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發布:2023年01月23日 09:01來源:加拿大留學生問吧作者:51.CA 可可豆




Nakita Rees是一位舞者、編舞和運動治療師,她在TikTok上描述了他們在希臘度完蜜月回來後的遭遇。






















Ontario couple tracking lost baggage shocked that Air Canada gave it to charity


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After months of tracking their lost luggage with an AirTag and trying to retrieve their belongings, one couple was stunned to learn that Air Canada had allegedly donated their suitcase to a charity.

Nakita Rees, a dancer, choreographer, and athletic therapist from Ontario, took to TikTok to describe their ordeal after returning from their honeymoon in Greece.

After landing in Montreal, Rees said they had to recheck their bags for their flight to Toronto. After arriving at Toronto Pearson Airport, she said, “My bag made it back; my husband’s did not.”

They filled out a lost bag report and checked their AirTag tracker, which showed that the bag was still in Montreal, where it sat for four weeks.

“We were a little frustrated but weren’t upset,” she said.


As they saw their bag being transported from Montreal to Etobicoke, they said they were “pumped,” assuming their bag was headed for a storage facility.


However, the AirTag showed that the bag was in a residential community.

“My husband said when he looked at the AirTag tracker it showed up at two different locations, two different houses that were about a street or two apart,” said Rees, adding that he went to these houses to find out what was going on.

When they checked the AirTag again, their bag was apparently in a storage facility. But once there, Rees said that “it sat there for a month, two months, three months. No movement, nothing from Air Canada.”


After several phone calls with Air Canada, the couple finally decided to head to the storage facility and try to find their bag.

“[My husband] started peering through some doors with his flashlight in the public storage facility until he found the one that was piled floor to ceiling high with luggage,” she said.

That’s when they got the police involved and were shocked to learn what they found.

“Our luggage was donated to a charity on behalf of Air Canada because they deemed it lost even though we were tracking our luggage last for the last four months,” Rees said. “It was never actually truly lost because we know where it was the entire time.”

Police told her they found over 500 pieces of luggage in the facility, with some bags containing iPhones, laptops, iPads, and more AirTags.

“They said they could hear AirTags beeping,” said Rees. “Cops are unimpressed [with] how Air Canada is handling this in that they are taking possession and ownership of our property and deciding what needs to be done with it and donating it.”

She said she hadn’t been able to find out the name of the charity yet.

Air Canada compensated them for a quarter of the value of the three weeks of clothes in her husband’s suitcase. The airline sent an e-transfer to her account.

“So I looked into the terms and conditions to see if me accepting compensation changed over ownership to Air Canada, and there’s nothing,” she said, adding that their bag has been “wrongfully donated.”

And for those who find themselves in the same situation, Rees urges them to keep pushing by speaking up and emailing airline executives.

“Because they will not do anything and they will not change until enough people start spreading the word,” she said. “We need this to be huge because this is wrong and this is criminal. And this is my property that was donated without my consent and without my knowing.”

Lead photo by 

Air Canada

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