
英國前首相特拉斯 西方在糾結 有陰莖的人是不是男人

(2023-09-10 06:02:49) 下一個


《衛報》稱,這本名為《十年拯救西方》(Ten Years to Save the West)的新書宣傳稱,它將就“全球左翼傳播的時髦思想”所帶來的威脅發出警告。在特拉斯看來,也正是這一風潮導致了她任內的“失控”情形。她在一份聲明中稱:“我想證明,如果我們希望避免西方架構的衰退,我們就必須做出嚴峻的選擇。”



特拉斯資料圖 圖片來源:《星期日郵報》

特拉斯資料圖 圖片來源:《星期日郵報》






拯救西方的十年 Ten Years to Save the West

作者:莉茲·特拉斯 2024 年 4 月 16 日

西方還有救嗎? 英國前保守黨首相利茲·特拉斯認為這是一個懸而未決的問題。

在英國政府最高層任職的十年裏,她經常發現自己是房間裏唯一的保守派。 她親眼目睹了全球主義者的陰謀,他們隻想將企業國家社會主義強加於世界。


問題? 保守派接受了太多左派的觀點,允許左派製定政治議程,每當左派試圖強加更大的政府並限製個人自由時,他們就會無休止地屈服。








這位前首相將她在 49 天首相任期內垮台的原因之一歸咎於保守黨思想缺乏支持

唐娜·弗格森 (Donna Ferguson) 和代理機構 2023 年 9 月 9 日星期六

莉茲·特拉斯正在寫一本關於她擔任總理 49 天的書,書中將辯稱她垮台的主要原因是缺乏“對保守黨思想的支持” — — 以及對“全球左派”的支持過多。




特拉斯在一份聲明中表示:“我想分享我在政府和國際會議上的經驗教訓,在這些會議上我常常是房間裏唯一的保守派,並表明如果我們希望避免有控製的衰退,我們必須做出嚴峻的選擇 西方建築的典範,它見證了幾代人的相對和平與繁榮。”



莉茲·特拉斯在唐寧街 10 號外發表講話




她還透露,她認為鮑裏斯·約翰遜永遠不應該被免職。 “這從根本上來說是錯誤的做法,”她告訴該報。 “他被選民選舉為國家領導人,我認為這給我們帶來了巨大的問題。”

她渴望看到一位共和黨人重返白宮,盡管她不願評論是否應該是唐納德·特朗普:“毫無疑問,在我看來,拜登正在做的事情正在通過追求巨額補貼來損害美國經濟, 巨額支出,提高稅收,現在試圖通過經合組織最低稅收協議將其強加於世界其他地區。


她補充道:“拜登顯然是全球左派的重要組成部分,還有全球環境運動、這個世界的格蕾塔·桑伯格、反資本主義運動,他們非常有效地推動了 政治上可以接受。”


她並不排除自己東山再起的可能性,並表示在看到英國真正發生變化之前她不會休息。 “我認為這是可以實現的,但我並沒有為自己指定未來的任何角色。”

當被問及她是否認為自己導致了自己在辦公室的垮台時,她回答說:“我之前說過,我在溝通和執行等方麵犯了錯誤,但根本問題是保守黨的想法沒有得到足夠的支持。” ”。

特拉斯與她的前總理、強大盟友誇西·誇騰的密切政治聯係似乎已經結束。 特拉斯在其首相任期的最後幾天解雇了他,因為他們的 450 億英鎊無資金減稅預算引發了經濟危機並導致抵押貸款利率飆升。 當被問及兩人是否通過短信聯係時,她回答說:“偶爾。 我不會和他說那麽多。”

在采訪中,她承認她仍然難以“計算”在 10 號任職期間發生的事情,特別是關於“女王身上發生的事情”:“這是非同尋常的,而且也是在擔任外交大臣和英國首相期間發生的事情。” 歐洲土地上的第一場戰爭於當年早些時候打響,因此 2022 年就像過山車一樣,非同尋常。”

她的辦公室表示,她將自己寫這本書,而不是聘請代筆人。 將於四月出版。

莉茲·特拉斯 (Liz Truss) 在書中詳細介紹了 10 年內“拯救西方”的計劃——這一時期是她總理任期的 70 多倍


她隻在任了 49 天,這意味著她是曆史上任期最短的英國首相,但利茲·特拉斯相信,她在短暫的第十任期中獲得了足夠的洞察力,可以根據自己的任期寫一本新書。


特拉斯女士在一份聲明中擴展了四月份出版的《拯救西方十年》背後的前提:“我想分享我在政府和那些國際會議上的經驗教訓,在這些會議上,我常常是房間裏唯一的保守派, 這表明,如果我們希望避免西方建築的有控製的衰落,那麽我們就必須做出嚴峻的選擇,而西方建築已經主持了幾代人的相對和平與繁榮。”


