
Justin Trudeau's 'foolish' China remarks spark anger

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CBC 新聞 · 發布時間 2013 年 11 月 9 日晚上 7:16





這位自由黨領袖被問到他最欽佩哪個國家。 他回答說:“我實際上對中國有一定程度的欽佩。他們的基本獨裁實際上讓他們能夠迅速扭轉經濟。”


“我可以用‘愚蠢’這個詞嗎?” 民主中國聯合會的一位成員這樣評價特魯多的話。 該政治團體主張中國的民主化。




加拿大民主中國聯合會成員表示,除了這位自由黨領袖的道歉外,他們還希望有機會麵對麵交流,以便他能聽聽他們個人遭受中國迫害的故事。 政府。

Justin Trudeau's 'foolish' China remarks spark anger


'It seems to be that he's not well-informed,' Asian-Canadian says of Liberal leader

CBC News · 

Anger over Trudeau's China remarks


Liberal leader Justin Trudeau's remarks about his admiration for China's 'basic dictatorship' has offended some Asian-Canadians


Members of the Asian-Canadian community are demanding an apology from Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, following his comments on Thursday expressing admiration for China's "basic dictatorship."

A round table of people from China, Taiwan, Tibet and Korea — all of whom say they suffered at the hands of China's dictatorship — said they were insulted by Trudeau's remarks, made on Thursday at a women's event.

The Liberal leader was asked which nation he admired most. He responded: "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."

That statement was upsetting for people who say they were wrongly imprisoned or tortured by the Chinese government for speaking out for democracy.

"Can I use the word 'foolish'"? said one member of the Federation for a Democratic China, characterizing Trudeau's words. The political group advocates for the democratization of China.

'A bit silly'

"It seems to be that he's not well-informed," another member of the round table said of Trudeau.

Federal NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair also reacted with surprise to the Liberal leader's words, calling it "a bit silly" to laud China rather than to praise democratic values.

At a press conference on Saturday in Quebec, Trudeau said his comment was a reflection on a growing economy.

Canadian members of the Federation for a Democratic China say that along with an apology from the Liberal leader, they also want an opportunity to meet face-to-face so he can listen to some of their personal stories of persecution at the hands of the Chinese government.



Mark Deckard
MARCH 23, 2023
Unbelievable how much CBC News has changed in less than a decade. And not for the better. You would never see such a headline nowadays.

Raymond Lee
FEBRUARY 13, 2023
JT's remark refers to the present economic performance of a country filled with starving people not too long ago. Nothing to do with politics.

Robert Torringham
DECEMBER 7, 2022
Imagine if it was Trump instead of JT on record in 2013 saying:
He responded: "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."

Robert Stone
DECEMBER 13, 2022
 to Robert Torringham
The full statement...
"There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go greenest, fastest - we need to start, y'know, investing in solar."
He went on to make a comment about then Prime Minister Harper dreaming "of having a Dictatorship that he can do everything that he wanted."

Arlond Lynds
NOVEMBER 27, 2022
He was simply pointing out that China was able to make sweeping changes that were thankfully for the country working. Whether you like a dictatorship or not it is true their system does allow their leadership to do thing for and sometimes against their country that democracies would in mostr cases be unable to do. Nothing in the remarks to be offended at unless you were looking for something to be offended at. And lets face it, on here many are looking pretty hard when it comes to our PM.

david arseneau
NOVEMBER 17, 2022
in the free world we have to many hurdles to get thing done. takes to long , we need something a little faster , but not quite as fast as chinas

Zeke Nicasio
NOVEMBER 14, 2022
CBC Reported :The Liberal leader was asked which nation he admired most. He responded: "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime." That dime is now a twooney and will soon be 5 loonies BTW JT- their economy is not so good....it's the one thing we do have in common with them

Jill Bennet
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
It could be hard to explain some concepts to Elon Musk about national security, just as it could difficult to explain it to political leadership and their party/tribe. It can get very insular, not thinking about the world beyond domestic-vote getting. Things seemed mucked up at the PMO no matter who occupies it. There are several entities of foreign influencing, some appearing to be more friendly, on our side, but they have their own interests too, as does the kind corporate lobbying and influencing— they now know or employ others who have cia/kgb craft know-how. Same at other levels of government too— and they’ve been taught the loopholes and ways to undermine community interests, etc.

Jill Bennet
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
Although the files on Justin Trudeau’s parents were reportedly destroyed, I would not be surprised if some of our RCMP who provided security for 24 Sussex and the Ottawa area, did not re-report what they knew what was going on back to CSIS, just like anyone from the public could do. It matters because other intelligence agencies do have a reports preserved— the Americans, the Russians— Russia has likely shared stuff with Xi, MBS, KJU, other Senators and Congressmen, in case they forgot, other EU countries, African nations.
Juicy past details, foreign intelligence agencies are going to be far more thorough in background checks, than obviously our own political parties are.
That info can be used to gain influence with others and against Canada.
Trudeau’s attention seeking behaviour fits his psych profile, he can’t help himself. It’s predictable, not hard to bait, lower inhibitions, less concerned at preserving a professional image of Canada abroad. The PMO can be like a vortex, concern for re-election, spin-gaffes for the base, but they can’t spin it to the world. Far more conservatism out there, far more bigotry, etc.
There are ways to tell Canadians we will protect your human rights, without the dress-up stunts, song and dance, without the cultural appropriation (that tends to offend, be very cringeworthy— Trudeau has built quite a CV there. . .)

