired the Chinese bureaucratic system as favourable over European governments for its seeming meritocracy.”

According to François Quesnay from Wikipedia, Quesnay is known for his writings on Chinese politics and society. His book Le Despotisme de la Chine, written in 1767, describes his views of the Chinese imperial system. He was supportive of the meritocratic concept of giving scholars political power. The rational and knowledgeable Voltaire and Leibniz, who both highly appreciated China’s governance in selecting learned people; and Voltaire and Leibniz were both specially wrote about the rational practice of China.

According to the practice of François Quesnay, Voltaire, Leibniz and other enlightenment thinkers of Europe; the Europe was nearly successfully following the political practice of China in Technocratic Democracy through Examination selecting learned people as officials; then Human society would avoid the catastrophes of many manmade disasters. However, the good was turned bad by French Montesquieu.

In Mar 24, 2019, French President Emmanuel Macron who presented the one of only two original French version of "An Introduction to The Analects of Confucius" that published in 1688 to President Xi Jinping as a national gift.

While Macron said, the early translations of The Analects of Confucius had inspired French thinkers Montesquieu and Voltaire. The only other remaining book from this version is now kept at his country's Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts.

However, the An Introduction to The Analects of Confucius was unable to humanize French man Montesquieu in humanized thinking; in the "Spirit of Law", Montesquieu defined China as an autocratic country and an imperial dictatorship; by which he provided confidence for people condemning China as dictatorship until this day; so that misled the West to abandon Technocratic Democracy to choose liberal democracy of childish play as this days. 

Democracy is still relying on deception to survive

If you trace back to the origin of Chinese civilization, it is to humanize its citizens with humanized ideas and methods, while the origin of Western civilization is to use fabricated toxic ideologies to dehumanize its citizens.

After self-proclaimed secularization, in addition to continue to play deception by religions of howling for freedom of belief, there were more deceptive tools of deception have been added; such as the liberal democracy by the people, for the people, the universal values, the freedom, the human rights and more; which have been in playing as evil role as a deceptive flag and burqa, so that a few low quality people who act irrationally and recklessly able to seize the administrative power of the government to endanger the survival of mankind by venting their evil mentality.

3.1...The thoughts of China enlightened modern economics and evil freedom

In 1750s,  the term wu wei of Tao Te Ching enlightened French Physiocrat François Quesnay to have coined economic idea laissez-faire – free market without Gov-intervention; which inspired Adam Smith writing economic bible the Wealth of Nations to have further coined Invisible Hand in 1776 . Then later the Invisible Hand encouraged greedy people to have further advocated as lawless Neoliberalism to advocate cutting off all of the supervisions of Government; thereby developing various financial instruments to freely plunder on real economy to endlessly make disasters.

The fatal harm of laissez-faire in over freed market inspired British economist John Keynes considers for the solution, since 1919, he put forward macroeconomic ideas successively, 1926 published the End of Laissez-faire, and 1936 further detailedly put forward The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, since then all countries have regarded controlling currency issuance, adjusting interest rates in 2%, and actively Gov-investing to stimulate economic development as a essential means of regulating the national economy.

In the word of wu wei, wu means none, and wei means ability, capability or the accomplishment from action; so that the term wu wei means that government must reduce the excessive harassment on the livelihood of people, for example, reduce excessive taxation, avoid arbitrary assignment of labor and so on; which was a government could do in the ancient backward agricultural economy. This was not as recklessly complicated as the West clamoring in today.

As my view, Tao Te Ching may understand as The Doctrine of Morality. It emerged around 400 BC China to have summarized the lessons of history, put forward suggestions and advice in social governance and personal behavior, by which contributed philosophies and wisdoms to have promoted the humanized development of civilization.

The Tao Te Ching traditionally credited to the sage Laozi who was the founder of dialectical philosophy Daoism in mandarin or Taoism in Cantonese; it dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites in composed of many components - subsystems with own feature of unity of opposites in a state of constant self-regulating balance. By Yin and Yang represent the two sides of the opposites as the interdependent in contradiction and reunification. 

The Daoism was adopted as the dominant philosophy, its principles and terminology promoted development of Traditional Chinese medicine – TCM.

But in the west everything evilly used to make evil. The Laissez-faire was not only developed lawless evil of Neoliberalism; but also developed lawless evil term of “individual has a natural right to freedom”. According to Laissez-faire Wikipedia gave explanation:

1... Laissez-faire is a type of economic system in which transactions between private groups of people are free from any form of economic interventionism (such as subsidies or transfer payments). The markets should naturally be competitive with the aims of maximizing freedom by allowing markets to self-regulate. In the mid-18th century, the laissez-faire capitalism emerged. 

2... As a system of thought, laissez-faire rests on the following axioms: "the individual is the basic unit in society, i.e. the standard of measurement in social calculus; the individual has a natural right to freedom; and the physical order of nature is a harmonious and self-regulating system."

In the west, the economic ides wu wei of Tao Te Ching was evil used to coin too many evil ideas to deliberately create disasters.