納希姆·紮哈維 (Nadhim Zahawi) 向莉茲·特拉斯 (Liz Truss) 分享了有關女王的看法


大衛·卡梅倫 (David Cameron) 的舊推文在 RAAC 混凝土危機中重新出現

順便說一下,十年大約有 3,650 天——這是特拉斯女士實際在唐寧街度過的天數的 72 倍。




關於該出版物的更多細節,以及對她在任期間的更多反思,在接受《星期日郵報》采訪時給出,她在采訪中表示,西方需要一場類似於背後的“大知識分子運動”的“保守派運動複興” 美國總統羅納德·裏根和前首相(特拉斯女士的政治英雄)瑪格麗特·撒切爾。



“坦白說,當我成為總理時可能已經太晚了。 作為一個政黨,我們是否做了足夠的努力來奠定基礎並真正改變布萊爾和布朗留下的架構(如果你願意的話)? 不,我認為我們做得還不夠。”



她繼續說道:“我真的很擔心西方的未來。 幾十年來,我們的增長非常緩慢,我們的文化受到質疑,甚至包括人類生物學等基本知識。

“西方世界也發生了同樣的事情。 在一次七國集團會議上,我想,“實際上我是這裏唯一的保守派——美國有拜登,加拿大有特魯多,法國有馬克龍”。

“拜登顯然是全球左派的重要組成部分,還有全球環境運動、這個世界的格蕾塔·桑伯格、反資本主義運動,他們在推動政治上可接受的事情方麵非常有效。 ”


快速回顧一下 2024 年共和黨席位的一些競爭者,其中包括已被起訴四次的前總統(唐納德·特朗普); 聲稱“氣候變化是一個騙局”的商人(Vivek Ramaswamy); 反戴口罩的佛羅裏達州州長承諾“向覺醒者宣戰”(羅恩·德桑蒂斯); 前副總統參加了一次教堂禮拜,牧師聲稱同性戀者被“惡魔”附身。





Ten Years to Save the West
by Liz Truss  April 16, 2024

Can the West Be Saved? Liz Truss, the former Conservative prime minister of Great Britain, thinks that’s an open question.

During her ten years at the highest levels of the British government, she often found that she was the only conservative in the room. She witnessed, first-hand, the machinations of globalists who would like nothing more than to impose corporate state-socialism on the world.

Freedom is at risk, she warns, and the Conservative Party in Britain—and the Republican Party in the United States—are ill-equipped to defend it.

The problem? Conservatives have accepted too many of the left’s taking points, allowed the left to set the political agenda, and capitulated endlessly whenever the left has sought to impose bigger government and curtail individual freedoms.

The dictatorial excesses during the Covid-19 lockdowns should have been a stark warning because they are a precursor of things to come if conservatives continue to waffle on principle, surrender on policy, and fail with the electorate.

In Ten Years to Save the West, Liz Truss reveals:

Why socialism—despite its endless record of failure—remains popular, both with global elites and with the next generation.

The clear and present danger of the ever-expanding “administrative state”
How conservative parties are complicit in policies of “managed decline”
Why we cannot ignore the threat of an aggressive China.

Why Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher should remain the guiding lights for conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic

Liz Truss to 'share lessons' of her time in government in new book


The former PM blames lack of support for Conservative ideas as part of her downfall during her 49-day premiership

Liz Truss is writing a book about her 49 days as prime minister, which will argue the main cause of her downfall was a lack of “support for Conservative ideas” – and too much support for the “global left”.

The former prime minister wants to see a “Conservative movement revival” and has decided to “share the lessons” from her time in government, where she was “often the only conservative in the room”.


The book, Ten Years to Save the West, is being touted as warning against authoritarianism and the threat from “fashionable ideas propagated by the global left” – the same movement she blames for derailing her premiership.

The former foreign secretary, who is now a backbench Conservative MP, will write about her meeting with the Queen shortly before the monarch’s death and her experiences with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping.

In a statement, Truss said: “I want to share the lessons from my experience in government and those international meetings where I was often the only conservative in the room and demonstrate that we have stark choices to make if we wish to avoid a managed decline of the western architecture that has presided over generations of relative peace and prosperity.”

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, she said that ideas like “redistributionism, business being bad, the anti-growth people like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil” have dominated politics over the last decade.

She warned of persistent low growth and argued that western culture is “being questioned, even basic things like human biology”.

Liz Truss speaks outside 10 Downing Street

‘She’s totally lost it’: inside story of the unravelling of Liz Truss’s premiership

“If you look at the knots in which people tie themselves in western politics about whether somebody with a penis is a man or not, it shows how effective unfortunately these people have been,” she told the newspaper.

Taxes are too high and the government is too big and spends too much money, she said: “We are not going to get a dynamic economy if half of every pound spent is being spent by the government.”

She also revealed that she thinks Boris Johnson should never have been removed of office. “That was fundamentally the wrong thing to do,” she told the paper. “He’d been elected leader of the country by the electorate and I think that’s caused us huge problems.”

She is keen to see a Republican back in the White House, although she would not comment on whether it should be Donald Trump: “There is no doubt in my mind that what Biden is doing is damaging the United States economy by pursuing huge subsidies, huge spending, raising taxes and now trying to impose this on the rest of the world through the OECD minimum tax agreement.