Jill Bennet
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
Chrystia Freeland’s name has been circulated as a potential NATO-leadership candidate, after Jens Stoltenberg is done his term. That’s going to leave a talent vacuum in the Liberal Party.. . You wonder if that’s being flaunted because Trudeau doesn’t step down and he continues to act out childishly, in between more serious moments. People are trying to protect the image of liberal democracy, but that becomes harder to do when it seems to be producing clownish leadership. I put trump in that category too, unstable, reckless, extremely narcissistic. Narcissists have a very hard time conforming to rules, boundaries, rules of professionalism, professional ethics. When you take on a leadership role that’s especially in the public eye, your suppose to be accepting that responsibility.
Even people in retail that have to wear uniforms— they are told not to go drinking and partying in that uniform, because it’s about preserving corporate image. There’s image that Canada has a duty to protect— and not just for Canada, but also on behalf of liberal democracies throughout the world.
Foolish optics can be used by adversaries for influence over others, — ‘I’m an adult, do you really want to deal with these children?”. Optics have influence and can be weaponized beyond our domestic politics.

Jill Bennet
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
I’m all for supporting human rights and diversity. But is it necessary to show up at MLK celebration and sing as if you believe you are a gospel singer and not realize how many people feel very embarrassed for you? Or to try to show India, “we are just like you, watch me dance Bhanghra on the podium, and dig my/your ceremonial dress— the family got off the plane dressed up like that and Namasted. And there’s the dress up before becoming PM. Now he’s appearing on a drag show, is he going to dress up to prove he gets it?
Is there an agent of a foreign power who is encouraging some of this behaviour, or not taking actions to discourage providing provocative material that foreign adversaries and competitors will surely exploit for trade benefits with other countries, over Canada’s influence etc.
These aren’t just things Conservatives in Canada notice. What does it signal about liberal democracy across the world? Look what it does. ‘Look at this guy they elected’, ‘don’t let that happen to your country, stay authoritarian.’

Robert Stone
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
 to Jill Bennet
While I get where you are coming from I see the source of the disrespect differently. I see the commodification of everything as the primary source of the change in values. We, as a society, no longer appreciate true value, we only appreciate dollar value which is the reason for the sense of violation people feel in their hearts when their art is sold as trinkets.

Jill Bennet
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
 to Jill Bennet
Yes, exactly. Agree. And worse when someone steals it without the respect of asking permission even, and to commodify, sell as their own, attach their branding to it. Another concept, “stolen valour”, when another wears medals that they didn’t earn, used in a vain way, often for posing. There are boundaries re: the sacred— time, place, moment, intention, and consent in certain circumstances. It’s about respect.
As for art, it is nice to appreciate, meditate even on the fuller processes of it coming into being, it’s traditions, the movement, place in history, contexts, and the felt-sense.

Jill Bennet
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
One thing about Justin Trudeau is that there was so much compromising activity going with his parents that had security services chasing all over the place. I worked with a former RCMP who was active before RCMP split into a separate CSIS. We were doing some Ottawa ‘patrol work’, passing through sections of town he had some colourful stories about. He did say there were a lot of Russian agents who were very interested by the opportunities from some of the chaos that was going on with the family. Records were destroyed, but there’s still some living memory around. . .
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Enough Chinese are bought off with promises of prosperity--a worldwide trend.
China's too big / populous for a "dictatorship" in the classic sense to work. But that IS how the government there (or large portions thereof) thinks--and many of the people are too scared, misinformed, intimidated and ignorant to realize it.
The dictatorship of the dollar--------All the parties (in China and Canada) support it.
Canadian Brown
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Libyans, Syrians, now an Asian contingent of Ex-Pats seeking Revenge. I immigrated to Canada for a 'Fresh New Start', and though I cannot disown Culture, I'm careful not to saddle Canada with my Political baggage for two very valid reasons:- Judging Retroactively is insipid. In Canada back in the day, they would've been racially victimised:- Head Tax, Detention Camps, no Vote, ring any bells?
Is Justin's statement Accurate, is All that matters.

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Trudeau is guilty of giving a nuanced response in front of Sun TV. They didn't know what to do. It's a silly question. What if he had answered Norway, or the USA, or Australia, can you imagine a 'correct response' to this question that wouldn't set off the right? No matter what country he said he admired, the right would have made a nasty headline out of it.

Snowy Owl
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Real honest journalism would have recognized the reaction of the initial libelous journalism as what occurs when journalists engage in libel...
Rather than publishing yellow journalism and ignoring the initial libelous journalism to exploit it with some yellow journalism for it's sensationalistic value by not including the full quote that reveals the dishonest initial journalism I speak of.

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
 to AgitatedUser
Reporter: "No. you indicated that you admired the dictatorial government of China as they were able to engage in much more solar energy intiatives than Canada. Given that fact that they and India have the largest coal-filth polution problems in the world, does it surprise you that they would be looking for alternative forms of energy that don't cause the massive smog problems ?
trudeau: well, uh uh.....no.
Reporter: So don't you think it would be fair to say that their interest in solar energy has everything to do with self-preservation and nothing to do with being an eco-responsible government looking out for the future of mankind
trudeau: well, uh uh ......................

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
how ignorant is this report by this right wing nut reporter
Trudeau's comments on China are right on the money....it's obscene that right wingnuts thinks it's insulting to Canada
Under Harper ( probably did not know where China is) India and China ignore Harper and Canada
Time for our chest thumping politicians to get a reality check

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
 to DilipSamuels
@DilipSamuels "it's obscene that right wingnuts thinks it's insulting to Canada
Try reading the story......................
"A round table of people from China, Taiwan, Tibet and Korea — all of whom say they suffered at the hands of China's dictatorship — said they were insulted by Trudeau's remarks, made on Thursday at a women's event."
So in your mind all these folks are "right wingnuts" ???
Time to try your own reality check
Wayne M.
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Canadians will be wise to consider whether or not Justin Trudeau has the real experience of life and understanding of issues to be Prime Minister. He may have inherited his father's charisma, but he certainly has not inherited his father's intellectual capacity. In fact,he is an intellectual featherweight. Whether or not one agrees with the political positions taken by Stephen Harper or Tom Mulcair, the fact is that both men are far more capable of leading this country and have a far better understanding of real issues.