But in the birthplace of wu wei of the mother of laissez-faire or Capitalism; China did not make the tragedies as that of in the Europe and the United States in past and today, right now; everything comes from humanized social governance by selecting humanized people in humanized manner performing social governance.

Here is a good example; August 2012, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Silicon Valley Bank jointly established SPD Silicon Valley Bank China. In view of the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank US, on March 11, 2023, SPD Silicon Valley Bank China specially announced that the bank has been operation strictly following the laws and regulations of China, with a standardized corporate governance structure and an independent balance sheet; which means that the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank US cannot affect the operation of SPD Silicon Valley Bank China.

From the announcement of SPD Silicon Valley Bank China; we may get the feeling of that; before the U.S. bank crisis, the bankers in SPD Silicon Valley Bank China would hate the strict supervision of the government of China. However, the strict supervision has helped them to avoid operational crises, and now they are grateful and thank for the strict supervision of the government of China; and proudly declare our operation is safe.

The root reason of all these lies in the difference between Chinese Collectivistic Culture and American Individualistic Culture; and which result in the difference in the social governance concept and the governance practice.

4... Human selfish instinct destroyed well designed democracy

The democratic political design hopes that multiparty opposition ensure a quality government; but human inborn selfish instinct driven the multiparty supervision as maliciously opposition to replace ruling position for enjoying luxury salaries, benefits and political privileges; regardless of dysfunction of legislature to disable social governance.

By the name of fighting for saving democracy; the people in any quality can legally gang up to make living by touting democracy; such as, various social societies by raising arms shouting slogans to condemn others of being undemocratic, the most evil one is ganged up as political parties to make living by controlling the Gov-power as purpose.

Please look at the names that fabricated by the democratic players for ganging up making living by playing democracy: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, New Democratic Party and in coining according to the needs.

No one will believe that the people in such a childish intelligence are able to legislate of rational policy. The only ability of such childish people is to look for attacking of each other and other governments by saliva as cannonballs.

I never saw people asking that why as higher animal of human beings governed in the way as lower animal.

Democracy helps too many people making livings by ruining the life of themselves, their families and all people.

In this world, nothing is absolute; though electoral democracy is not perfect, but, the most of electorally elected presidents were rational with a clear sense what should do, but they were disabled by the kidnap of populist. But, Jimmy Carter is outstanding by great achievements on the same restricted performance stage.

April 15, 2019, article US the most warlike nation in the history of the world: Carter reports that Former US President Jimmy Carter says that the US has been at war for all but 16 years of its 242-year history.

Carter said that “do you know why? I normalized diplomatic relations with China in 1979. Since 1979 do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody? None. And we have stayed at war,” He called the United States “the most warlike nation in the history of the world,” because of a tendency to try to force others to “adopt our American principles.”

Carter suggested that instead of war, China has been investing in its own infrastructure, mentioning that China has 18,000 miles of high-speed railroad.

“How many miles of high-speed railroad do we have in this country?” Zero, the congregation answered.

“We have wasted I think $3 trillion,” Carter said of American military spending. “… It’s more than you can imagine. China has not wasted a single penny on war and that’s why they’re ahead of us, in almost every way.

He said he understood that Trump is worried about China surpassing the US as the world’s top economic superpower. But he said that “I don’t really fear that time, but it bothers President Trump and I don’t know why.”

In 2023, the environmental lawyer, and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who indicated the deeds of the war-hobbies and China; “Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports.”“China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.”

The war-hobbies are a kind of addiction that is similar as that of drug abusing that is difficult to give up. The democracy is just paved boulevard for such an inhuman plays.

The evil of inhuman Western civilization is at that it dehumanized people seeing the world upside down and in taking inhumane as humane; so that they advocate the evil bombers as world savior, the world rebuilder as evil destroyer.

This topic is from being shocked by YouTube video: Funny Dog Barking in the European Parliament. Why do Europeans have to use their own life saving money to feed so much social garbage to destroy their own lives? Europeans have been made miserable by the democracy invented by the ancestors of the British and French.

It was not only Europeans, but also the democracy made miserable to the people globally.

Taiwanese parliament broke out into a water balloon and chair-throwing brawl

The photos of the lawmakers fights in parliaments after being well fed by taxpayers

In fact, the democratic politics and it relied ideologies invented by the Europe bloody soil based west are all nonsense because they ignore the cruel reality that human self-reproduction is accompanied by a large number of people with brain disabilities who are unable to think and behave rationally. This kind of People do things regardless of the consequences and can easily occupy a dominant position in government and society and endanger the governance of human society.

The elements of Western society are all set up to enjoy things that could not be enjoyed in the past during the period of mixed aristocratic and religious rule; everything goes against the past. Mindlessly emphasizing equality for all result in low-quality people making fools of themselves. Democratic politics is about handing over the steering wheel of the State Apparatus to the mentally retarded to destroy the world, advocated universal values, freedom, human rights and other ideologies, the actual social effects are protecting bad people from doing evil and endangering the survival of good people.

Democratic politics allows conglomerates to use political contributions to corrupt politicians to create a plutocracy, drive State Apparatus for greedy, purposefully provoke wars to sell arms for profit in ignore the life and death of the people.

