
加拿大房東漲租40% 租客懵了 但律師說合法

(2023-05-06 13:17:12) 下一個
May 3, 2023, 'Shock and dismay': Surrey B.C. renters receive letter from owner of 40% rent increase
加拿大房東要漲租40% 好多租客都懵了!但律師說合法
2023年05月06日 10:05來源:加西網

(加西網綜合)根據 BC 省府的規定,2023 年房屋租金的上漲幅度上限為 2%,盡管這一限製讓很多房東感到不滿,但仍然需要所有房東來遵守。


租客選擇:接受漲租 40%或房屋出售租客搬走

這座位於北素裏 120 街與 80 街交界的租賃公寓樓大約有 72 個租戶。最近大約有 30 個租戶都收到上漲房租的通知,這個漲幅不是 2%,也不是傳統意義上的個位數漲幅,而是高達 40%!

據稱 4月下旬, Winsome Place Apartments 大約一半的住戶收到了業主的來信,要求他們同意漲租高達40%。

在那裏住了 21 年的 70 歲居民 Linda de Gonzalez 告訴媒體,這些收到漲租通知的住戶中有不少老年人。

而另一名老人——也正是 Linda de Gonzalez 的鄰居 Rod Hill 說起這事兒來甚至傷心落淚……

Shock and dismay: Surry B.C. renters 

Linda De Gonzalez 是自從 2002 年以來一直在這裏租住生活的。

她每月有養老金 2100 元收入,目前她的兩居室租賃公寓租金為 1,014 元,這個租金水平確實便宜,甚至遠低於加拿大聯邦政府住房機構 CMHC 對該地區此類單元的租金中位數 1,446 元。

但在 4 月下旬,Linda de Gonzalez 和她近一半的鄰居都收到了房東的通知。信中,房東稱,由於成本不斷增加,所有的租客必須支付更多的費用。

Linda de Gonzalez 收到的通知是要求她的租金上漲到 1,450 元——漲幅 42%。

信中寫道:如果租客未達成協議,我們可能會在 2023 年 7 月 1 日盡快將您的套房投放市場出售。如果您所住套房的購買者想搬入套房,您可能會收到他們的搬出通知。

信中指出,Winsome Place 實際上是共管物業的產權。按照房東的說法,隻要他們願意,甚至可以隨時出售房屋。

Rod Hill 的租金也將上漲 40%。他目前每月支付 1,028 元,他收到的通知同樣是租金將增加到每月 1,450 元。

他說自己和 Linda 一樣,都是依靠每月 2200 元的養老金生活的老人,如果房租上漲 400 元,他將無力負擔其他水電費、電話費等。雖然自己也有孩子,可以和他們一起生活,但他不希望給孩子帶來負擔。

物業可出售 房東不違法


租戶資源和谘詢中心(Tenants Resource and Advisory Centre)的律師 Robert Patterson 表示,在這種情況下,沒有跡象表明房東在做任何違法的事情,該中心正在為租戶提供建議。

Patterson 說房東的這些要求通常伴隨著如果房客不同意的後果警告:要麽房子被賣掉,新的業主自己搬進去,或者更常見的是,房東可以把他們自己的家人搬到那裏。

律師 Patterson 表示,他自己從未見過像 Winsome 那樣完全分層可銷售的建築像出租建築一樣運營。


Linda De Gonzalez 告訴媒體記者,這座建築建成於 1995 年,當時就是共管銷售的物業,但由於當時的建築商無法出售這些套房,所以他們向素裏市政府申請了許可,出租了這些套房,並從那以後一直處於租賃狀態,這一建築中沒有任何單元曾經被出售過。

對於 Winsome Place 的居民,這封信要求他們在 5 月 10 日之前做出回應,如果業主屆時沒有收到回複,他們的套房可能會在 7 月 1 日上市。


BC 住房廳表示,住宅租賃處正在在與房東聯係,以收集更多信息,確保他們了解《住宅租賃法》規定的義務。


lilanlan  @ 5小時前
  • 租客一直在占房東的大便宜,可是所有東西大漲比如:利息,地稅管理費,水電費等沒有不漲的,房東已經承受不了,租客又不加錢,房東逼的隻能賣房子,租客付不起房費應找政府,不應欺詐房東,房東也需要養家糊口。
    Robin_Leu  @ 6小時前
  • XianSheng11 @ 5小時前
  • 政府就隻是限製房東漲房租,但是不限製任何別的東西漲價。房東在自己入不敷出的情況下當然隻好賣房。
    八戒吃瓜 @ 5小時前
    房東和租客都是受害者。是土豆的惡性通脹,導致了今天房東租客之間的底層互害。 這幾年政府的地稅水電氣利息都爆漲。房東是做生意不是做慈善,不可能長期虧本幫政府安置窮人老人。 老年租客用養老金自己租房自己養老,沒住廉租房沒住老人房吃政府。是土豆的惡性通脹,幾年就讓老人的養老金貶值了一多半,讓失去工作能力的老人成為惡性通脹的最大受害者。 有錢給烏克蘭幾十億,有錢養難民住酒店,就是沒錢安置自己的稅民老人
  • Hathaway  @ 4小時前
    房東和租客都是受害者。是土豆的惡性通脹,導致了今天房東租客之間的底層互害。 這幾年政府的地稅水電氣利 ...