Shawn Habs Fan
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Once agian why dose any of this matter. If people dislike the way China is run. Why do Canadians and Canada have so much trade with China ? Why do so many Western companys move there manufactoring to China. Thats right they all profit from the dictatorship

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Justin Trudeau is the man who speaks the truth. He answered a question regarding which administration he most admires. The incredible economic and social success in China in the last twenty years is a result of the new remarkable strong Chinese leadership. This government is not a result of western style democracy. However, it is also not a dictatorship dominated by a one person. The new governing leadership in China is composed of a group of people from a single party. There are also checks and balance within the governing leadership. Strong leadership and practical policies are the keys for China to have advanced in an incredible speed and lifted an extremely poor country with one quarter of the world population to an world economic super power in only less than two decades. In contrast, the advance in economy and social wealth in western countries in the last decade has been stagnated. Lack of strong leadership is the key problem in western countries. If this situation keeps on, the western countries will fall behind countries that have strong leadership and practical policies. Justin Trudeau does not admire absolute dictatorship, but recognizes the disadvantage of current western style government compared to the leadership in China. I am a Chinese who was born, grew up and educated in China and have been living in Canada for more than a decade. I do not agree with the Chinese people in the Fed. for Democratic China. These people have their own narrow personal political agenda and do not represent the majority of Chinese living in Canada. CBC should not consider these people as the representatives of the Chinese community.

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
 to nnndan
@nnndan He was comparing the dictatorship of China to that of harper. He said the harper would love to have the type of dictatorship that China has in order to do more, faster..it is called IRONY

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
Tempest in a teacup.
Silly question. What are we supposed to learn about Trudeau from his ?
Whatever he said would not please everyone. It's a setup to get a reaction. And the relevant groups just reacted on cue. It's like watching the interview segment of a Miss Universe pageant. Can you expect anything but dumb answers to huge questions in a sentence? And then get offended by the answers?

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
It appears that poor little Justin has put his foot into his mouth. He ought to know better that to be so supportive of Harper who sucks up to the Chinese at every opportunity. He needs to choose his words more carefully. Every Canadian needs to remember that China buys our raw materials and sells it back to us as toys, household furniture and appliances etc, etc, etc. That's why we have so many unemployed, and it'll get a lot worse if Harper has his way.

NOVEMBER 12, 2013
 to JuergenHesse
@JuergenHesse Beef, pork, oil, lumber and natural resources a plenty, ect. It's also what we can buy at cheaper prices. It's a market of 500 million people Only liberals can make free trade seem like a bad idea. Proud of Harper for getting out first on this one. Obama is now looking for the same deal. Go Harper

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
How can these "clowns" represent the Asian Community in Canada? Who are these? What is "Fed. for Democratic China"?
I would say that most Chinese in Canada would agree with Justin Trudeau's admiration of China.

Bruce Mullen
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Some are upset that Justin Trudeau admires certain aspects of the Chinese government. Who doesn’t? In a remarkably short time China has gone from having the largest number of drug addicts in the world, from fighting a horrible civil war for twenty years, from the horror of Tiananmen Square to now having the largest middle class in the world, and to becoming the largest maker and buyer of cars, …and just about everything else from hammers to computers. Does that mean that Trudeau admires all of China: its pollution, its number of political prisoners, or its enormous number of people living in poverty? Of course not. But clearly China is a country on the rise and that cannot be said about very many other countries in the world. And it has done this without destroying other countries for their oil and/ or otherwise exploiting the third world as has Great Britain, Canada and the US for example. China is clearly doing something right.

Derek Sowa
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Perhaps someone could sit him down to watch the Documentary "Death By China"... I believe his comment is outdated! The trade agreement North America has with China is what is killing the North American market and needs to be corrected ASAP!
Death By China | Documentary
Yodel Simmons
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Trudeau admires dictators. I don't care about saying it's a joke or satire. I don't care about saying he fumbled it and tried explaining away about smog or harper and i don't care about then speaking of Canada's north. how can we talk about the star or the sun and rob ford or harper but this guy gets a free pass? in 2006, cbc reported on the secret bilderberger meetings in ottawa. same with ctv. guess who's been invited? world government dictatorship loving trudeau. I want my democracy! nobody gives a damn.

Annie Oakly
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Fortune's Fool
@Fortune's Fool No one could have said it better but some people only believe what the want-until it's too late.!They haven't got sense enough to realize we have already lost so much that we might never see recovered but they will when its not there when they need it.Honouring dead soldiers is easy,even on a cold day.Looking after injured ones seems beyond their desires.Used goods?

An Observer
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
The Boxer
Justin apparently has some credentials as a boxer. It is reported that in his first bout he beat an opponent who was out of shape from over indulgence at the trough. Let's give him credit for the win, but someone should caution him about his future. He's an amateur lightweight, with little experience. His handlers have put him in a competition where he's outclassed. Sometimes they may be around to shout instructions in time to avoid damage before it hits, but most times he's going to have to think for himself. He's just in the early rounds, and he's already hit the canvas several times. So far, the most damaging blows have been self inflicted - wait until his opponents notice he climbed into the ring.

Wiah Wah
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to An Observer
@null I think they have by the vitriol going Trudeau's way. "I don't care what they think" Harper or "Dutch Disease" Mulcair have nothing to worry about? Politicians alienate various people each day with decisions or remarks they make. However, I do agree it was a silly remark that was flubbed in trying to respond to a question.

Yodel Simmons
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Wiah Wah
@Wiah Wah How can you sit there and try to ignore "i admire china's basic dictatorship" for whatever reason by takling about anything else? nobody has even come CLOSE to the buffoonery of trudeau. it's dangrous though not just hilarious to the NDP who's watching both other parties explode in self-ignited controversy. you cannot lump them all together when everybody lied about the NDP because the others were actually the authoritarians themselves and we've never put them in there yet

B Smart
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
When asked to defend himself, these are Justin's own words:
"Ah, in this world we are competing with countries that have the capacity to react to big issues quickly and completely. We need to make sure that even though we have to compete with them, ah, we can get things done completely, and that means that not, that not falling back on our, ah, not weakening on our human rights, making sure that we are still protecting all of the things we know. But we do need to get together to support people."