Please look at the shocking antihuman plays of democratic players in holy democratic parliaments, which have been playing the role of the attractors of social garbage of people, who seek the parasitic life in blood-sucking taxpayers.


Today, with abundant material wealth, even in developed wealthy countries, increasingly people are struggling to make ends meet despite working hard; some are even starving. On May 17, 2023, there was a sad report that many Iranians were selling their organs - livers, corneas, testicles... on Telegram in order to sustain themselves and families amid soaring inflation and poverty.

Now, world widely, people are living in the tragedies of manmade disasters; in suffering increasingly unaffordable life spending in the fear of increasingly murderous life threats - random antisocial attacks, mass shootings, robberies, rapes, uncontrollable social unrests, especially childish politicians wasting money coerced human to be atomic cremated.

Why human society has to be governed in the non-human way of democracy by granting Gov-position to inhuman one vent their inhuman mentality. Why humans, who are higher animals, must feed lower animals as lawmaker to destruct own society?

5... The democratic players are the inhuman blood suckers on people

In order to avoid wars, European countries promoted integration and established the European Union in uniform use of the Euro; however, human inborn selfish instinct driven EU as new kind of disaster as blood sucker to Europeans.

Jan 2019, article EU on the brink: German eurosceptics threaten 'DEXIT' unless EU parliament is ABOLISHED reports that European Parliament has 751 MEPs, 44,000 officials and 11,000 employees that cost over €8billion a year; 4,000 of them earn more than €290,000 a year in more than of Angela Merkel’s salary.

May 2014, article Luxury EU Junkets for MEPs Cost Taxpayer Over euro 5m a Year reports that the "Members of the European Parliament have been spending more than €5m a year on alleged “fact finding” trips to some of the most luxurious destinations on the world and were accompanied by the team of servants.

Jan 2023, article The EU's "crazy salary increase" caused controversy, von der Leyen's daily salary exceeded 1,000 euros reports that as people across the European Union are currently struggling with high inflation, EU officials crazy increase salary, 50,000 EU employees can expect a second salary increase in 7 % within 6 months, salary plus allowances, von der Lein's total income is about 36,000 euros per month in daily salary exceeds 1,000 euros. The salary increases are borne by taxpayers, but under inflation, the salary of ordinary German workers has not adjusted.

However, taxpayers honestly cost so much to establish such a huge complex political system; by own hard earned money in self living frugally to feed so many lawmakers; only with a hope that they will make a better life with a livable social environment; however they reward the honest taxpayers an increasingly unlivable homeland. This is not limited in the EU; there were many reports of democratic politicians raised own payments when people going to starve.

Germany is under red and green lights fading shining

Only the street boys and street girls govern own country by red and green lights of creating an unhinged political compass creates chaos and disasters to ruin own homeyard.

Please look at that how Germans play their democracy. According to Grand coalition (Germany) - Wikipedia that was last edited on 18 April 2019, after the inconclusive result of the 2005 German federal election, neither of the traditional coalitions could form a majority government. Another possible coalition existed, comprising the SPD, Greens, and the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), PDS, the successor party to East Germany's ruling Socialist Unity Party, the SPD, CDU/CSU to agree to form a grand coalition with CDU leader Angela Merkel as chancellor and an equal number of cabinet seats for each party.

I really doubt that whether the great Germans themselves can quickly sort out these political parties and their sacred political goals; and eventually; in the final analysis, what on earth; they want to do and what actually they can provide for Germans.

Thank Harvard University for awarding Honorary Doctor of Law to former german chancellor Angela Merkel; who was the most worthwhile for got the honor and helped world gained the most worthwhile return: “tear down walls of ignorance and narrow-mindedness, for nothing has to stay as it is,” to get rid of state of “describe lies as truth and truth as lies.”

Suppose that it is not the street boys and street girls playing with red and green lights, Merkel was still in power,  the Russian and Ukraine Agent War would not happen.

Germans must ask why they run their country in jokey way.

6...Democracy has been badly messing social governance

This was the reason that in the Massachusetts ratifying convention 1788, the Representative in U.S. Congress, and leader of the Federalist Party in House, Fisher Ames (1758–1808), who despaired likens democracy to volcano, “which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.”

In 2006, in the book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West; Professor. Dr. Niall Ferguson wrote that: Why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 major military conflicts. 

In 1992, happy by the end of Cold War, Dr. Francis Fukuyama who made prophecy that democracy will be the final form of human government. However, in 22 years later 2014, after enjoyed Donkey and Elephant failed the “final form of human government”, Dr. Francis Fukuyama who was despaired to write America in Decay was “no way out”.

In 1992, in response to above arguments of own student; political scientist Samuel Huntington made a lecture; then 1996, the lecture expands as book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order to warn that the Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.”

In 2019, Canadian deputy PM Chrystia Freeland said Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians, “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians;” ” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.”

In 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada Goldy Hyder wrote article Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action: “Canada wasn’t born, it was built.” “Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”

Today many international conflicts and proxy wars in world were purposefully provoked by democratic politicians for maintaining their political position in own country; without caring about that will kill lives and made world unlivable.