“It’s not good enough for Biden just to have a socialist economic policy in the US, he also wants to export that socialist economic policy to Europe and to the United Kingdom.”

She added: “You’ve got the global left which Biden is obviously a key part of, but also the global environmental movement, the Greta Thunbergs of this world, the anti-capitalist movement, and they have been very effective in pushing what is politically acceptable.”

Truss also dreads a Keir Starmer-Joe Biden double act: “That would be very bad.”

She didn’t rule herself out for a comeback, saying that she would not rest until she sees real change in Britain. “I think that can be delivered but I’m not specifying any role for myself in the future.”

When asked whether or not she believed she contributed to her own downfall in office, she replied: “I’ve said before that I made mistakes on things like communication and execution, but the fundamental problem was there wasn’t enough support for Conservative ideas.”


Truss’s close political bond with her former chancellor and strong ally, Kwasi Kwarteng, appears to be over. Truss fired him in the final days of her premiership after their budget of £45bn of unfunded tax cuts sparked an economic crisis and sent mortgage rates soaring. Asked whether the pair are in contact by text, she replied: “Occasionally. I’m not speaking to him that much.”

In the interview, she admitted that she still struggles to “compute” what happened during her time in No 10 – particularly concerning “what happened to the Queen”: “It was extraordinary and it also came off the back of being foreign secretary with the first war on European soil kicking off earlier that year, so 2022 was an extraordinary rollercoaster, extraordinary.”

Her office said she will be writing the book herself, rather than using a ghostwriter. It will be published in April.

Liz Truss's book to detail plan to 'save West' in 10 years - a period more than 70 times her term as PM

Liam O'Dell

She only lasted 49 days in office – a duration which means she’s the shortest-serving UK prime minister in history – yet Liz Truss believes she has enough insight from her brief stay in No 10 to write a book drawing upon her time in office.

Good to see the former foreign secretary strengthen her stance on the environment by (presumably) saving paper…

Expanding upon the premise behind Ten Years to Save the West – out in April – Ms Truss said in a statement: “I want to share the lessons from my experience in government and those international meetings where I was often the only conservative in the room and demonstrate that we have stark choices to make if we wish to avoid a managed decline of the Western architecture that has presided over generations of relative peace and prosperity.”

She also tweeted that the book will set out how to address “disastrous ideas” from the left, which is a bit rich considering what she came up with as PM.

A decade, by the way, is around 3,650 days – that’s 72 times the amount of days Ms Truss actually spent in Downing Street.

So she should probably curb her enthusiasm a little.

After all, the last time she was enthusiastic about something to do with her premiership, her catastrophic “mini-budget” with then chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng triggered an economic crisis and ultimately resulted in the end of her tenure.

News of the book’s title follows an announcement in April that Truss was putting pen to paper once again.

Further details about the publication, as well as additional reflections on her time in office, were given in an interview with the Mail on Sunday, in which she said the West needs a “Conservative movement revival” similar to the “big intellectual movement” behind US president Ronald Reagan and former prime minister (and Ms Truss’ political hero) Margaret Thatcher.

On her ill-fated premiership, she told the outlet: “I was pushing against a system and against an orthodoxy that was gradually moving to the left.

“I’ve said before that I made mistakes on things like communication and execution, but the fundamental problem was there wasn’t enough support for conservative ideas.

“Frankly by the time I became prime minister it was probably too late. As a party, had we done enough to lay the ground and really change the architecture, if you like, that Blair and Brown had left behind? No, I don’t think we did do enough.”

Ms Truss added she “still can’t believe” what happened during her time as PM.

Neither can we, Liz.

She continued: “I really fear for the future of the West. We have seen very slow growth for several decades and our culture is being questioned, even basic things like human biology.

“The same thing has happened across the Western world. At one G7 meeting I thought, ‘actually I’m the only conservative in the room here – you’ve got Biden in the US, Trudeau in Canada, Macron in France’.

“You’ve got a global left which Biden is obviously a key part of, but also the global environmental movement, the Greta Thunbergs of this world, the anti-capitalist movement, and they have been very effective in pushing what is politically acceptable.”

All of this led to her stating she wanted to see a Republican back in the White House following next year’s election, though she added she was “not going to comment on which Republican”.

Just to quickly recap some of the contenders for the GOP spot in 2024, there’s the ex-Potus who’s been indicted four times (Donald Trump); the businessman who claimed “climate change is a hoax” (Vivek Ramaswamy); the anti-mask Florida governor who promises a “war on woke” (Ron DeSantis); and the former vice president who attended a church service where a pastor claimed gay people are possessed by “demons”.

So that’s something…

And as for whether she’s still in contact with Mr Kwarteng, who she sacked amid increasing scrutiny of her leadership, Ms Truss revealed they are in text contact “occasionally” but that she is “not speaking to him that much”.


Of course, the jokes about the upcoming release wrote themselves:

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