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Mr Trudeau was likening the regime in China to 'Mr Harper's Canada', so all these protests totally disregard the CONTEXT of his remarks. IT WAS A JOKE... neoCons. But you are desperately grasping for anything you can criticize Trudeau for 'cause he's got you all runnin' scared.
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
 to ShowMeTheMoney
@ShowMeTheMoney No he was actually stating what he actually admired China. Every national paper has an editorial on this and no one is buying the spin. If your so proud of your boys remarks why do you keep trying to explain what he really meant. Read Andre Coyne in the National Post, he is an intelligent man who got it right.

one voice
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I found this news interesting: CBC rejects ads that challenge Harper’s media muzzling
Jul 22, 2013
Ottawa - The CBC has refused to air television ads that challenge the Conservative government's takeover of the national public broadcaster.
The ads, commissioned by the watchdog group FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting, promote Free The CBC, a campaign to oppose the Harper government's gambit to undermine the CBC's independence by taking direct control of the wages and working conditions of all CBC employees, including those who make the news.
FRIENDS released the ads at a news conference in Ottawa this morning. They are available for viewing online at www.freethecbc.ca .
This speaks volumes about where Harper stands on democracy.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
no system is perfect. Even democracy has its' flow. Btw, some of those Asians benefit from China's dictatorship to come to Canada. Think about how many Chinese are benefit from prosperity because of dictatorship. Just look at Vancouver, so many rich Chinese live there now.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to H.Barca
@H.Barca You have no idea...and you are dead wrong. Most are here to obtain education for their children. Many are highly educated people who are working simple jobs for their children who go to our universities at full cost....

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Here's an interesting observation. I have friends who argue many things that the NDP is in favor of and aspire to for Canada...lots of which I couldn't understand. So I read Jack Layton's books and refer to the chapters that deal with those arguments. With the written word in front of them, they still claim that they are right and the words do not say what they say.

Meliora Cogito
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to whazzat4me
It's called *cognitive dissonance* - the disequilibrium (imbalance) caused by the firm belief in a proposition despite the overwhelming evidence presented which proves it false otherwise.
A good example is the firm belief in the flat Earth.
Those who hold a rigidly held ideology (whether on the right or left) are especially prone to this phenomena of social psychology. They have neither the skills nor the willingness to adapt to new information which challenges their firmly held beliefs.
This is why liberalism prevails in society, because it is not rigid, it is flexible and adaptable. It is open to new ideas and different ways of looking at old problems.
Conservatives believe in the divine right of authority brought by capital accumulation (nothing speaks authority better than immense wealth) to rule (with an iron fist) over everyone; while the Bolsheviks (NDP) believe in the authority of technocratic elites to rule (with an iron fist) over the masses. Both are elitist endeavours to which outsiders are rarely welcome.
Again this is why liberalism will always prevail, because liberalism is based upon individual effort and merit (competency). It is flexible and adaptable.

Annie Oakly
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
 to Meliora Cogito
@Meliora Cogito Eventually even China will change,adapt,it was superior once,we learned from them,they are changing,we are regressing because of the rigid 30% who do not like the masses interferring with devine authority.
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I am really stepping out onto unfamiliar territory here for some, and I have a thought for those that get their dose of reality from the media alone...Trudeau said something about China. It was vague to a lot of folks. My thought is that the next educated step would be to have someone ask Trudeau what he meant. See what I am saying? There are those who merely wait until someone else jerks their string and tells them how to react and feel. Is that you?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
A "level of admiration" for a "basic dictatorship"? What level, pray tell? I don't think his comments are a huge deal, and every politician has their own pile of off-the-cuff gaffes. But Trudeau has to start thinking before he speaks, with too many gaffes and subsequent retractions, his powers of judgment will be an issue in an election.

Annie Oakly
NOVEMBER 12, 2013
 to Trajan
@Trajan The only thing Trudeau has to grasp is that when he speaks about issues that over the heads of most,he has to realize that. If he is talking to or with media only give them the right bait and do not say anything that can be distorted.But he will learn.At any time one could revive old clips from Harper and wonder "did he really say that" and wonder why we didn't get the warning.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I am not a Harper supporter. I want to see some strong opposition to Harper and to bring about a progressive alternativer in 2015. I have found the Liberal party and Justin Trudeau to be a liability and hindrence rather than helping to put Harper in his place. Aside from the ineffective opposition, Justin has a knack of making stupid statements that allow Harper to change the channel and to craft some attack ads that make the Conservatives look good by comparison. The Liberal party should either rein in Justin, or find someone who can do this job properly.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
All of this conservative "outrage" is a joke - can one of you explain why it's ok for Alberta to bet it's future on Chinese investment, and not ok to make a comment on things China might do well (despite many of the things it does to its citizens)?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to H.Barca
@H.Barca - no, it isn't. By doing business with a country, particularly to the extent Alberta is/will be, there is complicit acceptance of what goes on there. Admiring the quickness of a system to respond is not the same as saying its a system you would adopt! Harper was arrogant and ultimately a hypocrite in his approach to China
Also, the full quote is:
"There's a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime," Trudeau said, according to reports on the event. "I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about, of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted, that I find quite interesting."