The rich of democratic countries does not entirely come from the creation of material wealth brought from democratic governance, but from the plunder globally by troops and later by economy. For instance; during the First Sino-Japanese War, China compensated 230 million taels of silver to Japanese. Later, by Boxer Indemnity paid 980 million taels of silver to Eight-Nation Alliance, plus 20 million taels to the church, for a total of 1 billion taels. In the Second Opium War 1860, French and British allied looted the imperial collections and then looted, and burnt Old Summer Palace of China.

7...Liberal democracy just meets the need of low quality people

If I could sum up Western civilization in the most concise way, it would be freedom. Freedom is the main axis, as an evil poisonous arrow in penetrating all aspects of Western politics, economy and society, and in driving the evil souls of mankind to overflow and in creating all kinds of disasters. Modern research has proven that human self-reproduction is accompanied by brain-disabled people who are unable to think and behave rationally and are in a state of inhumanity. Freedom precisely meets the delusional instincts of these people of brain defects, and is therefore eagerly pursued and promoted globally and in making disasters globally.

The purpose of establishing a government in human society is to use the coercive power of the government's administrative function to suppress the bestial behavior of bestiality people and creates a stable living environment for the people. However, democratic politics has turned the government into a child's play, helping bestiality people to play with democratic politics as a punchboard to vent animalistic mentality and castrates the significance of establishing a government in human society. The evil of democratic politics lies in its highly toxic hallucinogenic properties; a little bit of touching will make people feel like thay are in enjoying social justice of comfortable, and willingly to be euthanized. 

The hard-working Europeans are enjoying this kind of social justice; which was jointly invented by the ancestors of Europeans, especially the later British, who created representative democracy and the Frenchman Montesquieu created the separation of powers. Oh, the God's God cannot help overly pious Europeans.

The democratic political design hopes that the mutually supervision from multi-party opposition may ensure a quality government; but due to that it has no quality control on political players; the multiparty supervision is used to maliciously opposition for replacing ruling position to enjoy luxury payment, luxury benefits and luxury political privileges without human mind caring about that what they are doing is in disabling legislature and disabling social governance.

Please look at the thoughtful names that fabricated by the democratic players for ganging up to enjoy the fruits of democracy: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, New Democratic Party and in coining according to the needs.

Humanized people must ask that such whimsical names are from human brain. Why human legislature played in such an inhuman way. They tout the world bomber as human life saver and label world builder as human life destroyer.

Here, I indicate that by treating people in any quality as equal, the democracy and its relied ideologies are in fueling bad harming good as a noose tied on the neck of the democracies in cannot untie; if the ideologies removed, it will kill democracy by killing the excuse for cheating, if the democracy removed, the ideologies will lose advocators. 

By striking for more by doing less; the values and human rights have corrupted quality of labors; after the left of the quality generation of World War II, the social productivity of the democracies has been brought away forever.

Also, the values and human rights poisoned people seeing that works less for more as social justice to have killed the responsibility and motivation of labor for a quality work; the terrible is that labor unions, human rights lawyers, human rights organizations and various civil societies are in overseeing as that of vultures of the African savannah for sucking the blood of the manufacturers; which was the cause that manufacturing of democracies has been declining.

The ideologies of values and human rights help too much social garbage organized living on cheating. Those people who advocate toxic ideologies are actual doers in messing human society by encouraging bad harming good.

Nowadays, except Confucian cultured labor of China; no country can quality finish large infrastructure in budgeted fund and time. Also if it is no life necessities made in China, global people will be unable survival anymore.

Sep. 2015, the article Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers said that the work-speed of China's worker is 50% higher than that of others. Humanized people will never doubt that, suppose that there were no quality workers of China, there would be no Western and Atlantic Railroad of the United States.

People accusing the projects of China do not hire local labor; but they never think about the quality of the labors.

8...The four landmines settled to finish the Unites States of America

April 27, 2023, the U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan remarks on Renewing American Economic Leadership at the Brookings Institution indicated the key in failing US economy: “The vision of public investment that had energized the American project in the postwar years—and indeed for much of our history—had faded.  It had given way to a set of ideas that championed tax cutting and deregulation, privatization over public action, and trade liberalization as an end in itself.” “There was one assumption at the heart of all of this policy: that markets always allocate capital productively and efficiently.”

What Dr. Jake Sullivan indicated wrongful economic policy of the US was derived from Neoliberalism that advocates cut off the intervention of government; the initiation of the Neoliberalism was from ancient thought of China; but it can never harm China besides benefiting; while Western free world derived it as Neoliberalism to meet the need of greedy. Please look at section 2.1.20...The ancient governing thoughts of China plant modern economics and idea of liberty & free world.

But Dr. Jake Sullivan and the economic elite of the U.S. government were too late to wake up and take action; because of, the Lethal Landmines have been properly settled down in perfect ready to surely destroy American economy and the Federal System. And that Renewing American Economic Leadership was exactly impossible.

