
YouTube comments about China and United States

(2023-08-06 14:16:08) 下一個

Rational people comment about China and United States


Please look at report, June 11, 2023, EU considers more than €1B of aid to Tunisia in effort to reduce migration reports that European Union is ready to support Tunisia with a total of more than €1 billion of aid in return for better border control and measures against human smuggling as soon as the necessary agreement is found.

Only spends money in Africa as that of China can uproot the problem of human smuggling.

For deceiving voters by showing their false goodness, the politicians tout humanitarianism and waste money of people setting preferential policies to attract more illegal immigrants.

China never touts humanitarianism, but by Belt and Road make people live at homeland is true humanitarianism.

In 2007, the Professor of Economics at New York University and Co-director of the NYU Development Research Institute William Easterly, who published book The white man's burden: why the west's efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good to have indicated sad fact that in term of helping Africa, the West has spent many times more money than that of China, but the results were bad than good; due to they never train people in self-reliance.

Actually, the West spent money to help others is for showing humanitarianism, but never cares about results.

Please look at the comments of viewers on YouTube video: A Multipolar World Will Save Us All From US Hegemonic Warmongering July 21, 2023.

@zephaniarutlokwana289122 weeks ago

They are not colonizing anyone.  They are not invading countries. They are not interfering on other countries political policies. They are completely different from the west. They deserve to be embraced especially by Africans who has been victims of the west in all spheres supra. China is the alternative to this gross unfairness that has been happening in this world for centuries now.

@jeanengotto7095  2 weeks ago

Thanks for what you are saying and doing. For us Africans, we have to get out from that West domination and China is the best country which can make it happen. This country help us to build infrastructures whiches western countries never done before et don't want to do to keep us in poverty, this situation in our countries allows them to continue to have hands in our resources without having a real negotiations in front of them. China has many defaults but not have envie to colonize our countries.

@Time4Peace 2 weeks ago

Just a minor point of disagreement, it's never in China's interest to undermine US. It has grown economically under US's hegemony. So why would China want to diminish US? It keeps asking to cooperate with US. It helped US in the 2008 financial crisis, and bought as much as 3 trillions of US debts.

It wasn't even thinking of undermining USD. China's currency reserve is less than 5% of the world's reserve, US over 60%, Japanese yen and Euro make up the rest, even much more than China's. China has to move away from USD now under threat of being cut off like what happened to Russia.

US has been growing WITH China but its domestic problems of impoverishing the middle class are due to internal causes.

US's ability to print money at will mean it is cheaper to outsource manufacturing elsewhere than to do it in US.  The money that its huge corporations earn go to the wealthy to buy more stocks. With tax on corporations and wealthy Americans cut under Trump, the trickle down benefits to Americans didn't happen.

Another reason is that US spends far too much on the weapons industry, 800 military bases and on endless wars, instead of on Americans and its own infrastructures.

Under Trump administration, China became a scapegoat and an enemy. China continues to a scapegoat under Biden to stop China from growing, as he said, 'not under my watch'.

Hence the info war against China as aggressive, repressive, secretive, dictatorial, untrustworthy and expansionist continues. US navy patrols China's coastlines. Its military bases encircle China to blockade China. It says it does this because China is a threat.

Imagine China doing the same things to US and says US is the threat!

And to provoke China further, US arms Taiwan and pushes it to declare independence. US has already included in the 2022 Competes Act to allow US to recognise Taiwan as a 'sovereign entity'. All these while saying that US is still subscribing to a One-China policy!

US wants the Taiwanese to fight a proxy war to weaken China, as with Ukrainians are doing to Russia.

Convinced that US regards China as an enemy, since 2016 China doubles down on military buildup, military drills around Taiwan on Pelosi visit, and selling off US treasury bills as US threatens to forfeit all China's asset overseas.

In reality, fighting China weakens US as much as slowing down China's economy. It's insane to talk about having a war with any nuclear nation!

@persimon6598 2 weeks ago

Most of the western world is now in the cesspit of moral degeneracy.  Moral licence ("freedom and human rights") has been the "bread and circus" offered to the people in return for docility and compliance by their governments. One consequence is the dumbing down of almost everything because when people can do and believe whatever they like, there is no right or wrong, nothing to learn, whatever you hold is equally valid.  Hope it keeps on this path in the west. Not just China, but Afruca abd all of Asia should eschew this path like the plague. Kudos to Malaysia for kicking out 1975 band from UK.

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