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I understand the desperation and fear coming from the Liberal camps. People are starting to realize that Justin is not the anointed one. This is a rude awakening to many. Justin is a nice guy, but he will never lead the Liberal party to power. He will never allow the Liberal party to escape third place. I do not take pleasure with saying that. I find this whole thing sad. Sad for Justin. Sad for the party that has a respectable legacy. Sad for the Canadian people. Mostly, sad for all the people who put their blind faith in this unknown quantity without any experience or demonstrable capabilities.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to lawrencesz
“There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around.”
Nothing foolish considering the tens of millions who died as a result?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Trudeau is right to admire the Chinese who have improved their people's living conditions by leaps and bounds. They used to be downtrodden but now they have stood up.
The Federation for a Democratic China, sounds like a western propaganda group because China is more democratic than countries that are ruled by the rich in the west. Legalize pot and admire China is right on Justin.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to lawrencesz
I'm sure you'd be signing a different tune if you were one of the tens of millions forcibly removed from their generational homes because the Chinese government wanted to develop their land for profit.
Oh and legalize pot? Seriously? People in China are executed for simply being a minor player in the marijuana trade. In that respect your last sentence comes across as a little ridiculous.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
"There's a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime, I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about, of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted, that I find quite interesting."
"But if I were to reach out and say which kind of administration I most admire, I think there's something to be said right here in Canada for the way our territories are run, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon are done without political parties around consensus. And are much more like a municipal government. And I think there's a lot to be said for people pulling together to try and solve issues rather than to score points off of each other."
"but Sun News can now report that I prefer China."
Gee, there is something to be said about context isn't there?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to AgitatedUser
@AgitatedUser Tand you thank you thank you but the Conservatives will listen too and place their spin on anything....the election is a year and a half away....Mr. Trudeau will have so much more experience at debating then....Not that he really needs it.....And he will do it intellectually....much to the Alliance chagrin.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
You have to laugh when even the Chinese are questioning this guy's credibility. This may be the best the liberals have but it isn't the best Canada has...not by a long shot. Maybe its time the liberals truly amalgamated with the NDP. Its just too bad that Jack Layton isn't around to take the helm. Still Mulcair would be a better choice than Trudeau - at least Mulcair could purposely alienate Canada's trading partners rather than wading in too deep and watching his hip-waders fill up.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I listened to Justin Trudeau's comments. The Harper Conservatives and Thomas Mulcair must think people and the electorate is stupid. What is patently clear when you hear Mr. Trudeau is that the media (CBC included), Thomas Mulcair and the ever political (forget substance) Harper Conservatives have taken his comments totally out of context. In the case of the media it is because they are trying to manufacture an issue that does not exist to get something on a 24 hour news cycle and in the case of Mulcair and the Harper Conservatives for purely political reasons. It is no wonder Canadians have no faith in politicians who cannot recognize context.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to whazzat4me
It is true that I have been in situations where my communication has failed and asked for further explanations. I also know that in political situations (which exists in work, as well as politics) it is important to choose your words wisely and carefully. If asked to explain initial comments it is a sign that you have either left them confused or you have stepped over the line in some way. You need to assess which it is and what the best answer will be, with extra caution on the words that you choose. Even at that, I have often failed to remove my foot from my mouth. The difference between me and Justin, however, is that I am not running for Prime Minister of Canada.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Did you ever hear anything so stupid in your life.
The Cons are really digging deep now.
China is turning itself around economically which will greatly help the chinese public and the Conservatives dig up some Chinese Supporters to condemn this.
When China develops economically the level of education and prosperity will enable the Chinese to free themselves from communism. This has happened many times in the past and will happen again.
These people that are looking for an apology are way out of line. The Conservatives will stoop as low as it takes. They just don't know how shameful they look in the process.

Fortune's Fool
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
The right is so desperate to change the channel from the senate scandal, but they are so out of touch that they can't even, as Trudeau says, find the remote.
Come on, you on the right KNOW this is not an issue. Just fess up, you're engaging in that same old Republican-style, swift-boat spin and character assassination games that took down Dion and Ignatief. Sorry, like the Who song, we won't get fooled again..
One comment I read here said that Trudeau wasn't ready for office because he hadn't learned the "political spin" yet.
I hope he never learns to speak spin. I enjoy the fact that Trudeau's honest and genuine and has the intellectual confidence not to be follow some preprepared script, as every Conservative does. Harper comes off as fake, from his hair to trying to convince us with a bribe that Duffy had paid off his expense fraud.
And Trudeau's comment was smart - even if the Cons are desperately trying to spin it otherwise.
Be honest, how many of you knew that China was making huge progress on the environment or that the Territorial governments decided things by consensus? The clever satire in this rhetoric is comparing the dictatorial style of Harper, who is failing in reducing CO2 emissions, to the Chinese, who are succeeding. This was all done off the cuff, without a script. It's impressive, really. (2nd attempt)

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Fortune's Fool
@Fortune's Fool
No amount of spin will convince people that Chauncy the Gardener (Peter Sellers character from Being There) is really a Rhodes scholar.

Harper was never ready
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I thought Harper said "I could not care less"'. I guess he cares when there is someone like Trudeau who communicates in unscripted ways with the common Canadian. Oh the jealousy!
Harper has: vet cuts, overpriced jets, overpriced ships, ridiculous stealth snowmobiles, senate scandal, missing 3.1 billions, eliminated Liberal tax income tax cuts to middle class, gave away 50 Billion to corporations, fabricated jails for unreported crimes, Billion dollar fake lake, G20 violent suppression of rights and the list goes on.
Trudeau has integrity and promise and that is what people like.

Harper was never ready
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Sparks anger? LOL. I would say it was a bit of an IQ and reading abilities test which the Con supporters failed. Has the Con propaganda machine infiltrated the last unbiased news organization?
Let's have a government for the people. Let's have our Government of Canada back. Let's have a Trudeau Nation movement!

David in Alberta
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I will not hesitate to admonish Mr.Trudeau for his lack of understanding. China isn't a nation as much as place ruled by a gang of lawless thugs. The government's great leap forward has been characterized by a complete lack of human rights, a total lack of the rule of law and ruthless suppression of dissent. It is tantamount to admiring the Sinaloa cartel for their economic prosperity, Mr. Harper wants to deepen our relationship with China, two fools.