8.1... First Landmine was over developed financial economy kills real economy

Raising interest rates to curb inflation is counterproductive by further curbing the manufacture of necessities for life.

In 1865, President Abraham Lincoln who worried about the expansion of company rights; at the end of his life; he said that the company has been over hailed, and the corruption in high-level will come. The money powered group will try to extend its rule by influencing the prejudice or preconceived idea of people until the wealth is accumulated a certain extent in the hands of some people, they will lead to the demise of the United States of America.

Now, many renowned scholars indicated that United States has functionally gone from being a democracy towards a plutocracy, which was what that President Abraham Lincoln had indicated in 158 years ago 1865.

The money powered group promoted plutocracy over developed financial economy was one of Lethal Landmines.

Jul 29, 2014, in the documentary The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World, professor of History of Harvard University, Dr. Niall Ferguson indicates that: “In our time, we've witnessed the zenith of global finance. 2006the world total economic output was worth around $47 trillion, that's 47 followed by 12 zeroes, the total value of stock and bond markets was roughly $110 trillion, more than twice the size. And the amount outstanding of the strange new financial life form known as derivatives was $473 trillion, 10 times larger."

In 2019, in book The Finance Curse: How Global Finance is Making Us All Poorer, Nicholas Shaxson exposed tax havens, monopolists, megabanks, private equity firms, Eurobond traders, lobbyists, and a menagerie of scoundrels quietly financializing our entire society, hurting both business and individuals. The financial sector has become so big that its gravitational field has distorted everything around it. Instead of serving the real economy, it now preys on it.

As democratic player, current Canadian deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland was able to point out the fatal harm of over developed financial economy and the dead knot of liberal democracy; it seems rare politician having realized this point of the root cause in ruining human world; which showed her high quality in intelligence.

In 2012, current minister of finance and deputy prime minister of Canada Chrystia Freeland, published book Plutocrats: the rise of the New Global Super-Rich andthe Fall of Everyone Else revealed the reason that why the higher animals live in the Law of Jungle of the lower animals way: the Plutocrats exercise immense and unchecked power for greedy in messing human world to make the Fall of Everyone Else.

---In the last few decades; the means to be rich has changed dramatically; so that the income gap is not between the 1 percent and the 99 percent, but within the wealthiest 1 percent. Plutocrats prove that it is the wealthiest 0.1 percent who are outpacing the rest of us at break-neck speed. What’s changed is more than numbers. Today, most colossal fortunes are new, not inherited. 

---As a transglobal class of successful professionals, today’s self-made oligarchs often feel they have more in common with one another than with their countrymen back home. Bringing together the economics and psychology of these new super-rich, Plutocrats puts us inside a league very much of its own, with its own rules. They exercised immense and unchecked power in their countries. 

---Wealth, corruption, and populism are no longer constrained by national borders, this new Gilded Age is already transforming the economics of the West as well, the entire globalized world is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.

---The New Global Super-Rich Plutocrats made the Fall of Everyone Else, a joblessness, debt, and economic uncertainty to the sovereign nation of the plutocrats, where each crisis seems to offer a new business opportunity. 

---In America, where the 2008 financial meltdown cost $4 trillion in economic output, fortunes were made by the very people who precipitated the disaster while millions lost their homes and their savings. In Europe and Asia, the austerity caused economic stagnation, a "lost generation" of the young and unemployed.

---The world of the 1% has arrived, and the wealth gap is now greater in many countries than during the Gilded Age, the era of the Rockefellers, Carnegies and Vanderbilts. Can our stressed democracies deal with the fallout? Or have governments simply become instruments of the new elite?

In 2013, American economist, Professor Robert Reich distills the story through the lens of widening income inequality to have presented documentary film Inequality for All. Below are the video screen-shots from the film of Inequality for All.

The two times economic crashes well match the peak point of top 1% income share in 1928 and 2007. From the huge relative financial wages, we can easily speculate the huge volume of financial economy or paper economy that is buying and selling on the financial markets to make money by money, or to make capital by capital; and nowadays the operation is as easy as a finger click to drive large amount hot money that is able to easily destroy the financial system to bankrupt a country. But usually; which are the demon tools for demons living on plundering on real economy to make the profit margin of real economy too narrow to survive.

Mar 19, 2023, in US Study finds 186 banks vulnerable to Silicon Valley Bank-like collapse: “almost 190 banks are at a potential risk of impairment to insured depositors, with potentially $300 billion of insured deposits at risk."

May 3, 2023, Bill Ackman Warns US Regional Banking System Is at Risk: Bill Ackman, chief executive officer of Pershing Square Capital Management LP, speaks during a interview, “that the US regional banking system is at risk and the regulator’s failure to update and expand its insurance regime has “hammered more nails in the coffin,” 

Remember that in dollar looting backed USA “the 2008 financial meltdown cost $4 trillion in economic output, fortunes were made by the very people who precipitated the disaster while millions lost their homes and their savings. In Europe and Asia, the austerity caused economic stagnation, a "lost generation" of the young and unemployed.”

May 5, 2023, in Canada, I met a mother with three children, bought a tomato, a green pepper and an apple.

