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亨利·基辛格去世,享年 100 歲。這位美國前政治家在冷戰最激烈的時期擔任國家安全顧問和國務卿,並在隨後的幾十年裏對美國外交政策發揮了影響力。 他的行為導致了屠殺、政變甚至種族滅絕,在拉丁美洲、東南亞及其他地區留下了血腥的遺產。 卸任後,基辛格一直到去世為止一直為美國總統和其他高級官員提供建議,他們稱讚他是一位有遠見的外交官。 耶魯大學曆史學家格雷格·格蘭丁表示,這些熱情洋溢的訃告隻是揭示了“政治機構的道德破產”, 而忽略了基辛格的行為可能導致全球至少 300 萬人死亡。 格蘭丁是《基辛格的影子:美國最具爭議政治家的影響深遠》一書的作者。

民主現在! 是一個獨立的全球新聞時段,周一至周五在 1,500 多家電視和廣播電台播出。 美國東部時間周一至周五上午 8 點至 9 點在democracynow.org 觀看我們的直播。
Henry Kissinger and the Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Elites


Democracy Now!

Henry Kissinger is dead at the age of 100. The former U.S. statesman served as national security adviser and secretary of state at the height of the Cold War and wielded influence over U.S. foreign policy for decades afterward. His actions led to massacres, coups and and even genocide, leaving a bloody legacy in Latin America, Southeast Asia and beyond. Once out of office, Kissinger continued until his death to advise U.S. presidents and other top officials who celebrate him as a visionary diplomat. Yale historian Greg Grandin says those glowing obituaries only reveal "the moral bankruptcy of the political establishment" that ignores how Kissinger's actions may have led to the deaths of at least 3 million people across the globe. Grandin is author of "Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman."

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at democracynow.org Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.


2015 年 8 月 25 日,格雷格·格蘭丁 (Greg Grandin)



格蘭丁審視了基辛格自己的著作以及大量新解密的文件,揭示了理查德·尼克鬆的最高外交政策顧問如何在主持越南戰敗和柬埔寨災難性的秘密非法戰爭時幫助複興 以帝國總統職位為中心的美國例外論的軍事化版本。 基辛格相信現實可以屈從於他的意誌,堅持認為在決定政策時直覺比確鑿的事實更重要,並發誓過去的錯誤永遠不會阻礙未來的大膽行動,基辛格預見到,甚至促成了帶領美國的新保守主義理想主義者的崛起。 陷入阿富汗和伊拉克的嚴重戰爭。


Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman 

Aug. 25 2015 by Greg Grandin 

A new account of America's most controversial diplomat that moves beyond praise or condemnation to reveal Kissinger as the architect of America's current imperial stance

In his fascinating new book Kissinger's Shadow, acclaimed historian Greg Grandin argues that to understand the crisis of contemporary America―its never-ending wars abroad and political polarization at home―we have to understand Henry Kissinger.

Examining Kissinger's own writings, as well as a wealth of newly declassified documents, Grandin reveals how Richard Nixon's top foreign policy advisor, even as he was presiding over defeat in Vietnam and a disastrous, secret, and illegal war in Cambodia, was helping to revive a militarized version of American exceptionalism centered on an imperial presidency. Believing that reality could be bent to his will, insisting that intuition is more important in determining policy than hard facts, and vowing that past mistakes should never hinder future bold action, Kissinger anticipated, even enabled, the ascendance of the neoconservative idealists who took America into crippling wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Going beyond accounts focusing either on Kissinger's crimes or accomplishments, Grandin offers a compelling new interpretation of the diplomat's continuing influence on how the United States views its role in the world.

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