
Douglas Macgregor Nuclear War Closes to Nightmare

(2023-06-23 03:42:40) 下一個

The Threat of Nuclear War: We Are Close to the Ultimate Nightmare - Douglas Macgregor

London Real   17,725次觀看  2023年5月26日  

In this exclusive interview, we sit down with retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor to discuss the controversial truth behind the US government's involvement in the Ukraine War. A decorated military strategist and trusted expert, Colonel Macgregor shares his insights on the hidden agendas, political motives, and shocking revelations that have been kept from the public. Join us as we dive deep into this explosive topic, uncovering the lies and deceit that have shaped the narrative of the Ukraine War. 
在這次獨家采訪中,我們與退役上校道格拉斯·麥克格雷格坐下來討論美國政府卷入烏克蘭戰爭背後有爭議的真相。 麥克格雷格上校是一位功勳卓著的軍事戰略家和值得信賴的專家,他分享了他對隱秘議程、政治動機和不向公眾透露的令人震驚的真相的見解。 加入我們,深入探討這個爆炸性話題,揭開塑造烏克蘭戰爭敘事的謊言和欺騙。

which could mean World War III nuclear missiles being deployed; do you think
about some of those downsides I mean; I always think of that documentary fog of
War' where McNamara talks about how close we were; and I think he had had a
conversation 20 30 years later with Castro himself and he said would you have really deployed you know nuclear missiles even knowing that the death and
destruction; and they said yes I would have and I think that was his final warning in that movie; that this is this is the biggest existential threat to humankind that no one pays attention to well I think you're right; and I do think people are paying attention the Chinese announced a long time ago no first use;  I think Mr Putin has made it very clear that he will not use or employ a nuclear weapon unless there is evidence for our use of it or someone else's use of it against them or the imminent Readiness on Airport to use nuclear weapons.

Now we had effectively what was a no first use Doctrine and in March of last year President Biden announced that he was changing it and said that we now reserve the use you know the right to
use nuclear weapons at will again
someone who uses chemical weapons
biological weapons or even uh very large
and Powerful Conventional Weapons in
other words he's opened Pandora's Box
which I think is sheer unadulterated
lunacy again this is a manufactured War
a manufactured crisis a manufactured
conflict this is not something that
Russia set out to execute if that had
been the case which you would have seen
on 22 February of last year would have
been a massive offensive by a million
Russian troops that would have rolled
right through Ukraine without regard to
the loss of human life or the loss of
property or anything else it ended up
immediately on the Polish border that
didn't happen because it was never the
intention it's sort of interesting the
same people who insist well Putin wants
to rebuild the Soviet Empire are the
same people saying well the Russians are
incompetent stupid and unprepared to
so which is it which position are you
going to take now I don't think the
Russians are stupid incompetent but I do
think they had no intention of fighting
a major war and they only maintain the
military power they needed for defense
and that turned out to be inadequate so
now we really are going to see re-emerge
it's already begun a powerful Russian
military establishment on the European
continent in Eurasia
far more powerful and far more capable
than the Chinese forces we could talk
about China but the Chinese militarily
are midgets compared to the Russians and
the Chinese will admit that that's one
of the reasons the Chinese are there
hadn't end to try and buy the technology
and the capabilities that Russians
so we're we've created the very thing we
said we didn't want
and there's the danger do we have some
fool who thinks well we can use just a
tactical nuclear weapon I always love
that what's a tactical nuclear weapon
well it's five kilotons or less what
does this suggest well it suggests that
you know we just want to use a small
weapon to make a point
this is insane because your opponent is
going to say Well they're using a
nuclear weapon that means we better use
our Arsenal quick or we risk losing it
the use of any nuclear weapon under any
circumstances it will produce Armageddon
we need to understand that
and I don't see any evidence for that on
Mr Putin's agenda at all but I hear
people in Washington say stupid things
about it regularly there are still
foolish deranged people here who believe
you can fight and win a nuclear war
impossible it's not going to happen so
Jim Rickards has just recorded a video
that's not available to anyone in the
public and he's going to be talking
about how this upcoming recession is
going to be fast it's going to be bloody
it's going to be nasty but at the same
time he's going to show you how you can
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this chaos now we've made this video
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that immediately I can't say enough good
things about Jim Rickards he understands
the global economic system better than
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excellent look on what's going to happen
in the future and how you can position
yourself to profit from that Jim is one
of the best in the business one of my
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