The over developed financial economy in the US was also a cause of de-dollarization, because of, US dollar is the basic composition of financial instruments used to loot. For avoiding the repeating of such disasters; the diversification in world's reserve currency and the diversification in world's currency for circulation are only feasible way out.

Even so, for solving the problem; people are still arguing how to make democracy more democracy; so that I said that for getting a way out, the scholars and officials are acting as grave digger to take poison as antidote.

In an increasingly messing world, no matter democratic players or bankers, no one can stay a safer life along.

Idiots can never recognizing that the happening of the de-dollarization and US-de-unitization are not due to the bad of American or America; or the trouble making of any other country; but it was America defeated America or exactly say that it is some low quality politicians of America destructed America; because of, that liberal democracy has been in endlessly granting the Gov-power of the United States to low quality individual for reckless play at will.

8.2... Second Landmine was Toxic ideologies dehumanizing labor kills real economy

Other Lethal Landmine was that the social system of the US has been corrupted by politicians self-beautify yelling toxic ideologies of values, freedom and human rights to have disabled labors for quality production.

The liberal democracy and its relied ideologies have thoroughly corrupted social environment of the United States and those democracies by legally encouraging people striking for more by doing less in full hearted with full energy to fight for justice without sense and ability for the creation of material wealth; with the left of the quality generations of WWII, the labor productivity had brought away forever to have smashed cornerstone for the quality production.

Please look at Boeing passenger aircraft that once was a reliable travel tools that trusted by the people all over the world, and it was also the pride of symbol of great American manufacturing. However, in recent years, there have been frequent air crashes with reports of chaos in Boeing aircraft manufacturing. This is not because of the incompetent or dereliction of their duty of Boeing management team, but because of, it is that American social system has corrupted and smashed the foundation for quality production; this is not limited in the U.S., but in all of democracies.

Because of, the quality production requires quality people with an essential quality of responsibility.

The values, freedom and human rights are in dehumanizing the quality of people and encouraging low quality people reckless play without need caring about responsibility; so that those ideologies acted as noose tied on the neck of the United States and democracies; if untie it right now; the United States and democracies will die immediately from lost ideological foundation for cheating; if that it is not untie; the United States and democracies will die gradually.

It is said that before decided to run for the election, former President Trump specially went to the Rust Belt and was shocked by the tragic life of people there and launched a trade war that hope to bring manufacturing back and make US great again; but, failed, please look at Foxconn that was unable to production in the US due to lack of quality labor.

Now, the Biden administration has vowed to tackle the problem of drug abusing, it is definitely impossible, due to that the only feasible tackling way is at the quality of peoples, who have intelligence that can elf-discipline away from drug. But the West advocated values, freedom and human rights have dehumanized people without quality for self discipline; and also that advocates self discipline is opposing against the values of the great America, the beacon of free world.

This is the reason that I said that toxic ideologies are the noose tied on the neck of the USA and democracies. In many cases, good imaginations and efforts may not necessarily achieve the desired results, because of, that opposes to reality in playing bad effect; such a reality will make sober National Security Advisor Sullivan and other officials fall into deep depression; because of, they are more efforts the more bad with results producing psychological pressure.

Now people would have understood that any one of above Lethal Landmines will destroy American economy and thereby destroying American economic system and the Federal United States System.

But, as stakeholders in Democratic Government, Dr. Jake Sullivan and his team can never remove the Lethal Landmines; which needs the optimal touch up on the mechanism of policy making by outsiders.

8.3... Third Landmine was the Childish social governance

There many uncontrollable factors in de-unitizing the United States; the unlivable worsening of society is one of the causes. Such as, robbing less than $950 is not a crime encourages zero-dollar purchase in vogue. San Francisco pharmacy chain Walgreens lost more than $1,000 a day and have to close five stores.

Only democratic players think that they are able to save a country that cultures lawless citizens killing economy.

A rigorous legal system supported by a powerful police force team cannot control increasingly lawless citizens; while ideologies of values, freedom and human rights are in culturing more citizens into the quality of lawless.

The private guns can never be banned, more and more innocent people will be shotted.

The increasingly lawless citizens will make federal system uncontrollable and which will force individual State to make policy for self-governing to survive, eventually, which will lead to the collapse of the Federal System.

People world widely, no one would deny the fact that suppose without the contribution of the great United States in saving world from WWII and the post-war economic recovery, the world would be staying in Dark Ages of ruling by the Fascist Axis Powers. However, since then; due to that the liberal democracy has been granting the Gov-power of America to low quality people, and they childish play the United States into evilly corrupted.

However, now the low quality politicians have developed great United States with many handy demon tools; the person who likes war can take it at will to provoke a war, the person who likes to overthrow the government of other countries, can take it at will to overthrow the legitimate government of other countries, and the person who likes to economic and financial plunder, can take it at will to destroy the economy of other countries.

Nowadays, as same as that of the U.S. has been in doing, in the democratic played countries, in many cases, the behavior of the country does not come from the collective will of their people or the collective decision of parliament, but from liberal democracy enabled low quality people who abuse the Gov-power at personal will.