Yodel Simmons
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Fortune's Fool
@Fortune's Fool Replacing one "dictator" with an actual, other, one, by saying you admire China's basic dictatorship, and then going off on some late hail-mary pass to environment or making it seem like a Harper attack. The sand-man is pleased with Liberals, today
Yodel Simmons
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Powerdown the Prime Circuit
@Niagara Newfie honour killings, the boston bombings, his comments on the senate status-quo for "us" in quebec; his pirates of the caribbean interview where he said the country belongs to quebec. and now saying he admires dictators. all hail the entitled natural conniving liar parties!

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I find it interesting that the CBC would characterize Mr. Trudeau's remarks as foolish. Personally I found them to simply be a part of a far reaching conversation with his audience. I am disappointed to see the way CBC has begun to mimic the infotainment model of so many of its competitors. Unbiased journalism used to be the hallmark of CBC journalism. Once the dark cloud is lifted from our land I hope that will again be the case.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to MyBlueNose
What? His comments WERE foolish! The CBC does not have to tell us that. For the record, almost every media outlet, including the CBC, ran this story without editorializing it.
So sad that the Liberal establishment does not know the first thing about damage control. Blaming the media or blaming the other parties will not make things better.
His comments were foolish. Read the comments as though Rob Ford said it and you will see what I mean. Do not try to pretend that Justin was speaking in metaphor or pronouncing profound satire or issuing some intellectual riddle. Admit that the comments were not well thought out and move on. The more that people say that his comments were intelligent the more it invites scrutiny of what he said. Do you really want that? Do we need to get into why his comments were bad on multiple levels?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I watched Rosie on Power and Politics report on what Justin Trudeau supposedly said in  to a question he was asked at the ladies night on Thursday evening and to say I'm appalled by what she stated is an understatement. I've seen some pretty far fetched things established in some political ads as a result of being able to take what people said out of context, But what Rosie stated on the air as news on Friday as objective journalism has taken political mud slinging to a whole new level.
So my question to you Rosie is this. Did you decide to take what Justin actually said so far out of context on your own or did you not have the journalistic integrity to correct what someone in such grave error had written for you? What ever of the two is was, in my opinion you made a very bad choice . From someone who up until now thought you were doing a pretty bang up job as a news reporter. My sincere hope is that you genuinely heed my call .

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
What is wrong with say Norway, they take 60 to 70% royalty on any minerals,LNG or oil
that comes out of their country and their are still large corporations willing to deal with them. Norway is a democracy and if Canada would consider charging for our resources we could have a trillion dollar slush fund and a social justice system that recognizes the voice of the people and not big corporations.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to frailkid
I worked for a company out of Norway for quite a few years.
Canada could learn a lot from them.
Not only about maximizing the return on our resources, but about democracy as well.
They also have a democratic political system where the people can actually veto bad decisions made by government and get rid of bad politicians anytime.
This makes their elected leaders very respectful of the taxpayers!
Wow...can you imagine how Steven Harper would hate that?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Well, I happen to be a Canadian or Chinese descent and I have no issue with what Trudeau has said. I think many people would share his views about seeing some advantages to China's ruling system, without necessarily condoning a dictatorship.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Trudeau is not very well informed.
He hasn't had time to learn all the political spin yet, but he will...give him time.
The biggest thing in his favour is the fact that he is young.
He doesn't think like so many of the dinosaurs the Canadian government is filled with.
If he sticks his foot in his mouth, it will be the dinosaurs who do most of the criticizing.
He scares the hell out of them, and between now and 2015, they will do whatever it takes to ridicule Trudeau.
Won't do any good.
People want change and he represents change.

Fortune's Fool
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Undefeated
I find Trudeau far more informed that any in the Conservative ranks. The fact is, instead of speaking to a strict script the the Harpercrits, he is confident enough in his intellect to tell you what he really thinks.
I hope he never does the political spin thing. I like the fact he is genuine.
Tell me, did YOU realize that China is actually making strong progress environmentally or that the Territories had a consensus-style government before you read Trudeau's statement? Enough said.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Undefeated
Trudeau is young and inexperienced, true. He says what is on his mind and that is respected by many, true. The problem is that he does not have time to figure this out. The problem is that Trudeau has yet to be tested. Just wait until debates where he is up against Mulcair or Harper and he stammers and rambles on incoherently (which he has a tendency to do, unless you have not noticed). Trudeau was given a softball question and he dropped the ball. He had a chance to clarify his statements and he fumbled repeatedly.
In many ways, Trudeau reminds me of Dion. I like them both as individuals. We saw what happened to Stephane Dion, and he had tons more going for him in terms of experience and political savvy and intelligence. Dion was replaced because he did not have the right stuff to be leader. What makes you think that Trudeau will somehow avoid the fate that fell to Dion?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
This is probably just one of many many inappropriate remarks that Trudeau has made and will make in the future. He's way too immature and inexperienced to be in the position he holds. Ask yourself if he would be leader of the Liberal party if his last name was Smith.
I think we all know the answer to that.
Pierre Trudeau was a well known Communist sympathizer. And while there are some positive things about Communism, the negatives far outweigh them.
Like father like son ?

Michael Novak
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to 5thdimention
@5thdimention - you are absolutely correct. PET openly admired Mao Zedong's cultural revolution....a communist leader who oversaw the killing of at least 50 Million Chinese under his rule. Mao makes Stalin look like a walk in the park, but the Trudeau family admires that regime and it is scary.

Powerdown the Prime Circuit
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to 5thdimention
@5thdimention so was Harper, Trudeau's father, Clark, Mulroney. That was an argument against, Bush Jr., Obama, CLinton and so many other world leaders who stepped up. That is never a rational argument. Harper's nievity caused a lot with his China deal - not to mention how quickly he about faced on China when he finally grew up to know it's a financial giant that wants our resources - too bad Harper screwed us there - hope he is not with the EU Trade deal too.
And if you want to start with the sin's of the father, then learn the sins of all their fathers and not the ones you dislike.