    “她每月有養老金 2100 元收入,目前她的兩居室租賃公寓租金為 1,014 元……”, 別亂抱怨了, 她和他兩位老人家每月都各有2100元的養老金已是非常不錯的收入了, 如果她/他年輕時有多存些錢買間公寓或積累些養老金, 那現在每人每月2100元的收入應該可以過著很好的退休生活!! 國家沒有義務養活你一輩子, 既然兩人都是各自租賃著兩房居室, 為何不考慮合租一單位, 或選擇其它便宜的一居室公寓?

    善先生 @ 4小時前

'Shock and dismay': Surrey B.C. renters receive letter from owner of 40% rent increase
By Amy Judd & Janet Brown  Global News,  May 3, 2023
  • Winsome Place residents Rod Hill and Linda de Gonzalez both received letters telling them they need to agree to a 40 per cent rent increase or their home could be sold.Winsome Place residents Rod Hill and Linda de Gonzalez both received letters telling them they need to agree to a 40 per cent rent increase or their home could be sold. Global News

    Renters in Surrey, B.C., are wondering where they are going to live if they do not agree to a massive rent hike from the owner of their building.

    In late April, about half of the residents at Winsome Place Apartments received a letter from the owner asking them to agree to a rent increase of as much as 40 per cent.

    “There are several seniors in this group,” resident Linda de Gonzalez, who has lived there for 21 years, told Global News.

    “The group is nearly half of the tenants in this building. Thirty tenants received the notice and there is, I think, 72 apartments in this building.

    “Shock and dismay doesn’t even begin to… I was devastated.”

    De Gonzales is currently paying $1,014 a month for her suite, which she said she knows is below market average but the owner wants to raise it to $1,450 immediately.

    She said she gets about $2,100 a month from her pension. “I don’t know how I can pay this,” she added. “I would probably have to go to the food bank, I don’t know.”

    According to the letter, the owner states rising operating costs as the motivation behind the rent increases.

    “I can appreciate that,” de Gonzalez said, “but a $450 rise? Who’s had a $450 a month raise?”

    “$1,400 doesn’t leave me enough to eat. It doesn’t leave me enough to live on.”

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    Vancouver couple’s rent boosted after arrival of baby

    The building was built in 1995 and was strata-titled at the time. De Gonzalez said the builder at the time couldn’t sell the suites, so he got permission from the City of Surrey to rent the suites and they have all been rented ever since. No unit in the building has ever been sold.

    Resident Rod Hill is also facing a 40-per cent increase in his rent. He currently pays $1,028 a month and his letter stated the rent would increase to $1,450 a month.

    “I’m a pensioner, I’m not different from Linda,” he said. “I think I have about $2,200 from my pension and I can’t afford to spend about $400. I don’t have any debts but just my main expenses: hydro, phone, rent, etc.

    “There’s no way I can come up with an extra $400.”

    Hill said he does have kids he could go and live with but he likes living on his own and he doesn’t want to burden them, he added, breaking down into tears.

    “We’re all stressed,” de Gonzalez said. “We’re not sleeping.”

    Hill said all the neighbours are awesome and have come together to form a community so he doesn’t want to leave his home.

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    Robert Patterson, a lawyer and tenant advocate with the Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre, told Global News there is nothing illegal that the owner is doing.

    “A landlord is allowed to ask a tenant if they will agree to an above-guideline rent increase and a landlord is allowed to sell their building,” he told Global News.

    Patterson said for many landlords and many tenants, this kind of threat does not make sense for a tenant living in a rental market building. He said it is zoned for one plot of land so a landlord could have a hard time selling a single building to someone wanting to occupy the entire building.

    “But where a landlord can sell individual units, to individual owners who may want to occupy, the threat that those owners might buy those units and then try and evict the tenants for their own use, is significantly higher,” Patterson added.

    He said if the tenant and landlord agree in writing to a rent increase that is outside the provincially-regulated rental yearly increase then that agreement is allowed to stand under the current tenancy laws.

    “A higher than allowable percentage is permitted if the parties agree,” Patterson explained. “I think this example shows that by allowing that freedom of contract on that percentage, it opens the door to these kinds of cases where landlords will try and put improper pressure on tenants to try and agree to those higher increases.”

    Patterson said it is common for them to hear stories from renters about landlords “threatening” renters to agree to a high increase, otherwise the landlord says they will move in a family member, which is allowed under the current Residential Tenancy Act.

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    Could ‘vacancy control’ help solve B.C.’s housing crisis?

    For the Winsome Place residents, the letter asks them to respond by May 10 and if the owner does not hear back by then, their suite may be put on the market on July 1.

    Global News reached out to the owner of the building but did not hear back by the time of publication.

    De Gonzalez said she has looked into other housing options but wait lists appear to be years long for any housing. They can’t afford to buy their suites and there’s nowhere for them to even go.

    She said there is no contact information for the owner in the letter, it is just an email address so they can let the owner know if they agree to the rent increase.

    “Any situation like this, they can sell the place, they can do what they want, they’re the owners,” Hill added. “But number one, we’ve got a lease and it says the lease is good for whatever time. And number two, you can’t say to me, ‘Sign this or else we’ll sell your place’, it’s a threat.

    “It’s not right, I don’t think.”

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