Because of, that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature; some harms others for pleasure, so that; in today, the democratic government is acting as a platform for individual dictators; which is that those being elected players of democracy are regarding themselves as the saver of world to act as sacred dictator.

It is same in all of democracies; this is what I said that democracy made runaway Gov-power.

Humans grouping living will gradually form cultural traditions and will naturally produce political culture with a form of social governance in suitable for the cultural traditions; the invading politics cannot fit in the cultural traditions; but broken the existing suitable political system to cause social unrest or even bloody conflicts.  

The most of manmade disasters were created by the people from good intentions to promote a better life. Terrorists’ hard efforts were for the good of others, and German Nazi Hitler’s hard efforts was also for the good of others. The sadness is at that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature but beast mentality.

If the civilization was built on purposefully designed for low quality people greedy harming the life of quality people; the sooner we end this evil civilization, the sooner we turn to human civilization, the better it will be for humanity. 

This batch of Man on Earth is brainless low quality people hijacked towards the graveyard of the suicidal-finished civilizations in the Milky Way; and liberal democracy granting the Gov-power to low quality individuals and its relied ideologies poisoning people into dehumanized ungovernable are in perfecting the suicidal orbit.

As mentioned above, this Earth ball is the common home of all of us; as the play of democratic players; we all will be finished together; so that I request the help of sober Jimmy Carter to take action to save we all.

Again, everything rooted in that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature.

8.4... Fourth Landmine was the speeding of de-dollarization

Such as, affected by the Federal Reserve's monetary policy, the exchange rate of the Thai Baht against the U.S. dollar has been in fluctuating fiercely; and has felled to 37.78 Baht to the US dollar, a 16-year low. The anxious leaders of Thailand's central bank seek discussion of Yuan-Baht settlement with the leaders of China's central bank.

April 4, 2023, article PM Anwar: No need to continue depending on US dollar in investments reports that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that there is no reason for a country like Malaysia to continue to depend on the US dollar, Malaysia and other countries should use the currencies of both countries.

The officials of Asian countries have never forget that dollar looting caused 1997 Asian financial crisis after Thailand ended the currency’s de facto peg to the U.S. dollar to have caused the depletion of the foreign exchange reserves of Asian countries due to that they have to defend against the speculative pressure.

For the grouped efforts of de-dollarization in Asian countries, the motivation for the officials was not only from the fear of dollar-looting on Russia, but it was mainly from the pain of dollar burnt scars in 1997.

The de-dollarization in Asia is in making model to follow for great many economically weak countries.

April 28, 2023, the leader of Indian Kotak Mahindra Bank, Mr. Uday Kotak, who regards the dollar as “the biggest financial terrorist in the world,” “all our money is in nostro accounts and somebody in the US can say- you cannot withdraw it from tomorrow morning- and you are stuck. That is the power of the reserve currency. I think we are at a crucial time in the world history where the world is desperately looking for an alternative reserve currency.”

In fact, the potential for de-dollarization has long been existing since 1960s, but that time it was not for purposefully de-dollarization; but for healthy economic development by regional currency integration from the theory of Optimum Currency Area proposed by Nobel Prize winner, Canadian economist Robert Mundell who was considered the Father of the Euro for his early work encouraging a European monetary union.

Now, for promoting free world provoked proxy Ukraine war and for wining war by dollar looting the enemy Russia to trigger backfire killed petrodollar and made the US dollar regarded as an imminent tsunami, people are scrambling to flee from the fatal danger and in the fear of lest the flea has too slow.

The wave of de-dollarization has triggered the resurrection of the Optimum Currency Area with much strong vitality. Now, besides Americans; globally few people will like to see the stay of US dollar; and the speed of the de-dollarization and the de-unitization of the USA will be faster than that of expected.

Although I argue that rationality of the practices of some US politicians, but I sympathetically noticed that, some politicians in major American functional departments were exhausted and aged visibly, such as, United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken and United States secretary of the treasury, Janet Yellen, obviously, the trouble making country United States made trouble to the kindness people with pressure made them exhausted and aging faster.

The magic of liberal democratic politics lies in using irreproachable rationality to create irreproachable irrationality, the confusion of thoughts and deeds excited politicians to create more confusion of thoughts and deeds.

Thanks wonderful Greatest United States of America for using unique magic to create unique magic.

Now some politicians are in looking for alternative way out by think that they will be better if defeat other economies; but such a mentality drew backfire to kill oneself by causing the fear of others; the de-dollarization was a fatal example. The economic prosperity of any country will bring economic prosperity to the countries all over the world.

The ancient people of China found and emphasized that without commercial circulation of commodities and roads, the country cannot make a prosperous life; so that an increase in purchasing power in any country will bring economic prosperity to countries world widely by promoting commercial circulation with a prosperous life to people.

Jan 17, 2023; Mark Andrew Green, the president, director and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars posts article China Is the Top Trading Partner to More Than 120 Countries ( the number from the statistics of China was 140 ). No matter that how people view this reality; but no one will deny the fact that China once a being looted and burnt poor country, now it has developed as the economic engine for more and more countries.