Powerdown the Prime Circuit
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Dude! So far you are the front runner for me, but this is bad! It is government policy, and corporations that handed the keys of power to the Chinese - not a dictatorship. Corporations - and you always hear Kevin O'Leary sing it's praises - moved large parts of their business to China because governments will not place proper tariffs, and you can pollute to your hearts content in China. And business always "scare us" into not pressuring governments to place proper tariffs by the fear of all our prices going way up. The other side of this is most business cannot raise their prices too much because they have stripped away so many good paying jobs which pumped money right back into the consumer economy - mainly the US - we have been lucky because of the price of oil and other natural resources - the flip side is, once those prices come down - and they will (we did all this in the 80's but at that time the western world still have a strong manufacturing base) Canada will hurt bad.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
” You know, there’s a level of of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest…we need to start investing in solar.’ I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted that I find quite interesting.
But if I were to reach out and say which…which kind of administration I most admire, I think there’s something to be said right here in Canada for the way our territories are run. Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon are done without political parties around consensus. And are much more like a municipal government. And I think there’s a lot to be said for people pulling together to try and solve issues rather than to score points off of each other. And I think we need a little more of that."
Perhaps people should read the entire quote and then decide if there is anything to be upset about. When you read the whole thing, it doesn't sound silly at all.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I have to say for those who didn't read yesterday's article on the happenings of the Trudeau unplugged, that it was reported that Trudeau was more specifically asked what country he favored after Canada's current reputation,,
where he responded in regards to China's being a 'dictatorship' in comparison to Canada's current (and common) criticism..
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to as I see It.
@as I see It.
I would say all three leaders had good days and bad over the last week or two.
Mulcair demonstrating a he's a great opposition leader but finding it hard to break out of an aged political mold that hampers his ability to communicate a vision to Canadians.
harper with his senate hijinks - making his embarrassment over appointing unethical and unqualified senators worse by commanding the supposedly independent senate to act at odds with the constitution to execute his personal vendetta against the three.
And Trudeau - who is trying to redefine what a political leader can do and say and is chafing against pundits that can't break away from defined models and invent cheap shots to improve media ratings.
So it depends on your definition of political acumen. After 7 years of hyper-partisan trickery and bluster - it could be Canadians are ready for someone who to get out a message with parroting pre-rehearsed talking points...
That's how I see it.

one voice
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I hope Harper's communications staff have good benefits because with all the overtime they're putting in punching out the anti Trudeau comments here, they might risk suffering severe pain in their wrists and forearms.
Just like Silva, who was hurt typing fake profiles for Ashley Madison.
She alleges company brass ignored her complaints and her request for a wrist rest.

one voice
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Yodel Simmons
@Yodel Simmons
My mention of Ashley Madison was actually a joke, a dig at Harper style politics. Silva was hired to post fake profiles of adulterers. My point was that a job promoting Harper is on par with the job Silva was doing. What with all the lies and scandals that this government churns out. I was having a bit of fun at Harper's expense. Your passionate anti-Trudeau position on this board tonight is impressive (I'd guess hundreds of posts?). How are your wrists?
Ashley Madison has absolutely nothing to do with Trudeau.

Snowy Owl
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
” You know, there’s a level of of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest…we need to start investing in solar.’ I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted that I find quite interesting.
But if I were to reach out and say which…which kind of administration I most admire, I think there’s something to be said right here in Canada for the way our territories are run. Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon are done without political parties around consensus. And are much more like a municipal government. And I think there’s a lot to be said for people pulling together to try and solve issues rather than to score points off of each other. And I think we need a little more of that.
But Sun News can now report that I prefer China."
-Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Imagine, that when one sees the whole tree and not just the cherry picked one sees a diametrically opposed narrative to the one sold on Conservative dominated media.

Snowy Owl
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
What a load of Propaganda.
Taking only part of a persons quote to mislead the public, is what SunNews did, and CTV National News with Lisa LaFlamme, and now on this story on CBC which deliberately used footage of the original SunNews broadcast and a reaction to that libelous piece.
Considering CBC has a story that ran early on this with the whole quote, as well as that the Conservative Dominated Media will purposefully mislead the public...
Now the CBC follows suit with those Conservative Dominated Media?
That demonstrates CBC also suffers control by the Conservatives in Government.
I note there is no one person to "credit" for this piece of what is at best yellow journalism on reaction to what is very real libelous journalism.
CBC viewers only need to navigate here to see the whole quote:

Huw Thomas
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
At the Trudeau event where women were invited to "Really" get to know Trudeau, one older woman said she was only interested in seeing Trudeau elected, and what he believed we could find out after. Such reasoning is frightening, considering in the 1930's, Germany elected a man with charisma, and after he was elected the world found out what he stood for.
Trudeau is a fool.
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Huw Thomas
@Huw Thomas
And btw Hitler's party was the National Socialist German Workers Party was not communist but socialist. But their ideology actually was fascist.
He consolidated power by using personality smears on all political opponents and then discredited government institutions that could limit his power eventually declaring himself dictator.
Don't think he cared what his opponents said either...

Robin of Locksley
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
It's a setup.
Trudeau made his remarks knowing that the Harper Government is looking for something to attack him with.
If they attack him on his China comments and still want to sell our country to China they will be seen as the hypocritical group that they are.
They jumped on him for his comments about marijuana. I know many people who smoke a bit of pot and they are not bad, stupid or unproductive people. Those who support prohibition say it is a "controlled substance" but it is not controlled at all. Alcohol is a controlled substance and it is legal.
Trudeau is right about legalizing and regulating pot being the best way to keep it out of the hands of children. The Conservatives look foolish when they attack him for it.

Michael Novak
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Yodel Simmons
@Yodel Simmons - don't be silly. We need opposition in every country, including Canada. Now, it is a matter of supporting that opposition - that is where I agree with you....but certainly not defacing other party's signs. I hope you were kidding.