9...The values, human rights and civil society kill Labor productivity

Nowadays; except Confucian culture cultured high quality people of China; no country is able to timely in budget finish larger scale project; due to that in those country; after the left of the quality generation of hard working frugal living from the hard life of WWII; the labor productivity was brought away forever.

The high quality of people of China and the success in economic development of China in before inhuman invasion of foreign countries in 100 years ago and after economic reform; are both derived from recognition of the harm of toxic ideologies and therefore took measures to eliminate them or bypass them or good use of them.

However, in Western countries; so many low quality people or social garbage have been making livings by toxic ideologies cheating public and badly interference a proper social governance.

As political scientist Samuel Huntington indicated in his 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order "In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.”

The universality of Western culture should include those Universalism, Fundamentalism and the most of other version of –ism; and the ideologies, such as, freedom, values, rights, social polarization, the starting points of such ideas sound perfect humanized; but the social outcomes are extremely bad; because of their nature is in false, immoral; and dangerous.

All the elements of the Western civilization, which grew out of the bloody soil of European looting and killings, appear to be perfectly humane. However, the social effects are the opposite.

Western culture relied pillar ideologies - universal values, freedom, human rights and civil society are the moral pillar of the universality of Western culture and the holy excuse of the existence of Western democratic politics; but actually; they all have the magical ability to distort human nature.

Such stuffs; besides used by democratic players for self-beautifying to dehumanized social governance; they are in damaging the pillar of human social cornerstone by protecting people childish play; strike for more by doing less; without proper labor productivity; after the left of the quality generation of hard working frugal living from the hard life of WWII; the labor productivity was brought away forever; so that western countries and people has lost foundation for survival.

France and Britain were the main inventors of democracy and its relied ideologies, the U.S. & Canada were the sons of France and Britain. They are suffered most from the wrongful inventions.

1...French Republic

Feb. 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory."

"Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France." "'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote."

An on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss. 

2...Great Britain

2016, Professor of Economic Development at the University of Hertfordshire, britain, Hulya Dagdeviren, who wrote article How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation to disappointed indicate that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer and force these sectors to become more competitive, efficient and deliver better value for customers. But over the long term, it has become clear that private services do not deliver good value. 

For the ticket of 35-minute railway journey, in Britain was £358 monthly, but in Italy was £37 only. The most recent data show that for Department of Health projects which delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, the undiscounted cost of the unitary charges to be paid until the end of these projects was around £80 billion.

Professor said that the leader of Labor Party vows to renationalize their failed infrastructure again.

I think that the renationalize is not willingly, but have to; this was in repeating the same business. The Britain was the country that flips its economy upside down twice likes baking cake; and now is ready to bake once failed side.

Obviously, the economic thoughts of the great sons of the Britain, Adam Smith and John Keynes, were all beaten by own ancestors kindly coined ideologies and failed in saving the lives of own countrymen by saving their economy, even if their micro and macro economics have been in conducting world economy by complementary of each other.

Briton YouTube comments that the cost of finished project in China cannot finish the process of targeting in Britain.

3... United States, the son country of Britain and France

2018, in book Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap, the American political scientist at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, the professor Graham Allison has indirectly proved that the United States has lost essential vitality along with the loss of social productivity.

The silver line of the Washington Metro began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed.

The professor introduced another project that was the bridge across the Charles River between the Kennedy School and Harvard Business School in a distance that can be seen from his office window. In 2012, the State of Massachusetts said they were going to renovate this bridge, and it would take two years. But it was finished until 2017 with three times over budgeting. 

As sharp contrast, the professor introduced a project in Beijing China; a much bigger bridge called the Sanyuan Bridge was renovated within 43 hours. The Professor disappointed said that now China completed project in hours is more than that of the United States completed in years.

There have been too many reports about the chaotic management in the production of Boeing passenger aircraft, there are many Boeing 737 MAX air crash accidents and caused deaths.

Jan. 5, 2024, article Alaska Airlines grounds MAX 9s after door plug blows out on Portland flight reports that Alaska Airlines 737 MAX 9 has a piece of the fuselage blew out at 16,000 feet leaving a large hole and decompressing the passenger cabin. The plane made an emergency landing back in Portland 20 minutes after taking off from there on a flight that had been destined for Ontario, Calif.

The cause of Boeing's passenger aircraft production efficiency is low and its management is chaotic; in addition to absurd ideology that leads to lower labor quality without sense of responsibility, labor unions and lawyers also have made huge contributions.

Trade unions organize workers to go on strike so that they can work less and gain more. Lawyers are eagerly supervising to blackmail managers who cause labor disputes due to the strict management.

4... Canada, the son country of Britain

RIM, the inventor as far leading pioneer in the field of communication in the world, has long been disappeared.

Bombardier, the pride of the manufacturing industry of Canada; and many manufactures has disappeared also.

2019, in article Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder sadly signed: “Canada wasn’t born, it was built.” “Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”

In 2019, an article reports that the incumbent Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland said that liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians, “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.”

Only the rational elites and politicians are worrying about being ruined society; never cover eyes cheating.

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