Arch from MTL
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Before anyone gets in a tiff over Trudeau's comments just look at the democracy in the west and specifically at home in Canada.
We have a current gouvernment that has:
-Prorogued parliament multiple times.
-A PM that does not hold news conferences.
-A PM that does not answer questions on the HoC.
-A gouvernment that pass budget bills that also changes a laws and regulation in multiple ministries and does not allow any serious debate.
-And finally a senate that is full of yes men or women that offer no sober second thought.
And why does the gouvernment act this way. Because we Canadians do not care, since only 55% of us turn out to vote!! And we condemn Trudeau by only reading half of his statement.

Huw Thomas
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to Arch from MTL
@Arch from MTL
P.E. Trudeau prorogued Parliament eight times, PM Harper has four times. Trudeau junior is foolish to commend a dictatorial Communist China where people's lives are dictated by the state. Trudeau should apologize for insulting Chinese Canadians as well as Korean Canadians whose native country was invaded with the help of dictatorial Communist China.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Enough of the redacted reporting, CBC. You only seem to be quoting one side of the story.which part do you object to? The China comment or the fact that a group of women organized a women's event? As other journalists have pointed out, it is not unusual for groups of women journalists, or MP' or Senators to get together on the Hill for women's discussions. As to the China comment, the fact that he acknowledged he was giving a headline to, Sun TV, might give you a clue.
Abs to Mr Harperms comment about Justin Trudeau and Canadian Idol; d I'd you not notice that he made that comment in Calgary, after which, he took his ban to play a gig at, 'Cowboys'. Perhaps we might describe that as an audition for Canadian X Factor?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Apparently getting the full story out is a no no in the media. The video focused on the first few lines of his comments and eliminated the rest of his comment on the same question.
Agree with Trudeau or not, this is just sick to have this kind of reporting over and over.
It's time that we stop the funding to the CBC. It lacks objectivity. What did the roundtable have to say about the remainder of his comment about solar power?
Based on the comments below, people allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the media. The sad part is that people will say they don't feel they are brainwashed. Atleast in China, the people there know the media there is brainwashing them.
Yodel Simmons
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to GottaGoHarpo
@GottaGoHarpo I would have given you that, if only this were yesterday. Literally everything I thought I knew, is being turned on it's rear-end lately excuse me if I'm kinda tripping but this is unprecedented and brutal the level of absolute garbage that they're throwing at us

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I do not understand what all the hullabaloo his comment is causing. Unless of course conservatives are really worried about him. If his comments were so ridiculous and just point out how ill equipped he is for any position in government , then why are there so many negative comments from conservative supporters on this site? If both Harper and Mulcair think his comments on anything are so not worthy of someone that aspires to the highest elected office in the land then why do they constantly comment and dismiss him as Sun News does as "the shiny pony"?I'm also an older woman and if younger conservative women found this evening offensive and derogatory and an affront I suggest they grow up and get a thicker skin.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Let's face it, if Justin could walk on water the Harperites would ridicule him saying he can't swim. I'm not a Liberal supporter but this is ridiculous. Same as the lame attack ads that have been appearing lately. If the government spent half as much energy on governing as they're on attacking their opponents, we might actually see some good coming out of Ottawa. Not holding my breath.

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
I'm still waiting for the left wing newspapers like the Star , Ottawa citizen, Globe & mail & others to carry front pages headlines & story on Trudeau's constant personal gaffs that more & more indicates his real political agenda! He has a complete lack of understanding and knowledge on any given subject. Scary thought one day there may be the slight chance he may become PM. Asked what was considered a soft question by a lady attending, " which country's administration do you most admire" Trudeau answered he really admired China which has just a "moderate Dictatorship' which allows them o move within days to bring in Green energy! My God, did he really say that?? Well folks here's all the facts Trudeau failed to explain. China is a brutal dictatorship who has killed untold numbers of their own people , untold numbers are held in prisons in cold inhuman conditions. China does not tolerate opposition is a Communist country run by a one man dictator. And this form of government is admired by Trudeau because you can get things done in a flash, no opposition or laws to worry about? WOW! He has told us before about the close relationship he & his brother share with Cuban communist leader Castro whom they call Papa, speak to him every week & visit him in Cuba. Is there something we don't know here???

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
Huh what's worse? A politician saying he admires China's leadership or someone who deals and schmoozes with them while secretly selling our natural resources to them including our oil which is why we need pipelines. His dad before him partied with Castro but he didnt sell us out to the commie dictator. Trudeau is okay!

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
That statement was upsetting for people who say they were wrongly imprisoned or tortured by the Chinese government for speaking out for democracy.
....no wonder that those people don;t like that "basic dictatorship"...those are traitors of China...

ToTheLeft ToTheLeft
NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to MrZebbie
You're starting to sound like the attack ad with the SUBSTITUTE teacher remark.
Speaking of the attack ad, which of course backfired, I couldn't believe the gall that they would use Justin saying, out of context of course, that "Quebecers are better than the rest of Canada". And yet last year at the Calgary Stampede he said to his faves and I quote " Calgary is the greatest city in Canada" and that was NOT out of context.
That attack ad was a joke and hopefully Harper will listen to the grade 5 kids who wrote to him and told him to stop being mean to Justin.
But he'll do it again, he'll make those grade 5 kids realize real fast that the government "couldn't care less what they say."

NOVEMBER 11, 2013
 to ToTheLeft ToTheLeft
@ToTheLeft ToTheLeft Since when have Grade 5 kids cared one iota about politics? Its disgusting that anyone would orchestrate and use a bunch of grade 5 school children to further their own political agenda, or to plead clemency for someone who apparently 'can't stand the heat of the kitchen'. No way those kids would have initiated this on their own!

NOVEMBER 10, 2013
I'm sure that this story will lead "power and politics" Monday night and the host won't have that silly smirk on his face. Maybe even senior correspondents might have to dress down Trudeau. But I sure they won't go so far as to correlate his silly remarks to smoking illegal drugs or anything like that.ARE

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